I tend to post about current events, politics and such, more often than other topics. I’ve ranted about general topics, but that’s rare, and it’s what I’m going to address today. For the last 20 to 30 years, the world has fostered a mindset which has at it’s core, the attitude of “I deserve everything, you can’t offend me, you can’t tell me I’m wrong, give me give me give me.” We see it when school sports teams aren’t allowed to cut players and/or are forced to put everyone trying out onto the team, although thankfully this didn’t happen for long. What has stuck around is the idea of “not hurting students’ feelings” so some schools (one very near me) have a policy that if a student shows up and puts their name on an assignment, they pass. Yes, you read that right, just showing up and putting down your name means you pass without needing to even know what class it’s for, and some students won’t even do that. So, is it any wonder we’ve now got a world where people believe assault is an OK response to a comment, property destruction is OK, and that they know what it’s like to be a soldier because they get called names?

So the question is a simple one, and sadly, unlikely to be answered or even addressed any time soon. What should be done to people who blatantly admit they’re going to falsely accuse someone of something, people who lie and don’t care that you knew it in advance, they firmly believe they have the right to do what they want with no consequences. Just 30 years ago this would be cause to arrest the liar and charge them with every crime they commit, but today, were the liar arrested the media would be harping on about how they’re being attacked after being victimized. I could perfectly recreate the scenario and they’d not care. Yes, I could get their agreement to recreate it, then destroy their computer and accuse them of cheating. When they point out and prove they weren’t, I then would accuse them of never buying me anything, then tell them flat out I’m going to falsely accuse them of rape. After all that, they’d still not get it, they’d not understand that when someone does this to anyone, it’s wrong, and they can’t decide who the victim is by who is going to cry on TV better, and thus, boost ratings.
All that said, who’s up for colonizing Mars with everyone who proves to be a useless idiot? We’d solve the over population problem, likely world hunger since we’d still be able to produce food, and we’d be a lot less stressed with the journalists, idiot lawyers, useless judges/politicians/etc, and so on just gone. I really don’t even care if we fix Mars up first, just send’em up there.