White House VS Christians, you read that right

It seems that SCOTUS forcing all states to recognize gay marriages isn’t enough. Nor is having US Judges help gay activists shut down private businesses, while they practice discrimination and hate all the way. Now the Vice President of the United States has come out and said that simply believing the Bible says what it says is “violating the rights of the LGBT community.” Yes, you read that right, VP Joe Biden has said that interpreting the Bible literally is violating rights. I’m sorry, I thought I had to actively silence someone to violate their right to speech, or restrain them and prevent them going to a rally to violate their freedom of assembly, but no, I was wrong. I simply need to think to do so.

I’m sorry VP Biden, you are completely wrong here, and I have to wonder what you’ll say next.

I’ve said this before, the first amendment does NOT mean you can’t have a statue with the 10 Commandments on the lawn of a public building, nor does it mean that students cannot pray before a football game. It means, simply, that Congress cannot establish a state religion, and cannot restrict the free exercise thereof, PERIOD!

Sadly, we now live in a world where students were taught that seeing a Bible was tantamount to being dragged to church and forcibly baptized, not simply viewing a book. A world where my praying of my meal is “forcing my views on others,” and daring to wish someone a Merry Christmas is forcing them to abandon all they believe.

Even more upsetting is knowing it will get worse. We have seen what happens when regimes are out of control. We’ve seen them pander to one group to the detriment of others, until they must silence all dissent. I just wonder what will happen when that day comes. Will the LGBT community be shocked that the government that “bravely protected their rights turned on them?” Or will they tuck tail and go meekly?

Your thoughts?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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