Is the DNC as we knew it gone?

Every election since I’ve been able to understand what’s going on, I’ve watched Republicans and Democrats go at it hammer and tongs to win a Congressional seat, Governorship, or other office. In the 1980, as I’ve learned as I was 3 that year, Ronald Reagan asked “Are you better off now than four years ago,” and the country resoundingly said no. In 1984 Walter Mondale tried the same trick, and the country said yes, and re-elected Reagan. 1988 saw George HW Bush elected on Reagan’s coat tails, but in 1992, back to form, Bill Clinton pointed out little things, like Bush’s “read my lips, no new taxes” promise, then how Congress had raised taxes, even if Bush had signed the bill. He was charismatic, looking like a man you’d invite over for dinner and game night, and of course, won. This has always been, until now, how I’ve seen Democrats. They pander to every group, saying what they know that group wants to hear, no matter if they contradict themselves when with other groups, and the media ensures their lies and flip flopping are as invisible as possible.

2008 saw Barack Obama use the same tactics against McCain/Palin, saying what people wanted to hear, like “yes we can” or “hope and change,” how he’d make sure everyone had health care, talking about the Republican Party as if they were the most horrible bigots on the planet, just not in those words. His allies in the DNC and media, as always, hyped him more than any celebrity, ignoring their blatant attacks on Sarah Palin, as they claim to be the “party of women,” and Obama/Biden won. 2012 saw Romney/Ryan, with the same tactics, using Romney gaffes or Ryan’s youth against them, saying anything and everything, and they won again.

But 2016 changed everything, and Hillary Clinton, like Al Gore in 2000, lost the Electoral College and thus, the race. The 2000 election saw Al Gore, who is not known for being personable, yell and rant at people, making wild claims about “inventing the internet,” or how the world would end in 10 years if he wasn’t elected, and it didn’t. Then 2016 saw Hillary Clinton, the first female Presidential candidate, with a running mate who’s son is a criminal, who had said “what difference does it make” when speaking about her failure to help US diplomats when a US Embassy was attacked and those diplomats tortured and killed. Every statement she made demonized all who would not bow to her, showed her disdain for even those who would vote for her, or dodged questions when anyone dared to ask anything that would expose her.

Now, in 2020, former VP Joe Biden was declared the DNC nominee after almost no voting in the DNC primary, and Senator Kamala Harris, a woman who all but demanded he kiss her feet during debates early on, is his VP nominee. Biden won’t leave his home due to “fearing Coronavirus” while Harris pledges to raise taxes and return to paying off terrorists. Everything is about how “racist” or “sexist” Donald Trump is, and every statement is wrong. Donald Trump has never shown any racist tendencies, hires women to top positions in his administration, and has condemned violence, leaving the “media” to have to selectively edit his clips, leaving out where he directly said he was not referring to white supremacists when he said “good people” were on “both sides” of an issue. Many Democrats went on TV demanding he “denounce the white supremacists” ignoring that he had said he deplores violence from any side, until he denounced, by name, white supremacists and antifa. That was too far though, as antifa are DNC pawns.

So now we see Kenosha all but a pile of ash, Portland almost 90 days of constant riots, and only when polls start showing that Biden is being hurt by the DNC and Media LYING about the violence from liberals, do they say that Biden must denounce the riots and blame Trump. Honestly, at this point, I firmly expect to hear that it’s too dangerous due to Covid19 and the riots, to hold an election, so “The House of Representatives will do their duty and vote on behalf of the country,” and when that fails, there will be calls for Martial Law to “ensure the safety of all” by subjugating everyone. I don’t know that this will happen in my life, but make no mistake, the DNC are the party that read 1984 and took it as instructions, they read Fahrenheit 451 and agreed that banning any book they don’t personally approve of is to be done, and they will soon be the party that read Brave New World and will decide they will begin engineering citizens into castes, and keep those castes drugged.

Is this the country, the future, you want?

Friday thoughts

In just over two weeks, it will be Christmas. That wonderful time of year when we see tantrums in stores over toys, fights over the hot item, and a general de-evolution of the human species, as they return to primates fighting over the sharp stick or last bit of food. I’ve been out shopping at midnight on Thanksgiving night twice, and will never do it again, as the first time I watched someone almost attack a Police Officer for not letting them break in line, then a year later, watching as people were almost trampled over kitchen gadgets. This year, I did take a day off (November 11th) to be up early and in line for my NES Classic, although that was just a bonus as I took the day off initially to be able to attend a basketball tournament my nephew was playing in. Even more than two weeks before Black Friday I was hard pressed to not think it was, as people were more concerned about a game than with anything else. In my first example, WalMart had a BluRay player on for $9.99 or $14.99 (I forget, it’s been a good while) and had stated well before that night, anyone who didn’t get one that night, would still get one at that price, it would just need to be when the next shipment arrived. On November 11th, I got to Target at 5:30 and they didn’t open until 8. For the first hour or so, it was me and 6 other people, one of which was there to get something else launching that day. By about 7:00, the manager came out to check the line, and found only the 7 of us, and told us the store only got six units. We were all happy, as the 7th guy only wanted the new Garth Brooks CD set. As more people showed up, we told them that they wouldn’t get one there, and that the last we heard, other stores opening later had no lines, and they thanked us and left. But, by 7:30 or so, they just stuck around, and when the manager told them the same thing we had, most started to complain, one even accusing her of hiding others so she and the other employees would get them. To me, this shows the same attitude we saw just after Super Tuesday and continue seeing today, the “I want my way, give me my way, or I’ll throw a tantrum and make life miserable for everyone” mindset.

