Yet more proof the inmates are running the asylum

Well, I had a good weekend, until today. Friday night and last night I spent time with my high school classmates, celebrating our 20th reunion. It was fun, goofy and all around a great time reconnecting with friends from a lifetime ago. Sadly, my good weekend was not to last, and I find more idiocy in my inbox.

First students at the University of Delaware insist that a falsely reported hate crime is still a hate crime. Apparently, paper lanterns were used for a celebration, and not completely removed, leaving wire in some trees. Fast forward and now they’re nooses (nooses are made of rope and shaped completely differently, but hey, who needs logic, right?) Well, the University first told them it was not a hate crime, but merely a misunderstanding, only to have students persist, and tell the University they were wrong, and it was a hate crime. So, what did the University do? They buckled! Rather than telling students to grow some backbone and brains, they’re “investigating” and launching a diversity action plan. I’ve heard questions for years, asking why the country is going downhill fast, THIS IS WHY! We’re no longer teaching students how to use their brains, how to think critically, how to survive in the modern world and earn a living. Rather, we’re teaching them they can scream “hate crime” and get what they want, we’re awarding degrees in “fields” that have ZERO application, and then commiserating with the students who “can’t get a job because the patriarchy is keeping them out,” rather than pointing out that a degree in women’s studies or 17th century French poetry is not going to help them find work when the world wants engineers, doctors, lawyers, IT professionals, and the like. Is it any wonder that we have people working at McDonald’s demanding the same pay as an entry level IT professional?

Next we’re once again seeing the “we can’t do anything until it’s over” mindset. With Obamacare, it was Pelosi telling the country that a law must be passed before anyone can read it, now we have Hillary telling us that she didn’t read her e-mails when they were being checked (after being recovered from deletion) so she is all but saying she can’t be convicted. This is a woman who literally asked what difference the torture and murder of an American diplomat at Benghazi made, but when confronted with her own career ending and possible jail time, she now wants to say that since she didn’t read and sort recovered e-mails, we shouldn’t ask her about them? This is the world we’ve made, with a massive portion of the country not voting, a good portion of those who do being bought off with “free” phones, food stamps, and the like (many of them voting fraudulently) and those who use their brains being the vast minority. I’ve seen countless diatribes ranting about how Trump wants to deport billions of “hard working Americans,” or how Jeb Bush hates those living in poverty, or how Cruz is an idiot. Here’s an idea, stop all the idiocy, use your brain and actually vote based on who best fits what you want done, rather than just ticking the straight ticket for the DNC, and who knows, we might actually see the country survive a bit longer.

Last, but by no means least is the story of a woman arrested in Georgia for online videos where she advocated the killing of cops and white people. Naturally, as soon as this happened she was only urging people to defend themselves against racists bent on killing black people. We shouldn’t listen to her words about “open season” or telling people to “gun up” or anything else. Her words are not valid, we are supposed to let her tell us we’re wrong, and then apologize and give her millions of dollars and anything else she wants, while she then continues to foment hate in the country. This must stop! All lives are precious, and death is always a loss, if not a tragedy. But I’m sorry, Trayvon was a thug who tried to attack (and may have been trying to kill) Zimmerman. Michael Brown was a thug who had just committed a crime (theft) and was wrestling Officer Darren Wilson for his sidearm (NOT on his knees, hands on his head, back turned). In both cases, the shooting was in self defense. Zimmerman had wounds showing he had been hit multiple times, and forensics showed clearly that Brown was shot at very close range and not in the back. But to those who only see racism, facts and logic do not matter. I will defend anyone who shoots in self defense, no matter their race or their attacker’s race. Why then, do I seem to be in a minority who thinks like this? Why is it no longer OK for white people to defend themselves, and perfectly OK for black people to advocate murder? Why is it OK for this woman to tell millions on Youtube to “gun up” and that it’s “open season on cops and white people” but for me to even mention I have a gun for self defense means I’m planning mass murder? The simple answer, the media has decided (YEARS ago) that ratings matter more than lives or anything else. They found a story and only showed photos that would whip the country into a frenzy, and ran with it. The solution? Stop watching the news or listening to it on the radio. Stop buying papers and other news magazines. Only when they realize they’re losing money will they change, but I’m not holding out even the smallest bit of hope that I’ll live to see this happen, even if I live to 200.

Well, that’s my rant for the day, what are your thoughts?

And people wonder why society is going to hell, fast!

With the rioting in Ferguson, MO and so many other incidents given hype by the media, one would think that all police officers in the US were white rednecks, letting white citizens do anything, while gunning down innocent non-white children. This IS NOT TRUE! Brown was shot while trying to take a police officer’s weapon, not in the back while running, as evidence has shown. Another thug was shot when he pulled a weapon to attack an officer, yet people riot in the streets as if he were a 5 year old shot simply based on his skin. Then we have a black man who was a “disgruntled employee” shooting two people broadcasting live news, and the media is silent! Why? Because the reporter and camera-man were white, and this happens!

