I don’t want to live on this planet any more!

I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m a conservative and a Christian. It’s cost me friendships in the last 4 years, sadly, but I honestly think that’s more to do with my mocking the “mainstream media” than anything. Those people who have chosen to cut all ties with me have, almost to a person, been very angry in the end for my “attacks on freedom of the press” when I point out their blatant lies or other insanity. I can remember during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, I asked who I thought was a close friend from High School, “If I accused you of doing something bad to me, at some point in our Junior Year, somewhere in Arlington, and then demanded that no one ask me questions, but only that you prove you didn’t do it, what would you say?” They got very angry and said “that’s not what Ford said” so I played the tape, proving them wrong and they stormed out.

Well, after four years of the DNC demanding no one criticize blatant lies and bias from the “media,” as those are aimed at aiding the DNC in their quest to subjugate the planet, they’ve ramped up! Very late 2019 saw the world told that we would all be dead shortly because of a coronavirus that was released from a lab in Wuhan China, all because President Trump wouldn’t do what they said, or did what they said not to, or did what they said to but not when they said to, or some other conflagration of “he isn’t bowing to us as rulers.” In January of 2020, Trump enacted a travel ban against China, which Biden and others called “xenophobic” as they happily said “come to Chinatown” or told people to go out to see movies. Just months later, those people who said to go out and gather in crowds were screaming the need for lockdowns because gathering would just increase the danger, and it was all Trump’s fault because he was racist when they wanted us gathering, but now won’t rule as a tyrant when they want him to.

The media, for over a year, simply parroted this mantra, repeating the DNC’s latest chicken little moment, until everything causes your risk of catching a virus with a survival rate of over 98% for virtually all groups, well, “everything makes it worse.” In March of 2020, my company made the decision to send everyone home to work remotely, something we all loved as we had our kitchen, our fridge full of soda, our pets and family, and so on. Sadly, my ISP isn’t known for their customer service, and after several outages, all of which were “minor issues that are being worked on now” even if some lasted 24 hours, I was returned to my office, as naturally I need the ability to connect to the internet to do my job. Well, driving in to work today, listening to local talk radio as I do every day, I heard the single most amazing thing I’d ever heard!


Yes, men, you heard that right, you need to buy this supplement, which isn’t a medication or even vitamin, just there to raise testosterone levels, so you not only become more virile and can be more active, but you also won’t be as likely to catch the big scary virus that kills millions who actually died of something else!

In the immortal words used above, coined by Professor Hubert Farnsworth so long ago, I don’t want to live on this planet any more!

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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