Snowflake melts down, again

Yet again, we have video of a special snowflake who just can’t handle the simple fact that they aren’t ruler of all creation. Over the last year, we’ve seen it from someone across a room, or even across the street, not wearing a mask, to the most recent meltdown, someone in another state doesn’t stay locked down when the state re-opens. This one, however, takes the cake.

Watch Here

What you just watched is a young woman, not a child by any definition of the word, literally breaking down because someone would not leave an elevator so they could “feel safe” doing so later. Had the woman with the box done so, you can be sure the other would have demanded the woman move very far from the elevator to “ensure proper distance” and the elevator would then have left and the woman with the box would have been ignored as her day was delayed because a young woman can’t accept the others do not have to obey her.

Personally, I’d have said “fine, we’re going to my floor first, because contrary to your belief that you’re ruler of all, I am not delaying my day by the elevator leaving me just so you feel superior for having controlled me. You have 5 seconds to exit, or your riding with me” and as they flip out, press my button. Some of them will then try to assault you for that, but you simply “place your assailant on the floor, make use of the bent arm bar hold and clavicle notch submission point, to ensure they are not a danger until authorities arrive.” As you’re holding them there, lean down and say “I guess distance wasn’t important, as you got very close before I put you here. Now you’re going to jail for assault and I will press charges!”

I’m not sorry for saying that either. These snowflakes need to be taught, so there is no confusion, that their inability to accept that they aren’t in control doesn’t put them in control. They must be forced to accept they cannot say “NO, JUST OBEY ME, I’M SPECIAL, I’M WEARING A MASK, I’M BETTER, NOW OBEY” and have it work. Sadly, for many, that will be right after they try to assault someone and their intended victim will not take it lightly, then we’ll see a sobbing snowflake online or on the news, bemoaning the “systemic racism/sexism/whatever” that “refuses to allow them to feel safe at all times” while demanding the person they assaulted be jailed for life, stripped of all wealth which of course they’ll demand be given to them, because that person refused to bow as a peasant.

Personally, I’ll see that day coming and when I do, this blog, my YouTube, Clapper, TikTok, and other social accounts will just go silent, as I’ll be living in the woods or a cave, far from any other person.

New URL!

OK folks, I’m not naive enough to think a lot of people read my blog, but I know at least a few do, and you may have noticed the new URL. I’m working on growing my accounts on various social media, which means I’m going to use the main domain as an “about me” site. I can post links to patronage options, as well as other things that either don’t warrant a blog post, or just aren’t that much to post. You should be able to use your existing username here, as I did “officially” migrate the WordPress site, so here’s hoping everything works out.

Coming Up

I’ve not been active on YouTube in a while, first because I thought Rumble would work out better, only to find it is just as political, and I’ve found that my account on TikTok blew up and I’m nearly at 10,000 followers in under two months.

I’ve also rededicated my life to my faith, having been convicted that I wasn’t doing what I was called to do years ago. I’ve already found that many are looking for Christ, and I am going to be the example I should be.

I have plans for several videos on YouTube as well, also in this avenue of topics. So, please be patient with me, and I will be back to posting videos as soon as I can.


Once more for those in the back

Somehow, after one post using the “where are all my Trump supporters” sound on TikTok, my account has blown up. I went from under 100 followers just about a month ago, to almost 8000 now, and it’s growing still. Somehow though, I seem to be stuck in a Groundhog’s Day loop of people just telling me I’m wrong that the military, active, reserve and veterans, will stand with the American people, and I’m not. I’ve asked many, 99.5% all say they will, of the rest, all but one said they’d just walk away, to protect their family, only 1 said he’d follow orders, I just shook my head.

I’ve also been told “the Constitution will be changed,” and then derided and mocked when I laugh and say no it won’t, not legally. You see, to amend the Constitution, be that to add a new amendment, repeal one already there, or change one, you must have one of two situations, a full two thirds of the House, and a full two thirds of the Senate, must pass the amendment, and it then goes to all 50 States, where a full three quarters must ratify it. As that is all but less likely than dividing by zero, there is Article V, where two thirds of the States may call an Article V Convention, a full two thirds of the delegates must pass any amendment, then a full three quarters of the states must ratify.