For years we’ve heard from the more liberal people in the country that we need to be more tolerant, and more accepting of everyone’s differences, but they seem to not need to do that very thing. I’ve been told to kill myself, that someone “knows where I live and is coming” and more, for nothing more than posting an opinion. The “I know where you live” was, incredibly enough, on a very conservative site, where I and others were going back and forth about hypothetical laws. Naturally, as a Texan, I’m well armed almost all the time, and not frightened of some wacko coming over, as (like I said) I’m in Texas, and should some idiot show up intending harm, the law is on my side. But, why is it OK to scream at me I must be tolerant, then threaten my life? The simple answer, it is not! In 2000 and 2004, the left bemoaned Bush’s cabinet choices, with some even suggesting he should be required to appoint Democrats or their picks, so someone can keep an eye on him. Funny enough, that was never even mentioned in 2008 or 2012, but with a GOP House and Senate coming in, and an upcoming transition to a Trump White House, the moaning about the cabinet is back. People have called for the Democrats still in office to filibuster all appointees, which is to say, stop all work being done and just stall so there won’t be a cabinet. Thankfully, Senator Reid ended that possibility not long ago when a DNC item was filibustered.

When they aren’t bemoaning the horror that is someone actually thinking for themselves, or blocking highways in protest, they’re crying about the Electoral College. I’ve commented on several posts, explaining the E.C. as it does serve a purpose, only to be called names and insulted. Simply put, without the E.C. the cities of LA, NYC, San Fransisco and Chicaco could almost decide every election for POTUS. If you look at a map of election results by county, you’ll see a far greater amount of Red than Blue, but now that the E.C. went to Trump and the popular vote didn’t, suddenly we are told to just do away with it.

There’s a problem there though Skippy, you can’t just do away with the Electoral College. You see, it was created in the U.S. Constitution, so must be changed or done away with by a Constitutional Amendment. So, first you need to have someone call a Constitutional Convention, have enough states say OK and attend, have enough agree to the amendment and put it to the states, then enough states must ratify it. So, unfortunately for our special snowflakes, the Electoral College won’t just be going away, even if they manager to retake Congress.

So far, the world hasn’t ended, no one’s been nuked, and as far as I can tell, a high percentage of the stories about people being verbally abused or worse by Trump supporters are false, although I see more of the stories about Trump supporters being attacked being true far more often. Yes, Trump said he’s going to drain the swamp and protect our borders, which surprisingly, the vast majority of people living on the border want done. He did not, however, say he’s going to find and deport all illegal immigrants in a day. What he said is he would start by focusing on those with criminal records being being in the country illegally, those who we know are raping, assaulting, robbing and killing. Personally, after those are gone, go after the citizens doing the same and put them away for good. Send them to Sheriff Joe in AZ and put them to work. I know there are good people who came here illegally, so why not help them gain citizenship, so they earn more? Oh, can’t do that, or you’d be taking away their culture. After all, they fought to escape a horrid life, only to protest to make America just like the country they fled. America is the only, or one of a very few, country on this planet that doesn’t have an official language, or as open a border as ours. If you even try to enter Mexico illegally, and you’re lucky enough to avoid being shot, you’ll spend a LONG time in jail, but we can’t even send them back to their home country, or we’re “oppressing them.”

For those who are screaming for Sanctuary Cities or Campuses, go for it, but don’t come crying to me when the government pulls funding from your city or college. You see, it’s the law, and if you publicly help people break the law, you become an accomplice, and thus, are guilty of a crime. The University of Texas was the first to publicly start the Sanctuary Campus movement, pressuring the University PD to not help I.C.E. or other law enforcement, and if the PD does, they’ll find the Texas Rangers authority doesn’t stop at the border of the campus. Sanctuary only does one thing, embolden those that claim it. The UK has, for years, not fought the tide of Muslim immigration, and now there are signs being put up that tell citizens not to walk their dogs, because it’s not clean for Muslims. Yes, people are ordering British citizens to not use public places, and it’s not being fought. The OSU madman who used a car and a knife to attempt the murder of other students was a “refugee,” but all we’re hearing now from those at OSU is how the Police were too quick to shoot, should have listened to the idiot, or how it’s our fault because he felt he had no option due to the “Islamophobia” today. I’m sorry, but if you are attacking and trying to kill people, I’m not going to buy you a latte and ask you about your feelings, I’m going take you down as quickly as I can, and in a manner that best protects those around you. The only good in this, is that it shows that the “hands up don’t shoot” idiocy was just a line for TV, as this idiot was actively attacking people when shot, so it’s not about “innocent people of color” being killed, it’s just about attacking police. I wonder, what would happen were the police to start telling people “why don’t you try talking to them, try to understand why they’re doing this?” Or, if they said “sorry, but we can’t come out, since we’d have to kill the attacker, and you don’t want us rushing to judgement do you?” Naturally, the narrative would flip and become “Police don’t care about those they are paid to protect” from the current one.

The simple truth is this. The world isn’t fair, and won’t be as long as we wait on the second coming of Christ. Trump won’t end the world, nor will the GOP controlled Congress and Senate. In fact, you’ll likely see taxes go down, the economy get better, and in general, life will just go on as it always has. Personally, I’m waiting to see how the news spins it when the country is either better off, or at least, not in the sewer, in four years. We hear nothing but how Trump is going to destroy the country, but in 4 years, when we’re better off, what will they say? But that’s enough ranting from me, what do you say?

Time for a rant, and just in time for the 90 minute rant vs counter-rant on TV tonight!

I’ve not posted in a while, mostly because it seems that no matter what day or week it is, the news is the same every day. This group is racist, that group is being held down because they can’t make as much as a burger flipper as an engineer, or some other BS is under a banner headline.

