I never thought it would happen to me…..

Just over two months ago, I lost my job, ostensibly for attendance, but as that all happened in a timeframe that, where I in management, would have been a first then second level warning (verbal then written) I could not help but think, why so fast. Beginning in 2016 in earnest, although when really considering this, it began in 2009, conservatives, Christians, and white men, have been the target of so many segments of society, it’s hard to ignore. An image went viral more than once in the early part of the 2010’s, showing a Priest, alone at a table eating, while topless women screamed at him, appearing also to have thrown food on him, as he simply sits there. Since then, attacks have only worsened, to the point where, in the last several months, a pastor in Washington I believe, was brutally attacked, his Bible destroyed, and parts of it thrown into the fecal pool of a portable toilet.

The mainstream media, since 2016, has worked overtime to categorize riots as “mostly peaceful protest,” with one very well known personality on CNN (Chris Cuomo) openly saying “show me where it says protests should be peaceful” then crying and acting as if he was brutally attacked when people simply sent him screenshots and other images of the text of the First Amendment, which clearly says “peacefully protest” when addressing that right. Being a conservative, white, Christian male, I have known for some time that my beliefs and politics are such that many, if not most, around me on a daily basis would openly hate me if I let them be known. Until the last year, I was rarely, if ever, on Facebook, and my other social media did not use my name or image, so as to allow me to watch and read stories without fear of being targeted.

Even recently, when I returned to Facebook, I did not openly scream my politics. It isn’t difficult to know where I stand on issues, but I never spoke ill of anyone I worked with, never said that anyone should hide their beliefs or politics, yet, just over two months ago, I lost my job. Within a matter of hours, the person who had been my immediate supervisor was commenting on a post I’d made on Facebook, all but saying in direct words, that I was completely wrong about a political issue, when I know for a fact I was not. SCOTUS nominees have, sadly, been asked for more than 20 years, to state how they will rule on a given issue. Having watched this since the early 90’s, when Clarence Thomas was viciously attacked by liberals in Congress, none have done so, instead saying they would rule based on the Constitution. Some said that precedent should be taken into account, but even then, none have said they will “simply uphold precedent,” something that should not be done simply to uphold a former ruling.

I have watched over the last year as Conservative actors, musicians, athletes, and others, have been attacked, many losing their jobs. A coach who simply walked to the 50 yard line, alone, after games, to silently pray on his own, was fired for his faith. He never even mentioned what he was going to do, never even said “if you want to, you can join” to anyone. But as students who shared his faith, or simply respected him, joined him after games, people who think the First Amendment means Christians must remain silent worked to destroy him. A baker in Colorado who despite the media coverage, did not refuse service to an LGBTQ couple, but simply said he would not create a custom cake for them, was sued repeatedly, the couple demanding he violate his faith to create their cake, at one point even stating they “have a right” to the cake they want. When he won, they appealed time and time again, proving their goal was to force obedience. When others pointed out they drove far out of their way, this was when they would say it was “their right” to have what they wanted.

I never believed I would be a victim of this new movement in the US, even working where I was mocked for having a conversation about motorcycles with a man at a bar while waiting on co-workers, because this man wore a Reagan/Bush ’84 shirt. The person who mocked me also openly used the phrase “Orange Hitler,” and despite my holding a degree in history, with certification to teach history, having had relatives who fought in WWII, and knowing who Adolph Hitler was, I refrained from saying anything. Personally, I thought “remaining professional” and sticking to work related topics would ensure I did not have any negative things happen. Apparently though, my refusal to engage in that conversation, either giving that person ammunition to get me fired, or agreeing with them, was the ammunition needed. When “Orange Hitler” was said, I ignored it, when I was mocked for talking about bikes with a man because of his shirt, I ignored it, and left soon after, not wishing to sit around drinking anyway, but especially not with someone who would do that.

Today, I had a hearing about unemployment benefits, as I cannot find work even approaching the salary I lost, deciding to pursue further education to allow for my finding work which would keep me near that salary, or above it. Until today, all I would be told is that my claim was denied, that I was let go for cause. My former employer, however, did not attend the hearing, which to me says “we will not object.” I was honest, and yes, I spoke about the fact that I firmly believe I was targeted for my politics. I did, just after filing the appeal that led to today’s hearing, notify my former employer of my feelings. I am hopeful that this is what led to today, that being that they know what happened, and no, I did not name names, as I do not wish to get even the person who mocked me openly for the politics of another person, fired. Even someone who, apparently, believes “if they wear a shirt I don’t like, no one I’m connected to may speak to them.”

What is the point of all of this? We must return to the world of logic and reason. Humans have never and will never, as groups, be homogenous in their beliefs. Even an extremely small Church with a very close congregation will see disagreements. But we should be able to disagree and still remain at least civil. The very person who mocked me and openly called a former President “Orange Hitler” would come to me for help with many parts of the job we both did, and I would regularly go to them for help in areas where I knew them to be the subject matter expert. Sadly, it appears that, even in a company that claims to be “faith based” as my former employer does, politics still rules, and conservatives are to be grateful they may work for the time deemed allowed. I implore those reading this to be adults, to be civil, and accept the simple fact that you will never agree with someone on all things. Disagreements happen, but when they do, even “agreeing to disagree” is better than ruining a life. I know that what Man means for evil, God can use for good, and I believe that will happen here, but I also cannot be silent, and feel I must work to return the US to her glory days, when people could disagree and still be friendly, or at least, civil, to each other.

MK Ultra and more

Most of us have heard the name or term MK Ultra at least a few times in our lives. Not too long ago, a movie was released called American Ultra, about a brainwashed agent who was “mistakenly activated” and hunted until he outperformed all who were sent after him, going rogue in the end. But what’s the truth about this program.

This Video shows much of what a few have seen before, and a lot of what many have not seen before about this program. For example, the MK has been explained away as many different meanings, but in truth, it is a reference to Mein Kampf, the book written by Adolf Hitler, about his “struggle” and “fight” to purify the human race. Operation Paperclip, which is well documented, and even featured in very recent pop culture (Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD) brought Nazi scientists, the same who experimented on and tortured Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, and anyone else deemed by the Nazi regime to be unworthy of a place in society, were suddenly “unwilling accomplices who were not guilty of any crimes” as they came to the US and helped advance the American agenda.

That agenda has been, until the last few years, extremely well hidden, but it is starting to come out more every year, as people escape the clutches of those controlling them, as other suffer from being unable to continue their regime of this or that, and begin to age so rapidly it’s not humanly possible, or shouldn’t be, and more. This then begs the question, why are so many taken in by the lies, and unable or unwilling to accept the truth? The simple answer is that the lie has been made to look more appealing.

Who wouldn’t want a world where information is accessible at the speed of thought, where you’re healthier, and where you don’t need all the trappings of modern society today? Who wouldn’t want a world where you don’t have war, famine, plagues, and all of the bad we see today? The problem is that such a world cannot exist outside of Heaven. God created Earth to be such a world, but Humans decided that the lie told by the serpent was truth, sinned, and fell from grace. Christ then came and paid the price for all of us, but today Satan has so many convinced that it’s all just a story, and that if they just do as he says, just surrender this freedom, just give up that little bit of your humanity, the world will be utopian.

The answer of course is that Satan is a liar. Oh, much as they portray in the Netflix series, Lucifer, Satan doesn’t directly or outright lie, but think of that first one. Adam and Eve had been told if they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they would die. Satan convinced them they wouldn’t, and when they didn’t keel over dead after taking a single bite, he crowed that he was believed. We know that they did in fact die, just years later. Satan does this so when you fall into his trap and then say “you lied to me,” he can say “did I now, or did you just want it to be true so bad you mistook what I told you” so he can blame his victims for his lies.