What is more likely is Biden’s handlers telling him to sign an EO banning all manner of firearms, or Congress ramming that through via HR 127, or they’ll just declare “we deem the Second Amendment is not valid, we have repealed it.” No matter which happens, those 99.5% of men and women serving in uniform today will never enforce it, 99% or more of law enforcement are the same. What will then happen is the DNC will recruit thugs who would dismember their own children on live TV for the right price, they’ll call in China or the UN or both, and the American People will learn, first hand, what 1776 was like, ending with the tyrants who expect us to bow either learning what King George did, or just deciding to drop nuclear weapons on a few choice cities, killing everyone, including their own thugs.

No matter how it goes, I make one guarantee, I will live, fight, bleed, and die on my feet, fighting for the liberty I have a right to, and for all innocents to be free! If I am taken down, I will drag as many of the tyrants’ thugs to meet The Creator to be judged by Him, and I will go to my eternal reward.

Has social media jumped the shark?

First of all, for anyone here not familiar with the term, it refers to Arthur Fonzarelli, the Fonz, jumping a shark on his motorcycle on Happy Days, which was also when the show began losing ratings, setting up it’s end. Today, when something “jumps the shark” they are said to have done something that will ultimately end with their business, show, book, whatever, ending. It’s not always the cause, but it is the point where that decline begins.

With that out of the way, when you look at Facebook or Twitter, to name only two platforms, both seem to be determined to become an echo chamber for liberal viewpoints only. I have personally had threats made against me, someone even saying they know where I live and would come kill me, until I IP traced them, found their address, name, place of business, and called the PD to report them, then telling them at which point they blocked me. To my knowledge, that person is still on Twitter, while I’m banned because I would use words like pansy to describe Joe Walsh, or imbecile or snowflake to describe the rank and file liberals, or I refused to bow to the woke agenda of putting pronouns in a bio or calling a man a woman because he feels like that today.

I actually deleted my own Facebook account over 3 years ago, but when I bought a Quest II, which I’ve returned, and tried to sign up so I could use it, I was banned and told I had to provide a photo to match the account, which was brand new and had no photos on it, or it wouldn’t be unlocked. Of course you can’t call Facebook, and the only support option is to contact them on Facebook messenger, meaning there was no way to contact them at all. Yes, I tagged them on Instagram, explaining the issue, but never heard back, proving they don’t care to run a business how any other should run to keep customers, they’re paid off by advertisers, not their users, so they see it as they can ban anyone they want.

What no one is talking about is how both of these platforms say that they fully support free speech, then in the next breath censor people, claiming both to be a public forum, and privately owned. If I had the time and money, I would sue them, using Marsh V Alabama, a 1946 case, as precedent. In that example, a company owned an entire town, with employees all living in company owned houses. The company demanded that no fliers be put up after religious materials were, but lost the case, with the precedent being that a public forum, such as a street or park, even if privately owned, cannot be censored. This would apply to Twitter or Facebook today, Twitter especially as Jack Dorsey has actually used the phrase public forum to describe Twitter, yet no one is willing to do more than shrug when it’s brought up.

None of this is the interesting bit though, that’s what’s coming next. You see, Facebook and Twitter are both fighting to keep Gab and Parler from being accessible, as both of them are virtually a perfect replacement for Facebook or Twitter, Gab is almost the perfect combination of the two platforms. Comically, when Amazon broke all ties with Parler, or whenever the topic of masks comes up, liberals suddenly demand that all businesses have the right to deny anyone service, well, all businesses except ones owned by Christians that the LGBTQ+ community wants to punish for being Christian, right? In all honesty, I agree that businesses have the right to turn business away. Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil A have both said “if you don’t like us, don’t come in” and a lot of people said they’d not be going to either, both businesses however, are flourishing, while liberal owned businesses that demand you be a carbon copy of their beliefs, are floundering.