A prime example of this is how the media either focuses on or hides the race of an officer who is involved in a shooting, but only when the person shot is black. They ignore the fact that black men, while still a minority in most places, commit most of the crime, and are responsible for a VAST majority of the violence against other black people. They ignore that in virtually all cases, the person shot had a firearm, was not obeying lawful orders, and in many cases, was shot to prevent them shooting someone else. But let’s not let pesky little things like facts get in the way, after all, since all white people are racist, it’s only natural that black men would be inclined to brandish a weapon at them, call them horrible things, and try to kill them, and defending yourself just proves you’re a vile bigot who deserves to die.

On the other side of this issue, as a city is destroyed by riots, suggesting that those who are rioting hate white people is apparently worse than the actual riots. Nevermind that the very people burning and looting have called all white people f&&&ing devils, and have called for people to be attacked and/or killed, simple because they’re white, to actually say that they hate white people (thus pointing out that the people playing the race card are in fact racist,) is just wrong, and means you should quit your job, but keep giving money to the “poor downtrodden masses” (who will hate you, attack you and worse) since you’re a vile racist.

While American cities burn, and anyone who dares not support the “enlightened and wonderful vision the DNC has for America” is all but crucified, Hillary is worried about looking smaller than Trump, so has a special podium for the debate tonight. Now, I’ll give this one a chance to be satire, but I’m not holding out much hope. Hillary has shown time and again she cares nothing for anyone but herself. She’s watched as Bill groped and worse, sat idle as Americans died, then asked “what difference does it make” when confronted, broken the law (the e-mail thing,) and she’s still living the high life, while telling people barely able to buy groceries about how horrible we are for not wanting to let her take more of our money.

Moving on to international news, it seems that sexual assaults have doubled at Oktoberfest this year. Now, rather than accepting that it’s because Germany imported MASSIVE numbers of “refugees” that amazingly aren’t all women an children, they’re saying it’s because people are reporting what they see more often, not because the “refugees” are rapists and worse.

Next, two from Clients from Hell. First, this gem is just amazing in that it’s adults and not kindergarten students. Now, I’ll be the first to say that CFH is a weekly reminder of why I’m so glad I’m no longer in photography or web design as a profession. This one, though, is a very common thing today. The client provided all the instructions, then when they complain, it’s pointed out that they picked everything they don’t like. So, when it’s pointed out that if they don’t like what they picked, they just pick something else, it’s still somehow the contractor’s fault, so they can tell them “I don’t like you” or worse.

Just like the one above, we have another great example of the “I’m always right” mindset. Simply put, the client contacts a translator for translation into two languages. They’re told it’s $1000 for one language or $1800 for both, to which they reply, several times, asking how much for both. When the translator gives the same answer, they’re still not polite, but ask for the work to be done, in under 24 hours, to which they’re told it can’t be done. They come back well after that deadline is gone and offer an insultingly low rate for the work, and are told no again. They try the “you’re losing money” bit, but are told no. Finally, they find someone willing to work for their low offer, and the results are horrible, as the “translator” just used Google Translate. When they come back demanding the first translator fix it, and are told no, well, I won’t spoil it totally, but I can easily see this person suing a bakery for not taking their money, as we’ve seen before.

These always piss me off a little, as if you asked them why they aren’t offended for the guy, they attack you for being sexist. Eve said she didn’t feel exploited by the scene, but that’s just a cue for the SJW’s to say she’s “brainwashed” or the like, but they’re silent when a man is nude on camera, and if you dare point out their blatant hypocrisy, well, you’re a sexist and thus, open to be assaulted and you can’t fight back or walk away, or you’re “denying their rights.”

Simple question here, why wasn’t the United Way sued for wrongful death when their stunt caused the death of two people? I’m actually very curious, as the CG stated the balloons were why they had to stop, and they know who released them.


These are just sad. First, an octopus has predicted sports, apparently, with 100% accuracy, so when fans hear it predicted their team won’t win, they threaten to kill it? How sad their lives must be.

The second just shows how far we’ve gone on the path to hell, a man killed someone not directly responsible for his family dying, and goes home as a hero? I’m sorry for his loss, and I understand being angry, but he committed cold blooded murder, and was thus, given a high position in his government? Sorry, but no, he should be given the death penalty. But, this is also a world where people actually believe having to defend your life with deadly force is the same as murder (yes, people do,) I’m not shocked. I’ve actually heard people say they’d “rather watch their children raped and murdered than to disappoint them by becoming a murderer just to save their lives.” Yes, they believe it’s better to let someone RAPE, TORTURE AND KILL A CHILD, than to use a gun. And sadly, these are the people who right now, are a majority in many states, and influencing laws. WHEN something happens, they’ll either sue the police for not having teleportation abilities, and thus “being too late,” or the person who saves them, for “bringing a deadly weapon into their home.” It’s only a matter of time before we have entire sections of cities where police won’t go, and where crime is worse the slums of NYC during prohibition, and they’ll bemoan the “evil gun nuts aren’t willing to let them ban guns, so the criminals still have guns.” If you don’t believe me, look up some of our elected officals’ quotes, they actually believe that if the legal gun owners would just give up their guns, the criminals would stop.

While I’m glad people are getting this message out, it’s being misused. Students are now reporting “harassment” when they see Trump 2016 on the sidewalk, are reporting “hate speech” in class when their history book points out that slavery wasn’t purely a white American thing. While they gleefully silence anyone who they don’t like, they’ll scream about their “right to free speech” as they take others’ rights away. I can only hope they grow up one day, or we’ll have the equivalent of a toddler day care in DC one day, with people yelling “shut up, you can’t talk to me any more” and the like in Congress.

Well, enough ranting for now, what’s on your mind?

