Something we should have expected

So, by now the world has seen what happened at the Pennsylvania rally for President Trump. There are reports that the building wasn’t properly cleared, that people in the crowd were all but screaming that someone was on the roof who were ignored, and ultimately that the person on said roof was “neutralized.” Well, the video below shows that now we have someone claiming he is actually Thomas Michael Crooks and that the one Secret Service took down was “the wrong guy.”

Now, “oddly” every time I see this video, be it on IG, X, Meta, Tiktok, or elsewhere, it’s quickly taken down for “violating community guidelines.” I posted it myself on TikTok, tagging a man who is law enforcement, asking if he’d seen it. It was quickly removed for “civil and election integrity” and “harassment and bullying,” but restored without the appeal being noted as resolved. Today, it’s down again, but only a warning, but taken down for “extremism.” I only say “oddly” because it’s very predictable.

Liberals are running with every single narrative they can, from “Trump just fell, it was nothing” to “it was a registered Republican” to “look, that shirt is from a youtube channel that’s not liberal” and in doing so, they’re contradicting themselves left, right, and center. They’ve also begun asking if Trump somehow set it all up, and thus, can they charge him for the bystanders being hurt or worse.

A DNC Representative has “fired a staffer” who posted that the person needed lessons, a school counselor has also posted something like that, while they ignore that Rep Massie (a democrat) tried to completely remove Secret Service protection just a few months ago, then very very recently, Biden said to “put a bullseye on” the Trump campaign, which is hypocritical at best as the DNC cried when a GOP campaign used that image to note campaigns where Democrats should be VOTED OUT, not attacked. Maxine Waters said to “get in their faces, push back, let them know they’re not welcome anywhere,” while Harris helped bail out rioters, and others said they “don’t know why there aren’t uprisings in the streets.”

Now, I doubt many, if any, Democrats, read this blog, but I would love to know how you defend Waters, Harris, and others, with actual violent rhetoric, but then jump to “we aren’t violent, that was a saying, Trump set this up, it was a Republican, it’s not our fault we hate you and radicalized people act on it, it’s your fault.” I know you actually believe the “but if you just became our slaves, surrender all rights we don’t support you having, criminals would vanish from Earth” but honestly, that’s just more proof we need asylums everywhere to treat your mental disorder.

Pray for our country, for President Trump and his family, and that the world will turn to Christ, rejecting the evil that permeates our world. I know, as a Christian, that the world will descend further and further into darkness, but at the end of all of that, Christ is going to return and end this chapter of human history. Then, after he reigns for a millennium on Earth, after all humans are judged by God, eternity will begin. The only question left is very simple, where will you spend eternity.

Make no mistake, hell is very real, but it’s not what you’ve seen on TV or in movies, or what you’ve read in books. Hell, simply put, is total and complete separation from God, your creator. Whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe in Christianity or not, you feel that spark of connection to God. Hell is the removal of that spark, and that will be utter torment. The Lake Of Fire is reserved for the devil, his puppet tyrant, and the false prophet, and Satan does not rule hell, he’s an inmate too. Turn to Christ now, before it’s too late.