Leaving YouTube

Ask any conservative on YouTube, or hell, anyone who isn’t a lock step “you must obey us or be forced to comply” liberal, and you’ll quickly learn that YouTube hates them! One of the biggest “gun-tubers,” who ensures everything is safe, and while entertaining, also educates, is never monetized on that channel, that’s Demolition Ranch, how much money does YouTube make from ads on his channel, but because he’s not anti-2A, they don’t share it?

I don’t support showing people harming others, being stupid with firearms, or advocating violence or worse, but none of that happens on his channel, nor have I shown or said anything on mine to warrant any punishment, yet I had a video where I discussed how someone turned in a sexual predator for assaulting them (not in the US) taken down for a BS reason, and just last week, one discussing Sol Pais and only after I appealed, clearly stating I did not show any graphic content, was it reinstated. Now, I know it’s most likely that I’ve pissed off a snowflake somewhere and they’re reporting everything they can, hoping to get me banned, so I’m robbing them of that pleasure, I’m moving to Rumble.

As I say in all of my videos, civil discussion is the key to debate and learning. We don’t learn from arguments, other than learning who to avoid speaking to. Yet, people still feel the need to insult and belittle, and they get blocked. I’ve personally had people threaten bodily harm on me, or worse, on Twitter, and was told it “did not violate community standards,” but my calling Joe Walsh a pansy (and he is) got me booted. YouTube allows liberals to spew their hate and worse, but a Conservative pointing out that a liberal is wrong is to be destroyed.

I will ultimately delete my videos, so I wanted to ensure that, before I leave, I ensured you have a way to find me over there. This link goes to my Class-time channel, while this link goes to what will become my SHED Talks channel, all things that aren’t Class Time videos or gaming videos, which will have their own channel if/when I begin playing something new.

Big Tech is working overtime to silence all dissent and they don’t care who they have to subjugate to accomplish their goal. I abandoned Facebook over a year ago, and haven’t looked back, Twitter now bans me within an hour of creating a new account, and I’m sure Instagram will find a reason before long. I am on Gab as Sheepdog Smokey, as well as Parler and I even joined TikTok where I am finding a LOT of patriots, and funny videos. I will always show my face and you can also know it’s me because the profile picture will be me as well, and I doubt anyone is trying to copy me, so there’s that too.

We are living in very tenuous times folks, keep your ears to the ground, eyes open, head on a swivel, and your powder dry. The day is coming when those who believe themselves above all others will demand obedience and worship, and anyone who dares defy them will be labeled an enemy of the state. That day is the day that liberty will fully be under attack, and only patriots will be able to save it.

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