Gab, Parler, and other conservative sites are seeing traffic they can’t handle, while liberal run sites are seeing their numbers crash. Mike Lindell and Donald Trump Junior have also said they’re looking into starting their own social media platforms, which will destroy Jack and Zuck, leading to tearful rants on CNN or MSLSD about “being punished for just stopping racists” as people leave by the millions to go where speech is not restricted. Personally, I have Instagram to watch my nephew’s videos about architecture as he continues his work in college, or my niece’s art on my sister’s page. But I joined TikTok just under a month ago (mid Feb 21,) after one post, my account started blowing up. I don’t do the dances or memes, I do some of the “don’t react” challenges or how many do you know, but mostly I discuss politics, history, or my faith, and I’m likely to hit 10K followers within another month, proving that what I’m saying isn’t offensive or anything like that, and that’s what these companies can’t stand. They can’t censor all of us, but they will keep trying.

So, my question for you this time is this. Imagine a true replacement for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok come out, funded and run by someone like Mike Lindell and/or Donald Trump Jr, would you join those and leave the other platforms? What will Dorsey or Zuckerberg or the CCP for TikTok say? How long will it be until we hear that Lindell or Trump Jr has bought a web hosting company to run their own web hosting due to liberals demanding no one sell hosting to them? How long will it be before the DNC begins working to deny them the right to run their business? How long until they try to seize it because it’s making money hand over fist? The days are coming when the US will see an entire political party stand and order the country to bow and surrender everything to them, that’s the day I say I will not comply and they start working to kill me, what about you?

True Colors always shine through

For many years the political divide in the US, virtually the world over in fact, has widened drastically. During Reagan’s time in office, the US economy was booming, Americans enjoyed very low taxes, and even though a cold war was hanging over the world, security and peace was the general feeling for most people. I can remember the 1980’s as my time in Elementary and beginning Middle School, and unlike my parents’ time in those years of their lives, we didn’t have missile drills or anything of the sort, just fire or tornado drills as every school does, or at least all in the south where we don’t get hurricanes or earthquakes. Growing up in this time, naturally, meant I joined the workforce in the mid 1990’s, complained about taxes, but for the most part, just went about my life.

Looking at today however, through the lens of customer service and having been a teacher for a time, or looking back only 15 years at my time in college, the contrast is very distinct and honestly, worrying. You see, I know for a fact that many of my classmates in High School disagreed vehemently with me on politics, but we were and in many cases still are, very close friends. With most of them, we just don’t discuss politics, with others we’re very careful about that or religion, and still with a few, we jump into debates and go at it hammer and tongs, then go out for drinks. That’s not the case with the new generation though, as dissent and disagreement are all but treated as felony murder.

One need only look at Social Media, be that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or any other site, including the so called “conservative” sites like Parler or Gab, and you’ll see fighting that even just 20 years ago would never have been seen. Since 2017, I’ve personally been threatened with assault over 100 times, told I should be arrested for simply believing as I do, that people wish I get this disease or that and die, and a handful even said they were personally going to kill me. None of them even had their posts taken down, yet I got banned repeatedly for simply not kowtowing to their demands. I screenshotted all of the threats, called my local, county, and state law enforcement and all of them said they would treat it seriously, but I should also be very aware and cautious, meaning they acknowledge they can’t instantly appear so I must be ready to defend myself, but Twitter and Facebook shrugged at someone threatening murder.

Sadly, I see this getting far worse before even a chance it will get better, and that does mean I see assaults and worse, for mere disagreements. 2020 saw, and 2021 is still seeing, a very small percent of the population destroying businesses because they haven’t been given their way in all things, yet American politicians and media call them “mostly peaceful” in one breath, before demonizing all who disagree with them in the next. So the question is, when, if ever, will things calm down and return to a world where people can disagree without it escalating into physical conflict? Honestly, I can’t say I ever see that happening, and that is one of the saddest admissions I’ve ever had to make.

