Could you really survive if you bugged out?

I’ve seen many people on social media in the last few months talking about their bug out bag, or plans if they have to live in the woods, and with very few exceptions, I just have to laugh. Warrior Poet Society posted a video on YouTube that was amazingly informative for anyone who’s thinking along these lines, it boils down to one thing, 99% of people will be raided by those with the skills to do so. Your “arsenal” will go to them, as will your food, water, and so on.

There will, honestly, be three or four groups of people if society truly crumbles. First, you’ll have those with the skills to survive, either working as a team to protect wherever they fortify, or alone, so far from people, you’ll never even smell them. Two, the raiders, they’ll fortify a location, and raid for supplies. Three, the victims, those raided, some will go with the raiders to join their collective, others will be left without anything. And finally, the slaves, those who refuse to leave until it’s too late, stuck in a major city where warlords will rule.

So, the question is which will you be. Honestly, it would be hard to be the first type, as that would include the possibility of leaving everyone in your life behind. I know I couldn’t do that, but thankfully, my parents, nephew, brother and future sister in law would be coming with me. There are others who would refuse, but honestly, they cut me and my other family out of their lives a while back. My Father taught us how to catch fish, snare a rabbit, grow vegetables, collect water, build a shelter, make fire without a match, and how to fight, starting at a young age. I know that, even if alone, I would have food, water, and shelter, which are all you really “need” to survive, not to mention the tools and training to ensure I am not attacked and stolen from. When coupled with my plan to be so far from people, I fade from memory, I believe I could last a while.

The point of this isn’t to be morbid or otherwise scare you. I could be happy just sitting in my tent and listening to nature, or watching YouTube, but many couldn’t, they “need” their tech. The purpose is a thought experiment. Could you, if you had to, walk away from your comfortable home (if you couldn’t fortify and defend it) and survive long time, outside of society?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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