Terror attack, multiple victims die, but let’s attack those who don’t vote for our ideas

Before the rubble is clear or the victims buried, CNN “journalist” David Andelman took to his keyboard to blame the politically “far right” for “using the Berlin truck attack” for their own ends. What’s funny is I only see Merkel and the left leaning publications putting anything out about this so as to attack the other party. It’s no secret that the left wants unfettered access to every country, at least every country with something they can say is a “right” and thus, demand be given to them for free. We’ve seen attacks in France, the U.S., and now Germany, carried out by “refugees” who were allowed entry with very little vetting, only to vanish until they attack. Quickly after the attack, we see three things. We see a solidarity movement, the “Je Suis Charlie” hashtag after Charlie Hebdo was attacked, the countless people trying to get some publicity by “standing with” those at OSU, although those there, who were almost killed, were criticizing the Police for shooting the attacker, rather than trying to “subdue him.” How long until we see someone claim that German Police shouldn’t have been so quick to kill the murderous idiot behind the wheel? Next, we see a call not to blame all muslims for this one person’s actions, despite ZERO condemnation from the muslim community who claims to be “moderate” or not support terrorism, while groups like ISIS or another claiming they were responsible. Finally, we see the ultimate politics, the “this is just fueling the fires of fear, we must not let this happen, we must not abandon our values” despite the “values” letting people into a country, just to see those people start destroying it. Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, and the other leaders who have allowed these animals free access via being “refugees” have blood on their hands, and will never admit it, or face any consequences for it.

Thankfully, people are waking up. I’ve seen comments about the Berlin attack along the lines of “America has spoken with their election of Donald Trump,” and that is true. Americans are tired of being told they’re horrible for not “tolerating” certain “lifestyle choices” although we’re told they’re not choices. We’re tired of being told that we must give trigger warnings, or that there is “rape culture,” and that students need “safe spaces” where they aren’t “assaulted” by conflicting points of view. We’re tired of being told that to be good, we must give up rights, and more and more each day. Hillary Clinton promised more of the same, and the country said no. Yes, people cried and moaned about the electoral college being out dated, and how she won the popular vote, and on and on, but that is precisely why the Electoral College was created as it was. Without it, a handful of cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fransisco) could swing an election, but with the Electoral college, it doesn’t matter if all of Cali, NY and IL go blue, they’re limited to their E.C. votes, so that the other 47 states aren’t ignored. Despite the tears and tantrums, the left also face the obstacle that Barack Obama has moaned about since he took office. He’s on record that the Founders set up a system that’s hard to work around, for which those who don’t like him are grateful. I’m not familiar with the German setup, but the people there are getting fed up too, so I’d be surprised to see Merkel still in office after the next election.

Simply put, just because you want something doesn’t mean you’ll get it, nor should you. I know that there are women and children who are not terrorists, and never will be terrorists willingly, in the countries refugees are coming from, but sadly, they’re not the only ones coming. With them are hidden agents, sent as refugees to carry out attacks. They can’t bring in bombs or guns, so we see knife attacks and trucks running through markets, but those are just as bad, as people still die. The world watched in shock as the American people elected Trump just over 6 weeks ago, then again yesterday as the Electoral College did their job and made it official. Many are crying that he’ll send the U.S. back in time, China is hopping mad that he answered a call from the President of Taiwan, simply because China wants Taiwan, but can’t get them, so they tell the world it’s theirs anyway, and no to legitimize them, only for Trump to refuse to bow to pressure. Yes, there will be more screaming as the southern U.S. border will get a barrier in some places if not all, and there will be changes to immigration, stopping the deluge of “refugees” who aren’t being vetted well enough (if at all.) There will be deportations and imprisonments, and just as Trump said, it won’t be mothers and children, but rapists, murderers, drug dealers and the like. Trust me, as I see only one to two years before this country is well on it’s way to being, once again, a true leader in the international community.

But enough from me, what do you think?

