First up is some news on the gay marriage front. It seems that fashion icons Dolce and Gabbana didn’t get the memo about everyone towing the party line and praising the recent decision from the US Supreme Court. The two men, both gay, openly criticize not only gay marriage, but the idea of children being raised outside the traditional nuclear family.
Naturally, the homosexual community spoke favorably about two of their own embracing their own right to think for themselves, right? Wrong, these two were lambasted and vilified for “daring to criticize gay marriage” with Elton John even going so far as to say he will never again wear anything of theirs, and calling for a boycott.
I can’t help but wonder what would happen were Dolce and Gabbana to completely blacklist E.J. from their products? While he’s the one avoiding them, it’s “fighting against intolerance” but if they were to tell him he is not allowed to ever own anything of theirs again, I just know he would “demand they give him the same right as any other customer” maybe even going far as to sue for “discrimination.” I’m also reminded, in this line of thought, of a village in Austria which in 2005 was considering removing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name from a stadium due to an execution (capitol punishment being illegal in Europe) until he beat them to the punch, requesting his name be removed. Once he asked that it be done, the mayor quickly began asking that the then Governor of California reconsider. So, once again, if it’s their idea, it’s great. If it’s something the person they now hate wants done, that person must “show tolerance by doing exactly what they demand” right?
The second story is a bit simpler. It seems a father took his daughter to have a tooth pulled, but was not allowed in the room with her. When he heard her SCREAM he barged in to find her restrained with a “papoose board.” Yes, a father was removed from his child’s presence against his will, only to find that child restrained as if she was a criminal! Naturally, the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) maintains that this is a last resort and should never be used without parental consent, so of course, the father is lying, his little girl was a monster and the “poor vilified dentist” was just doing his job, right? Of course, we’ve never had anything go wrong when parents are not allowed to even watch their child alone with another adult. Personally, I’d like to see this dentist lose his license to practice, be unable to get any job in any medical field ever again, and be investigated as to what else he used the papoose board for, but that would just be “going on a witch hunt” wouldn’t it? After all, there’s nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain……….
So, your thoughts?
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