You are free to choose, to obey

Once again, the topic of choice is spreading like wildfire, and as happens every time it does, the left is ranting about their choice being the only way you may go. Over the last month or so, several states, all of them with a Republican governor and/or GOP majority in the state legislature, have lifted their mask mandates. Naturally, Democrats are furious, with Joe Biden even calling it “neanderthal thinking” when addressing it. My own state of Texas is also still recovering from Snovid21 as it’s being called, where all 254 counties declared a state of emergency, yet when pushed, Biden denied more than half aid, sending the bare minimum as he knew he couldn’t just say “nope, you just freeze and die.”

Why did this, and is this, happening? The answer is simple, the DNC has, for many years, balked at the idea of anyone not blindly obeying them. Nancy Pelosi stood in the House in January 2017 and objected to the Electoral College, and in fact Democrats have objected to all but 1 GOP win in the last 40 years, the exception being in 1985 when even they realized the objection would prove them to be tyrants. Yet, when Republicans objected, citing fraud, as Pelosi did in 2017, she all but had them arrested. Many Democrats are still calling for all who objected to be booted from Congress, while ignoring that in 1981, 1989, 2001, 2005, and 2017 they objected, citing any manner of insane theory, and they’ve cried every time as they failed.

In 1998 Jerry Nadler famously said that impeaching Bill Clinton for perjury, which he was guilty of was an attempt to undo an election, ignoring that Gore would have assumed the POTUS role, but in 2017, he demanded conviction without evidence, and again in 2021, trying to impeach Donald Trump after the inauguration of Joe Biden, proving that the DNC only cares for power and punishing all who defy them.

The latest example though, takes it to an entirely new level, and sadly, may show non Democrats now living this example. Video has been widely spread of two or three younger people getting into an Uber, where they were asked to wear masks. They proceeded to force themselves to cough, and even at one point appear to make a grab for his phone. The situation is not new either, at least not to me. You see, whenever I post that I’m grateful the governor, Gregg Abbott, has come to his senses and reversed his insane mandate, I’m told I must continue wearing it or not leave my home. I’m told loudly that this person or that will not let me into their business, and so on. I generally say “very well, you won’t see a single cent of my money” and I then ignore them, as I know a business saying “you will get your medical advice from us and no one else” is not good for business, they’ll soon reverse their decree or won’t be in business. I also then point out that if you can refuse service for not wearing a mask, then a Christian can refuse service that would force violation of their faith.

To date, 98% or more of the replies are the most hateful and vulgar comments I’ve received. I’ve had people tell me they will find me and find my Doctor to have us both jailed for not wearing masks, I’ve had someone say I should be charged with attempted murder, others say “you’ll wear it when I’m done with you,” and I generally block and ignore them. Those threatening violence, I screenshot, reply with “I’ve notified city, county, state, and federal law enforcement of your threats of violence, I’ve IP traced your account, I’m now blocking you” and then I block. All of this proves one thing, and it’s something I’ve said for many years, liberals present themselves as the party of tolerance, love, acceptance and choice, but you are only tolerated, loved, accepted, or free to choose what they order you to, if you defy them, they will actively seek your utter destruction.

To close, I have just one message for any of them that may find this rant, I will not be controlled, I will not be subjugated, and I will not fear anyone who believes they can physically force me to violate my beliefs. If you decide to try, you best come with an army and be ready to fight and hurt, because I will not go gentle. As Patrick Henry said, give me liberty or give me death, I will stand, fight, bleed and die before I live as a slave to a tyrant.

Bow or be punished?

Not even 2 months into the Biden administration, and with a Congress the Democrats can run roughshod over, Democrats are wasting no time in pushing their radical agenda. The Equality Act effectively outlaws Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faiths, as it requires everyone support and agree with all facets of the LGBT+ agenda. Disagreeing on marriage or any other point is to be treated as “racist bigotry,” but there’s a simple question that should shut this down completely. “What does the Constitution say about this?” The answer to that is simple.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….

Yes, the first amendment also covers free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition, but the first part literally prohibits any law that prohibits the free exercise of religion, which means that you cannot tell Christians they must agree with anything that violates their faith, but that’s never stopped Democrats and never will.

The Second Amendment says “shall not be infringed” but by installing their puppets onto federal court benches, they’ve been able to slowly restrict #2A rights more and more, until now, when they firmly believe they can essentially outlaw Christian beliefs, and trust me, they won’t stop there.

