Is this a harbinger of things to come?

For more than two months, the U.S. Senate has been tasked with either confirming or rejecting Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. Hearings have been held, the FBI has run another background check, documents have been released, and after all of that, the Democrats demanded more and more and more at every turn. More questions have been asked, in writing, than all previous nominees combined, more documents than ever before, yet when the Democrats see their push to delay until the nominee grows tired and withdraws, more happens.

For this nominee, it was as we saw in 1991, a sexual assault accusation. Clarence Thomas was accused by Anita Hill in 1991, and during that hearing, Joe Biden stated, more than a bit condescendingly and angrily, that FBI investigations do not reach conclusions or make recommendations, yet now we MUST have one for this nominee? The accuser has no details, multiple people have refuted her claim, and far more, yet we are told, almost hourly, that we “must believe survivors” as if merely accusing someone makes them infallible and thus, we are not allowed to question them at all.

Within days, Hollywood came out in force, decrying Kavanaugh based only on accusations, and ignoring people who brought up their own monsters, or attacking them for it, crying about how they are “trying to smear a woman who bravely stepped up to protect our democracy.” Of course that’s repeated in some way when it’s pointed out we are not a democracy, but that’s another rant for another time.

So far, the facts in this circus are these:

Ford claims that Kavanaugh, being drunk, groped her through her clothes, and tried to remove them, indicating failure in that attempt. This is a drunken fumble, and she herself admitted to being drunk that night, to suggest her memory not working is true, but she’s now 100% sure it was him.

She is afraid to fly, yet has an extensive history of air travel, for vacations, education, etc. Why are we now to suddenly respect what she herself did not for years?

Multiple women have stated, on the record, and many in writing, that these allegations are false, and Brett Kavanaugh is a good man and innocent, but these women are to be ignored, and only the one woman who has no details to back up her allegation is to be believed.

Finally, we have testimony, where she, a PhD, says she doesn’t know what exculpatory means (if true, her degree should be revoked,) and she used up-talking, a common psychological trick used when lying, while Kavanaugh, naturally, was upset at his life being destroyed by lies. His family has been threatened, he has been threatened, others have had their lives turned upside down, yet he’s expected to sit calmly, smile at his executioner, and wait for them to deliver the fatal blow?

This fiasco has already, or should have already, taught us one thing, the Democrats are dead set on controlling the entire country, and if you won’t vote for them, they will steal power away from who you did. If by some demonic intervention, they manage to take back Congress in 2018, and the White House in 2019, expect their nominees to be “treated with respect and the process honored, including no allegations without hard proof being brought forward, as the nominee has passed an FBI background check.” Expect demands that they not be looked at crossly, spoken to disrespectfully, and that no delays will be tolerated, along with anyone who can prove a claim against them “vanishing” before they could testify.

We are, make no mistake, in a fight for the life and soul of this country, the question that remains is simple, which side are you fighting for?

To destroy a nation

We’ve heard for over 20 years how we “must believe” this or that person when they bring forth an accusation, only to then hear “they’re lying, there can be no doubt” about others. Look to Justice Clarence Thomas, accused by a very liberal activist, of horrible things, yet it was always just Anita Hill’s word against his, and we heard no end of “how can you demonize a woman who has been traumatized and assaulted” as if her merely saying something made it undeniable fact, but then when Paula Jones or Juanita Broaderick accused Bill Clinton of RAPE, they were dismissed as liars from the start, told to basically produce a time machine to go back and view the event live or admit they were lying, and forced into obscurity. Why “must” those accusing non-liberals “just be believed” while those accusing liberals, such as a woman who has copies of Police Reports regarding being assaulted more than once by Keith Ellison, be ignored unless they can actually force you to witness the assault as it happens?

Despite the media prevaricating endlessly about how horrible this or that person is for their “obvious guilt” or how horrible this or that person is for “obviously lying to tarnish a great leader” we see it’s all about power. When not in control, the Democrats resort to lies and more to stall until they can take power back. We’ve seen it since 2014 when the Republicans took the majority and again in 2016 when they added to the majority in both houses, and also won the White House. Almost within hours of Donald Trump being declared the winner, we had calls to “just do away with” the Electoral College, threats on electors, and calls to impeach before he was even sworn in! Prominent liberals tearfully called for Americans to “stand up and demand justice” or to “protect our democracy” by demanding the Constitution be violated.

When they couldn’t force their will on the country, we then had accusation after accusation, akin to throwing pasta against the wall and hoping it would stick. First it was Russia, then it was Stormy Daniels, then it was racism, then it was sexism, then it was not caring about the people of Puerto Rico, and it’s once again Russia. At this point, I expect the President to make all classified information public, proving Hillary and the other Democrats are all guilty, only to hear liberals cry over “using classified information to target Democrats” and ignoring the actual guilt. How much longer before we actually hear “Do not talk about anything done that isn’t exactly legal, we’re doing it for the greater good, but if they do it, they must be destroyed.” How long before “I DON’T CARE WHAT LAWS ARE BROKEN, I AM YOUR GOD YOU PEASANTS, OBEY ME OR DIE?”

We are, as so many say, at a crossroads, it’s only what our choices are that differ from the media’s description. We have the choice to retake our government, exercising the power given to We The People 230 years ago, or we can totally surrender and become slaves to an Orwellian state, or we die fighting the second path.

Until Congress is forced to admit we are their boss and they cannot order us to give up anything and everything they don’t want us having, we will have no peace or justice in this country. Visit us HERE or on Twitter as @COSProjectTX and @COSAction to join the push for an Article V Convention to impose term limits on Congress, require fiscal responsibility and require the Constitution only ever be “interpreted” as it is written.