Thursday Thoughts

For those who follow me here or just on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve sounded like a broken record pretty much since Trump was inaugurated in 2017, but that’s not just me, it’s the simple fact that nothing new is happening to talk about. Sure, the details of each story are slightly different, but it’s always “white people are evil,” or “tax cuts for the rich,” or “Republicans hate immigrants,” lather, rinse, repeat. Today isn’t much different. We have Alinksy 101 on full display, and the left doesn’t care that even people in their own corner are calling them out.

Rep. Steve King, while in Austria, met with at least one Jewish person, and more than one member of the LGBTQ community, but the biggest headlines on the liberal circuit are that he met with Nazis. We know, from texts written by Alinsky, who liberals love, that one of the biggest rules is to accuse your enemy of what you are guilty of, and this is a very common thing these days. Anyone who doesn’t smile at being taxed more an more, who doesn’t praise paying for everyone else, and who doesn’t welcome criminals into their bedroom, is a Nazi. Anyone who points out that the Nazi party was actually the national socialist party, and that Hitler was definitely not a conservative, but a socialist, is all but literally stamped with I AM HITLER on their forehead. If you can’t win an argument, liberals know that you can “win” by ending it, and with the media in their pockets, they know that the actual video won’t be shown, only carefully edited video to support their lies. This story only goes further, by saying a US official “went to Austria to meet Nazis” rather than the truth, they are working to influence the midterms, and will decry the “obvious racism and hate” if they are unable to.

Imagine what would have happened in 2008 if anyone had even suggested a “resistance” be formed against Barack Obama? Ignoring that they would be accused of being the new arm of the KKK, you would have heard the media demanding that everyone must at least respect the office of President, then you at least treat the man in it with respect. But in January of 2017, all of that changed. You see, a man every Democrat in the country knew, envied, and did all they could to be in his good books to get money from him, ran as a Republican and beat Hillary Clinton. We have pictures of Trump with Sharpton, the Clintons, Kathy Griffin, and far more people than I can remember right now, all of whom now call him the most vile racist on the planet. There are actual movements to “become ungovernable” as if to suggest “if we burn the country down, we’ll be in charge.”

There’s only one problem, the people demanding power be handed to them, are the same ones who now openly tell the country they will raise taxes to beyond what they were before the recent tax cuts, they will disarm everyone, and they will open the borders. When their message of “I’ll make you poor, disarm you, then move killers into your neighborhood” doesn’t work, they move to “give me my way or I’ll personally kill you.” We have celebrities right and left, once again, saying they’ll leave the country, or that “Hollywood will go on strike” or that not paying to watch athletes disrespect you is racist, and now, James Cromwell openly said that if the DNC doesn’t win control of Congress, there will be “blood in the streets.” We’ve hit the end of their line, we’re now hearing “we will kill you if you do not obey us.” Yet, the very people saying all of this hate guns, while those they demand obedience from not only don’t, but we’re well trained. They dream of a new civil war, when we all know that the vast majority (90% or more) of law enforcement and military personnel will stand against the liberals. I’ve said for a while the next war will see a beginning with “we don’t have guns, and hate them, so you have to give us people to fight for us, or give up your guns so it’s fair” followed by crying from prison about how it’s not fair that we wouldn’t hand them everything.

What’s amazing through all of this is the willful ignorance and blindness, we never see anyone do anything but keep trying what doesn’t work. ABC executives watched as Kaepernick took a knee, then doubled and tripled down on his “I’m protesting the oppression of making millions to play a game” mantra until he was all but driven out of the country. They watched NFL ratings dive lower and lower every week until attendance and viewership hit an all time low, and they watched as liberal after liberal tweeted the most offensive and horrible things aimed at conservatives, as “journalists” accused conservatives of being the reason they were beaten badly by masked thugs, and they ignored it all. Last year, Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett looked like the love child of Planet of the Apes and ISIS. Jarrett is Iranian, not black, yet Roseanne was canceled and all but forced off the planet for her “racism.” She apologized sincerely, but that wasn’t enough, so ABC’s writers killed her character off and the show was renamed. Now, barely into the new show’s first season, ratings are so low, ABC is only ordering one more show, yet somehow I can easily see something coming out about the “evil bigots who refused to watch because Roseanne was fired are responsible for jobs lost” or some other BS about how it’s our fault for not praising being insulted.