So, my question to you is simple, when you are told to bow and submit to their rule, will you, or will you stand, fight, and possibly die, for your beliefs?

Leaving YouTube

Ask any conservative on YouTube, or hell, anyone who isn’t a lock step “you must obey us or be forced to comply” liberal, and you’ll quickly learn that YouTube hates them! One of the biggest “gun-tubers,” who ensures everything is safe, and while entertaining, also educates, is never monetized on that channel, that’s Demolition Ranch, how much money does YouTube make from ads on his channel, but because he’s not anti-2A, they don’t share it?

I don’t support showing people harming others, being stupid with firearms, or advocating violence or worse, but none of that happens on his channel, nor have I shown or said anything on mine to warrant any punishment, yet I had a video where I discussed how someone turned in a sexual predator for assaulting them (not in the US) taken down for a BS reason, and just last week, one discussing Sol Pais and only after I appealed, clearly stating I did not show any graphic content, was it reinstated. Now, I know it’s most likely that I’ve pissed off a snowflake somewhere and they’re reporting everything they can, hoping to get me banned, so I’m robbing them of that pleasure, I’m moving to Rumble.

As I say in all of my videos, civil discussion is the key to debate and learning. We don’t learn from arguments, other than learning who to avoid speaking to. Yet, people still feel the need to insult and belittle, and they get blocked. I’ve personally had people threaten bodily harm on me, or worse, on Twitter, and was told it “did not violate community standards,” but my calling Joe Walsh a pansy (and he is) got me booted. YouTube allows liberals to spew their hate and worse, but a Conservative pointing out that a liberal is wrong is to be destroyed.

I will ultimately delete my videos, so I wanted to ensure that, before I leave, I ensured you have a way to find me over there. This link goes to my Class-time channel, while this link goes to what will become my SHED Talks channel, all things that aren’t Class Time videos or gaming videos, which will have their own channel if/when I begin playing something new.

Big Tech is working overtime to silence all dissent and they don’t care who they have to subjugate to accomplish their goal. I abandoned Facebook over a year ago, and haven’t looked back, Twitter now bans me within an hour of creating a new account, and I’m sure Instagram will find a reason before long. I am on Gab as Sheepdog Smokey, as well as Parler and I even joined TikTok where I am finding a LOT of patriots, and funny videos. I will always show my face and you can also know it’s me because the profile picture will be me as well, and I doubt anyone is trying to copy me, so there’s that too.

We are living in very tenuous times folks, keep your ears to the ground, eyes open, head on a swivel, and your powder dry. The day is coming when those who believe themselves above all others will demand obedience and worship, and anyone who dares defy them will be labeled an enemy of the state. That day is the day that liberty will fully be under attack, and only patriots will be able to save it.

The future?

The crackdown on conservatives across social media is only going to get worse. I know there are multiple theories about what’s going to happen on 20 Jan 2020, but it doesn’t matter which is right, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and every other platform, save the very new ones run by conservatives, will continue to ban conservatives, saying we “incited violence” or for “hate speech,” while ignoring violence and worse from liberals. Also, and as many predicted, Twitter and other social platforms are losing billions, and it won’t be until they are bankrupt that they realize why.

I can understand the desire and need to protect people from harm, but when you extend that to censorship, you begin doing harm. Laura Loomer is a perfect example of this. As she exposed liberals for the liars they are, social media began to crack down, banning her, blocking people from even mentioning her, and that wasn’t it. By now, she cannot use Paypal, Venmo, Uber, or even order from Uber Eats, and has found that she’s in the NICS database as a prohibited possessor despite having never committed any crime, leaving her unable to travel without a lot of work, unable to do business with many people, and quite literally at the mercy of any criminal who wishes her harm.

This, however, is not likely to continue unabated, as those doing this are beginning to see that they are losing money, fast. In just the last few weeks, Twitter and Facebook, after banning President Donald Trump’s personal account “indefinitely,” have lost over $50 billion and, despite pressure to block Parler, their biggest competitor, that trend is likely to continue, which will mean those tech giants will ultimately be forced out of business, or to sell to someone who will reverse course, although I doubt even that will save either of them. The only company not suffering, yet, is Amazon, as they are still able to play on the shutdown to be the only option for many people to get goods they need, but as more people get fed up, they will leave Amazon as well, returning to shopping locally, and then the fun begins.