When did racism change from “preferring one race over all others” to BEING WHITE? This is unacceptable, yet if and when this idiot is blasted for her insensitivity to parents, two fiance’s, and many others for mocking their pain, she will play the victim and blame them for her rapid decline in “personal achievement because they made her feel bad” for MOCKING THE DEATH OF TWO PEOPLE!

We need to force the media to go back to what it was only a few decades ago. When they were not shills for the liberals and democrats, but reported news. “Anchor babies” are NOT all Mexican, but simply put, children of NON-CITIZENS who are then USED to get benefits from a country the parents do not pay taxes to. This means two Brits, Italians, French, or any other nationality parents could come here, have a child, and then use that child to get money from the US!

Add to this that while it’s been proven by statistics that more white citizens are killed by black thugs than white cops kill black citizens, and more black thugs kill other black citizens, the media hypes up a situation not-so-Sharpton tells them to and the country suddenly believes that “all cops are white rednecks ignoring crimes and hunting black children.” Will you let your country continue on a road where people actually suggest giving black votes more weight than non-black votes? Or will you stand up and say NO, I WANT LOGIC BACK IN MY COUNTRY? I guess we’ll see, won’t we?

Two for today’s you have to be kidding file

First is this story from Mobile. It seems that Aldric White attempted to rob a Family Dollar and was shot by a customer as he had another man on the ground with a pistol to his head. Let me say this again, White had his weapon to a man’s head, but was shot instead of shooting that man. I realize this is almost two years old, but it still shows the state we’re in today. White’s family has actually said the other customer should have DONE NOTHING! They undoubtedly would be attacking the Police for racism had White MURDERED that employee and then been arrested, but now they have a private citizen who defended someone to attack.

Next is this story from South Carolina, where two people came in to rob a Waffle House, and when one of them pointed his weapon at someone, they drew and fired DEFENDING THEMSELF, but the family is planning legal action against this would be murder victim for shooting the person trying to kill him.

We’ve also seen the lunacy in Missouri where people DESTROYED THEIR OWN TOWN in reaction to Michael Brown and the officer who fired rather than let Brown get his weapon (the wounds show he was not fleeing, as they entered the chest first.) This is, sadly, the world we now live in. A world where, if you are attacked by a “minority” you either defend yourself and get sued or worse due to your “racist attack on a poor minority” or you die.

I’m saddened by any loss of life, but given the choice between someone who has clearly threatened my life or someone’s life in my presence or the person who was threatened, I will act, and I will act to stop them, period! Why is it, then, that this is evil, but Brown robbing a store and going for a cop’s gun is not? Why is it evil that Aldric White was shot while committing armed robbery but not evil for him to do so? Why is it evil for someone to defend a store clerk, but not evil to put a gun to said clerk’s head? If you listen to the media and those screaming, like Sharpton or Jackson, it’s because we’re all racist and those “poor misunderstood teens” were innocent and gunned down by hateful people, thus ignoring their criminal behavior.

Only when we wake up and start telling families of criminals they cannot sue their relative’s victims, they cannot sue someone for defending their own life or someone else’s life, that the actions of a thug have consequences they can’t change because they don’t like them, will we get back to a country that actually resembles the America of only 20 years ago. Do I think we’ll get there? Not in my lifetime, sadly, but I know I won’t be a victim, and when the day comes I have to defend myself or someone else, you can bet I’ll be tried for murder like Zimmerman, attacked for my “racism” when acquitted and sued civilly for “pain and suffering” due to my actions, but you can also bet I won’t back down.

Welcome to the ADD News!

First on the list, budget proposals by the self declared emperor Obama. Is it any wonder that a budget that, primarily is “more taxes and more spending” with little substance outside of that is rejected? We can only expect Obama to begin decrying the House and Senate for “taking food from babies” or “denying help to those who need it” while those he speaks of helping are those who WON’T WORK not those who can’t, as we’ve all seen his ignoring of our Veterans who WANT TO WORK, but can’t, and still get nothing from his administration.

Next on the block, an idiot who didn’t learn fast enough. It seems a man who had a six figure salary with a seven figure stock package decided to attack Chic Fil A many times. He went through the drive through multiple times, only ever getting a free cup of water, only to then video his berating of the poor person at the window. He told her she was working for a hateful company, told her he wanted to slow down the line, wanted to take money, wanted to hurt the company, because he felt they were hateful. The girl in the video? She was courteous and gracious, and even accepted his apology. He was, however, fired from his job after the video he tried to delete went viral, then fired again when his new employer found out who he was. Now? Well, he’s in an RV on food stamps trying to sell his memoirs. Seems to me he came off as the hateful jerk, and Chic Fil A the company just trying to serve their customers.

Moving on, a child is forced to shave his head due to a “distracting” hair cut that HONORS HIS MILITARY FAMILY! Yes, a child is forced to shave his head or be suspended because he had a “high and tight” hair cut. I’m sorry, but I’ve worn this cut for more than a decade! I also watched as students in my graduating class (20 years ago, yes) had hair cuts that wouldn’t pass at even the most lenient of jobs. I can’t help but ask, had he braided his hair with pink ribbons to support gay rights, would they have done the same? Also, notice the district throwing the school under the bus, and the too late apology, as the CHILD WAS FORCED TO SHAVE HIS HEAD before they acted.

