In the last day or so, I’ve seen, and been told, that I’m completely wrong about the Second Amendment, that it doesn’t cover anything the liberal speaking wants banned, that it’s for hunting only, and that it’s only to allow the Militia to bear arms, then I’m told the Militia is the national guard, a concept not even considered at the time the Constitution was written.
Militia can be VERY LOOSELY used to describe a military force, as the words Militia and Military share a root in language, but that’s it. The Founders, who despite what the left wants to say, were incredibly intelligent, knew that any organized force, having sworn an oath, could be corrupted and used to subjugate the people. Even with as carefully created an oath as the US has, where the military and national guards all swear to the Constitution, they knew the day may come when those forces would be corrupt, so they specifically said Militia, which is specifically a civilian organization.
One need only go as far as a single quote from George Mason to see that. “I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” Mason, of course, is completely correct, as he witnessed the military of his day, sworn only to the King, ordered to subjugate the colonies, and willing to do so. Roughly 3% of those living in the colonies, however, formed a militia and fought back, which directly led to the writing of the Second Amendment.
As such, the Militia is and always will be a civilian organization, and in fact, specifically requires it’s members to resign any position or office under the Government. If you are in the Military, Guard, even as a reserve member, or hold any government job, all the way down to janitor, you are barred from serving in the militia. It is because of this the words “the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” were used. The full text, when you account for the language of the time, would mean “As it may be necessary for the citizenry to one day defend themselves from a tyrant government, to remain secure and free, they shall not be infringed in any way in their right to own, carry, and use firearms.”
Sadly, decades of purposeful bad teaching, re-writing of history, and more, have lead to a new generation of teachers who think they are properly teaching, and 2 or more generations of students graduating high school firmly believing that no one save the government may own firearms. They argue using terms such as “military grade weapon,” ignoring that the military issues more pistols than M-16’s, or very close, that shotguns are used very often, and in fact, the vast majority of rifles are not select fire, as that is only for “spray and pray,” or “assault weapon,” ignoring the fact that the term literally just means “a weapon used to assault someone.” I have personally shown a photo of an AR-15 and a Mini 14 to someone, then asked “which rifle is allowable” and they point to the Mini 14. When I then show them video proving that in all ways but appearance and customizability, they are the same weapon, in that they fire the same round, are both semi automatic, and in fact use the same magazines, I’m either told both should then be banned, or that I’m a liar who faked a video. The vehemence against firearms is so pervasive that it’s all but impossible to even come close to someone using logic to work out that the AR means Armalite Rifle, that it’s not “military grade,” and in fact, their arguments are all crap.
Perhaps the saddest of all is the hypocrisy in government. Hundreds of people guarded by men and women with the very rifle they hate, want to disarm those they are supposed to serve. Just this week, the DNC has said they wish to bar the public from the Capitol in DC completely, Pelosi called for automatic weapons, most of them vehicle mounted meaning larger calibers, to be in place for the inauguration, and the barriers around the public houses of Congress show that we are now being ruled by people who openly hate us, and the fact that for now, they can’t just roll up and force compliance. I know the day is coming, and while I pray I’ll be long dead, I know I may not be, and I will promise once again, I will not be disarmed save by my death. I will die on my feet, fighting as a free man, before I live as a servant to a tyrant on my knees.
God bless, keep your eyes and ears open, your head on a swivel and your powder dry.