You see, when these liberal run companies are hemorrhaging money faster than an amputee loses blood, they will blame the very people they told not to do business with them, or prevented from logging in, while crying about their “right to do business freely,” ignoring their own actions to deny others that very right. CNN, while crying about Fox, Newsmax, OANN, and other networks, openly talks about doing all they can to prevent those very networks from even operating, blatantly admitting to their plan to being the only network, an American Pravda if you will.

Americans, sadly, have been spoon fed a careful plan of socialism and submission for so long, that millions will cheer their subjugation and control, but millions of others will never comply, and then it gets bad. You see, when the government, run by liberals who refuse to allow fair elections, thus ensuring their own tenure, realizes they can’t control people, they will change and try to do so by force. The Military, including the National Guard, having sworn to support and defend the Constitution, will abandon their posts in droves, and what’s left will be rolled into a new force, beholden only to the DNC, and happy to follow the order of “they will comply with our wishes or you will shoot them.” When those thugs then invade small town America, ordering people to comply, the shooting starts, and at the end, the DNC will be left with a “military” afraid of those they subjugate but more afraid of defying the tyrants in charge, and a country that now must force the very liberals they’ve pandered to for decades to work.

I wonder, if/when it gets to the point of ordering antifa or blm to shut up, go to work, and pay taxes, will we hear “but you said I could be free, I don’t want to work, why are you doing this?” Then of course the crying about how the “evil right wing bigots didn’t warn anyone, and now they’re all dead so I have to work.” Or more likely, will the snowflakes be cowed by the only people with guns, and trudge off, accepting the meager rations given to the workers who pay 100% in taxes?

Biden admits Harris is in charge.

For months, many people have wondered just when Kamala Harris would find a way to push Joe Biden aside to become President should the Democrats win the 2020 Presidential election. Biden’s recent foot injury reignited those questions, only for Biden himself to confirm all suspicions. In a recent video, he admits that should he and Harris disagree on something, he’ll “come down with a disease and have to resign.” He even said “as I told Barack,” indicating he would have resigned as VP to allow Obama to install a different yes-man to the office were there a point they couldn’t agree on.

When coupled with the multiple reports of fraud, video of ballots being pulled from under a table in a suitcase, dead Americans voting, and even tens of thousands of Georgians who were not 18 at the time of the election voting, this just rings another warning bell about the presumptive Democrat administration.

Americans vote every four years, not for the 2nd place candidate to oust the Presidential nominee, but for that nominee. The election of 2016 saw claims of fraud and “Russian collusion” from the Democrats, only for 2020 to see the Democrats all but foaming at the mouth as they demand no one even investigate the election, but to just declare Biden the winner.

Biden floated a cabinet pick, with the man named being on record as saying life after 75 isn’t worth living, yet he would have to work for a man now 3 years past that point. Is it any wonder that within a week of the election, one of the most common searches on Google was “how do I change my vote?”

Once again, the left is violent

Beginning in late spring of 2020, the country, and in fact the world, has watched as liberal groups have rioted, robbed businesses blind, and burned anything they can to the ground, all over what many say are manipulated events designed to foment this hate in society. George Floyd, while he should not have been killed by those arresting him, was extremely high on several illegal drugs, had a history of violence, and resisted arrest. It’s very well known that when high on any of many drugs, people can exhibit enhanced strength, Floyd all but attacked the officers, so was put on the ground, and sadly, one of the officers chose to act in a way that, possibly, lead to the man’s death. Had they let him go, and he hurt someone else, the riots would still have happened as it would have been a case of “police won’t do their jobs and keep us safe, we must defund them,” followed by wanton destruction of everything possible.

