Before I begin, let me make it perfectly clear that to me, ANYONE who murders someone deserves to be put to death. I don’t care about the race of the victim or murderer. I don’t care if you use a gun, knife, rock, your hands or a pink polka dotted sweater, you have murdered, you deserve to die.
Why is it, then, that when a murder victim is white, little more than a blurb on the news happens, but when they are black, we get endless coverage, commentary, and Al (not-so)Sharpton or Jesse Jackson get 12 hours a day of air time? Simple, it sells, it increases ratings. Despite a grand jury acquitting the officer in the Mike Brown case, and evidence proving he was not facing the officer and did not have his hands raised in surrender, we saw U.S. Congressmen/woman stopping to give the “hands up don’t shoot” gesture to “support equality” or some such. I also remember seeing a video where a man had the police called by a store manager, as the store suspected him of theft. The officer, obviously aware of what had happened in Missouri, went out of his way to ensure he was not seen “acting racist” on camera, while the suspect would not obey the LAWFUL order to stop leaving the store, and would not show the receipt in a manner that allowed the officer to read it! Now, I’m sorry if you feel you’re targeted due to your race, but when a police officer tells you that he was called by store management, for suspected shoplifting, DON’T ACT LIKE A JERK! If you are innocent, SHOW YOUR RECEIPT! How long until we see someone at Sam’s or Costco accusing the people at the door, who check EVERYONE’S RECEIPT as they leave, of being racist and “making sure the black man didn’t steal.” I don’t think it will be too long, and even then, you could show someone had checked mine first, and he’d then say it was to “prove they aren’t racist, but they just did it for show.”
Well, I’d like to say I’m surprised by the latest bit of idiocy, but I’m not. Yes, Dylan Roof is a vile and evil person and deserves a slow eternity in hell, but that’s just due to taking a life not in self defense. But, as he killed black worshipers, it’s suddenly on par with world war 3 breaking out, while we ignore violence where the victim is white. On top of that, every aspect of the case is now made public, including bail, which prompted this.

Why are we not able to disagree any more? All three people in the first image are criminals, and bail was set in accordance with their cases. Bail is almost always used as a formal way to deny someone release. It’s set based on the risk of them running, and what they’re unwilling to lose. Suge Knight could have had someone bail him out and done the right thing, staying until tried, but it was judged that was not likely. Roof was deemed not only a flight risk, but also a danger to himself and others, so while there is a bail number, there are other charges where it was denied to keep him in jail.
I’ll say one more time, though, I wouldn’t care if Roof was black and his victims white, or if they were all the same race. Roof brutally murdered 9 people. He planned that out, then deprived a community of people they love. Why are only black lives worth anything any more? Why not actually try to not be racist and not let race play any part?
But of course, my simply posting this, showing the idiocy running wild today, is racist, isn’t it?