A treatise

In the span of human history, 47 years is a mere blip, but in that time, we have seen a major shift in society. The 1970’s, while admittedly only 3 years of my life, were a time of change for art, though more strongly a change in music. Prior to the 20’s music was dominated by what we call classical, religious, or perhaps a few story/folks songs. The era of Big Band saw more lively music, and more that wasn’t as close to religion on it’s origins. The 40’s continued this, and the 50’s/60’s gave us rock’n’roll and the emergence of Country as a full genre. Even with this, music stayed fairly close to it’s roots until Disco arrived. From there we had hair bands, grunge, and rap, which give us what we have today.

What we saw in this time though, isn’t restricted to only art and music. Prior to the 1930’s, society was very “old fashioned.” Men worked and women were homemakers and mothers to children. Some worked as secretaries or writers or educators, but they were the exception and not the rule. The 1930’s and the depression after the crash of 1929 saw more women involved in bringing any income possible to their home, and 1941 saw many of them fully enter the workforce, as men were sent to war. While 1945 did see women largely return home once men returned, many did not. Young girls began attending college and working alongside men in larger numbers every generation, until the late 60’s and early/mid 70’s, when “feminism” took hold and suddenly women in droves were avoiding marriage and families for longer and longer.

This began the decline in “traditional family values,” add to this the “sexual revolution” and you see those values change even more. Growing up though, GenX and Millennials will have a hard time remembering who was or wasn’t gay or trans. People just lived their own life and didn’t worry about “being tolerated.” Unironically, tolerance was far more prevalent than it is today. Someone being gay or trans wasn’t an issue as it wasn’t in the spotlight. By living this way, people maintained friendships without much trouble as people largely lived by a “live and let live” mindset.

Being a Christian myself, for most of my life (all I can really remember to be totally honest) I have disagreed with the “it’s 100% normal and natural.” During and after high school, having taken biology, and later a more focused health class in college, then Anatomy and Physiology, the concept that any species could have members specifically avoiding all procreation aspects of sexual intercourse means I do not agree it’s normal. The concept that a man can “truly and totally become a woman” is alien to me, as DNC, chromosomes, and more, remains as it was before any surgery.

Now, I’m sure some of you are reaching for the torches and pitchforks, but please read all of this. I disagree with the “it’s totally and completely natural, the science is fully settled.” I do not hate those I disagree with in any way. I disagree with people on virtually everything about life. Steak, Chicken, Veggie or vegan? Even if we both like steak the cut and cook will divide us. Ford or GM? EV or internal combustion? Coffee or Tea? Coors, Miller or Bud? Chocolate or fruit? We all disagree with many people every day. But the sexuality issue has changed from that to “OMG YOU AREN’T EXACTLY LIKE ME SO YOU’RE A BIGOT, YOU LITERALLY HATE ME AND ARE OPPRESSING ME BY NOT AGREEING.”

This isn’t restricted to just that, but has fully become a “left vs right” issue in politics. Dan Cathy, a now former CEO of Chick Fil A and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame were both asked their personal beliefs, again PERSONAL beliefs. When they expressed conservative Christian values and beliefs, there were calls to boycott, complete with people screaming that no one may patronize those companies, they must respect the call to boycott. A group (at least one) tried to barricade the doors of a Chick Fil A restaurant, crying and trying to sue the police who removed them, and crying more when they failed as their human wall blocked the main (only?) method of exiting the building, so had there been an emergency, people could have been gravely injured had they been allowed to stay.

When Anheiser Busch partnered with Dylan Mulvany, who is a prominent trans infulencer, many people said “well, I won’t buy their stuff, you’re free to do what you want to,” liberals reacted with accusations that said former customers were “deliberately trying to cancel Bud Light,” or that they were “forcing people to not buy Bud Light.” When they were told in no uncertain words “Nope, you can buy it all you want, I don’t have any control over you, I’m simply not going to spend my money on it,” people actually said “no, you must patronize them, they’re progressive and you’re required to support them” and then it was tears again when told no. Lies were told about how “bars are deliberately pouring out Bud Light to prevent sales” and tears were shed and shouts were issued when it was proven the beer in question had gone stale due to no one buying it, so they disposed of the stale beer.

That is the divide in society today, one side says “I do not hate you, I simply disagree with you, so you do you and I’ll make my own decisions” and those that are told that react with one version or another of “How dare you issue such hate speech!?!? I am right and you’re wrong! Science is settled dammit, so you cannot disagree, that’s literally hate and violence.” Those in the latter category then cry and demand punishment when they aren’t instantly bowed to.

For the record, science is the search for knowledge, not “this is the only truth ever allowed.” Should this world spin on long enough, it’s entirely possible that the “law” of gravity or Newton’s laws may be disproven. Do I think they will, not really but I’m a social scientist, others know more about those fields and if the world spins on long enough, who knows. The problem is that many who are not studied in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, or any number of scientific fields will loudly tell you “THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED, IT’S SETTLED” which just translates to “I agree with what this person or these people say, so you are required to, disagreeing with me is literally a hate crime” and they will all but demand summary execution if you don’t instantly bow.

So, how do we recover from this shift? It won’t be pretty or easy or fun. The simple answer is we continue saying “No, you cannot control the world” and we support people who are truly embracing the spirit of science, that being “form a hypothesis, test it repeatedly, compare results and see if you need to refine your hypothesis. If those people tell you that you’re wrong, you can either accept it, do your own research, or cry. We must stop giving a platform and microphone to those who just demand the world agree with them, or if you don’t, be silent. Christians must be strong in our faith, as must Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and all others. Insist that disagreement is not hate, absolutely using the “Well, you don’t agree with me, are you using hate speech and violence against me when you disagree” as that results in “NO I AM NOT, I’M RIGHT THOUGH” when we say “OK, prove it” which normally ends with a huff and storming off. If they don’t stop just say “you’re now harassing me, I’ve dialed 911, police are coming.” If they don’t run and police show up, say “yes I’m pressing all charges I can” and who knows, after a few have been jailed and/or fined for harassment, slander, stalking, etc, others may realize they aren’t deities because they wish to be, and my disagreement is not oppression, hate, or violence.

Simply put, do not bend, don’t work to control anyone, but neither should you compromise your values. If you are truly a friend, and if the person who disagrees with you is truly a friend, you will agree to disagree, and maybe go as far as just marking a topic or three as not to be brought up. You may lose friends, and that hurts, but if you compromise your values just once, you’ll never be allowed to stop.

Thank you for reading.