Tuesday thoughts

First off, for anyone who follows me on Twitter, you’ll have seen me say I was “literally almost repeating ‘I’m not allowed to think for you’ already” earlier. If you follow me or just check in from time to time, you’ll have guessed I work directly with clients/customers, and have for most of my working life, but something has changed. When I was in High School, and just after that, we didn’t get many, if any, “I want to talk to the manager” moments, or people saying stuff like “I’ll have you fired” or the like. Now, it’s almost daily I have someone say I was rude or unhelpful for not doing their work for them, or not being magical and just able to “make it work.” I’ve discussed this more than once, and I see the reason for this as being the coddling in education since the mid-late 1990’s. Growing up if I didn’t do my homework, my teacher called my parents and they all tried to enforce the idea that I would fail and be held back if I didn’t. No test I took, save the SAT for some reason, gave any points for just putting my name on the test. I had a teacher who gave a test where the points didn’t total 100 because there were an odd number that wouldn’t work out any way she tried. Today, students would argue they “have a right” to the points that can’t be earned by a question, but just over 20 years ago, the teacher flat out told the class “you only get the points that are missing, if you get every question right.” Basically, saying you have to get 100% to get 100%, and nobody complained, well not much anyway. Today we have students demanding free A’s or other special treatment because the teacher won’t let them goof off, saying they’re “being stifled” by being told to pay attention and do the work!

Unfortunately, this has now led us to where we have an entire generation raised on “everyone’s just as good as everyone else” or “nobody fails, you just succeed differently,” which are great messages for toddlers and Kindergarten students, where almost everything taught in school is socialization. Three to five year olds just need to learn to sit still, to interact with others politely, to mind someone who isn’t their parent, they aren’t learning much beyond that. Math class is about recognizing numbers, geometry about knowing a square from a triangle, and so on and so forth. Hell, that’s how it was when I was in Kindergarten, thirty six years ago! That’s why many schools still only do most Kindergarten classes as half day classes. They know that five year olds aren’t ready for all day at a desk and such, they’re only there to learn how to learn, not much else. First through about third or fourth grade are similar, just lessening in the similarity as the children grow. You start with simple math and such, adding on subtraction, multiplication, division, as you grow. You don’t get into reading much more than Good Night Moon until you’ve mastered a simple sentence, you don’t learn cursive writing until you’re able to write in block letters legibly, or at least that’s how it was. Today, we could all communicate in only cursive and we’d have adults unable to tell what we were saying! Those are the people demanding their “right” to this or that, and reacting as if slapped when asked why they have a right to something that no one else has a right to.

The very people who were rarely or never told no are the very people who will keep saying “I told you, I’m getting an error” and then say you’re rude when you finally snap and say “I am sorry, but I cannot just go on “getting an error,” I need to know what the error is and what you’re trying to do when you get it.” Or the people who say you lied when you tell them that a “same day” service means within 24 hours, not a calendar day, when they complain that they ordered same day service at 2358 and at 0001 it wasn’t done. We are at a crossroads, with one path continuing on the road of “nobody is ever wrong, it’s just their truth” and ultimate doom, and the other, more difficult, path being one where we force people to accept that “their truth” is not the truth, that they cannot demand the world cater to them, and that when they don’t get their way, crying and throwing fits will only land them in trouble. That path includes arresting hundreds when they riot because their candidate lost, or a group invites someone to a private function. It includes charging and prosecuting people who destroy public property or harass people because they weren’t given special treatment. And it definitely includes forcibly educating these adults as to how wrong they are on many things.

That image was, by all reports, shown at the end of a recent Big Bang Theory episode for less than 3 seconds. Chuck Lorre is known for putting something at the end of his shows, but until now, nothing as partisan or almost violent as this. In this one, Lorre all but orders God to kill all who don’t vote Democrat. This is, honestly, a bit tame by comparison, as other celebrities have actually called for violence and even murder, but it’s just more of the same from ultra liberal Hollywood. The very people who denigrate and mock people of faith for their faith, later demand God obey them and harm those they call crazy for having faith. Even in the part of that message where Lorre appears to say “If you choose to let the GOP win” he uses language you would use with a small child like saying “if you want to be a bad boy/girl and not clean your room…” as if to say he knows best and God must do as he says to.

