It’s only Tuesday and I’m already feeling the urge to scream for multiple reasons, which seems to be the norm for me now. I’ve taught elementary, middle and high school in my adult life, and even dealing with moody teens and making them pay attention to boring lectures is easier than what I do and have to deal with daily these days. Primarily, you see me on Twitter, replying to people who have something so totally wrong as to be laughable, but the fact that so many of them block, mute, or defend their statements proves the same thing, that we have a crisis of education in this country. Recently, Jim Acosta was at a White House press briefing, when he was told by the President that he was done, and to relinquish the microphone, after which he laid hands on a young female intern, which led to the revocation of his hard pass to the White House. A hard pass just allows someone to access the White House without applying each day for a Press Pass, yet CNN and Acosta are suing, alleging that his not having unfettered access to a private residence and someone’s place of work violates the Fifth Amendment, which is insane. The Fifth Amendment does not address the press, access to any location, or anything of the sort. Rather, it protects American Citizens from being prosecuted for certain crimes without a Grand Jury, or when it involves the Military or Militia, double jeopardy and self incrimination. The last line also states that you cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process, or your land taken for public use without fair payment.

With the world watching as Broward County Florida tries to manufacture a DNC win, it’s no surprise that Acosta thinks this, as he’s been praised by those working to steal power, and given power when they hold office, leading to his sense of entitlement. Foreign leaders, ironically those who are presiding over a country being invaded then attacked from within, order the United States to open our borders and allow anyone in without any questions, others tell us our rights must be surrendered, and far more, all the while those who sit in lofty positions, guarded by what they call evil, order us to obey those we did not elect. This must stop, or this country will fall in our lifetime, and this can happen if the crisis of education is addressed. For adults who are woefully ignorant, we must constantly educate them as to their ignorance. Be that by providing resources, such as sending copies of the Constitution, or just other items, which prove them wrong, while children must be educated properly, which involves removing teachers who are not performing, while rewarding those who do. If that happens, the number of children spouting off about things and being wrong then attacking those correcting them will decline, or should. This will have other effects as well. As you may know, I work in Customer Service at the moment, and at least two or three times every day, I’m asked how to do something, and I reply with a detailed list of steps, in almost all cases, numbered and presented on separate lines, only to be asked, basically, “but how do I do that?” If you were asked how to watch a movie on a computer, and replied with
1 – Turn on the computer
2 – Open Google Chrome
3 – Enter in the address bar and press enter
4 – Log in
5 – Find the preferred movie by searching or clicking the tile on the main website
6 – click the icon at bottom right to enter full screen if desired
7 – Enjoy your movie
What would you say if asked, “OK, but how do I watch a movie online?” This scenario is also why I say I won’t be surprised to see, in my lifetime, a store such as Best Buy sued for not serving someone lunch, or someone sue a business because they were arrested for public indecency because they asked where the restrooms are, are told they’re in the back, then the person goes outside and urinates on the parking lot, then claims “they told me the wrong place!” Yes, I know these are extreme and insane scenarios, but the entitlement mentality is so pervasive, it really is only a matter of time before someone truly believes they have a right to be right, and when Best Buy won’t cook them a steak, or when they decide “nope, the parking lot is the toilet” and are told they’re wrong, they believe it’s an actual attack on their person. You only need to look at social media to see the beginnings of this. Saturday afternoon, I found a story about Sarah Silverman saying she’s “surprised Trump doesn’t make her wear a Star of David.” Naturally, I called her out for her idiocy, then I was told I must delete that tweet, which “engaged in targeted harassment” or I could not use Twitter any more. When I challenged this with Twitter, they simply deleted it for me then said I had to wait 13 hours before I could use Twitter again. We are now firmly into the world where liberals believe being told they’re wrong is “illegal” or “racism” or “sexism,” and Conservatives are hit daily with suspensions or bans for doing that. David Hogg (from Parkland) regularly just outright lies about someone or something, and when he’s corrected, he cries that he’s being bullied. Emma Gonzalez admitted she took part in bullying Cruz, who later attacked the school, then she cries about “being bullied” by those who ask her why she felt it was OK to bully someone.
We need a strong dose of reality and tough love or this country is doomed. Children caught lying about anything must be called out, and when they cry that you’re bullying them, you need to stand firm and remind them that “proving you wrong is not bullying, it’s using the truth.” When they cry about “their truth” reply with “well, my truth is that there is only the truth, and that means you’re still wrong.” Use their crap against them, don’t back down, because if we don’t stand firm and fight for what’s right, we will lose it all.