The future?

The crackdown on conservatives across social media is only going to get worse. I know there are multiple theories about what’s going to happen on 20 Jan 2020, but it doesn’t matter which is right, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and every other platform, save the very new ones run by conservatives, will continue to ban conservatives, saying we “incited violence” or for “hate speech,” while ignoring violence and worse from liberals. Also, and as many predicted, Twitter and other social platforms are losing billions, and it won’t be until they are bankrupt that they realize why.

I can understand the desire and need to protect people from harm, but when you extend that to censorship, you begin doing harm. Laura Loomer is a perfect example of this. As she exposed liberals for the liars they are, social media began to crack down, banning her, blocking people from even mentioning her, and that wasn’t it. By now, she cannot use Paypal, Venmo, Uber, or even order from Uber Eats, and has found that she’s in the NICS database as a prohibited possessor despite having never committed any crime, leaving her unable to travel without a lot of work, unable to do business with many people, and quite literally at the mercy of any criminal who wishes her harm.

This, however, is not likely to continue unabated, as those doing this are beginning to see that they are losing money, fast. In just the last few weeks, Twitter and Facebook, after banning President Donald Trump’s personal account “indefinitely,” have lost over $50 billion and, despite pressure to block Parler, their biggest competitor, that trend is likely to continue, which will mean those tech giants will ultimately be forced out of business, or to sell to someone who will reverse course, although I doubt even that will save either of them. The only company not suffering, yet, is Amazon, as they are still able to play on the shutdown to be the only option for many people to get goods they need, but as more people get fed up, they will leave Amazon as well, returning to shopping locally, and then the fun begins.

You see, when these liberal run companies are hemorrhaging money faster than an amputee loses blood, they will blame the very people they told not to do business with them, or prevented from logging in, while crying about their “right to do business freely,” ignoring their own actions to deny others that very right. CNN, while crying about Fox, Newsmax, OANN, and other networks, openly talks about doing all they can to prevent those very networks from even operating, blatantly admitting to their plan to being the only network, an American Pravda if you will.

Americans, sadly, have been spoon fed a careful plan of socialism and submission for so long, that millions will cheer their subjugation and control, but millions of others will never comply, and then it gets bad. You see, when the government, run by liberals who refuse to allow fair elections, thus ensuring their own tenure, realizes they can’t control people, they will change and try to do so by force. The Military, including the National Guard, having sworn to support and defend the Constitution, will abandon their posts in droves, and what’s left will be rolled into a new force, beholden only to the DNC, and happy to follow the order of “they will comply with our wishes or you will shoot them.” When those thugs then invade small town America, ordering people to comply, the shooting starts, and at the end, the DNC will be left with a “military” afraid of those they subjugate but more afraid of defying the tyrants in charge, and a country that now must force the very liberals they’ve pandered to for decades to work.

I wonder, if/when it gets to the point of ordering antifa or blm to shut up, go to work, and pay taxes, will we hear “but you said I could be free, I don’t want to work, why are you doing this?” Then of course the crying about how the “evil right wing bigots didn’t warn anyone, and now they’re all dead so I have to work.” Or more likely, will the snowflakes be cowed by the only people with guns, and trudge off, accepting the meager rations given to the workers who pay 100% in taxes?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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