There is only one way to live eternally, without suffering or pain, and that is to surrender to Christ, the Creator God’s only son, who died on a cross on Calvary for all of our sins. He created us in His image, which is why Satan hates us so, he sees God’s image everywhere, and knows once it’s all over, he’ll be cast out. For the wages of sin are death, but the gift of God is eternal life.

Will you accept that gift?

Leaving YouTube

Ask any conservative on YouTube, or hell, anyone who isn’t a lock step “you must obey us or be forced to comply” liberal, and you’ll quickly learn that YouTube hates them! One of the biggest “gun-tubers,” who ensures everything is safe, and while entertaining, also educates, is never monetized on that channel, that’s Demolition Ranch, how much money does YouTube make from ads on his channel, but because he’s not anti-2A, they don’t share it?

I don’t support showing people harming others, being stupid with firearms, or advocating violence or worse, but none of that happens on his channel, nor have I shown or said anything on mine to warrant any punishment, yet I had a video where I discussed how someone turned in a sexual predator for assaulting them (not in the US) taken down for a BS reason, and just last week, one discussing Sol Pais and only after I appealed, clearly stating I did not show any graphic content, was it reinstated. Now, I know it’s most likely that I’ve pissed off a snowflake somewhere and they’re reporting everything they can, hoping to get me banned, so I’m robbing them of that pleasure, I’m moving to Rumble.

As I say in all of my videos, civil discussion is the key to debate and learning. We don’t learn from arguments, other than learning who to avoid speaking to. Yet, people still feel the need to insult and belittle, and they get blocked. I’ve personally had people threaten bodily harm on me, or worse, on Twitter, and was told it “did not violate community standards,” but my calling Joe Walsh a pansy (and he is) got me booted. YouTube allows liberals to spew their hate and worse, but a Conservative pointing out that a liberal is wrong is to be destroyed.

I will ultimately delete my videos, so I wanted to ensure that, before I leave, I ensured you have a way to find me over there. This link goes to my Class-time channel, while this link goes to what will become my SHED Talks channel, all things that aren’t Class Time videos or gaming videos, which will have their own channel if/when I begin playing something new.

Big Tech is working overtime to silence all dissent and they don’t care who they have to subjugate to accomplish their goal. I abandoned Facebook over a year ago, and haven’t looked back, Twitter now bans me within an hour of creating a new account, and I’m sure Instagram will find a reason before long. I am on Gab as Sheepdog Smokey, as well as Parler and I even joined TikTok where I am finding a LOT of patriots, and funny videos. I will always show my face and you can also know it’s me because the profile picture will be me as well, and I doubt anyone is trying to copy me, so there’s that too.

We are living in very tenuous times folks, keep your ears to the ground, eyes open, head on a swivel, and your powder dry. The day is coming when those who believe themselves above all others will demand obedience and worship, and anyone who dares defy them will be labeled an enemy of the state. That day is the day that liberty will fully be under attack, and only patriots will be able to save it.

Listen but also think

The last few days have been filled with post after post all over the web about how this or that is going to happen, no question. Everyone has their theory, and everyone is vehement in their defense of their theory, which is to be expected, but with everyone saying something different, a lot of people are going to be wrong, at least in some way.

What I will say is that I believe the lessons of Sun Tzu are being followed by some in positions of power, to such a degree, that we will never see what happens, or understand it, until long after it’s done. You see, when you have an opponent who is hell bent on your defeat, you need to have patience and use certain strategies to ensure you follow some very simple steps.

One, never show your hand, or even hint at it. I’ve never hidden the fact that I support President Donald Trump. I have watched for nearly four decades as the political divide has widened to put the Grand Canyon to shame in it’s size. In the 1980’s, the country was flourishing, so those who have, forever I believe, wanted to subjugate the country under socialism, decided to simply bide their time. The DNC convinced Reagan to grant amnesty to countless illegal immigrants by promising a border barrier, which of course, they never delivered. In 1992, Bill Clinton began their slow march to success, but was hampered by a GOP Congress on many fronts, and in 2000, George W Bush was elected and they began to bide their time again. The left has tried to impeach every GOP President since Eisenhower, but has never been successful, but in 1998, the GOP did impeach, and convict then censure, Bill Clinton, surely angering them greatly. So, they’ve been showing their hand at every turn, never hiding their goal of raising taxes, opening the border, and ensuring the American People are ruled, not governed by public servants.

In 2016, the DNC was so sure their tactics, which had worked for decades and only achieved granting them more and more power, would ensure Hillary Clinton would become President, but when that failed, they threw all caution to the wind. Members of the DNC openly called for violence, others simply ignored it while they lied about it when forced, to the point that the current ticket has a VP Candidate that actually said the White House is “our rightful place,” admitting that they truly believe only they may ever be President and VP. 2020 has only served to further their descent into open tyranny, with their supporters preventing anyone from observing vote counting, boarding up windows, hundreds of thousands of votes are “found” in the wee hours of the morning, and 100% of those go to their candidate, judges throw out challenges, all leading to one thing, this ends up at the Supreme Court, which explains why they fought so hard to ensure Trump never managed to put anyone on that bench.

But what happens if you don’t show your hand? Simply, you let your opponent make all the mistakes, they fall into every pot hole, and when it’s all said and done, they are exposed and easily stopped. President Donald Trump attended a military high school as a teen, no matter if he served in the military after or not is irrelevant. Having studied History to the point of earning a degree, having been AFJROTC in high school, and specifically studying Military History as a subject, I know he would have learned the lessons of Sun Tzu. His adult life, turning a loan of $1,000,000 into a business empire worth over $4,000,000,000 in roughly 50 years, simply, shows a ruthless side that ensures he will not be beaten unless it’s a fair fight, which this certainly is not!

When this fully plays out, we will have concrete proof of all fraud, we will see powerful people held accountable for their crimes, and sadly, we will see a time of heightened unrest. The DNC, and even some foreign countries, are threatening military action if “Trump refuses to leave office,” but they forget two things. First, the US Military swears to uphold and defend the US Constitution, not a person, and second, the US Military is the strongest in the world! Trump has brought MANY Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines home from battlefields that, only 4 years ago, Democrats demanded they come home from, until Trump started doing it, and they demanded endless wars all over the planet. The National Guard is, at it’s core, a non-military force, or para-military force if you will. But, they swear on their State Constitution and on the US Constitution, and if called to Federal Service, are instantly in the Army or Air Force (or other service depending on their state, Texas has only Army and Air National Guard,) and beholden to their oath alone.

If either candidate, with the amount of evidence we have now, let alone more, declares victory and calls for the process to stop and their declaration be obeyed, commits, simply, treason! Should Joe Biden, despite challenges in courts in multiple states, SCOTUS orders to allow observers (so far) in PA, declare victory and call for the system to just obey him, that is an attempt to overthrow the government by claiming to control it, and that is treason. There is only one punishment for treason, I’ll let you look that up. How does that happen though? To publicly carry out said punishment would, quite simply, throw such a firework into a powder keg situation, that the country would be burning in minutes. But, to quietly address all of the issues, then release just enough information, with people “withdrawing from society” or something else happening, well, that’s easily accepted. I cannot firmly speak to the John McCain situation, other than there is evidence he personally handled the now proven false Steele dossier, meaning he was part of an attempt to remove a duly elected President, and his sudden health issues and death, well, it’s not beyond belief that something happened we’ll not know about, nor will even our great great great grandchildren, only decades or centuries after something like that could it be admitted, if even then.

Look at the JFK situation, where so many people question the event, but the official documents are still sealed, or what was released was so vague, no one knows still. My parents were in middle school on 22 November 1963, both believe, as I do, that “something was rotten in the State of Denmark” that day. Were someone to release undeniable proof that they’ve been right for 57 years ago, well, many would demand severe punishment for all those still alive who were involved. That alone would throw the government into chaos no matter if they do it or not, that is not something either side should want.