Society today in a nutshell

We’ve all heard this joke or one like it, as well as seen the meme about one group or another shoving a spike in their bike wheel then blaming who they hate. Sadly, this is all too common today, and it’s getting worse. I’ve been harangued by women for “daring” to hold a door as if they’re too weak, or for “sexism” when I am just polite. Women have gotten to the point where their first reaction is the “I have a boyfriend” to everything, as if literally every male on the planet is about to rape them, and it’s thanks in no small amount to the media harping on “rape culture.” The big question I have is not only how we got to a point where it’s now almost genetic to instantly try to vilify everyone around you, but also how we stop the trend. When a uniformed officer has the Police called on him for being in uniform in a class he’s taking, we’ve officially reached the tipping point. The very people who scream about rape culture or how all cops just want to kill people are the very ones who then scream that the Police don’t care as they didn’t get to them fast enough when they’re robbed, or that the Police (whom they called) “acted rashly” when the KNIFE WIELDING TERRORIST was shot and killed. They bemoan the “poor misunderstood refugee” who was “forced into this course of action by islamophobia running rampant.” Had Police waited, tried to talk him down, and more people been killed, I can guarantee that there would be calls for Officers to be fired, if not hanged at dawn.

These same people, who claim to be educated and intelligent, are also calling on the Electoral College Electors to vote against the will of their states. I’ve pointed out to many people that the Electoral College was put in places so that a handful of cities/counties doesn’t decide the election. Trump won almost ALL counties in NY, but due to NYC, the margin was close. He won many counties in California, but due to LA and San Fransisco (almost solely due to them) the state went to Hillary Clinton. The same people who would be calling for me to be shot had the situation been flipped are calling for me to be all but shot for standing up for the system in place. Had Trump lost the Electoral vote but won the popular vote, he said he might not accept it, and Clinton called that a “threat to democracy” only for her supporters to do that very thing. Had the roles been reversed and Electors pressured to vote for him instead of Clinton, you can bet there would be demands that the Electors be fired, no matter if that was legal, but the reason for that is the very people now screaming to be handed what they want no matter what, are the very people who’ve been given just that since childhood.

For more than 15 years, and likely more than 20, children have not been told a grade failed, or that they didn’t win the race, so as to “not hurt their feelings.” Academics are a joke, as teachers are so heavily leaned on to ensure their students do well on standardized tests, that all they teach (almost) is that very test. I started elementary school in 1984, and I don’t remember being traumatized when I was told my answers weren’t right, so I didn’t get a high grade. Nor was my life ruined when I competed and didn’t win. The problem, is that the high school students of the late 1970’s, who cared more about Woodstock, drugs and “doing their own thing” are now parents of mid to late teens, and those children have been raised “free to find their own path.” This has ruined a generation, and I can only hope not the world forever. Children need discipline in their lives, and being spanked, sent to bed without dinner, or just having toys or technology denied them will not traumatize them. The reason these special snowflakes aren’t disciplined is simple though, they’ve learned very well that by simply threatening to tell someone their parents abuse them, they get their way. Personally, were it my child threatening that after I take their phone or game away, I’d hand them the phone. Before they dialed though, I’d ensure they know that they’ll be taken away, likely put in a state home where there is no PS4 or Xbox, no cell phones, and certainly no life anywhere near what they have. Unfortunately, some of these little twits need to be allowed to report the “abuse” and be taken away and put in state homes, so they realize that being made to clean up or do their homework isn’t abuse. Maybe, just maybe, if one or two had their lives upended for “reporting abuse” they’d learn, and then be able to tell others what happened, but, sadly, they’d just blame their parents for “not stopping it” (by giving them whatever they want) and continue to cry and whine.

Unfortunately, the only way they’re going to learn is the hard way. They need to be arrested and jailed for the false hate crimes reported since Trump’s win. They need to be told to grow up when they tell their professor they don’t like having a uniformed Officer in class, and they need to be told that just because they studied 19th century women’s art done only in pink, they aren’t better than anyone else, and thus, they don’t get to dictate how the country is run. Only when they’re firmly told to grow up and then made to do so, will we even have a hope of starting the road back to where we were only 30 years ago.

Friday thoughts

In just over two weeks, it will be Christmas. That wonderful time of year when we see tantrums in stores over toys, fights over the hot item, and a general de-evolution of the human species, as they return to primates fighting over the sharp stick or last bit of food. I’ve been out shopping at midnight on Thanksgiving night twice, and will never do it again, as the first time I watched someone almost attack a Police Officer for not letting them break in line, then a year later, watching as people were almost trampled over kitchen gadgets. This year, I did take a day off (November 11th) to be up early and in line for my NES Classic, although that was just a bonus as I took the day off initially to be able to attend a basketball tournament my nephew was playing in. Even more than two weeks before Black Friday I was hard pressed to not think it was, as people were more concerned about a game than with anything else. In my first example, WalMart had a BluRay player on for $9.99 or $14.99 (I forget, it’s been a good while) and had stated well before that night, anyone who didn’t get one that night, would still get one at that price, it would just need to be when the next shipment arrived. On November 11th, I got to Target at 5:30 and they didn’t open until 8. For the first hour or so, it was me and 6 other people, one of which was there to get something else launching that day. By about 7:00, the manager came out to check the line, and found only the 7 of us, and told us the store only got six units. We were all happy, as the 7th guy only wanted the new Garth Brooks CD set. As more people showed up, we told them that they wouldn’t get one there, and that the last we heard, other stores opening later had no lines, and they thanked us and left. But, by 7:30 or so, they just stuck around, and when the manager told them the same thing we had, most started to complain, one even accusing her of hiding others so she and the other employees would get them. To me, this shows the same attitude we saw just after Super Tuesday and continue seeing today, the “I want my way, give me my way, or I’ll throw a tantrum and make life miserable for everyone” mindset.

