When a child is told to clean their room, you know they didn’t, and you tell them you’re going to check it, what do they do? They bounce up and either say “no, you don’t need to” or “I’m not done, I’ll go now” as they know if you looked, you’d see they had not obeyed. It’s the same thing today with liberals demanding no audit be done of the 2020 Election. They know the DNC cheated, in many cases so blatantly, only the media being on their side kept it as hidden as it was, and they know an audit will show this, and put people in jail.
The issue for me isn’t so much the opposition, although I do take issue with it, rather it’s the vehemence that the “it doesn’t matter, it’s over, your audit is useless, nothing will change anything,” attitude. I’ve had people tell me, “you could prove Biden got zero votes, he’s still POTUS and you’re a traitor if you think he’ll be removed.” They honestly believe that even when it’s proven that the DNC cheated, they’ll be told “don’t do it again and don’t destroy the country before the next election.” Of course that is a fallacy.
While it’s true that there is no precedent for if the Presidential Election is stolen, there are some similar events, such as when lesser races have been proven to be fraudulent. In some cases the office is vacated and a new election held, in others, the person who truly won is sworn in. This one, though, is the highest political office in the country, and proving that one party cheated so much, well, it will send shock-waves through the entire country. California is already losing a House seat while Texas and other red states are gaining seats, meaning the DNC will already be in a frothing rage, adding to that “you’ve been proven to be guilty of fraud” will light the fuse to end all blowups by any toddler.
Personally, the only way to ensure peace that I see, would be for the military to declare the results, then announce that all 435 House seats, all 100 Senate seats (DC is not a state and should not become one,) POTUS/VP, and every other race from 2020 is declared null and void. Then, hold a new election within 14 days, during which the National Guard ensuring the states do not devolve into chaos, which for some would be almost no work at all, while for others would mean someone finally stopping the anarchy already happening.
This will, naturally, have people screaming about a dictatorship, nazis, brownshirts, and worse, but two weeks of that, versus watching the country fall to ashes, in my mind, is preferable. What say you?