Summing up this rant, I will never tell you to not look at every angle of a situation, nor would I tell you this person or that person is wrong and I’m right, but I will tell you to think about all angles, research everything, and make up your own mind. Sadly, with the situations today, I’ll also say to be prepared to defend yourself, have the tools and skills needed already in place, keep your head on a swivel, and be aware of everything, that is often the difference in a situation going your way or not.

Eyes open, and remember, God is in control!

Could you really survive if you bugged out?

I’ve seen many people on social media in the last few months talking about their bug out bag, or plans if they have to live in the woods, and with very few exceptions, I just have to laugh. Warrior Poet Society posted a video on YouTube that was amazingly informative for anyone who’s thinking along these lines, it boils down to one thing, 99% of people will be raided by those with the skills to do so. Your “arsenal” will go to them, as will your food, water, and so on.

There will, honestly, be three or four groups of people if society truly crumbles. First, you’ll have those with the skills to survive, either working as a team to protect wherever they fortify, or alone, so far from people, you’ll never even smell them. Two, the raiders, they’ll fortify a location, and raid for supplies. Three, the victims, those raided, some will go with the raiders to join their collective, others will be left without anything. And finally, the slaves, those who refuse to leave until it’s too late, stuck in a major city where warlords will rule.

So, the question is which will you be. Honestly, it would be hard to be the first type, as that would include the possibility of leaving everyone in your life behind. I know I couldn’t do that, but thankfully, my parents, nephew, brother and future sister in law would be coming with me. There are others who would refuse, but honestly, they cut me and my other family out of their lives a while back. My Father taught us how to catch fish, snare a rabbit, grow vegetables, collect water, build a shelter, make fire without a match, and how to fight, starting at a young age. I know that, even if alone, I would have food, water, and shelter, which are all you really “need” to survive, not to mention the tools and training to ensure I am not attacked and stolen from. When coupled with my plan to be so far from people, I fade from memory, I believe I could last a while.

The point of this isn’t to be morbid or otherwise scare you. I could be happy just sitting in my tent and listening to nature, or watching YouTube, but many couldn’t, they “need” their tech. The purpose is a thought experiment. Could you, if you had to, walk away from your comfortable home (if you couldn’t fortify and defend it) and survive long time, outside of society?

Is the DNC as we knew it gone?

Every election since I’ve been able to understand what’s going on, I’ve watched Republicans and Democrats go at it hammer and tongs to win a Congressional seat, Governorship, or other office. In the 1980, as I’ve learned as I was 3 that year, Ronald Reagan asked “Are you better off now than four years ago,” and the country resoundingly said no. In 1984 Walter Mondale tried the same trick, and the country said yes, and re-elected Reagan. 1988 saw George HW Bush elected on Reagan’s coat tails, but in 1992, back to form, Bill Clinton pointed out little things, like Bush’s “read my lips, no new taxes” promise, then how Congress had raised taxes, even if Bush had signed the bill. He was charismatic, looking like a man you’d invite over for dinner and game night, and of course, won. This has always been, until now, how I’ve seen Democrats. They pander to every group, saying what they know that group wants to hear, no matter if they contradict themselves when with other groups, and the media ensures their lies and flip flopping are as invisible as possible.

2008 saw Barack Obama use the same tactics against McCain/Palin, saying what people wanted to hear, like “yes we can” or “hope and change,” how he’d make sure everyone had health care, talking about the Republican Party as if they were the most horrible bigots on the planet, just not in those words. His allies in the DNC and media, as always, hyped him more than any celebrity, ignoring their blatant attacks on Sarah Palin, as they claim to be the “party of women,” and Obama/Biden won. 2012 saw Romney/Ryan, with the same tactics, using Romney gaffes or Ryan’s youth against them, saying anything and everything, and they won again.

But 2016 changed everything, and Hillary Clinton, like Al Gore in 2000, lost the Electoral College and thus, the race. The 2000 election saw Al Gore, who is not known for being personable, yell and rant at people, making wild claims about “inventing the internet,” or how the world would end in 10 years if he wasn’t elected, and it didn’t. Then 2016 saw Hillary Clinton, the first female Presidential candidate, with a running mate who’s son is a criminal, who had said “what difference does it make” when speaking about her failure to help US diplomats when a US Embassy was attacked and those diplomats tortured and killed. Every statement she made demonized all who would not bow to her, showed her disdain for even those who would vote for her, or dodged questions when anyone dared to ask anything that would expose her.

Now, in 2020, former VP Joe Biden was declared the DNC nominee after almost no voting in the DNC primary, and Senator Kamala Harris, a woman who all but demanded he kiss her feet during debates early on, is his VP nominee. Biden won’t leave his home due to “fearing Coronavirus” while Harris pledges to raise taxes and return to paying off terrorists. Everything is about how “racist” or “sexist” Donald Trump is, and every statement is wrong. Donald Trump has never shown any racist tendencies, hires women to top positions in his administration, and has condemned violence, leaving the “media” to have to selectively edit his clips, leaving out where he directly said he was not referring to white supremacists when he said “good people” were on “both sides” of an issue. Many Democrats went on TV demanding he “denounce the white supremacists” ignoring that he had said he deplores violence from any side, until he denounced, by name, white supremacists and antifa. That was too far though, as antifa are DNC pawns.

So now we see Kenosha all but a pile of ash, Portland almost 90 days of constant riots, and only when polls start showing that Biden is being hurt by the DNC and Media LYING about the violence from liberals, do they say that Biden must denounce the riots and blame Trump. Honestly, at this point, I firmly expect to hear that it’s too dangerous due to Covid19 and the riots, to hold an election, so “The House of Representatives will do their duty and vote on behalf of the country,” and when that fails, there will be calls for Martial Law to “ensure the safety of all” by subjugating everyone. I don’t know that this will happen in my life, but make no mistake, the DNC are the party that read 1984 and took it as instructions, they read Fahrenheit 451 and agreed that banning any book they don’t personally approve of is to be done, and they will soon be the party that read Brave New World and will decide they will begin engineering citizens into castes, and keep those castes drugged.

Is this the country, the future, you want?

Next verse, same as the first!

It’s only Tuesday and I’m already feeling the urge to scream for multiple reasons, which seems to be the norm for me now. I’ve taught elementary, middle and high school in my adult life, and even dealing with moody teens and making them pay attention to boring lectures is easier than what I do and have to deal with daily these days. Primarily, you see me on Twitter, replying to people who have something so totally wrong as to be laughable, but the fact that so many of them block, mute, or defend their statements proves the same thing, that we have a crisis of education in this country. Recently, Jim Acosta was at a White House press briefing, when he was told by the President that he was done, and to relinquish the microphone, after which he laid hands on a young female intern, which led to the revocation of his hard pass to the White House. A hard pass just allows someone to access the White House without applying each day for a Press Pass, yet CNN and Acosta are suing, alleging that his not having unfettered access to a private residence and someone’s place of work violates the Fifth Amendment, which is insane. The Fifth Amendment does not address the press, access to any location, or anything of the sort. Rather, it protects American Citizens from being prosecuted for certain crimes without a Grand Jury, or when it involves the Military or Militia, double jeopardy and self incrimination. The last line also states that you cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process, or your land taken for public use without fair payment.

It’s very likely that CNN and Acosta will claim the hard pass being revoked is property being taken, but it is not the property of the person using it, it is a privilege, but remains property of the person granting it. Acosta can still, each day, request a Press Pass, but he doesn’t like that, as he believes himself to be the whole of the free press, and above the rules.

