History is being destroyed

Whether by accident or malicious design, the history Cathedral at Notre Dame is slowly crumbling in Paris. Many are posting about how the fire is due to a renovation accident, but I can tell you that this is too soon to say.

I’ve worked as a Firefighter, and there’s a reason an investigator goes in after the building is safe, no one can tell what causes a fire until after, and then only if they are specifically skilled in finding a cause. We’ve seen houses of worship vandalized for a long time in Europe, not coincidentally, since the “refugees” began pouring in, and very recently, a woman attempted to detonate a car bomb at Notre Dame.

Pray for those fighting this fire, for those who live and/or work near it, and just for all involved.

A change to Smoke Signals

While I don’t know how many people regularly read what I post here, I am moving away from this format as I have begun posting to YouTube. The format is very similar, just a change from typing things out here to sitting in front of a camera and talking.

Personally, I prefer the new method, as it is closer to teaching, which I have done in the past, as I studied for several years to become a teacher before I found I am not likely to get that job as I don’t also coach, but that’s something I’ve spoken about already.

So, if you want to continue with me, although I will still post here from time to time, you can find me here, I look forward to seeing you there.