It’s Saturday, time for a bit of a rant

More and more each day, I see the world hurtling to hell in a rocket powered wagon, and no one seems to care. We hear screams of racism, sexism, and so on daily, while those doing the screaming are the most guilty of those actions. Meanwhile, others are taking everything they can to “prove racism is institutional” and only proving themselves to be idiots. Case in point, this person claims to have been looking for buried Comcast wires, when approached by a police officer who had his weapon drawn. He was supposedly told to put his hands up, but said no, and was then given a ticket. I’m sorry idiot, but had the officer had his weapon drawn, you would have to have given him a reason. Contrary to popular media hype, police do NOT just approach every non-white person with a weapon drawn. Second point, you claim that your shirt and van are “proof you’re not in the wrong.” Well, sorry to tell you this, but criminals are getting smarter and stealing uniforms and vans, or at least copying them, to “case” places they plan to hit. In most situations, were I in a Comcast neighborhood and see a Comcast van and someone in their shirt, I’d have to think hard about if they were up to no good, and criminals know this. Second, the fact that you weren’t arrested and given a court date, but only cited instead, to me, tells me the idiot posting this to social media is just looking to stir up more trouble. If you are approached with a weapon drawn and you don’t comply, there will be a second (or more than 1 extra) officer there who will either pepper spray or taze you, you won’t just be given a ticket.

Moving on to something that isn’t a report in the media of bigotry or the like, but just a TV show, I still feel it shows a pervasive attitude in society today. So, while watching Supergirl, there’s a scene where two idiots are ramming each other at high speed, and are racing toward young school children.

Being a super hero show, of course Supergirl stops the cars, at which point one driver jumps out, angry that she totaled his car, and caring nothing for the children he almost murdered. He then throws a punch, only to later scream about how she’s hurting him. First, she’s freaking Supergirl! You surely know that you can’t hurt her, so why throw the punch? Simpler than that however, is that this is the attitude becoming more common. Someone stopped from doing something horrible then views themself as 100% the victim, and their actions, regardless of what they are, as 100% justified. Speeders sue the cops for “racism,” criminals who shoot old men (see a previous post) sue said old man for shooting back. Families of criminals sue the one who stopped said criminal from killing others for “negligence” in using a legal firearm to stop a crime.

So, what do you think? Am I right that the world is just headed for hell and doesn’t care?

When your cause is so weak you have to invent enemies, you need to stop.

We’ve seen the screaming mobs protesting against “Police racism” when a thug is shot by an officer who was legitimately in fear for his life, the screams and tears as Obama said if he’d had a son, the child would have been like Trayvon, who got high and attacked a man, and was ultimately shot. But when it’s violence aimed at whites, it’s ignored. Most recently, a student Kean University left a protest, created an anonymous Twitter account, posted threats to anyone who is black, then went back to the protest to report this. Story Link I can’t say if we’ve found a judge with a working brain, or if we just are being treated to a single event going as it should, but the student has been fined $82,000 and will spend 90 days in jail.

I hate having to clarify points like this, but I must do so more and more every day. I do not support threats or violence against anyone, save when used in defense of life. I will be the first to stand against anyone threatening to kill people because of their skin color, but because I’m white, I’m crippled socially, since it’s now apparently “fact” that simply being born white means I’m a bigot who wants to go back to pre-Civil War days and start buying slaves.

The point of this is simple, we need to stop the BS about racism where there is no racism. It’s not racist to argue that $15 an hour for a McDonald’s line cook is not fiscally sound. It’s not racist to hire based on qualifications. It’s not racist to defend your life when attacked. It is racist to run around chanting that some lives matter, rather than simply “life matters.” It is racist to point at one race and hate them based on their skin. Oddly enough, it’s the DNC both then and now spurring on the racial hate. The DNC enacted Jim Crow laws and fought for equal rights in the 1960’s and they’re fanning the flames of hatred still today.

So, what are we going to do about it?

More of the same

First, comes a story involving a Marine who requested his daughter not take lessons “promoting Islam” then was openly critical of such classes. I will say that he’s not correct when quoting the First Amendment with regards to these classes. That amendment states “CONGRESS shall not make any law….” not that no one is allowed, outside of their personal life, to promote one religion over another. It’s not a violation of the Constitution for a school to do that, it’s just morally wrong to push that agenda, regardless of the faith being pushed, in a school. He also maintains he did not threaten anyone at the school, but only “threatened” to take his concerns to the media, after which he was banned from the campus, and thus, commencement exercises, which I would only support if he was threatening physical harm on someone. Naturally, the school “cannot comment” and claims they haven’t even seen his appeal to lift the ban, and one must wonder if they’ll finally see it the day after his Daughter graduates. Will they not allow video recording? I’m sorry, but in cases like this, I’m more skeptical of the school than the parent, as I’ve seen far too many stories about children told they cannot pray, after school groups told they can’t have Bible study, and schools requiring kids to “be muslim for a week” while also removing all references to Christianity.

Next, from Canada, the government has overturned a man’s will for wanting to establish a scholarship for straight white men and non feminist straight females. From the story, it’s “against official policy” for a private citizen to ask that of his estate, but not for public colleges to have scholarships that straight white men cannot get! I understand the reasons quote, and I understand they’re invalid. When anyone tries to help straight white men or non-feminist straight women, it’s instantly “sexist” or “a throwback to the KKK” but it’s perfectly OK to have BILLIONS flow through the NAACP, most into the pockets of men like not-so-Sharpton or Jackson, but some going to college scholarships, for only black students. I’m sorry, when you either deliberately favor only one race, or deliberately ignore one race, THAT’S RACIST, but then again, according to the media and the apparent feelings of society, only whites can be racist today.

Finally, while it appears the two people who attacked a Marine after they yelled at him asking if he “thought black lives mattered,” it appears hate crime charges won’t be made. Personally, this seems the worst of the lot, as a Marine was struck in the back of the head with a firearm, then kicked until and after losing consciousness, then robbed. The others are bad enough on their own, but we also appear to live in a country where you can freely attack someone who isn’t black, and get nothing more than the minimum charges! I hope these two are glad they got that first shot in, since the Marine would not have gone down easy otherwise, and they’d be the ones screaming he “attacked them because they’re black” then screamed that the video had obviously been edited to make them look bad because they’re black, and the media would have run with it. But, when they can’t even act innocent, we don’t even get crickets chirping from them. I’d say I’ll watch this as it progresses, but it will be completely gone in record time.