With the world watching as Broward County Florida tries to manufacture a DNC win, it’s no surprise that Acosta thinks this, as he’s been praised by those working to steal power, and given power when they hold office, leading to his sense of entitlement. Foreign leaders, ironically those who are presiding over a country being invaded then attacked from within, order the United States to open our borders and allow anyone in without any questions, others tell us our rights must be surrendered, and far more, all the while those who sit in lofty positions, guarded by what they call evil, order us to obey those we did not elect. This must stop, or this country will fall in our lifetime, and this can happen if the crisis of education is addressed. For adults who are woefully ignorant, we must constantly educate them as to their ignorance. Be that by providing resources, such as sending copies of the Constitution, or just other items, which prove them wrong, while children must be educated properly, which involves removing teachers who are not performing, while rewarding those who do. If that happens, the number of children spouting off about things and being wrong then attacking those correcting them will decline, or should. This will have other effects as well. As you may know, I work in Customer Service at the moment, and at least two or three times every day, I’m asked how to do something, and I reply with a detailed list of steps, in almost all cases, numbered and presented on separate lines, only to be asked, basically, “but how do I do that?” If you were asked how to watch a movie on a computer, and replied with

1 – Turn on the computer
2 – Open Google Chrome
3 – Enter www.netflix.com in the address bar and press enter
4 – Log in
5 – Find the preferred movie by searching or clicking the tile on the main website
6 – click the icon at bottom right to enter full screen if desired
7 – Enjoy your movie

What would you say if asked, “OK, but how do I watch a movie online?” This scenario is also why I say I won’t be surprised to see, in my lifetime, a store such as Best Buy sued for not serving someone lunch, or someone sue a business because they were arrested for public indecency because they asked where the restrooms are, are told they’re in the back, then the person goes outside and urinates on the parking lot, then claims “they told me the wrong place!” Yes, I know these are extreme and insane scenarios, but the entitlement mentality is so pervasive, it really is only a matter of time before someone truly believes they have a right to be right, and when Best Buy won’t cook them a steak, or when they decide “nope, the parking lot is the toilet” and are told they’re wrong, they believe it’s an actual attack on their person. You only need to look at social media to see the beginnings of this. Saturday afternoon, I found a story about Sarah Silverman saying she’s “surprised Trump doesn’t make her wear a Star of David.” Naturally, I called her out for her idiocy, then I was told I must delete that tweet, which “engaged in targeted harassment” or I could not use Twitter any more. When I challenged this with Twitter, they simply deleted it for me then said I had to wait 13 hours before I could use Twitter again. We are now firmly into the world where liberals believe being told they’re wrong is “illegal” or “racism” or “sexism,” and Conservatives are hit daily with suspensions or bans for doing that. David Hogg (from Parkland) regularly just outright lies about someone or something, and when he’s corrected, he cries that he’s being bullied. Emma Gonzalez admitted she took part in bullying Cruz, who later attacked the school, then she cries about “being bullied” by those who ask her why she felt it was OK to bully someone.

We need a strong dose of reality and tough love or this country is doomed. Children caught lying about anything must be called out, and when they cry that you’re bullying them, you need to stand firm and remind them that “proving you wrong is not bullying, it’s using the truth.” When they cry about “their truth” reply with “well, my truth is that there is only the truth, and that means you’re still wrong.” Use their crap against them, don’t back down, because if we don’t stand firm and fight for what’s right, we will lose it all.

Thoughts on this Super Tuesday

We hear a lot today about how this or that is horrible, or racist, or sexist, or some other word that makes you hate it. What we don’t hear is why. Just over a month ago, we had a woman who couldn’t remember when, where, or who, but insisted that Justice Kavanaugh had groped, no wait, it was worse that than, wait, no, it was raped, her. Sitting Democrats actually said, officially, that the burden of proof is on the accused to prove their innocence, knowing that you can’t prove you didn’t “do something, somewhere, sometime 36 years ago.” Since then, at least one, if not more, of the allegations are now known to be false, with two of the other accusers referred to the Department of Justice after it’s learned they lied about their own allegations, yet we still have celebrities crying and demanding that everyone “believe women” even with more and more cases being brought to light showing that charges were lied about. I’ve personally heard people say that they don’t care if one person who was innocent has their life ruined, we just have to believe all rape accusations, while another has said that no accusation is false, if a woman says it, she is to be believed, no question. Why are we in a world where, after being accused of domestic abuse, Keith Ellison can run for Attorney General of his state, or after evidence comes to light proving he groped a girl against her will, Cory Booker is still a Senator, but an unprovable allegation against Kavanaugh is to be believed without question?

The answer, sadly, is very simple, control. The DNC has had power for years, 2009 to 2017 being where they held the White House, and they are now convinced they are the only people alive who know anything of value, and that they are to rule over the planet. When you listen to their rhetoric, they admit that doing this or that won’t do what they tell their supporters it will, but they’re going to do it anyway, and when it’s not enough, they’ll move further and further toward an Orwellian society. House candidate Ocasio-Cortez, wearing her expensive clothes everywhere she can, talks about being “for the common worker,” but when asked how she’ll pay the trillions needed for “Medicare for all” she literally said “just pay for it.” We know that this will bankrupt the country, because the people calling for it also want to let everyone into the country, meaning “Medicare for all” is now “free” healthcare for the world, paid for by US Citizens.

Abrams, in Georgia, has stated she wants to ban the AR-15 rifle, and has not commented about whether or not she’ll order confiscation, yet I’m all but screamed at every week that “nobody is going to come take your guns” by her supporters. We have mountains of records from the FBI and other sources, proving that “mass shooters” and other criminals do not prefer the AR-15, yet “journalists” are now all but marketing it as just that. More than one state actually ruled that the .223 caliber bullet is “too weak” to be humane when hunting, and I will admit that the .223 or even 5.56 round is not what I would pick to hunt with unless given no other options. There are so many calibers that are more powerful, yet we’re inundated with “the AR-15 is evil” on a daily basis. When Rep Scalise was shot, we didn’t hear much at all about the rifle used, just that it was a single person and “not political,” yet Sutherland Springs was hyped for weeks as “proof” that we need stricter gun control.

When we hear about the “need for common sense gun control,” it always stars with “universal background checks,” which ignores that there is already a federal law compelling a background check be performed for all firearms sales. I have personally purchased 5 firearms in my time since turning 21, and each one had a background check run, even after I received my license to carry, which states an even tougher background check had been done. “Universal background checks” is just code for universal registration, which I can tell you, was the first step to Hitler’s regime disarming the millions he later killed between 1939 and 1945. Abrams is now admitting she would ban, then confiscate, rifles that are not in any way “assault weapons” as we still have an official “assault weapons” ban, and semi-automatic firearms are not assault weapons. But this doesn’t matter. I can show a photo of a Mini-14 to any liberal and they’ll crow about how “that is just a hunting rifle” until you show them that you can literally take the magazine out of an AR-15 and use it, after which they either just storm off, or more likely, you’ll get a diatribe about how you “shouldn’t lie to people” or demands to know how you modified that hunting rifle to take a high capacity magazine from an assault rifle. The point of all of this, though, is to get a foot in the door. Once the AR is banned and all are confiscated, we’ll hear crying and moaning about how criminals are still killing, so we need to ban this or that, until eventually, we’re totally disarmed, and prime to be subjugated, and those who won’t comply will be “convicted” of treason and killed.

The election of 2016 shocked the media and DNC because Americans rejected their “we know best, just obey and all will be well” mantra. Of course we heard crying and gnashing of teeth about the Electoral College, but until they either openly defy the Constitution, or manage to dupe 38 states into giving up their representation to NYC, LA and very few other liberal mega-cities, it’s not going to work. The mid-terms of 2018 are primed to do that again, sending a true conservative majority to both houses, which is why we’re seeing attack after attack from the left. The horde storming to our border, which we have heard is very violent, and in some cases, heavily armed, but we’re told that it’s just “women and children fleeing oppression.” The video shows that 80% or more are military age men, the caravan was offered asylum by Mexico and it was turned down, and they’ve passed multiple locations where they could apply for asylum in the US, but they didn’t. They are simply ordering the United States to let them in, and they’ll decide later what they want next.