This will, also, have a detrimental affect on the show, and those working on it, rather than just putting their name on it. Granted, from what I know, the actors, and likely most of the staff, are also very liberal, but that’s beside the point. Like ABC firing Roseanne Barr and then killing her character in the new show, people decided they would never watch again, and ABC only grudgingly admitted that it was their choice that led to this. Big Bang Theory will see the same, to some extent, as people who once watched every time it was on, now decide they won’t watch something made by a man who hates them to the core. We’ve seen this everywhere for more than two years now. Kaepernick starts kneeling during the national anthem, and viewership and ticket sales for that team, then the NFL as a whole, go way down. Starbucks announces that anyone can use either restroom, that they’ll hire “refugees” over Veterans, and that their bathrooms are, for all intents and purposes, open to homeless addicts to use to shoot up in, and their sales go down. Denny’s and Target announce that anyone who has a license to carry a firearm isn’t welcome and sales plummet. Target and Starbucks have cancelled expansion plans, while companies like Black Rifle Coffee can’t keep things in stock after people heard their philosophy of preferring to hire Veterans, and not hiring those not legally allowed to work in the country. Small, local businesses saw sales rise as chains saw the opposite, although Chick-Fil-A bucks the trend, and despite repeated demands from one liberal or another for a boycott, for the company to be wiped from the Earth, they rake in record profits due to superior food, service, and a philosophy of treating everyone the same.

Finally, the latest outrage, President Trump has hinted he may address “birthright citizenship” via Executive Order. For those who don’t know, the 14th Amendment, ratified on 9 July 1868, states “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any peson of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” It goes on to address representation and other topics, but that is what is being discussed. Naturally, we have people saying that anyone here is “subject to the jurisdiction” but that isn’t true. Being “subject to the jurisdiction” is not being held responsible under the law for your actions, it’s actually more in line with “being a subject of” such as citizens of Britain are “subjects of the Monarchy.” The United States is literally the only country on the planet where someone born of non citizens is automatically a citizen because of where they are born. Others are using dual citizenship to suggest birthright citizenship is commonplace, but ignoring that to be a dual citizen (which the US requires you to choose from at the age of 18, as non-citizens may not serve in the military or vote,) requires your parents to be citizens of the respective countries.

The 14th Amendment though, was not written to address everyone born within our borders though, but to address the newly freed slaves. Democrats at the time had already succeeded in their “separate but equal” BS, and their 3/5ths Vote idiocy, but they weren’t satisfied. They were arguing that children of slaves weren’t citizens by right, as they didn’t want them voting when they came of age, but the amendment settled it, to the dismay of the Democrats then and now, albeit for different reasons. You see, the Democrats today are watching as person after person abandons their party of hate, racism, and control, so they must replace them. Sadly, they see this and don’t think “why are they leaving, what can we do to keep them happy?” Rather, they think “they can’t leave, we have a right to rule,” and now demand that anyone and everyone be allowed to enter the country, draw benefits they’ve never contributed to funding, and vote. It’s a very simple situation, people are literally storming to our border, ignoring our Embassies and Consulates, where they should be going if they are truly seeking asylum, while demanding we “just let them in.” We know that there are mostly men in the group, not “women and children fleeing oppression,” we know that terrorists and other criminals have been found and shown to be in the group, and we know that they are not “fleeing oppression” as if they were truly oppressed in Honduras, they’d not have been allowed to just walk out. With President Trump’s move to send the Military to the border and to address birthright citizenship, the DNC is showing it’s true colors, those being that they demand obedience and subservience.

So, the ultimate question of the day is fairly simple, are you a servant or a citizen? Will you continue to support people who pray for your death, who order you to welcome those who will harm you in many ways, and who openly call you horrible and evil? Or, will you stand up and tell them you will not be ruled, you will not be controlled, and you will not give power to those who do not deserve it? Every citizen must vote for the Republic to survive, and while I will tell you I voted all GOP this election, I know I cannot force you to vote one way or the other. I can only tell you that Democrats have openly stated that, if given control of Congress, they will raise your taxes, overthrow the President by any means, open our borders to the world, and far more aimed at total control over all they can. So, it’s a vote for freedom or oppression, I know which I choose, and I will die on my feet before living on my knees.

“Believe women” is the new “obey me”

We’ve heard nothing else for weeks, just “believe women” from liberal after liberal, but when you bring up the woman who, 20 or so years ago, Cory Booker admitted groping, while drunk, after she pushed him away, or Bill Clinton, or Weinstein, you’re shouted down. Why must women who accuse some men “just be believed” while others could create time travel and show you the assault, and they would be silenced? The answer is, sadly, very simple, power and control.