So, your thoughts?

Yet more proof the inmates are running the asylum

Well, I had a good weekend, until today. Friday night and last night I spent time with my high school classmates, celebrating our 20th reunion. It was fun, goofy and all around a great time reconnecting with friends from a lifetime ago. Sadly, my good weekend was not to last, and I find more idiocy in my inbox.

First students at the University of Delaware insist that a falsely reported hate crime is still a hate crime. Apparently, paper lanterns were used for a celebration, and not completely removed, leaving wire in some trees. Fast forward and now they’re nooses (nooses are made of rope and shaped completely differently, but hey, who needs logic, right?) Well, the University first told them it was not a hate crime, but merely a misunderstanding, only to have students persist, and tell the University they were wrong, and it was a hate crime. So, what did the University do? They buckled! Rather than telling students to grow some backbone and brains, they’re “investigating” and launching a diversity action plan. I’ve heard questions for years, asking why the country is going downhill fast, THIS IS WHY! We’re no longer teaching students how to use their brains, how to think critically, how to survive in the modern world and earn a living. Rather, we’re teaching them they can scream “hate crime” and get what they want, we’re awarding degrees in “fields” that have ZERO application, and then commiserating with the students who “can’t get a job because the patriarchy is keeping them out,” rather than pointing out that a degree in women’s studies or 17th century French poetry is not going to help them find work when the world wants engineers, doctors, lawyers, IT professionals, and the like. Is it any wonder that we have people working at McDonald’s demanding the same pay as an entry level IT professional?

Next we’re once again seeing the “we can’t do anything until it’s over” mindset. With Obamacare, it was Pelosi telling the country that a law must be passed before anyone can read it, now we have Hillary telling us that she didn’t read her e-mails when they were being checked (after being recovered from deletion) so she is all but saying she can’t be convicted. This is a woman who literally asked what difference the torture and murder of an American diplomat at Benghazi made, but when confronted with her own career ending and possible jail time, she now wants to say that since she didn’t read and sort recovered e-mails, we shouldn’t ask her about them? This is the world we’ve made, with a massive portion of the country not voting, a good portion of those who do being bought off with “free” phones, food stamps, and the like (many of them voting fraudulently) and those who use their brains being the vast minority. I’ve seen countless diatribes ranting about how Trump wants to deport billions of “hard working Americans,” or how Jeb Bush hates those living in poverty, or how Cruz is an idiot. Here’s an idea, stop all the idiocy, use your brain and actually vote based on who best fits what you want done, rather than just ticking the straight ticket for the DNC, and who knows, we might actually see the country survive a bit longer.

Last, but by no means least is the story of a woman arrested in Georgia for online videos where she advocated the killing of cops and white people. Naturally, as soon as this happened she was only urging people to defend themselves against racists bent on killing black people. We shouldn’t listen to her words about “open season” or telling people to “gun up” or anything else. Her words are not valid, we are supposed to let her tell us we’re wrong, and then apologize and give her millions of dollars and anything else she wants, while she then continues to foment hate in the country. This must stop! All lives are precious, and death is always a loss, if not a tragedy. But I’m sorry, Trayvon was a thug who tried to attack (and may have been trying to kill) Zimmerman. Michael Brown was a thug who had just committed a crime (theft) and was wrestling Officer Darren Wilson for his sidearm (NOT on his knees, hands on his head, back turned). In both cases, the shooting was in self defense. Zimmerman had wounds showing he had been hit multiple times, and forensics showed clearly that Brown was shot at very close range and not in the back. But to those who only see racism, facts and logic do not matter. I will defend anyone who shoots in self defense, no matter their race or their attacker’s race. Why then, do I seem to be in a minority who thinks like this? Why is it no longer OK for white people to defend themselves, and perfectly OK for black people to advocate murder? Why is it OK for this woman to tell millions on Youtube to “gun up” and that it’s “open season on cops and white people” but for me to even mention I have a gun for self defense means I’m planning mass murder? The simple answer, the media has decided (YEARS ago) that ratings matter more than lives or anything else. They found a story and only showed photos that would whip the country into a frenzy, and ran with it. The solution? Stop watching the news or listening to it on the radio. Stop buying papers and other news magazines. Only when they realize they’re losing money will they change, but I’m not holding out even the smallest bit of hope that I’ll live to see this happen, even if I live to 200.

Well, that’s my rant for the day, what are your thoughts?

And people wonder why society is going to hell, fast!

With the rioting in Ferguson, MO and so many other incidents given hype by the media, one would think that all police officers in the US were white rednecks, letting white citizens do anything, while gunning down innocent non-white children. This IS NOT TRUE! Brown was shot while trying to take a police officer’s weapon, not in the back while running, as evidence has shown. Another thug was shot when he pulled a weapon to attack an officer, yet people riot in the streets as if he were a 5 year old shot simply based on his skin. Then we have a black man who was a “disgruntled employee” shooting two people broadcasting live news, and the media is silent! Why? Because the reporter and camera-man were white, and this happens!

When did racism change from “preferring one race over all others” to BEING WHITE? This is unacceptable, yet if and when this idiot is blasted for her insensitivity to parents, two fiance’s, and many others for mocking their pain, she will play the victim and blame them for her rapid decline in “personal achievement because they made her feel bad” for MOCKING THE DEATH OF TWO PEOPLE!

We need to force the media to go back to what it was only a few decades ago. When they were not shills for the liberals and democrats, but reported news. “Anchor babies” are NOT all Mexican, but simply put, children of NON-CITIZENS who are then USED to get benefits from a country the parents do not pay taxes to. This means two Brits, Italians, French, or any other nationality parents could come here, have a child, and then use that child to get money from the US!