We have a simple choice every day, are we free people or are we subjects? Looking at Persia, Rome or ancient Britain (and to a degree the modern EU and UK) we know that subjects are treated as pawns. The UK has already jailed a man for exposing pedophile rapists, while a couple was told they must watch their infant son die slowly, as they had no rights to seek medical help outside the country. Huxley, Orwell, and others, warned us. We are barreling toward hell on earth, and sadly, millions of people have accepted the lie that they will be happy under a tyrant’s boot. We must never give up, never stop fighting to wake those people up to the truth that once a tyrant has power, only a bloody war can end that, and it often doesn’t end well. So, are you a subject, or a citizen?

Thursday Thoughts

For those who follow me here or just on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve sounded like a broken record pretty much since Trump was inaugurated in 2017, but that’s not just me, it’s the simple fact that nothing new is happening to talk about. Sure, the details of each story are slightly different, but it’s always “white people are evil,” or “tax cuts for the rich,” or “Republicans hate immigrants,” lather, rinse, repeat. Today isn’t much different. We have Alinksy 101 on full display, and the left doesn’t care that even people in their own corner are calling them out.

Rep. Steve King, while in Austria, met with at least one Jewish person, and more than one member of the LGBTQ community, but the biggest headlines on the liberal circuit are that he met with Nazis. We know, from texts written by Alinsky, who liberals love, that one of the biggest rules is to accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of, and this is a very common thing these days. Anyone who doesn’t smile at being taxed more an more, who doesn’t praise paying for everyone else, and who doesn’t welcome criminals into their bedroom, is a Nazi. Anyone who points out that the Nazi party was actually the national socialist party, and that Hitler was definitely not a conservative, but a socialist, is all but literally stamped with I AM HITLER on their forehead. If you can’t win an argument, liberals know that you can “win” by ending it, and with the media in their pockets, they know that the actual video won’t be shown, only carefully edited video to support their lies. This story only goes further, by saying a US official “went to Austria to meet Nazis” rather than the truth, they are working to influence the midterms, and will decry the “obvious racism and hate” if they are unable to.

Imagine what would have happened in 2008 if anyone had even suggested a “resistance” be formed against Barack Obama? Ignoring that they would be accused of being the new arm of the KKK, you would have heard the media demanding that everyone must at least respect the office of President, then you at least treat the man in it with respect. But in January of 2017, all of that changed. You see, a man every Democrat in the country knew, envied, and did all they could to be in his good books to get money from him, ran as a Republican and beat Hillary Clinton. We have pictures of Trump with Sharpton, the Clintons, Kathy Griffin, and far more people than I can remember right now, all of whom now call him the most vile racist on the planet. There are actual movements to “become ungovernable” as if to suggest “if we burn the country down, we’ll be in charge.”

There’s only one problem, the people demanding power be handed to them, are the same ones who now openly tell the country they will raise taxes to beyond what they were before the recent tax cuts, they will disarm everyone, and they will open the borders. When their message of “I’ll make you poor, disarm you, then move killers into your neighborhood” doesn’t work, they move to “give me my way or I’ll personally kill you.” We have celebrities right and left, once again, saying they’ll leave the country, or that “Hollywood will go on strike” or that not paying to watch athletes disrespect you is racist, and now, James Cromwell openly said that if the DNC doesn’t win control of Congress, there will be “blood in the streets.” We’ve hit the end of their line, we’re now hearing “we will kill you if you do not obey us.” Yet, the very people saying all of this hate guns, while those they demand obedience from not only don’t, but we’re well trained. They dream of a new civil war, when we all know that the vast majority (90% or more) of law enforcement and military personnel will stand against the liberals. I’ve said for a while the next war will see a beginning with “we don’t have guns, and hate them, so you have to give us people to fight for us, or give up your guns so it’s fair” followed by crying from prison about how it’s not fair that we wouldn’t hand them everything.

What’s amazing through all of this is the willful ignorance and blindness, we never see anyone do anything but keep trying what doesn’t work. ABC executives watched as Kaepernick took a knee, then doubled and tripled down on his “I’m protesting the oppression of making millions to play a game” mantra until he was all but driven out of the country. They watched NFL ratings dive lower and lower every week until attendance and viewership hit an all time low, and they watched as liberal after liberal tweeted the most offensive and horrible things aimed at conservatives, as “journalists” accused conservatives of being the reason they were beaten badly by masked thugs, and they ignored it all. Last year, Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett looked like the love child of Planet of the Apes and ISIS. Jarrett is Iranian, not black, yet Roseanne was canceled and all but forced off the planet for her “racism.” She apologized sincerely, but that wasn’t enough, so ABC’s writers killed her character off and the show was renamed. Now, barely into the new show’s first season, ratings are so low, ABC is only ordering one more show, yet somehow I can easily see something coming out about the “evil bigots who refused to watch because Roseanne was fired are responsible for jobs lost” or some other BS about how it’s our fault for not praising being insulted.

Personally, I like the theory I saw earlier, although I don’t see Roseanne doing more than laughing in the face of whoever tries this, where we see Dan wake up in a cold sweat in the sofa or elsewhere that isn’t the bedroom. One of the others asks what’s wrong and he replies he dreamed Roseanne died, and we fade to black hearing her laugh. It would be poetic justice that they had to crawl back to her just to get the show to end well, and even more poetic to see her laugh in their faces.

Moving on, we get almost daily cries of “crumbs” or “tax scam” or “tax cuts for the rich” from the left, and honestly I’m surprised every day that people who all got a tax cut will go along with them. Pelosi has a net worth that should be impossible for a woman making less than $200K a year for her time in Congress, yet this isn’t questioned. Waters has a $4M+ home, outside her district, and nobody bats an eye. But the GOP passed a tax cut that led to bonuses, lower taxes, hiring more people, expanding the economy and far more, and the DNC, like the rabid mutt it is, latched on and locked their jaw onto the “we will undo the tax scam” and they can’t understand how saying “I’ll raise your taxes” isn’t working.

Do you need any more proof than what’s coming from the DNC and their followers that they are racist and sexist almost exclusively? When you have people run out of restaurants, attacked in the streets, and far worse, how can there be any question that they are the party of Orwellian control? The image above shows this perfectly. In the 1960’s, Alabama was ordered to integrate their schools, with the governor blocking the door to prevent this from happening until forced by a federalized National Guard to move. Republicans are the party that fought the Civil War, and won, to end slavery. Republicans are the party that ended “separate but equal,” yet Democrats are seen as paragons of virtue as they assault and insult anyone they can, using any and all racist and sexist options they can find.

This one is a bit more involved, and more dangerous for sure. This man was turned away from a polling place for wearing a Trump/Pence 16 t-shirt, despite the law saying only candidates on the ballot having their names on clothing or the like are not allowed. He fought this, and won, and you just know there’s a Democrat wondering how to find and “lose” his ballot. I understand if I’m not allowed to wear a #CruzCrew shirt to vote here in TX, because he’s on the ballot, and there are many people who, unfortunately, will see a name and because it’s familiar (they saw it most recently elsewhere) will vote for that person. Everyone should vote only for those you have listened to, researched, and know how they will work for you. This was not a case like this. It’s the very same as wearing a Reagan/Bush’80 shirt to vote this year and someone saying “you can’t wear that shirt as it has candidates’ names on it.” The candidates ran 28 years ago, one is now dead, the other is in such ill health he won’t be around too much longer. The worker knew what they were doing, and they wanted to stop conservatives voting in hopes that their liberal candidate wins. This is the same as those who, in a few stories, have told people there are no paper ballots when someone reports that a machine will not allow voting for anyone but one candidate, which is to say “well, I guess that’s who you’re voting for,” when they must provide for circumstances where the machines are not usable. Liberals know they are losing, so their cheating is only getting worse every day.

