The Blame Game

For just over two years, we’ve heard nothing but cries of despair every time Congress or the President do anything. Liberals demand that this official or that be impeached, or that they recuse themselves from this or that, or in some other way, obey the party that lost the 2016 election. This is, however, not a new phenomenon. The 2000 election saw many similar things, with Democrats asking why George W Bush wasn’t appointing more Democrats to his cabinet to “keep an eye on him.” The question really, for me, is why we must obey only one party, no matter how the election goes? The answer, surprisingly, is actually fairly simple, entitlement. For just over twenty years, the idea of hard work and earning something has been under assault and we’re very close to a time when people will openly call for someone’s arrest, or defend their act of murder, because someone “denied their right” to be given money without working. Personally, I’ve been waiting to hear about one of the “protesters” in an “anti-fascist” group defending their killing of a conservative because they were “a bot” or “assaulted them” by speaking.
The mid 1990’s is where we see the shift begin that has led us to this point. Students prior to this time were told they must work hard, must study, and if they don’t they will fail and more. Now, students were never told they’d failed, they were just told “you did your best,” or later that it’s “their truth” and they should embrace it. And today, we have high school graduates who truly believe they have rights others do not, and rights others exercise which they don’t like can “just be changed” because they want to. Look again to 2016, and the multiple calls for the Electoral College to “just be done away with,” then the reactions when they were told it would take a Constitutional Amendment, which is not likely to happen. I personally was told more than once that I should be put in jail for hate speech when I told people they can’t “just change” the Constitution. I’ve been told people would come shoot me with my own pistol for not demonizing the NRA, and even had one lie and say I’d threatened him when I reported his threat to my life to the Police. I used to pity these people, now I just ignore them, but they still exist, and are causing more harm than good to society.

I personally don’t care what you do with your life, at least not until your life starts to negatively impact mine. Look at the movement for “LGBTQ rights,” and look specifically at the “rights” they say they are being denied. Your rights are not specific to one group, they are for all American citizens, or at least were. I remember signs in multiple businesses where I grew up that said “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, with or without explanation” and no one batted an eye, yet today we’re told that you can’t refuse to serve certain groups, while business owners in those groups go on vulgar tirades and forcibly eject others from their businesses, and nothing happens. A baker, who did not refuse to sell, just to make a special order, was all but destroyed until a court finally ruled that special orders are not protected by anything, while a coffee shop owner, who was not asked to do anything special, chases Christians out of his business while spewing profanities, and nothing happens. Why? Because those in power in Washington at the time want to destroy certain actual rights, and use “rights” that don’t exist to do it, playing The Blame Game the entire time. You hear that it’s the Church’s fault that a homosexual was denied a job, not their total lack of qualifications. Others scream it’s the NRA’s fault that a criminal broke multiple laws and shot people, not the criminal who broke multiple laws. You hear it’s the evil AR-15 that caused a mass shooting, not the person using it, but you never hear about pistol or shotgun control needed, because the goal is the eventual disarming of Americans, and those doing it know they must have a scapegoat to start the ball rolling, and they’ve chose the AR-15 for that role.

It’s all very simple, they know they can’t come right out and say “ban all Christian churches” or “give up all of your guns,” as they know they’d be laughed off the stage then removed from office. If, however, they spend years demonizing what they hate, they can slowly turn a country against it as well, and then people will vote to oppress others. Tim Tebow knelt after a scoring drive to thank God as per his faith, and was all but beaten with clubs as he ran from the field to resign, but Colin Kaepernick kneels to “protest oppression” while making millions, and people cheer. Why is it OK to protest “oppression” he can’t prove, but not for someone to openly exercise their actual First Amendment rights? The answer is simple, praying shows Christians believe in a higher power than politicians, “protesting” allows politicians to become a “higher power” and “fight for equality” as they strip rights from all they can.

The only question left is where this will all end. Given their way, many politicians would have Americans taxed at levels that would make past socialist tyrants gasp in envy, to pay for “health care” that won’t work, and standing in line to hopefully get some food for the day, rather than spending their earnings as they wish. Orwell warned of a society like this in 1984, and despite his and others’ warnings, we are in a jet powered handcart to the hell they described. We’re still roughly split 50/50, with half of the country still fighting against an Orwellian state, but we’re just at a stalemate, and sadly, losing people faster than those we’re fighting to stop. Will you go quietly into the dark of Orwellian control, or will you stand and say, as Patrick Henry did so many years ago, Give me liberty or give me death? I know which I choose.

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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