Add to this that while it’s been proven by statistics that more white citizens are killed by black thugs than white cops kill black citizens, and more black thugs kill other black citizens, the media hypes up a situation not-so-Sharpton tells them to and the country suddenly believes that “all cops are white rednecks ignoring crimes and hunting black children.” Will you let your country continue on a road where people actually suggest giving black votes more weight than non-black votes? Or will you stand up and say NO, I WANT LOGIC BACK IN MY COUNTRY? I guess we’ll see, won’t we?

This will either never be mentioned, or will still be used to “show that racism is rampant.”

Before I begin, let me make it perfectly clear that to me, ANYONE who murders someone deserves to be put to death. I don’t care about the race of the victim or murderer. I don’t care if you use a gun, knife, rock, your hands or a pink polka dotted sweater, you have murdered, you deserve to die.

Why is it, then, that when a murder victim is white, little more than a blurb on the news happens, but when they are black, we get endless coverage, commentary, and Al (not-so)Sharpton or Jesse Jackson get 12 hours a day of air time? Simple, it sells, it increases ratings. Despite a grand jury acquitting the officer in the Mike Brown case, and evidence proving he was not facing the officer and did not have his hands raised in surrender, we saw U.S. Congressmen/woman stopping to give the “hands up don’t shoot” gesture to “support equality” or some such. I also remember seeing a video where a man had the police called by a store manager, as the store suspected him of theft. The officer, obviously aware of what had happened in Missouri, went out of his way to ensure he was not seen “acting racist” on camera, while the suspect would not obey the LAWFUL order to stop leaving the store, and would not show the receipt in a manner that allowed the officer to read it! Now, I’m sorry if you feel you’re targeted due to your race, but when a police officer tells you that he was called by store management, for suspected shoplifting, DON’T ACT LIKE A JERK! If you are innocent, SHOW YOUR RECEIPT! How long until we see someone at Sam’s or Costco accusing the people at the door, who check EVERYONE’S RECEIPT as they leave, of being racist and “making sure the black man didn’t steal.” I don’t think it will be too long, and even then, you could show someone had checked mine first, and he’d then say it was to “prove they aren’t racist, but they just did it for show.”

Well, I’d like to say I’m surprised by the latest bit of idiocy, but I’m not. Yes, Dylan Roof is a vile and evil person and deserves a slow eternity in hell, but that’s just due to taking a life not in self defense. But, as he killed black worshipers, it’s suddenly on par with world war 3 breaking out, while we ignore violence where the victim is white. On top of that, every aspect of the case is now made public, including bail, which prompted this.

Completely ignoring context, if you post bail and skip out, you lose the money even after you’re dragged back to court. So, Suge Knight could easily post $25mil but would he be willing to lose it? He’d almost certainly give up $1mil though, if it meant he could get away. Bobby Shmurda, I’ll admit I don’t know that case, but it’s likely that there were multiple charges, or he also may have been deemed a flight risk. Roof’s bail is “only” $1mil, but that’s for the weapons charges, on the murders, bail was DENIED! Now, as much as I love a good debate, and watching a good verbal smackdown, I see only bad from this.
First, I can all but guarantee that the person who showed the original poster to be an idiot will be called racist, bigot, and worse. Next, they’ll be told “they just don’t get it” and that “this is racism” even though Roof was denied bail so he’d stay there until tried. Lastly, someone will call the rebuttal argument racist for even daring to insult the original person by questioning their ethics and intelligence.

Why are we not able to disagree any more? All three people in the first image are criminals, and bail was set in accordance with their cases. Bail is almost always used as a formal way to deny someone release. It’s set based on the risk of them running, and what they’re unwilling to lose. Suge Knight could have had someone bail him out and done the right thing, staying until tried, but it was judged that was not likely. Roof was deemed not only a flight risk, but also a danger to himself and others, so while there is a bail number, there are other charges where it was denied to keep him in jail.

I’ll say one more time, though, I wouldn’t care if Roof was black and his victims white, or if they were all the same race. Roof brutally murdered 9 people. He planned that out, then deprived a community of people they love. Why are only black lives worth anything any more? Why not actually try to not be racist and not let race play any part?

But of course, my simply posting this, showing the idiocy running wild today, is racist, isn’t it?

An update, and it’s a bit of good news

I posted on the 26th about a video which shows a girl being pulled by the hair off a bench, causing her to drop a toddler. In the video you can see bystanders doing nothing, and in some cases taunting her and celebrating as the attacker kept hitting her. It turns out this was in Rowlett, just outside of Dallas and the attacker has turned herself in. The attacker is 13 and the victim is 14, while the toddler is the victim’s 3 year old niece. While the update story goes into detail saying it’s believed this was not motivated by race, and to point out that the victim’s father is black, but I have to ask, why the rush to say it’s not based on race? I can guarantee that, were the victim black and the attacker white, there would have been calls for her death! You could point out the victim had pulled a gun on the attacker and she was defending herself and it would still be a “brutal attack motivated by race,” and this is a major issue in this case.

First, the bystanders who did nothing to aid the victim or the toddler need to be arrested as well. They may not have physically helped injure either the teen or toddler, they are still involved, and need to be taught that there are consequences to their action, or inaction.

Next, we MUST stop jumping to racism as the cause for all crimes. Yes, there are crimes motivated by race, and that is a big problem in society, but to instantly jump to racism as the cause when any crime is committed by a white person, or to jump instantly to loudly saying it’s not about race when the victim is black, is only exacerbating the situation.

As for this, sadly, this girl’s life is ruined, as she now has a third degree felony on her record, and that will never go away. She will likely never be allowed to work anywhere near kids, which rules out a LOT of jobs, although if she doesn’t get some good role models and counseling, she’ll simply claim they aren’t hiring her because she’s black, not because she brutally attacked one child, which caused a toddler to be injured.