Personally, I like the theory I saw earlier, although I don’t see Roseanne doing more than laughing in the face of whoever tries this, where we see Dan wake up in a cold sweat in the sofa or elsewhere that isn’t the bedroom. One of the others asks what’s wrong and he replies he dreamed Roseanne died, and we fade to black hearing her laugh. It would be poetic justice that they had to crawl back to her just to get the show to end well, and even more poetic to see her laugh in their faces.

Moving on, we get almost daily cries of “crumbs” or “tax scam” or “tax cuts for the rich” from the left, and honestly I’m surprised every day that people who all got a tax cut will go along with them. Pelosi has a net worth that should be impossible for a woman making less than $200K a year for her time in Congress, yet this isn’t questioned. Waters has a $4M+ home, outside her district, and nobody bats an eye. But the GOP passed a tax cut that led to bonuses, lower taxes, hiring more people, expanding the economy and far more, and the DNC, like the rabid mutt it is, latched on and locked their jaw onto the “we will undo the tax scam” and they can’t understand how saying “I’ll raise your taxes” isn’t working.

Do you need any more proof than what’s coming from the DNC and their followers that they are racist and sexist almost exclusively? When you have people run out of restaurants, attacked in the streets, and far worse, how can there be any question that they are the party of Orwellian control? The image above shows this perfectly. In the 1960’s, Alabama was ordered to integrate their schools, with the governor blocking the door to prevent this from happening until forced by a federalized National Guard to move. Republicans are the party that fought the Civil War, and won, to end slavery. Republicans are the party that ended “separate but equal,” yet Democrats are seen as paragons of virtue as they assault and insult anyone they can, using any and all racist and sexist options they can find.

This one is a bit more involved, and more dangerous for sure. This man was turned away from a polling place for wearing a Trump/Pence 16 t-shirt, despite the law saying only candidates on the ballot having their names on clothing or the like are not allowed. He fought this, and won, and you just know there’s a Democrat wondering how to find and “lose” his ballot. I understand if I’m not allowed to wear a #CruzCrew shirt to vote here in TX, because he’s on the ballot, and there are many people who, unfortunately, will see a name and because it’s familiar (they saw it most recently elsewhere) will vote for that person. Everyone should vote only for those you have listened to, researched, and know how they will work for you. This was not a case like this. It’s the very same as wearing a Reagan/Bush’80 shirt to vote this year and someone saying “you can’t wear that shirt as it has candidates’ names on it.” The candidates ran 28 years ago, one is now dead, the other is in such ill health he won’t be around too much longer. The worker knew what they were doing, and they wanted to stop conservatives voting in hopes that their liberal candidate wins. This is the same as those who, in a few stories, have told people there are no paper ballots when someone reports that a machine will not allow voting for anyone but one candidate, which is to say “well, I guess that’s who you’re voting for,” when they must provide for circumstances where the machines are not usable. Liberals know they are losing, so their cheating is only getting worse every day.

Moving forward, I get a bit more upset when I see stories/segments on this topic. We know, from sources in Guatemala and Mexico, that this caravan is violent, carrying disease, and more than 80% male. Yet people like Shepherd Smith or Don Lemon keep repeating that to even suggest they aren’t all women and children, just fleeing war and death, who just need us to open our hearts (despite video proof they’re wrong) is tantamount to be Goering and running Auschwitz. The Mexican Ambassador to the U.S. has stated they are armed and dangerous. We know that diseases that we “wiped out” are still possible, because they were caused by natural things, and diseases like Smallpox or Leprosy can, and do, still happen in the third world. Yet, this is ignored, people saying they are carrying diseases are mocked, and when the caravan gets here, and they are shown to have these diseases, the people who were correct will be derided as “not having done enough because we should have had doctors waiting” or some other BS.

To end on a bit of a different note, two actually. First, it seems Babs isn’t happy that she’s a mental toddler unable to accept that the world isn’t obligated to obey her. She ranted in 2016 about how evil Donald Trump was, despite loving him when he was “just a Billionaire.” She demanded the Electoral College (established by the Constitution, and thus, requiring an amendment to change it) “just be ignored,” she cried about racism, sexism, bigotry, etc, when that didn’t happen. She said she was moving, but didn’t. Well now, she’s apparently decided she’s going to eat very fattening foods and blame Trump because he won’t ignore the Constitution and voters and “just give Hillary power,” so once again she’s threatening to leave the country. So, I will once again submit my suggestion, ANYONE, celebrity or not, who leaves the country permanently due to their candidate not winning the election has their citizenship stripped away, all countries are told to confiscate the passport after the person arrives, and they’re not allowed back, EVER! What do you say?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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