Today however, the narrative is changing, slightly in some cases, not slightly at all in others. The elections of 2000 and 2016 both saw the DNC candidate sue and protest as long as they could, working to find a way to change the results so they would become President, Gore famously sued for 37 days, and the media and liberals the world over praised him for “working to ensure the election was not unfair.” Today however, as the media watched on 3 November and called states for Biden with more than 50% of votes uncounted, while refusing to call states for Trump when over 85% of votes were counted, then magically, votes show up after counting was supposedly stopped that tip a state to Biden, Trump is required to concede and all but say “I’ll leave now, we don’t have to wait until 20 January.”

Well, it’s now escalated, and while Twitter has suspended the miscreant, this is one person, and there are many others who think the same. It seems that Adam Rahuba decided to tell the President Of The United States that he had 4 days to concede or he and his comrades would begin ATTACKING PEOPLE and blocking the economy in full in “conservative areas.” He also said they were armed and would “retaliate to attempts at vehicular manslaughter.”

Now, I live in Texas, where thankfully, our state government has yet to demand we surrender our rights to keep and bear arms, or to defend ourselves from attack. If I am driving and see armed people blocking the street, you can bet my truck will be doing 70 or more as I do all I can to escape those attempting to stop me for God only knows what purpose. I’ve watched as people are stopped, dragged from their vehicle, then assaulted and left, all but dead, laying in the street. The question though, really is a simple one, why do liberals feel they have the right to assault, steal, and destroy, and that any attempt to stop them is a crime? The answer, sadly, is just as simple, they’ve been told that anyone trying to stop them “doing as they please” is “denying their right to happiness.”

It’s very simple, YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO HAPPINESS! You have the right to PURSUE HAPPINESS, which also means you may fail in that pursuit. The very people screaming that you can’t drive where they say you can’t, that you can’t defend your life when they attack you, and worse, are the very people who would demand you be hanged at dawn if you even sidestepped to go around them when they block traffic. It’s going to get worse before it gets better, so keep your eyes and ears open, your head on a swivel, and your powder dry.

All thanks to Obamacare

In 2012, famously, Nancy Pelosi said of the ACA that we “had to pass it to find out what’s in it.” Obama had said “if you like your plan you can keep your plan” and “if you like your Doctor you can keep your Doctor.” The first proved to show us “what’s in it” was astronomical premiums and deductibles, then we found we lost our plans and Doctors.

Just over a week ago, my foot was in BAD shape, so I chatted with the online service I subscribe to, where I was prescribed topical and oral medications, but they didn’t work. A few days later I went to the local ER, where the prescriptions were changed, only to see those make me break out in a rash that was worrying, so I went back to the ER two days later, where I was sent to hospital. After a night of little sleep, a specialist saw me and my prescriptions were changed once again, this time they worked and I’m almost back to 100%, but now I face medical bills after a week off where, due to having no vacation time, I am a week short on pay.

Thankfully, my debtors are working with me, so my burden is lower, but not low enough to ensure the loss of a week of pay is unnoticed, yet those in DC still prattle on about how we “must” just accept socialist healthcare, where the costs will see tax burdens increase exponentially, while ignoring the countless people telling them of the failures of the ACA.

I can’t help but wonder just what it will take to convince the vaunted members of Congress that they are, as always, wrong.

How much longer?

We’ve watched since February and March, when we were told it would be “two weeks to flatten the curve,” only to see society locked down more and more as we just sit and let those in power rule. Even in “conservative” Texas, we are forced to wear masks, despite countless medical experts saying they don’t work, or studies showing this is insane.

Today, I found video of Doctors in the Netherlands stating, very succinctly, that Covid 19 is a flu virus, and thus, we do not have a pandemic.

I’ve seen videos of this sort banned on social media for over a month now, and until today, it seemed that no one would be even asked to stop censoring the experts. Cheekily, I ask Twitter users or YouTube commenters to prove they are an MD, with years of experience studying viruses, and their peer reviewed, double blind, study, proving them wrong, but now it’s not out of cheek, but to prove they are not in any way qualified to debunk MD’s who say this pandemic BS is just that, BS!

So, the question now truly is, how much longer will people sit idle as they are controlled under systems that would make Orwell roll in his grave?