Moving forward, I get a bit more upset when I see stories/segments on this topic. We know, from sources in Guatemala and Mexico, that this caravan is violent, carrying disease, and more than 80% male. Yet people like Shepherd Smith or Don Lemon keep repeating that to even suggest they aren’t all women and children, just fleeing war and death, who just need us to open our hearts (despite video proof they’re wrong) is tantamount to be Goering and running Auschwitz. The Mexican Ambassador to the U.S. has stated they are armed and dangerous. We know that diseases that we “wiped out” are still possible, because they were caused by natural things, and diseases like Smallpox or Leprosy can, and do, still happen in the third world. Yet, this is ignored, people saying they are carrying diseases are mocked, and when the caravan gets here, and they are shown to have these diseases, the people who were correct will be derided as “not having done enough because we should have had doctors waiting” or some other BS.

To end on a bit of a different note, two actually. First, it seems Babs isn’t happy that she’s a mental toddler unable to accept that the world isn’t obligated to obey her. She ranted in 2016 about how evil Donald Trump was, despite loving him when he was “just a Billionaire.” She demanded the Electoral College (established by the Constitution, and thus, requiring an amendment to change it) “just be ignored,” she cried about racism, sexism, bigotry, etc, when that didn’t happen. She said she was moving, but didn’t. Well now, she’s apparently decided she’s going to eat very fattening foods and blame Trump because he won’t ignore the Constitution and voters and “just give Hillary power,” so once again she’s threatening to leave the country. So, I will once again submit my suggestion, ANYONE, celebrity or not, who leaves the country permanently due to their candidate not winning the election has their citizenship stripped away, all countries are told to confiscate the passport after the person arrives, and they’re not allowed back, EVER! What do you say?

“Believe women” is the new “obey me”

We’ve heard nothing else for weeks, just “believe women” from liberal after liberal, but when you bring up the woman who, 20 or so years ago, Cory Booker admitted groping, while drunk, after she pushed him away, or Bill Clinton, or Weinstein, you’re shouted down. Why must women who accuse some men “just be believed” while others could create time travel and show you the assault, and they would be silenced? The answer is, sadly, very simple, power and control.

The Democrats held power for so long, they firmly believe it’s now their right to control the country. They call tax cuts “theft of public resources,” they call border security racist, and they have nothing but lies and hate to back them up. Ford, through the entire hearing, gave no details, while everyone she said was there has no recollection of the party even happening, the house is even in question due to the layout being wrong, but we “just have to believe her.”

After the testimony, they cried and wailed about “needing” another FBI investigation, and had their sycophants threaten a Senator in an elevator until he agreed with them, but now that the FBI has stated they cannot find ANYTHING to corroborate Ford’s story, it was “rushed” or “rigged” or “too fast” or “too limited.” Every stall tactic, every accusation, every demand for obedience is just another step in their war to destroy the Constitution. They decry partisanship while praising a woman so partisan she should be the face of the DNC who has been on the court almost longer than I’ve been alive!

The answer is very simple, and like 1982, we are likely to see a paradigm shift in American politics. Reagan, despite the DNC starting the day he was elected to find something, anything, to impeach him for, he galvanized a country, put people he needed in Congress, won re-election by landslide, and went on to preside over an economy that we may see finally bested, and the DNC can’t stand that their politics of division, racism, sexism, and hate, aren’t able to just give them power back.

So, will you stand with the people demanding you bow to them and submit fully, or will you stand as a citizen and refuse to be their pawn? The people seen “protesting” are the same every time, they pay for large crowds, smiling when celebrities join them, but it’s still less than 1% of most city populations, let alone a state or the country. They crow over their numbers, and demand “see, so many want this, you must” while ignoring that real people can’t just drop everything and go to DC to protest for days on end. Make no mistake, the DNC hates anyone who doesn’t obey them, and will work, until kicked out of office, to crush those people under their boot, will you bow for them or stand freely?

The danger of setting a precedent without thought

The recent confirmation hearings and Senate testimony from Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford prove, once again, that the U.S. Congress needs a large dose of common sense re-introduced. The Democrats, with their attack dog protesters, are quickly trying to set a precedent that mere allegations, with or without proof, are enough to fully convict someone, while at the same time fighting against that very situation for Rep. Keith Ellison, who is accused of abusing his ex-girlfriend in MN. The differences in these situations couldn’t be more stark, as Ellison’s ex has a police report, hospital reports, and more, but because she cannot provide video proof that he beat her, Ellison is all but exhonerated and apologized to, while Kavanaugh has multiple people, named as witnesses by Dr. Ford, who refute her story and support him, but is still ordered to step down from the nomination, and just give in.

The U.S. Justice system, formed after watching for generations as Kings and Queens just demanded someone be imprisoned or killed, was founded on the presumption of innocence, or “Innocent until Proven Guilty,” which ensures that you can’t just accuse someone and ruin their lives, although that happens more often today than previous generations, as we seem to hear at least a few stories a year about man released from prison after the woman who accused him of rape/sexual assault, or some other heinous crime, is found to have lied, but even after release little changes and his life is still in ruins.

So the question is how do we stop this trend, and the answer is both very simple and very complicated. Matt Damon, who just portrayed Kavanaugh as a man not fit to sweep floors, once stated that today, due to social media, if someone accused him of something he did not do, especially near a movie release, he would “go scorched earth” and would spend “$10,000,000 and ten years in court” to defend himself, yet he demands Kavanaugh just give in and let the liberals win, because he wants a liberal/socialist on the bench.

In the short term we cannot give in when fought against, and must force the light of day to expose the people who demand that just being accused is enough, but we also must fight to ensure those on the liberal side of the fence, who are credibly accused of something, or in the case of Cory Booker, who admit it in print, are held to their own standards. Ellison, until proven guilty, is presumed innocent, yes, but the current DNC stand is that “credible accusations” mean you must step down and allow the investigation to finish, so Ellison should resign from the House and withdraw from the race in MN for AG. Booker, who has admitted he groped a girl in the 90’s, after she pushed him away, should resign from office and never run again.

Only when liberals are forcibly held to their own standards will we finally see their true “rules are for you, not me” attitude come out. The people who embraced “all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others” as something to work toward will fight you tooth and nail to stop you enforcing the laws they feel they are above, but as long as they’re fighting that, they’re exposing their disdain for the very country they serve, and give you more and more evidence and ammunition to use against them to free the country from the grip of would be tyrants.

To destroy a nation

We’ve heard for over 20 years how we “must believe” this or that person when they bring forth an accusation, only to then hear “they’re lying, there can be no doubt” about others. Look to Justice Clarence Thomas, accused by a very liberal activist, of horrible things, yet it was always just Anita Hill’s word against his, and we heard no end of “how can you demonize a woman who has been traumatized and assaulted” as if her merely saying something made it undeniable fact, but then when Paula Jones or Juanita Broaderick accused Bill Clinton of RAPE, they were dismissed as liars from the start, told to basically produce a time machine to go back and view the event live or admit they were lying, and forced into obscurity. Why “must” those accusing non-liberals “just be believed” while those accusing liberals, such as a woman who has copies of Police Reports regarding being assaulted more than once by Keith Ellison, be ignored unless they can actually force you to witness the assault as it happens?

Despite the media prevaricating endlessly about how horrible this or that person is for their “obvious guilt” or how horrible this or that person is for “obviously lying to tarnish a great leader” we see it’s all about power. When not in control, the Democrats resort to lies and more to stall until they can take power back. We’ve seen it since 2014 when the Republicans took the majority and again in 2016 when they added to the majority in both houses, and also won the White House. Almost within hours of Donald Trump being declared the winner, we had calls to “just do away with” the Electoral College, threats on electors, and calls to impeach before he was even sworn in! Prominent liberals tearfully called for Americans to “stand up and demand justice” or to “protect our democracy” by demanding the Constitution be violated.