This one’s just for a link. It seems Ted Cruz is signing up for Obamacare. I can’t help wonder what his campaign speeches will be like.

This one needs no introduction, other than, what did we expect? It seems a passenger was BEATEN for not blindly praising Michael Brown. According to this story, a passenger on a bus was asked about the Brown case, and when he responded that he hadn’t thought about it much, he was BEATEN by the questioner. Yes, we now live in a world where someone can ask you about a case where someone tried to take a Police Officer’s weapon, and was subsequently shot, and when you don’t side with the CRIMINAL THUG, you are beaten. Notice the photo, they’re smiling! I can’t help but wonder, if I was ATTACKED AND HAD GUNS PULLED ON ME, only to react to save my life, would I be jailed based on my attacker’s race? Apparently, we must ask this now.

Not much to say on this one. It seems that while schools FORCE Christians to hide their faith, they also FORCE children to read the quran. This one is about a US Veteran finding his grand-daughter was being forced to learn islam, and his reaction. Personally, since so many people sue for less, I’d have demanded the ISD pay for a private school education for my child or grand-child.

Finally, we explore the idiocy of the left. It seems Kroger has publicly said they will simply follow the laws of the states their stores are in, but that isn’t enough for some. In open carry states, Kroger refuses to deny those who embrace their rights entry into the stores, so “Moms demand action” is putting out ads comparing someone with an assault rifle (which no open carry advocate carries, only those trying to make 2nd Amendment supporters does) to a child eating ice cream. They cite incidents at Kroger stores where guns were used to kill, ignoring that the people who killed others should not have been free at all. But beyond all of that, they scream about “rights” when it comes to gays or something else the majority of a state doesn’t want, then scream to stop something the majority does. It’s very simple folks. If your state has a law you don’t like, vote against it and/or those in power supporting it. If you lose, accept that you are in the minority or move away. If a company does something you don’t like, don’t shop there, and encourage others not to. If the company does well, accept that you are in the minority or act like a toddler denied candy, and hurt your argument/side.

I don’t expect anyone to comment other than in agreement or to say how ignorant or bigoted I am. If the latter, remember that by not engaging in reasoned, civil and logical debate, you only prove yourself a mental 2 year old, but after all, calling me names is all you have, right?

Smokey out

And people still wonder why we have issues in society?

Not only did we, once again, witness one of the major issues with society today, that being “Black Friday,” but we also saw people completely ignore the rules of polite society.

Yes, there’s the old joke that, just hours after being thankful for what you have, you can elbow people to get a good deal on more stuff, but it’s true. I actually went to Wal-Mart Thursday night, as they had a few home appliances on a great sale, which I need for the house I’m building, and I watched as people almost trampled each other. I live in a “small town,” so we were spared the horrors that were seen in places like LA, NYC or Chicago, but why can’t people be courteous, rather than only screaming at others to be? I saw people literally screaming at others to not block the aisle, while they were doing that very thing, but if you suggest they take their own advice, you will be called ignorant, a racist, or worse.

Well, it seems that Michael Brown is being remembered, by people using his name to justify their refusing to even cooperate with police. In South Strabane, PA, a man was suspected of shoplifting, so the store manager at Wal-Mart called the police. When they arrived, this man refused to show ID and refused to allow the officer, who he all but yelled the name of, to see the receipt. He said “he knows who I am,” before admitting that the officer had arrested him before. This is strike one for me, as it shows a criminal history. In “showing the receipt,” he treated the officer like a child, telling him “look with your eyes, not your hands,” even after the officer told him he couldn’t read it due to moving. The idiot then said his hands were shaking because he was mad. As an officer, had a man who was larger than I am said he was “mad,” I’d have him on the ground, or at least in cuffs.

In addition to this, he had someone recording, so we hear him say that no one called, thereby accusing the officer of lying, and also suggesting he knows what the manager did, even though he has no way to know if the manager called or not. The alarm not going off means nothing, as not everything is tagged to do that. Finally, he walks around, yelling while holding his hands up, that he fears for his life and saying the officer is “trying to Mike Brown me” while the officer never even acted as if he was going to draw his weapon.

Here’s the video –

So, we have a black man, who, after robbing a store of cigarillos, and physically assaulting the store owner/operator, struggled to take a police officer’s sidearm, only to be shot. To be clear, the wounds showed that he was not running away, his hands were not up, and so on. Yet when the evidence showed that the officer wasn’t in the wrong, that’s ignored, and now, apparently, a way to get police to leave you alone when you are likely guilty.

A few suggestions for if you are approached in a situation like this. Show your ID, let the officer actually hold the receipt, and don’t act like this, instantly accusing the police of trying to kill you! You are in a private business, which means they or the police when called, CAN SEE AND HOLD YOUR RECEIPT, and it’s not racist or anything of the like!

So, all of that said, what are your thoughts?

Smokey out