Every election since I’ve been able to understand what’s going on, I’ve watched Republicans and Democrats go at it hammer and tongs to win a Congressional seat, Governorship, or other office. In the 1980, as I’ve learned as I was 3 that year, Ronald Reagan asked “Are you better off now than four years ago,” and the country resoundingly said no. In 1984 Walter Mondale tried the same trick, and the country said yes, and re-elected Reagan. 1988 saw George HW Bush elected on Reagan’s coat tails, but in 1992, back to form, Bill Clinton pointed out little things, like Bush’s “read my lips, no new taxes” promise, then how Congress had raised taxes, even if Bush had signed the bill. He was charismatic, looking like a man you’d invite over for dinner and game night, and of course, won. This has always been, until now, how I’ve seen Democrats. They pander to every group, saying what they know that group wants to hear, no matter if they contradict themselves when with other groups, and the media ensures their lies and flip flopping are as invisible as possible.
2008 saw Barack Obama use the same tactics against McCain/Palin, saying what people wanted to hear, like “yes we can” or “hope and change,” how he’d make sure everyone had health care, talking about the Republican Party as if they were the most horrible bigots on the planet, just not in those words. His allies in the DNC and media, as always, hyped him more than any celebrity, ignoring their blatant attacks on Sarah Palin, as they claim to be the “party of women,” and Obama/Biden won. 2012 saw Romney/Ryan, with the same tactics, using Romney gaffes or Ryan’s youth against them, saying anything and everything, and they won again.
But 2016 changed everything, and Hillary Clinton, like Al Gore in 2000, lost the Electoral College and thus, the race. The 2000 election saw Al Gore, who is not known for being personable, yell and rant at people, making wild claims about “inventing the internet,” or how the world would end in 10 years if he wasn’t elected, and it didn’t. Then 2016 saw Hillary Clinton, the first female Presidential candidate, with a running mate who’s son is a criminal, who had said “what difference does it make” when speaking about her failure to help US diplomats when a US Embassy was attacked and those diplomats tortured and killed. Every statement she made demonized all who would not bow to her, showed her disdain for even those who would vote for her, or dodged questions when anyone dared to ask anything that would expose her.
Now, in 2020, former VP Joe Biden was declared the DNC nominee after almost no voting in the DNC primary, and Senator Kamala Harris, a woman who all but demanded he kiss her feet during debates early on, is his VP nominee. Biden won’t leave his home due to “fearing Coronavirus” while Harris pledges to raise taxes and return to paying off terrorists. Everything is about how “racist” or “sexist” Donald Trump is, and every statement is wrong. Donald Trump has never shown any racist tendencies, hires women to top positions in his administration, and has condemned violence, leaving the “media” to have to selectively edit his clips, leaving out where he directly said he was not referring to white supremacists when he said “good people” were on “both sides” of an issue. Many Democrats went on TV demanding he “denounce the white supremacists” ignoring that he had said he deplores violence from any side, until he denounced, by name, white supremacists and antifa. That was too far though, as antifa are DNC pawns.
So now we see Kenosha all but a pile of ash, Portland almost 90 days of constant riots, and only when polls start showing that Biden is being hurt by the DNC and Media LYING about the violence from liberals, do they say that Biden must denounce the riots and blame Trump. Honestly, at this point, I firmly expect to hear that it’s too dangerous due to Covid19 and the riots, to hold an election, so “The House of Representatives will do their duty and vote on behalf of the country,” and when that fails, there will be calls for Martial Law to “ensure the safety of all” by subjugating everyone. I don’t know that this will happen in my life, but make no mistake, the DNC are the party that read 1984 and took it as instructions, they read Fahrenheit 451 and agreed that banning any book they don’t personally approve of is to be done, and they will soon be the party that read Brave New World and will decide they will begin engineering citizens into castes, and keep those castes drugged.
Is this the country, the future, you want?