Everyone is equal, minorities and women are more equal

George Orwell almost got it right. In his book, Animal Farm, the pigs got to a point where they were “more equal” than the other animals, simply because they “ran things” and “things would fall apart without them.” Well, while this has happened before, and likely will again, we are now moving toward a society where it’s not that they’re in charge, but that they’re not white, or not male, that makes them “more equal” than everyone who is a white male. I find it amazing that not only is this being all but ignored as far as discrimination, racism and sexism is concerned, as the media can’t shut up when it’s the other way, but that the idiots actually believe that only a white person can be racist and only a male can be sexist. Not only would you be laughed at or attacked for suggesting that women can be sexist or non-whites can be racist, I’ve actually see a comment to the tune of “how cute, you still believe the dictionary has definitions of words.” Yes, you read that right, I have seen an argument where someone actually said that the dictionary definition of racism is incorrect, and when asked why, they said “because that’s how it is.” This is where we’ve come to, a society where because women WANT it to be a certain way, we’re expected to make it that way. The idiots scream about equality, then also want to be treated special by men. Or, as actually happened to me, they will start screaming that they “don’t need a man to hold a door for them” (I was actually holding it for several people, men and women,) only to then scream about how rude you are if you close the door so they can do it themself. Well, I’m tired of it, and I’m tired of it being shoved down my throat from all directions. Look at the Superbowl commercials if you want more proof.

Click here to view the Always Superbowl Commercial

Always put out a commercial where they show both men and women (teens mostly or very young adults) perpetuate the stereotype of running like a girl, throwing like a girl, and fighting like a girl. They then go on to show young girls, simply running, throwing and so on. A young boy is asked if by showing the stereotype, if he just insulted his sister, showing that the point of the commercial is that we shouldn’t teach that boys and girls are different. Sorry to say, THEY ARE! I’m sorry, despite a VERY small percentage of women on the planet, men are physically bigger and stronger, while women are (mostly) better at nuturing jobs such as nurse or teacher. It’s just the way it is. I’ve seen women do things that, physically, I’d have a hard time doing, and I’ve had male nurses and teachers, but those are exceptions, not the rule. This doesn’t mean we should make fun, or not respect each other. Just because I’m a foot taller and able to lift more in a dead lift from the ground, doesn’t make me a “better person,” it means I’m physically stronger and larger, that’s it. Why do we need this “don’t say this or that” to take priority over math, science, history, and so on? Simply, because we are now being forced to do so, because a small portion of the population want us to.

Moving to another example, on the opposite end of the spectrum, we have T-Mobile’s wi-fi calling commercial.

Click here to view the T-Mobile wi-fi calling Superbowl Commercial

Right up to the end, this was a somewhat chuckleworthy commercial simply showing two celebrities competing over who could wi-fi call from the most remote bit of their house. At the end, though, Silverman hands the child to the parents and says “sorry it’s a boy.” Now, I’m sure we’ll soon be told she only mean sorry she’d not paid attention to them, or “sorry, I got distracted,” but having watched her “comedy” and such, I have a hard time with that. Add to this, she didn’t pause, so it wasn’t “sorry, it’s about” as if “sorry, I should have done this sooner” but rather “sorry it’s about” as if the parents should be upset they have a son. Why is it that today we are inundated with “don’t say this” or “you can’t say that” when it would be “offensive” to females, but no one cares about verbalizing anything up to out right hatred for males? The current push for “equality” is no different than it was when it started, it’s a push for supremacy. There are many sub groups, from the mild who simply want the right to say what they want to and also to censor others, to the extreme who support forced castration of all males, after they gather a sperm sample to use for artificial insemination (yes, there are people who support that,) and no one cares. But, let a male say something completely in jest and the world explodes! Plain and simple, men and women ARE DIFFERENT! I am physically stronger and larger than most of the women I know, so by default, I can lift more than them, and perform strenuous physical activity longer than them. On the flip side, women are generally more nurturing and caring, so tend to do well in careers such as medicine or education. This is not the rule though. I’ve had male teachers, been seen by male nurses, and seen women perform physical acts that made me wonder if they weren’t a robot.

You want equality and tolerance, that’s fine, but you can’t demand others tolerate everything from you, while trying to keep them from saying anything you don’t want them to. Remember, it’s Liberty and Justice for ALL, not only certain groups.

Smokey out