How much longer?

We’ve watched since February and March, when we were told it would be “two weeks to flatten the curve,” only to see society locked down more and more as we just sit and let those in power rule. Even in “conservative” Texas, we are forced to wear masks, despite countless medical experts saying they don’t work, or studies showing this is insane.

Today, I found video of Doctors in the Netherlands stating, very succinctly, that Covid 19 is a flu virus, and thus, we do not have a pandemic.

I’ve seen videos of this sort banned on social media for over a month now, and until today, it seemed that no one would be even asked to stop censoring the experts. Cheekily, I ask Twitter users or YouTube commenters to prove they are an MD, with years of experience studying viruses, and their peer reviewed, double blind, study, proving them wrong, but now it’s not out of cheek, but to prove they are not in any way qualified to debunk MD’s who say this pandemic BS is just that, BS!

So, the question now truly is, how much longer will people sit idle as they are controlled under systems that would make Orwell roll in his grave?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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