When they couldn’t force their will on the country, we then had accusation after accusation, akin to throwing pasta against the wall and hoping it would stick. First it was Russia, then it was Stormy Daniels, then it was racism, then it was sexism, then it was not caring about the people of Puerto Rico, and it’s once again Russia. At this point, I expect the President to make all classified information public, proving Hillary and the other Democrats are all guilty, only to hear liberals cry over “using classified information to target Democrats” and ignoring the actual guilt. How much longer before we actually hear “Do not talk about anything done that isn’t exactly legal, we’re doing it for the greater good, but if they do it, they must be destroyed.” How long before “I DON’T CARE WHAT LAWS ARE BROKEN, I AM YOUR GOD YOU PEASANTS, OBEY ME OR DIE?”

We are, as so many say, at a crossroads, it’s only what our choices are that differ from the media’s description. We have the choice to retake our government, exercising the power given to We The People 230 years ago, or we can totally surrender and become slaves to an Orwellian state, or we die fighting the second path.

Until Congress is forced to admit we are their boss and they cannot order us to give up anything and everything they don’t want us having, we will have no peace or justice in this country. Visit us HERE or on Twitter as @COSProjectTX and @COSAction to join the push for an Article V Convention to impose term limits on Congress, require fiscal responsibility and require the Constitution only ever be “interpreted” as it is written.

We have a crisis of the heart in this country

We have learned in the last several days, of a “prank” where a young lady pushed another young lady from a height of about 60 feet, into a pond/river. The young lady who was pushed is now in severe pain from injuries suffered due to her uncontrolled fall from such a height. Naturally, the immediate response after making sure the one who was pushed is going to recover, albeit slowly and painfully, was to hold the pusher accountable for her actions. What many did not expect, although I did to some degree, was the sheer volume of the “it was just a prank” side of the argument. I worked for several years as a Volunteer Firefighter, in a very small community which often meant we were first on scene of medical only calls, so I know a thing or two about injuries, and this is one of those lucky to be alive situations. A fall, uncontrolled and likely flailing wildly, from that height into standing water, would feel like hitting concrete at impact, it just then lets you sink under rather than just lying there bleeding.

The core of the situation though, is the attitude from so many people, that the pusher should not even be talked to harshly, but should just be allowed to go on about her life, which is wrong. When you were a child, if you pushed someone down while at recess and they just got a bit dirty, you were talked to sternly and told not to do that again. When a teen if you drove too fast, or otherwise were reckless, you were told in no uncertain terms how dangerous that was. The problem today, simply, is we have a generation now entering the adult work, and another behind them, who have been taught by participation trophies, not being cut from teams, and so much more, that no matter what, they aren’t ever wrong, and that has now almost led to a death. Had this girl died at impact or from her injuries, the young woman who pushed her would be facing at least involuntary manslaughter charges, which would ruin her entire life and likely end with her in jail.

The issue goes deeper though, and has wider reaching effects than most know. Not long ago, people were running around Central Park, wearing scary clown masks, and swinging very real looking weapons, to scare people. If I remember correctly, at least once this resulted in one of them being punched to stop the perceived attack, and I know I remember an off duty Police Officer drawing his sidearm and in both cases, the response was “IT WAS A PRANK, DON’T BE A JERK” or something to that effect. The people who, moments before, were running at others with what appeared to be a very deadly weapon, now cry and scream about people reacting any way other than abject fear or running. They could not understand at all that people would defend their lives with violence when faced with violence, and still can’t.

Fast forward to 2018, and we have an explosion of “I have a right to…..” with that group also saying no one has a right to stop them or even say they can’t do something. Former VP Candidate Tim Kaine’s son has a criminal record for assaults associated with the group antifa, and other members of that group are outraged that their photos are now public record after their arrest for assaulting people who were no danger to them. This last weekend in Charlottesville, Police Officers were assaulted for simply being Police Officers, yet we still hear from the media only that these are “protesters” who are “anti-fascist” even as they employ fascist tactics right out of the darkest parts of history. What will happen then, when one of these antifa rallies attacks the wrong person, and fearing for their life, they draw and fire a weapon, killing their attacker?

The simple answer is chilling, but I can all but guarantee it is right, the victim of the attack, who was fearful they would be killed, will be charged with murder, and likely convicted. We already have groups that regularly find and publicize private information to dox those they don’t like being able to speak against them crying when they aren’t allowed to hide behind a mask. How long will it be until we hear, in a court of law, “I did not authorize any recording of me, so that surveillance tape is not valid as evidence” when a video is showing of one of these “protesters” almost killing someone? How long until we hear “I don’t authorize you to show that” in challenge to evidence of guilt, and it working? We live in a world where people regularly commit heinous crimes and are let go with a slap on the wrist, so now they believe they have rights no other person has. College students try to have professors who won’t just give them a better grade fired for “harassing them,” others scream to drown out speech they disagree with, and still others brutally assault others over mere disagreements, when will we wake up and begin working to stop all of this?

The simple answer is, unfortunately, when we go over the edge of sanity and are forced to claw our way back. The longer answer is, unfortunately, when someone is gravely injured or worse. The riot in Charlottesville in 2017 saw someone killed when a vehicle that was fleeing those trying to harm the driver struck them. Naturally, the rioters took that as their cue to become more violent. Police have been ordered to stand down, people actually protesting peacefully have been told to leave or have been arrested because their peaceful presence somehow caused the intolerance in those bent on subjugating all to their will. We’re nearing the end game, we will see these mental midgets try to overthrow the government, fail, and the media cry about the “political persecution” of not letting them have their way, we will see one of them try to murder someone at a riot and their intended victim will be armed and fight back, and we will see the media cry about a “murderer going free.”

This is no different than 2000, 1992 or 1980. Congress worked to obstruct and remove Reagan, GHW Bush and GW Bush, as they can’t stand not having 100% backing to do all they want. Definitions are changed, documents re-interpreted, and history edited to fit their agenda. The goal is the same as with every government in history, cement their power and control, and prevent anything that threatens the loss of their iron grip on their country. Thankfully, we live in a country where the founding documents give We, The People, the right to circumvent those trying to control us. Article V of the Constitution lays out how our Constitution may be amended, and gives two paths. Congress may present an amendment if two thirds of them agree to it, then three quarters of the states must ratify it. But, if Congress proves to be useless, two thirds of the States may, in their own legislatures, call for a convention of states, where amendments may be presented, and if ratified by three quarters of states, they are accepted. We can limit Congress to very few terms, we can require a balanced budget, and we can even point blank say that what the Constitution says is what it means.

We will face opposition, people like Robert Reich, spread lies and whips people into fearful mobs about how a Convention of States could accidentally destroy the entire Constitution. He cries about “rogue conventions” and works to silence all dissent to the left, demanding submission and subservience to the benevolent masters who simply want to make everyone equal, except for themselves, who will be more equal than those they rule. We must stand up and say NO MORE LIES AND HATE! We must demand the Police arrest the “protesters” who destroy property and assault all who do not praise them for ruling over us. We must demand Congress do their job instead of demanding others do it for them. We must stand up to the lies being spread and tell the likes of Reich that just because he doesn’t like the idea of the States working where Congress won’t, doesn’t mean he can order the country not to do anything.

We, The People, truly hold the power in this country, but if we don’t use the power we have, it will be taken from us in the not so distant future. So, the question is very simple, are you going to be led silently into the box cars as the left continue to add to the list of what you aren’t allowed to do or say? Or, will you stand tall, look them in the eyes, and say you will no longer be subjugated to those who are scared of words? It’s your choice, and while common sense and common courtesy are super powers today, they aren’t totally gone from the planet, yet.

Join us today at https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=29238 and let your state legislature know you support calling an Article V Convention of States. Together is the only way to go forward.