Enough from me, what do you think?

This is completely unacceptable!

We have seen, in just the last year, protests and riots over “racism” when a Police Officer is forced to use any form of force against a black citizen, as long as the officer is white. Note, that in the case in New York, where a man died due to being restrained, the fact that he was resisting, was much larger than the officers, and the fact that the on scene supervisor was black and didn’t stop it, were all ignored. Yet, something like this is completely ignored in the media, and by the infamous race baiters, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Warning, do not watch the video if you are disturbed by violence, or don’t want to see a small child fall on her head on concrete.

Yes, that’s correct. The white woman, presumably the child’s mother, was holding the child and sitting down, when brutally pulled by the hair off the bench, which resulted in her DROPPING THE CHILD TO THE CONCRETE, and the child landed on her head. You can bet had a white woman slapped a black man or woman, in response to an attack, she’d be labeled racist and in jail, but this black teen forced a white woman to drop a child, which could have KILLED THE CHILD, and nothing is said.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry if this offends you, but I am appalled at where my country is now. I grew up in a small town in Texas, and trust me, the history of this area pre-Civil War, during and after Reconstruction, even as little as 60 years ago is what is referred to when the media wants to show racism. It happened, and it can’t be changed. But, why does that mean we can’t go after thugs who almost killed a child with their actions? Why are we vilified when we tell people that “hands up don’t shoot” makes you look like an idiot? Why are we treated as demons for saying something as true as ALL Lives Matter? The answer, the media wants ratings, and that sells. The current crop of politicians know that to get votes, they must appeal to people, and telling a group of people who destroyed their city when the verdict wasn’t what they wanted that they are all now criminals would lose votes.

I’ve asked this before and I’ve answered it before. How do we fix the issue? And the answer is as simple now as ever, stop the lunacy. Enforce laws equally, and report equally. Show these thugs on national TV, and ensure they spend a lot of time in jail. Stop with the idiocy of “hate crimes,” because all crime is motivated by some form of hate. Had this been an issue of a black woman dropping her child when a white teen pulled her to the ground, the teen would already be in jail to keep them alive! I want to believe we are not headed to hell in a hand cart, but we are. I also firmly believe there will come a day when we are told, though I don’t know by who, that white people cannot ever cause the death of a black person, even in self defense, because that’s racist. We will reach a point where video will be shown in court of a white person, on the ground, surrounded by black thug attackers, and when that video shows the VICTIM defending their life, that will result in the VICTIM being sent to jail for “murder” or some such. We will see a day when we will be told that if a black person wants your car, you are required to give it to them, because it’s “racist” to not do so.

It’s getting closer when you have idiots who can go up to people and take their phone (which we all know most phones are $300 or more) then when the person gets upset, they scream “it was a prank” and suddenly the person who rightly believed their phone was just stolen is not allowed to be angry. We’ve seen idiots dressed as clowns akin to Pennywise in IT running at people with what I assume are fake knives, then they get upset when one of the people they want to “prank” punches them or draws a weapon. They ignore than the “racist” was defending children, or reacting to what they saw as masked people running at them with a knife. They firmly believe they can say “it’s a prank” and that excuses their actions.

Only when we get to a point where none of this idiocy is tolerated, where it doesn’t matter if you “pulled the racist white woman who disrespected you,” when thugs and idiots are forced to live the consequences of their actions we will once again have a nation to be proud of. It starts with us telling our elected leaders that WE elected them, and we can just as easily not re-elect them. That we want them to stand for everyone, not the group screaming that they’re being mistreated. Police and Fire entrance exams aren’t racist, they’re tough due to the job being tough. If you can’t pass the exam, STUDY HARDER AND TAKE IT AGAIN! But sadly, this isn’t the world we have any more. We have a world where people are given handouts because they say it’s racist not to, and where victims are told they can’t do anything to their attacker, because it’s “racist.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it

Virtually ALL crime is motivated by hate. Yes, there are those who steal to feed their family, and many of those only resort to stealing as a last resort, but those are in the vast minority of criminals. Sadly, we live in a world where certain people, if they are attacked, are seen as more of a victim than others. Just recently, Dylann Storm Roof shot and killed nine people in the basement of a Church, which is horrific on it’s own, but because Roof is white and the victims are black, this is a “hate crime” and carries heavier penalties than had the victims been white and the shooter black.

We saw in Ferguson and in so many other cases, countless excuses made from poor economic situations, to discrimination meaning they can’t find a good job, or just feeling that the world hated them because of their skin, when crimes are committed. We have also seen Police officials all but tarred and feathered when they respond against these suspects, including an officer who had one (Michael Brown) attempt to take his weapon from him, forced to leave the state after death threats were made, due only to his acting to defend his life. What would have happened had he not acted? What if Brown had gotten the pistol and shot the officer, then killed someone else? Would the family have sat idle while Brown was tried and convicted? No, they likely would have been screaming that the Officer should have done more to stop their baby before he hurt someone, and it’s the Officer’s fault that their poor relative has to live with what he’s done.

Well, I’m sorry, but this has to stop. Roof killed, that’s it, and the act of taking a human life when not in self defense or defense of others, should be enough to warrant the harshest punishment possible. I live in Texas and fully support that if you are convicted of murder, you can face being put to death! I don’t care if you’re white and kill someone who isn’t, if you’re black and kill someone who isn’t, or if you’re pink with orange stripes and kill someone who is the same! If you murder another human, that is, for me, enough for you to be put to death! Only when we begin demanding our leaders tell us why some lives are worth more than others, based only on their race, will we start the path back to a strong society. I fully agree that what Roof did has no place in civilized society, and that means people murdering others, I don’t care what race any of them are! We need to hold our elected leaders responsible for fomenting a society where one entire segment has been told their lives matter more, so anything they feel is done to wrong them becomes a hate crime or racism.

