Humpday facepalm material

I tend to post about current events, politics and such, more often than other topics. I’ve ranted about general topics, but that’s rare, and it’s what I’m going to address today. For the last 20 to 30 years, the world has fostered a mindset which has at it’s core, the attitude of “I deserve everything, you can’t offend me, you can’t tell me I’m wrong, give me give me give me.” We see it when school sports teams aren’t allowed to cut players and/or are forced to put everyone trying out onto the team, although thankfully this didn’t happen for long. What has stuck around is the idea of “not hurting students’ feelings” so some schools (one very near me) have a policy that if a student shows up and puts their name on an assignment, they pass. Yes, you read that right, just showing up and putting down your name means you pass without needing to even know what class it’s for, and some students won’t even do that. So, is it any wonder we’ve now got a world where people believe assault is an OK response to a comment, property destruction is OK, and that they know what it’s like to be a soldier because they get called names?

I sincerely hope this is fake, but having seen stories about men found to be innocent after years in jail, just because the girl finally got caught admitting she lied, I won’t be shocked if it’s not fake. This girl thought her boyfriend was cheating, so she smashed his computer. This is destruction of property, and if it’s a nice computer, could be a felony based on the value. He points out it was his cousin, so she then says he deserved to be cheated on for not buying her stuff, before finally saying she’s going to tell the cops he raped her. What’s even worse is that it’s all online, and therefore evidence, with or without the “lol u go gurl” comment from a friend. She firmly believes she can destroy something she doesn’t own, and when proven to be wrong as to why she did it, she says she’ll falsely accuse someone, and will bitch, whine, cry and be just ever so horrified that he would dare show her planned false accusation as evidence. This is, simply put, due to the attitudes in the media. We’ve seen the joke on the Simpsons, but it’s no longer just a joke.
The worst of this is that judges are now thinking like this. The rule used to be if you lied to accuse someone, you were the one in the wrong, now, girls are told that even if they consented at the time, even if they instigated the encounter, they can change their minds and it was rape, which means they can do whatever they want. We won’t even bring up the women who claim it is completely impossible for a man to not rape a woman, as “all forms of sexual intercourse are rape,” and how fast they should run off the cliff with the other lemmings.

So the question is a simple one, and sadly, unlikely to be answered or even addressed any time soon. What should be done to people who blatantly admit they’re going to falsely accuse someone of something, people who lie and don’t care that you knew it in advance, they firmly believe they have the right to do what they want with no consequences. Just 30 years ago this would be cause to arrest the liar and charge them with every crime they commit, but today, were the liar arrested the media would be harping on about how they’re being attacked after being victimized. I could perfectly recreate the scenario and they’d not care. Yes, I could get their agreement to recreate it, then destroy their computer and accuse them of cheating. When they point out and prove they weren’t, I then would accuse them of never buying me anything, then tell them flat out I’m going to falsely accuse them of rape. After all that, they’d still not get it, they’d not understand that when someone does this to anyone, it’s wrong, and they can’t decide who the victim is by who is going to cry on TV better, and thus, boost ratings.

All that said, who’s up for colonizing Mars with everyone who proves to be a useless idiot? We’d solve the over population problem, likely world hunger since we’d still be able to produce food, and we’d be a lot less stressed with the journalists, idiot lawyers, useless judges/politicians/etc, and so on just gone. I really don’t even care if we fix Mars up first, just send’em up there.

Hump day news

I’ve not watched TV news or listened to it on the radio (save the blurbs on whatever station I’ve got going in the car) for quite a few years now. All sides in the “main stream” media are now so biased, I won’t be shocked when it literally becomes a cheer leading session with “you’re side stinks” as the tag line. The left has been screaming about Fox News being nothing but a GOP front for years, and for a while, I defended them as they seemed to show the failings of both parties, even if they were a bit happier to do so when the DNC fell or stumbled. Today however, they almost are just a GOP cheer squad, and we’ve seen how “fair” CNN has been in helping Hillary with her bid for the White House. Well, today is no different in how “fair” things are today, despite the screams from some that their “rights” are being denied, the world seems happy to do that very thing to others, as long as they’re the ones who are currently “evil racist and sexist bigots,” which of course is something the vast unwashed minority tells them about people, and thus, who to attack. Today’s stories prove that the inmates are running the asylum, and are now armed and unwilling to go back to their rooms.

