Let’s try to simplify something

You live in a very dangerous part of a very large city. In your area, there are two very active groups of people, each claiming they were the first to arrive in your city. Group A, while not passive in any way, has yet to instigate a fight, while Group B will start a fight, then when retaliation comes, they scream about innocents they specifically staged. After a while, Group B is recruited by a third party that hates Group A for some reason, and together, they wipe out more than 50% of Group A and anyone who associates with them minimally, until Groups B and C are finally stopped. The Government (City, State and National,) in response to this, officially declare a new city is formed with Group A given leadership. They decide that, rather than always fighting throughout the city, they’re going to work to fortify the city limits borders, only to have Group B constantly attack those borders, lobbing grenades at city civic centers, working to kill everyone they can.

Eventually, the city is celebrating a milestone anniversary, and Group B decides to start lobbing grenades again, but the Police are staged and ready, and stops their attacks. Following this, it’s revealed the people throwing hand grenades over fences had brought children with them and those children were hurt by the Police responding to Group B trying to blow up homes and city buildings.

In an ultra simple form, this is exactly what happened yesterday. The Israeli people have, for centuries, claimed Israel as their home. The surrounding countries, the majority of citizens being Muslim, do not dispute that both lines are descended from Abraham. The Israelis, citing historical documents, show that Abraham left all he had, land, money, etc, to Isaac, his second child and only child by his wife. Ishmael was born to a servant, and later cast out, but they claim simply because Ishmael was older, Abraham’s wishes must be disregarded.

In the 1930’s and 1940’s, many Muslim countries sided with Nazi Germany and helped kill as many Jewish people as possible. When Hitler was defeated in 1945, the U.N. gave the land now known as Israel to the Jewish people to form a nation, and instantly, Israel fell under attack by people demanding the Jews give up their homes, and ultimately, their lives. This, to me, shows two types of delusional attitude. First, the people demanding Israel be utterly destroyed and all Jews killed, not only actively deny that the Holocaust happened, but also that their ancestors didn’t take part in it. On the other side of the coin, the very people crying over “innocent protesters” being harmed when the IDF responds to attacks by those “protesters” are the same ones who demand the U.N. be obeyed without question, yet when told the U.N. created Israel and now those who are attacking Israel are defying the U.N.’s orders for Israel to be created 70 years go, just shake their heads and demand Israel give up everything because they don’t like them.

In short, above you see the modern liberal, someone who can demand an un-elected and un-accountable body be obeyed, then demand that body was wrong 70 years ago and now should not be obeyed, but only in part. These are the same people who demand that charity is something people should do more, but who fight tax cuts because “people aren’t charitable, so the government must be,” yet pointing out that being taxed to the point I can barely feed my family means I can’t be charitable only gets a dirty look as if to say “so what, you’re evil, starve and give away what little you have.”

The unspoken truth is very simple, the very people screaming about tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness, are the ones who are the most intolerant, non-diverse, and who will exclude all who don’t praise them 24/7. So the question is this, and it’s very simple, do you stand with a country that stopped a violent terror attack, or with the terrorists who attacked? Are you a liberal, or do you recognize that you can’t reason with terrorists or criminals, and letting them have their way by disarming and removing protections, only creates more victims.

Netanyahu said it best – If Palestine laid down their weapons today, there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons today, there would be no Israel.