Finally, to answer the President’s comment that the ready availability of guns is a problem, that’s not what we need to address here. I can guarantee that making guns illegal will only make things worse! When you disarm those who do not break the law, you put them in danger. While I will agree that there are some who obtain their weapons legally, then use them illegally, these are the minority. Gangbangers and thugs buy theirs from the back of a car, the slug that shot up Sandy Hook stole his from a relative. I’d be willing to bet the weapon used by Roof wasn’t his, or at least wasn’t purchased by him. So, unless there’s a magic switch that will first make every single firearm on the planet vanish, and also remove all knowledge of how to build them and how to make ammunition, then making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase them only disarms those who, honestly, need to be able to defend themselves more today than ever.

Two for today’s you have to be kidding file

First is this story from Mobile. It seems that Aldric White attempted to rob a Family Dollar and was shot by a customer as he had another man on the ground with a pistol to his head. Let me say this again, White had his weapon to a man’s head, but was shot instead of shooting that man. I realize this is almost two years old, but it still shows the state we’re in today. White’s family has actually said the other customer should have DONE NOTHING! They undoubtedly would be attacking the Police for racism had White MURDERED that employee and then been arrested, but now they have a private citizen who defended someone to attack.

Next is this story from South Carolina, where two people came in to rob a Waffle House, and when one of them pointed his weapon at someone, they drew and fired DEFENDING THEMSELF, but the family is planning legal action against this would be murder victim for shooting the person trying to kill him.

We’ve also seen the lunacy in Missouri where people DESTROYED THEIR OWN TOWN in reaction to Michael Brown and the officer who fired rather than let Brown get his weapon (the wounds show he was not fleeing, as they entered the chest first.) This is, sadly, the world we now live in. A world where, if you are attacked by a “minority” you either defend yourself and get sued or worse due to your “racist attack on a poor minority” or you die.

I’m saddened by any loss of life, but given the choice between someone who has clearly threatened my life or someone’s life in my presence or the person who was threatened, I will act, and I will act to stop them, period! Why is it, then, that this is evil, but Brown robbing a store and going for a cop’s gun is not? Why is it evil that Aldric White was shot while committing armed robbery but not evil for him to do so? Why is it evil for someone to defend a store clerk, but not evil to put a gun to said clerk’s head? If you listen to the media and those screaming, like Sharpton or Jackson, it’s because we’re all racist and those “poor misunderstood teens” were innocent and gunned down by hateful people, thus ignoring their criminal behavior.

Only when we wake up and start telling families of criminals they cannot sue their relative’s victims, they cannot sue someone for defending their own life or someone else’s life, that the actions of a thug have consequences they can’t change because they don’t like them, will we get back to a country that actually resembles the America of only 20 years ago. Do I think we’ll get there? Not in my lifetime, sadly, but I know I won’t be a victim, and when the day comes I have to defend myself or someone else, you can bet I’ll be tried for murder like Zimmerman, attacked for my “racism” when acquitted and sued civilly for “pain and suffering” due to my actions, but you can also bet I won’t back down.

And people still wonder why we have issues in society?

Not only did we, once again, witness one of the major issues with society today, that being “Black Friday,” but we also saw people completely ignore the rules of polite society.

Yes, there’s the old joke that, just hours after being thankful for what you have, you can elbow people to get a good deal on more stuff, but it’s true. I actually went to Wal-Mart Thursday night, as they had a few home appliances on a great sale, which I need for the house I’m building, and I watched as people almost trampled each other. I live in a “small town,” so we were spared the horrors that were seen in places like LA, NYC or Chicago, but why can’t people be courteous, rather than only screaming at others to be? I saw people literally screaming at others to not block the aisle, while they were doing that very thing, but if you suggest they take their own advice, you will be called ignorant, a racist, or worse.

Well, it seems that Michael Brown is being remembered, by people using his name to justify their refusing to even cooperate with police. In South Strabane, PA, a man was suspected of shoplifting, so the store manager at Wal-Mart called the police. When they arrived, this man refused to show ID and refused to allow the officer, who he all but yelled the name of, to see the receipt. He said “he knows who I am,” before admitting that the officer had arrested him before. This is strike one for me, as it shows a criminal history. In “showing the receipt,” he treated the officer like a child, telling him “look with your eyes, not your hands,” even after the officer told him he couldn’t read it due to moving. The idiot then said his hands were shaking because he was mad. As an officer, had a man who was larger than I am said he was “mad,” I’d have him on the ground, or at least in cuffs.

In addition to this, he had someone recording, so we hear him say that no one called, thereby accusing the officer of lying, and also suggesting he knows what the manager did, even though he has no way to know if the manager called or not. The alarm not going off means nothing, as not everything is tagged to do that. Finally, he walks around, yelling while holding his hands up, that he fears for his life and saying the officer is “trying to Mike Brown me” while the officer never even acted as if he was going to draw his weapon.

Here’s the video –

So, we have a black man, who, after robbing a store of cigarillos, and physically assaulting the store owner/operator, struggled to take a police officer’s sidearm, only to be shot. To be clear, the wounds showed that he was not running away, his hands were not up, and so on. Yet when the evidence showed that the officer wasn’t in the wrong, that’s ignored, and now, apparently, a way to get police to leave you alone when you are likely guilty.

A few suggestions for if you are approached in a situation like this. Show your ID, let the officer actually hold the receipt, and don’t act like this, instantly accusing the police of trying to kill you! You are in a private business, which means they or the police when called, CAN SEE AND HOLD YOUR RECEIPT, and it’s not racist or anything of the like!

So, all of that said, what are your thoughts?

Smokey out