First, The NY Times needs to learn what hypocrisy is, and how to spot it in their stories. When reporting about a pool policy in Toronto, wherein only muslim women and girls are allowed to swim, due to the requirement they dress very modestly around men they are not related or married to, it’s all sunshine and daisies. The pool and city are “inclusive” for helping a group that otherwise could not enjoy the public pool do just that. In New York, when a public pool does the very same thing for orthodox Jews, well, let’s just say being compared to concentration camp operators wouldn’t be much further from the story. It’s “unfortunate” and only a step away from the a return to the days of the Sanhedrin and people being forced to worship in a Synagogue. The saddest part is that were you to show these stories, side by side with the faith and location redacted, the Times would likely “stand behind their reporters.” You could even swap the locations and faiths, and they’d attack you for “islamophobia” and “working to let the Jews force people into their religion.” There was a time when the NYT was a viable and respected publication, but today they are little more than a mouthpiece for the ultra-liberals in society, and they not only don’t care, they don’t even see it.

Next, we have the government blatantly acting to force religious institutions to violate their faith. I can guarantee if there were a muslim college, they wouldn’t even be required to offer insurance, as they “object on religious grounds” When it’s a Catholic run college, and thus, run by “evil, bigoted Christians, who just want to subjugate the world and force conversion by saying God Bless, or Merry Christmas, or wearing a cross pendant,” well, they need to respect the law and comply. It’s not only Catholics that object to being forced to fund abortion, Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christians also believe abortion is wrong. So far, it’s only California that’s doing this, but it won’t be long before the Feds begin ordering people to not question them, and we’ve already seen an elected official calmly tell the people she is supposed to represent that in order to find out what’s in a law, it has to be passed first. Sorry Nancy, but you’re completely backward there, and you know it. The left, for years, has demanded to know every little snippet in laws proposed by conservatives, but when their exalted leader decides that he is going to not only force the country to spend more money for less, but also refuses to even consider anything else until that’s done, “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it,” and no one in the media saw anything wrong with someone elected to pass laws saying we aren’t allowed to know what it says until it’s law.

Finally, societal changes are hitting more and more rapidly, and most are in the form of “shut up, you’re offending me” and then cries for all but public flogging and crucifixion for said “crime.” First in this section is this story where protesters, who by all reports, were peaceful, being kicked off the University of Southern Missouri campus, for the horrid act of having the Missouri state flag. This is just the latest in pandering to those who whine loudest, as that flag does have a small version of the Confederate Battle Flag in it’s design. Several colleges have already stated they will not fly their own state flag, including University of Missouri, presumably to avoid cries of “racist” and so on. While this happens, in other states, students swarm flagpoles to take the U.S. flag down and fly a foreign country’s flag, or all but attack students wearing U.S. flag designs, but no, we just ensure no one can claim racism where it doesn’t exist. Naturally, after police forced a group exercising their right to peacefully assemble off of a public university campus, the school stated that the police were mistaken and the flag isn’t banned. Sorry folks, Police aren’t stupid, they wouldn’t have acted unless they had been told to, and would not have told people that the state flag of Missouri was banned on campuses IN MISSOURI. This is the same as saying “we’re sorry, it shouldn’t have happened, now run along and don’t sue, or tell anyone.” The college is backpedaling and trying to save face, but I for one hope it backfires and they see students leaving in droves, or at least story after story about how colleges are banning their own state flag. While this is going on, another form of silencing anyone who disagrees is happening on the White House Facebook page. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that when I find a post I like, I share it and like it, just as I vote up videos I like on youtube, so they are seen as popular and more likely to be seen by others. This however, is a very extreme form of that, as only about 250 profiles are posting repeatedly, and in doing so, making sure that only positive things are visible on the WH Facebook while their messiah is in office. Were this to happen when GW Bush was in office, it would be “rabid redneck conservatives are silencing people trying to show the evil that is Bush” but when it’s Obama, it’s just short of being part of the choir of angels and only helping others see the great man.