Let’s try to simplify something

You live in a very dangerous part of a very large city. In your area, there are two very active groups of people, each claiming they were the first to arrive in your city. Group A, while not passive in any way, has yet to instigate a fight, while Group B will start a fight, then when retaliation comes, they scream about innocents they specifically staged. After a while, Group B is recruited by a third party that hates Group A for some reason, and together, they wipe out more than 50% of Group A and anyone who associates with them minimally, until Groups B and C are finally stopped. The Government (City, State and National,) in response to this, officially declare a new city is formed with Group A given leadership. They decide that, rather than always fighting throughout the city, they’re going to work to fortify the city limits borders, only to have Group B constantly attack those borders, lobbing grenades at city civic centers, working to kill everyone they can.

Eventually, the city is celebrating a milestone anniversary, and Group B decides to start lobbing grenades again, but the Police are staged and ready, and stops their attacks. Following this, it’s revealed the people throwing hand grenades over fences had brought children with them and those children were hurt by the Police responding to Group B trying to blow up homes and city buildings.

In an ultra simple form, this is exactly what happened yesterday. The Israeli people have, for centuries, claimed Israel as their home. The surrounding countries, the majority of citizens being Muslim, do not dispute that both lines are descended from Abraham. The Israelis, citing historical documents, show that Abraham left all he had, land, money, etc, to Isaac, his second child and only child by his wife. Ishmael was born to a servant, and later cast out, but they claim simply because Ishmael was older, Abraham’s wishes must be disregarded.

In the 1930’s and 1940’s, many Muslim countries sided with Nazi Germany and helped kill as many Jewish people as possible. When Hitler was defeated in 1945, the U.N. gave the land now known as Israel to the Jewish people to form a nation, and instantly, Israel fell under attack by people demanding the Jews give up their homes, and ultimately, their lives. This, to me, shows two types of delusional attitude. First, the people demanding Israel be utterly destroyed and all Jews killed, not only actively deny that the Holocaust happened, but also that their ancestors didn’t take part in it. On the other side of the coin, the very people crying over “innocent protesters” being harmed when the IDF responds to attacks by those “protesters” are the same ones who demand the U.N. be obeyed without question, yet when told the U.N. created Israel and now those who are attacking Israel are defying the U.N.’s orders for Israel to be created 70 years go, just shake their heads and demand Israel give up everything because they don’t like them.

In short, above you see the modern liberal, someone who can demand an un-elected and un-accountable body be obeyed, then demand that body was wrong 70 years ago and now should not be obeyed, but only in part. These are the same people who demand that charity is something people should do more, but who fight tax cuts because “people aren’t charitable, so the government must be,” yet pointing out that being taxed to the point I can barely feed my family means I can’t be charitable only gets a dirty look as if to say “so what, you’re evil, starve and give away what little you have.”

The unspoken truth is very simple, the very people screaming about tolerance, diversity, and inclusiveness, are the ones who are the most intolerant, non-diverse, and who will exclude all who don’t praise them 24/7. So the question is this, and it’s very simple, do you stand with a country that stopped a violent terror attack, or with the terrorists who attacked? Are you a liberal, or do you recognize that you can’t reason with terrorists or criminals, and letting them have their way by disarming and removing protections, only creates more victims.

Netanyahu said it best – If Palestine laid down their weapons today, there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons today, there would be no Israel.

Millionth verse, same as the first

I thought I’d seen the height of lunacy possible from liberals, only to be proven very wrong today, by two different law enforcement agencies. First, in Great Britain, parents are begging a hospital to allow them to take their child to seek treatment elsewhere, only to have a judge order them to watch their child die, and Police are actually enforcing that order. On top of that, they are actually telling people social media posts about this situation may be investigated. Not only did a sitting judge, who was told that treatment at an Italian hospital stands a good chance of helping the child, tell parents they must watch their child die, but Police are actually enforcing that order.

Move to Parkland Florida, where Kyle Kashuv was taken from class, to a closed room, and questioned by multiple Resource Officers and at least one school administrator, as to why he went with his father to a firing range and posted about it on social media. No laws were broken, no school rules were broken, no one was threatened, and simply put a father took his son to the range to instruct him on firearms use, something millions upon millions of fathers have done for decades. This school, however, decided that since the media made their anti-second amendment screamer their darling, they would try to intimidate this student into silence. That’s strike one, but they did this without informing the student’s parents or letting them be involved. That’s strike two, and strike three is the laughably inept report file, where the officer cannot articulate much, or spell correctly, as if this was an official report, legitimizing the possible charges the family can now press against the school and Sheriff’s Office.

On top of the horrible actions taken by the school and law enforcement, people are still criticizing this student for going to the range with his Father, and actually saying they “don’t care about his rights” or that his actions were legal. We have people actually arguing that we should give up rights because people might not like us exercising our rights. We have people saying “oh don’t do that, it’ll offend me” as if that’s a legitimate reason to order someone to change their life! I was about 8 or 9 and wanted to shave my head for the summer, as my hair is VERY THICK, meaning if I don’t shampoo with strong dandruff shampoo twice a day, sneezing looks like a blizzard. The day I got my head shaved, a lady from our church wrote me a letter that was many pages long, telling me I shouldn’t have done that. She is not related to me, and I wasn’t really close to either of her kids, but she felt it was OK to tell me I shouldn’t have done what I did, because she didn’t like it. This was 25+ years ago, today it’s only gotten worse, as we have people calling the police on people because they “feel threatened” by a t-shirt’s message or something equally asinine.

This is the problem today, we have an entire segment of society so assured of their infallibility that they will all but stake you to the beach at high tide to silence you when you point out their idiocy. I’ve been told I need to learn more when I pointed out, rightly, that Hogg’s ranting and screaming “speech” at the march for disarming Americans, was almost a direct copy of the mannerisms and speech style of Adolf Hitler, with of course the #BanAssaultWeapons hashtag thrown in. When I then demanded that “assault weapon” be defined, I was ridiculed, as if it clearly is and should have my home raided by the Marines to protect my neighbors. To be perfectly clear, the AR-15 platform weapons are not assault weapons. This is for a very good reason, there is no single design/configuration of an AR-15. I’ve seen them use rifle and pistol caliber rounds, with and without rails, different length barrels, and so many other things, that saying to ban the AR platform is demanding multiple different weapons be made illegal, simply because it “looks scary.”

We are at a tipping point and if we don’t step back, we will lose everything, and that loss will be after a bloody conflict. The Founders were extremely intelligent in how they framed our Constitution. Freedom of Speech, at the time, was who could hear you, quill and ink on parchment, or very rudimentary printing presses. Arms at the time were mostly flint lock muskets, but repeating rifles and even crew served automatic weapons were available, and the word used specifically was to ensure that future politicians couldn’t say “that’s not arms, give it up” yet we have people demanding we do just that.

Simply put, criminals will never stop because something is illegal, laws are in place to stop those who respect law and order from doing things contrary to the good of a free society, and to provide a framework to use for deciding how to punish those who break the law. Using a firearm to commit a crime cannot be stopped by making more and more things illegal. If all firearms are made illegal, criminals will still have them and their victims will be far easier to control while committing their crimes. We need to do several things, first we need to stop the jump to “ban this or that” when a criminal misuses a tool. Toronto saw a terrorist purposely drive into civilians, killing people using a motor vehicle, should be ban assault vehicles? Knives are the dominant weapon at the moment in London, and their mayor has actually made possession of a knife outside your home a crime, to the point you must not only show you purchased new cutlery for your home that day, but explain why you did! Criminals are rolling around laughing as they watch government officials make things easier and easier for them, and until we kick the useless idiots out of Congress, put people in their place who will work for us, this will only get worse.

Check out www.cosaction.com and sign the petition to call for an Article V Convention of States, as we need Term Limits, Fiscal Responsibility, and to protect our Constitutional Rights, and we know Congress won’t do any of those things.