The Democrats held power for so long, they firmly believe it’s now their right to control the country. They call tax cuts “theft of public resources,” they call border security racist, and they have nothing but lies and hate to back them up. Ford, through the entire hearing, gave no details, while everyone she said was there has no recollection of the party even happening, the house is even in question due to the layout being wrong, but we “just have to believe her.”

After the testimony, they cried and wailed about “needing” another FBI investigation, and had their sycophants threaten a Senator in an elevator until he agreed with them, but now that the FBI has stated they cannot find ANYTHING to corroborate Ford’s story, it was “rushed” or “rigged” or “too fast” or “too limited.” Every stall tactic, every accusation, every demand for obedience is just another step in their war to destroy the Constitution. They decry partisanship while praising a woman so partisan she should be the face of the DNC who has been on the court almost longer than I’ve been alive!

The answer is very simple, and like 1982, we are likely to see a paradigm shift in American politics. Reagan, despite the DNC starting the day he was elected to find something, anything, to impeach him for, he galvanized a country, put people he needed in Congress, won re-election by landslide, and went on to preside over an economy that we may see finally bested, and the DNC can’t stand that their politics of division, racism, sexism, and hate, aren’t able to just give them power back.

So, will you stand with the people demanding you bow to them and submit fully, or will you stand as a citizen and refuse to be their pawn? The people seen “protesting” are the same every time, they pay for large crowds, smiling when celebrities join them, but it’s still less than 1% of most city populations, let alone a state or the country. They crow over their numbers, and demand “see, so many want this, you must” while ignoring that real people can’t just drop everything and go to DC to protest for days on end. Make no mistake, the DNC hates anyone who doesn’t obey them, and will work, until kicked out of office, to crush those people under their boot, will you bow for them or stand freely?

The danger of setting a precedent without thought

The recent confirmation hearings and Senate testimony from Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford prove, once again, that the U.S. Congress needs a large dose of common sense re-introduced. The Democrats, with their attack dog protesters, are quickly trying to set a precedent that mere allegations, with or without proof, are enough to fully convict someone, while at the same time fighting against that very situation for Rep. Keith Ellison, who is accused of abusing his ex-girlfriend in MN. The differences in these situations couldn’t be more stark, as Ellison’s ex has a police report, hospital reports, and more, but because she cannot provide video proof that he beat her, Ellison is all but exhonerated and apologized to, while Kavanaugh has multiple people, named as witnesses by Dr. Ford, who refute her story and support him, but is still ordered to step down from the nomination, and just give in.

The U.S. Justice system, formed after watching for generations as Kings and Queens just demanded someone be imprisoned or killed, was founded on the presumption of innocence, or “Innocent until Proven Guilty,” which ensures that you can’t just accuse someone and ruin their lives, although that happens more often today than previous generations, as we seem to hear at least a few stories a year about man released from prison after the woman who accused him of rape/sexual assault, or some other heinous crime, is found to have lied, but even after release little changes and his life is still in ruins.

So the question is how do we stop this trend, and the answer is both very simple and very complicated. Matt Damon, who just portrayed Kavanaugh as a man not fit to sweep floors, once stated that today, due to social media, if someone accused him of something he did not do, especially near a movie release, he would “go scorched earth” and would spend “$10,000,000 and ten years in court” to defend himself, yet he demands Kavanaugh just give in and let the liberals win, because he wants a liberal/socialist on the bench.

In the short term we cannot give in when fought against, and must force the light of day to expose the people who demand that just being accused is enough, but we also must fight to ensure those on the liberal side of the fence, who are credibly accused of something, or in the case of Cory Booker, who admit it in print, are held to their own standards. Ellison, until proven guilty, is presumed innocent, yes, but the current DNC stand is that “credible accusations” mean you must step down and allow the investigation to finish, so Ellison should resign from the House and withdraw from the race in MN for AG. Booker, who has admitted he groped a girl in the 90’s, after she pushed him away, should resign from office and never run again.

Only when liberals are forcibly held to their own standards will we finally see their true “rules are for you, not me” attitude come out. The people who embraced “all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others” as something to work toward will fight you tooth and nail to stop you enforcing the laws they feel they are above, but as long as they’re fighting that, they’re exposing their disdain for the very country they serve, and give you more and more evidence and ammunition to use against them to free the country from the grip of would be tyrants.