I’ve said it before, and I will continue to do so as long as I’m breathing. We are headed to hell in a rocket powered hand cart, and we lost our brakes long ago. The world is so focused on not offending this group or that, that we offend large groups and tell them it’s in the name of progress. We have schools telling elementary students that simply praying silently is a violation of the Constitution, while a U.S. Judge tells a religious institution they can’t opt out of covering abortion, or a city mayor telling pastors they must submit their sermons or be arrested. While screaming about separation of Church and State (which is not anywhere in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence) they interfere with Church matters right and left. While screaming about freedom of speech on Twitter or Facebook, they tell people that the Second Amendment only applies to firearms that existed in 1776, not seeing the idiocy of that statement. I’ve actually told someone who said that, that if that’s true, the First Amendment only applies to hand written letters and newspapers printed the same way as in 1776, only to be called an idiot and told to go back to school. They honestly cannot see that saying “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” only applies to muskets and other firearms available in 1776 is the exact same as saying that freedom of speech and the press is only spoken word, letters or newspapers. If we don’t do something to turn this back to what we were only 30 years ago, when the government was small and functioned, we will see the end of the U.S. in my lifetime.

Friday linkfest rant

Well, it wouldn’t be a normal Friday for me if I didn’t have at least a few stories that are making me consider packing up and moving to an island with SAMs and 50cal chain guns to ensure I’m left alone.

First is this one, where Obama’s Civil Rights Director actually makes the claim that not allowing someone who is biologically male to use the women’s restroom is “against American values.” You read that right, it’s now unpatriotic to not want a man in the same restroom, locker room, shower room, ect as you, or worse, where young girls may be. We’ve already seen, well before Obama’s illegal edict about public schools, men pretending to be women to set up cameras or just otherwise ogle women, now they’re protected as long as they “identify” as a woman. How long until one “identifies as a woman who only feels attracted to other women” so “she” was just admiring women “she” found attractive?

Next, this shocking news from the southern border. It seems a rather liberal reporter was sent to south Texas to ask people what they wanted done about illegal immigration. With the rhetoric and propaganda flowing full force to discredit Trump, I’m sure they expected people to give “feel good” responses about “making it safe for people fleeing horrible lives” or some other BS. Well, I’m not shocked at all when people who live where the drugs and gangs are most active want a wall built. You’ll also notice that it needed it to be “tied to some compassion.” Sorry folks, the laws already are, if you come to the border and surrender to the Border Patrol, telling them your life is in danger, they are NOT going to say “sorry, go back.” Yes, you may spend time in a holding cell, but if you’re truly in fear of dying, I’d think a holding cell guarded by Federal Agents might be rather comforting. Every other country on the planet has a method for preventing illegal immigration, even if it’s as harsh as jailing you with no trial, no representation, and no likelihood of ever going home (Mexico for example,) but we’re being TOLD, almost ORDERED to just let our borders be open to anyone, and WHEN that results in rape, murder, or worse, we’re told that’s no reason to close our borders to illegal crossing. Sorry, I don’t care what someone in another country, who’s economy depends on money sent there by those here, working illegally, says.

It’s not just illegals though, that we need to watch out for. It seems two men were doused in gasoline and set on fire by a black man, and other than a few journals I subscribe to, I’ve heard NOTHING on this. The Police have the suspect and he’s charged with attempted manslaughter and reckless endangerment, so at least the Police aren’t worried about cries of “racist cops arrest poor black man” when some cock and bull story about the “racist whites deserving it” surfaces.

Finally, just more proof that our legal system is broken. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that self defense is not a justifiable reason to carry a weapon. Yes, you heard that right, a Federal Judge has now told America that just because you want to keep breathing, you’re going to need a better reason to get a handgun license. Thankfully, some states are fighting back, but sadly, 9 states have jumped on this bandwagon, and have agreed that their citizens’ lives are worthless. WHEN the murders begin happening that could have been stopped, I can guarantee that this will be “a case of a criminal not heeding the law to not carry a weapon” rather than what it actually is, a situation where the government caused a citizen to die by disarming them.

But enough from me, what are your thoughts?

A Question for my readers

We’re seeing more and more dystopia books and movies, futures so bleak that we almost pray for a mass extinction event rather than see that future. Well, this isn’t new, throughout history, “empires” have risen and fallen time and time again. So, I’m curious if anyone would like to see a series on some of those empires, and what we can learn from them to, at least stave off, if not avoid, their fate.