For years we’ve heard from the more liberal people in the country that we need to be more tolerant, and more accepting of everyone’s differences, but they seem to not need to do that very thing. I’ve been told to kill myself, that someone “knows where I live and is coming” and more, for nothing more than posting an opinion. The “I know where you live” was, incredibly enough, on a very conservative site, where I and others were going back and forth about hypothetical laws. Naturally, as a Texan, I’m well armed almost all the time, and not frightened of some wacko coming over, as (like I said) I’m in Texas, and should some idiot show up intending harm, the law is on my side. But, why is it OK to scream at me I must be tolerant, then threaten my life? The simple answer, it is not! In 2000 and 2004, the left bemoaned Bush’s cabinet choices, with some even suggesting he should be required to appoint Democrats or their picks, so someone can keep an eye on him. Funny enough, that was never even mentioned in 2008 or 2012, but with a GOP House and Senate coming in, and an upcoming transition to a Trump White House, the moaning about the cabinet is back. People have called for the Democrats still in office to filibuster all appointees, which is to say, stop all work being done and just stall so there won’t be a cabinet. Thankfully, Senator Reid ended that possibility not long ago when a DNC item was filibustered.

When they aren’t bemoaning the horror that is someone actually thinking for themselves, or blocking highways in protest, they’re crying about the Electoral College. I’ve commented on several posts, explaining the E.C. as it does serve a purpose, only to be called names and insulted. Simply put, without the E.C. the cities of LA, NYC, San Fransisco and Chicaco could almost decide every election for POTUS. If you look at a map of election results by county, you’ll see a far greater amount of Red than Blue, but now that the E.C. went to Trump and the popular vote didn’t, suddenly we are told to just do away with it.

There’s a problem there though Skippy, you can’t just do away with the Electoral College. You see, it was created in the U.S. Constitution, so must be changed or done away with by a Constitutional Amendment. So, first you need to have someone call a Constitutional Convention, have enough states say OK and attend, have enough agree to the amendment and put it to the states, then enough states must ratify it. So, unfortunately for our special snowflakes, the Electoral College won’t just be going away, even if they manager to retake Congress.

So far, the world hasn’t ended, no one’s been nuked, and as far as I can tell, a high percentage of the stories about people being verbally abused or worse by Trump supporters are false, although I see more of the stories about Trump supporters being attacked being true far more often. Yes, Trump said he’s going to drain the swamp and protect our borders, which surprisingly, the vast majority of people living on the border want done. He did not, however, say he’s going to find and deport all illegal immigrants in a day. What he said is he would start by focusing on those with criminal records being being in the country illegally, those who we know are raping, assaulting, robbing and killing. Personally, after those are gone, go after the citizens doing the same and put them away for good. Send them to Sheriff Joe in AZ and put them to work. I know there are good people who came here illegally, so why not help them gain citizenship, so they earn more? Oh, can’t do that, or you’d be taking away their culture. After all, they fought to escape a horrid life, only to protest to make America just like the country they fled. America is the only, or one of a very few, country on this planet that doesn’t have an official language, or as open a border as ours. If you even try to enter Mexico illegally, and you’re lucky enough to avoid being shot, you’ll spend a LONG time in jail, but we can’t even send them back to their home country, or we’re “oppressing them.”

