It was never about health

For over 3 months, the US has watched as virtually everyone has been ordered to stay at home. There were areas where this didn’t happen, but those are few and far between. Mostly, it was a scale from the lax quarantine of places like Texas to the almost guarded streets of California. As people watched the <i>news</i> it was always portrayed as “flattening the curve” or “a health need,” but if that was true, why have we never done this before in anyone’s lifetime who isn’t 100 years old?

The secret is all but out, it was about crippling the economy, so that politicians who don’t like that there is now a man in the White House who isn’t beholden to them could say “see, you’re worse off, vote for us and we’ll let you go back to work.” And to prove this, the tweet below was sent but later deleted, likely by someone who has now told AOC not to admit their goals.

AOC Admits the truth

Granted, it was gone fast, but as we all know, the internet is forever, and as long as even one person grabbed an image of it, it will never die. Trust me, Beyonce is still upset a freeze frame of her won’t go away, although China figured out they can just block websites country wide.

It’s more sinister than that though, as there are long running dreams of liberals the world over, to supplant God then become gods. They are working to map the human genome so they can genetically modify anyone, and ultimately clone anyone they deem worthy of such a gift. Watch The Sixth Day, it’s not one of Arnold’s greatest movies, but it’s this very premise, and that plot should scare you.

Why this is worrying now, as opposed to “just go to your Doctor, you’ll get better” for SARS, MERS, or H1N1, and how the seasonal flu is treated, is this one has been ramped up, even to the point of not allowing Doctors to prescribe a medication with 50 years of use for respiratory viruses (Malaria) to be used now, as it was working well. Even Amy Klobuchar, who was not happy that the President repeated what some Doctors said about Hydroxychloroquine, admitted it likely saved her husband’s life. But don’t take my word for it, here’s a Texan Doctor on the subject.

Or how about a video where a doctor exposes a decades long pattern of people in research not only working on engineering viruses and other pathogens, but also working to hide their work, in some cases even causing a massive death toll, to the point where she was almost jailed, and her career and life has certainly been dragged into the sewer.

It’s very simple, so simple it’s almost a wonder people aren’t waking up to this, but it’s no wonder at all due to the decades of dumbing down education and turning public schools into indoctrination camps. I graduated High School in May of 1995, and am likely one of the last 3 or 4 graduating classes in Texas that actually learned history as it should be taught. I graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in December 2010, and I can tell you, it was a struggle to not be taken in by the desire of most of the professors to turn people into liberal drones.

The evidence is in plain sight, as Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) liked to say when he had no evidence, but this issue does. How long will it be until they openly demand total obedience, all rights gone, and no more elections, they just rule? I hope sincerely that I don’t see it in my life, or my nephew in his, but that day is coming. And when it does, millions upon millions of Americans will fight back, the only question then will be, who wins?

The series begins

For those who subscribe on YouTube, you’ll know I’ve been talking about a series dedicated to American History, but being me, I want to ensure I prepare. I also lost all of my notes about a while back, so I had to start over. Well, the first video is live tomorrow at 10, the 16th of June, the rest will post, for now, every Wednesday at 10. The first two are the basics of where everything began that led to the US, then it will slow down a bit as the topics become more detailed.
