We have a crisis of the heart in this country

We have learned in the last several days, of a “prank” where a young lady pushed another young lady from a height of about 60 feet, into a pond/river. The young lady who was pushed is now in severe pain from injuries suffered due to her uncontrolled fall from such a height. Naturally, the immediate response after making sure the one who was pushed is going to recover, albeit slowly and painfully, was to hold the pusher accountable for her actions. What many did not expect, although I did to some degree, was the sheer volume of the “it was just a prank” side of the argument. I worked for several years as a Volunteer Firefighter, in a very small community which often meant we were first on scene of medical only calls, so I know a thing or two about injuries, and this is one of those lucky to be alive situations. A fall, uncontrolled and likely flailing wildly, from that height into standing water, would feel like hitting concrete at impact, it just then lets you sink under rather than just lying there bleeding.

The core of the situation though, is the attitude from so many people, that the pusher should not even be talked to harshly, but should just be allowed to go on about her life, which is wrong. When you were a child, if you pushed someone down while at recess and they just got a bit dirty, you were talked to sternly and told not to do that again. When a teen if you drove too fast, or otherwise were reckless, you were told in no uncertain terms how dangerous that was. The problem today, simply, is we have a generation now entering the adult work, and another behind them, who have been taught by participation trophies, not being cut from teams, and so much more, that no matter what, they aren’t ever wrong, and that has now almost led to a death. Had this girl died at impact or from her injuries, the young woman who pushed her would be facing at least involuntary manslaughter charges, which would ruin her entire life and likely end with her in jail.

The issue goes deeper though, and has wider reaching effects than most know. Not long ago, people were running around Central Park, wearing scary clown masks, and swinging very real looking weapons, to scare people. If I remember correctly, at least once this resulted in one of them being punched to stop the perceived attack, and I know I remember an off duty Police Officer drawing his sidearm and in both cases, the response was “IT WAS A PRANK, DON’T BE A JERK” or something to that effect. The people who, moments before, were running at others with what appeared to be a very deadly weapon, now cry and scream about people reacting any way other than abject fear or running. They could not understand at all that people would defend their lives with violence when faced with violence, and still can’t.

Fast forward to 2018, and we have an explosion of “I have a right to…..” with that group also saying no one has a right to stop them or even say they can’t do something. Former VP Candidate Tim Kaine’s son has a criminal record for assaults associated with the group antifa, and other members of that group are outraged that their photos are now public record after their arrest for assaulting people who were no danger to them. This last weekend in Charlottesville, Police Officers were assaulted for simply being Police Officers, yet we still hear from the media only that these are “protesters” who are “anti-fascist” even as they employ fascist tactics right out of the darkest parts of history. What will happen then, when one of these antifa rallies attacks the wrong person, and fearing for their life, they draw and fire a weapon, killing their attacker?

The simple answer is chilling, but I can all but guarantee it is right, the victim of the attack, who was fearful they would be killed, will be charged with murder, and likely convicted. We already have groups that regularly find and publicize private information to dox those they don’t like being able to speak against them crying when they aren’t allowed to hide behind a mask. How long will it be until we hear, in a court of law, “I did not authorize any recording of me, so that surveillance tape is not valid as evidence” when a video is showing of one of these “protesters” almost killing someone? How long until we hear “I don’t authorize you to show that” in challenge to evidence of guilt, and it working? We live in a world where people regularly commit heinous crimes and are let go with a slap on the wrist, so now they believe they have rights no other person has. College students try to have professors who won’t just give them a better grade fired for “harassing them,” others scream to drown out speech they disagree with, and still others brutally assault others over mere disagreements, when will we wake up and begin working to stop all of this?

The simple answer is, unfortunately, when we go over the edge of sanity and are forced to claw our way back. The longer answer is, unfortunately, when someone is gravely injured or worse. The riot in Charlottesville in 2017 saw someone killed when a vehicle that was fleeing those trying to harm the driver struck them. Naturally, the rioters took that as their cue to become more violent. Police have been ordered to stand down, people actually protesting peacefully have been told to leave or have been arrested because their peaceful presence somehow caused the intolerance in those bent on subjugating all to their will. We’re nearing the end game, we will see these mental midgets try to overthrow the government, fail, and the media cry about the “political persecution” of not letting them have their way, we will see one of them try to murder someone at a riot and their intended victim will be armed and fight back, and we will see the media cry about a “murderer going free.”

This is no different than 2000, 1992 or 1980. Congress worked to obstruct and remove Reagan, GHW Bush and GW Bush, as they can’t stand not having 100% backing to do all they want. Definitions are changed, documents re-interpreted, and history edited to fit their agenda. The goal is the same as with every government in history, cement their power and control, and prevent anything that threatens the loss of their iron grip on their country. Thankfully, we live in a country where the founding documents give We, The People, the right to circumvent those trying to control us. Article V of the Constitution lays out how our Constitution may be amended, and gives two paths. Congress may present an amendment if two thirds of them agree to it, then three quarters of the states must ratify it. But, if Congress proves to be useless, two thirds of the States may, in their own legislatures, call for a convention of states, where amendments may be presented, and if ratified by three quarters of states, they are accepted. We can limit Congress to very few terms, we can require a balanced budget, and we can even point blank say that what the Constitution says is what it means.

We will face opposition, people like Robert Reich, spread lies and whips people into fearful mobs about how a Convention of States could accidentally destroy the entire Constitution. He cries about “rogue conventions” and works to silence all dissent to the left, demanding submission and subservience to the benevolent masters who simply want to make everyone equal, except for themselves, who will be more equal than those they rule. We must stand up and say NO MORE LIES AND HATE! We must demand the Police arrest the “protesters” who destroy property and assault all who do not praise them for ruling over us. We must demand Congress do their job instead of demanding others do it for them. We must stand up to the lies being spread and tell the likes of Reich that just because he doesn’t like the idea of the States working where Congress won’t, doesn’t mean he can order the country not to do anything.

We, The People, truly hold the power in this country, but if we don’t use the power we have, it will be taken from us in the not so distant future. So, the question is very simple, are you going to be led silently into the box cars as the left continue to add to the list of what you aren’t allowed to do or say? Or, will you stand tall, look them in the eyes, and say you will no longer be subjugated to those who are scared of words? It’s your choice, and while common sense and common courtesy are super powers today, they aren’t totally gone from the planet, yet.

Join us today at https://conventionofstates.com/?ref=29238 and let your state legislature know you support calling an Article V Convention of States. Together is the only way to go forward.

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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