For those who are screaming for Sanctuary Cities or Campuses, go for it, but don’t come crying to me when the government pulls funding from your city or college. You see, it’s the law, and if you publicly help people break the law, you become an accomplice, and thus, are guilty of a crime. The University of Texas was the first to publicly start the Sanctuary Campus movement, pressuring the University PD to not help I.C.E. or other law enforcement, and if the PD does, they’ll find the Texas Rangers authority doesn’t stop at the border of the campus. Sanctuary only does one thing, embolden those that claim it. The UK has, for years, not fought the tide of Muslim immigration, and now there are signs being put up that tell citizens not to walk their dogs, because it’s not clean for Muslims. Yes, people are ordering British citizens to not use public places, and it’s not being fought. The OSU madman who used a car and a knife to attempt the murder of other students was a “refugee,” but all we’re hearing now from those at OSU is how the Police were too quick to shoot, should have listened to the idiot, or how it’s our fault because he felt he had no option due to the “Islamophobia” today. I’m sorry, but if you are attacking and trying to kill people, I’m not going to buy you a latte and ask you about your feelings, I’m going take you down as quickly as I can, and in a manner that best protects those around you. The only good in this, is that it shows that the “hands up don’t shoot” idiocy was just a line for TV, as this idiot was actively attacking people when shot, so it’s not about “innocent people of color” being killed, it’s just about attacking police. I wonder, what would happen were the police to start telling people “why don’t you try talking to them, try to understand why they’re doing this?” Or, if they said “sorry, but we can’t come out, since we’d have to kill the attacker, and you don’t want us rushing to judgement do you?” Naturally, the narrative would flip and become “Police don’t care about those they are paid to protect” from the current one.

The simple truth is this. The world isn’t fair, and won’t be as long as we wait on the second coming of Christ. Trump won’t end the world, nor will the GOP controlled Congress and Senate. In fact, you’ll likely see taxes go down, the economy get better, and in general, life will just go on as it always has. Personally, I’m waiting to see how the news spins it when the country is either better off, or at least, not in the sewer, in four years. We hear nothing but how Trump is going to destroy the country, but in 4 years, when we’re better off, what will they say? But that’s enough ranting from me, what do you say?

More of the same, I wish I could find other news but can’t

First, it seems that in order to prove the sanctions the U.S. must renew before 1/1 when they expire are unnecessary, Iran has threatened the U.S. Yes, you read that right. Iran wants to become a nuclear power, we’ve seen statements from them as well as other nations in the middle east about wanting to wipe Israel from the map, and so on, so the U.S. imposed sanctions on them, due to their history of trying to kill people en masse. Well, they’ve now told the sitting President of the United States he “must” let them expire, or they will have a “prompt response.” If this isn’t proof that the sanctions are needed, although I’d say a team of S.E.A.L.S. could handle the problem much better, I don’t know what is going to have to happen.

After all the hype and moaning about how the refugees are “women and children fleeing oppression” and the world telling the U.S. what we should do, we have more proof that is not the case. It seems that in addition to the skyrocketing rate of rape and other assault in places, we now have a high ranking EU Official’s daughter raped and murdered by a “refugee.” Naturally, he’s staying quiet, likely hoping that if he plays the “I didn’t know it was wrong” card, saying “that’s how it works in my country, she enticed me” or some other BS, he’ll get let go. You know, only 39 years ago, France was still using the guillotine, maybe if we brought that back, and coated the blade with bacon grease, we could curb this?

All I’ll say to this is REALLY, YOU THINK CALLING ALMOST 50% OF THE COUNTRY DEPLORABLE ALIENATED THEM? Sorry, but when you have a member of the Democratic Party at the national level who only says this after the candidate loses, I think it shows that they have zero clue any more.

Before you react to this story, just read it. The rules “on the block” as it were include the EPA fining companies for not buying and using fuel that DOES NOT EXIST, and preventing them from taking over all (possible) waterways, including drainage ditches in communities. This is not Trump shutting the EPA down and letting the environment rot, this is a needed culling of useless rules and people who have too much power, and still want more.

Finally, more proof that the idiocy of participation trophies, no failing grades, no red ink, and making sure no one gets their feelings hurt is shown yet again. It seems that students at American University want someone fired because he met with President Elect Trump, apparently regarding a possible cabinet position. Now, of course they’re citing racism, sexism, hatred, and more, but what they don’t want to address is that while, yes, many are “big money insiders” they are people who know the position. General Mattis is tapped for SecDef, and is perfect for it, while secretary of agriculture should be someone who has (gasp) actually worked in that field, and so on, but no, it’s just “he’s not my president, so you should be fired because I don’t like him” and on and on and on. I can guarantee that had Clinton won and a single person suggested this, that person would be all but executed at dawn for “daring to speak against the President Elect.” But hey, the special snowflakes likely finished their coloring books and let their play dough dry up, so now they don’t have anything to do, like STUDY THEIR COURSE WORK, right?

Anyway, enough from me, what do you think?