First, it seems that in order to prove the sanctions the U.S. must renew before 1/1 when they expire are unnecessary, Iran has threatened the U.S. Yes, you read that right. Iran wants to become a nuclear power, we’ve seen statements from them as well as other nations in the middle east about wanting to wipe Israel from the map, and so on, so the U.S. imposed sanctions on them, due to their history of trying to kill people en masse. Well, they’ve now told the sitting President of the United States he “must” let them expire, or they will have a “prompt response.” If this isn’t proof that the sanctions are needed, although I’d say a team of S.E.A.L.S. could handle the problem much better, I don’t know what is going to have to happen.
After all the hype and moaning about how the refugees are “women and children fleeing oppression” and the world telling the U.S. what we should do, we have more proof that is not the case. It seems that in addition to the skyrocketing rate of rape and other assault in places, we now have a high ranking EU Official’s daughter raped and murdered by a “refugee.” Naturally, he’s staying quiet, likely hoping that if he plays the “I didn’t know it was wrong” card, saying “that’s how it works in my country, she enticed me” or some other BS, he’ll get let go. You know, only 39 years ago, France was still using the guillotine, maybe if we brought that back, and coated the blade with bacon grease, we could curb this?
All I’ll say to this is REALLY, YOU THINK CALLING ALMOST 50% OF THE COUNTRY DEPLORABLE ALIENATED THEM? Sorry, but when you have a member of the Democratic Party at the national level who only says this after the candidate loses, I think it shows that they have zero clue any more.
Before you react to this story, just read it. The rules “on the block” as it were include the EPA fining companies for not buying and using fuel that DOES NOT EXIST, and preventing them from taking over all (possible) waterways, including drainage ditches in communities. This is not Trump shutting the EPA down and letting the environment rot, this is a needed culling of useless rules and people who have too much power, and still want more.
Finally, more proof that the idiocy of participation trophies, no failing grades, no red ink, and making sure no one gets their feelings hurt is shown yet again. It seems that students at American University want someone fired because he met with President Elect Trump, apparently regarding a possible cabinet position. Now, of course they’re citing racism, sexism, hatred, and more, but what they don’t want to address is that while, yes, many are “big money insiders” they are people who know the position. General Mattis is tapped for SecDef, and is perfect for it, while secretary of agriculture should be someone who has (gasp) actually worked in that field, and so on, but no, it’s just “he’s not my president, so you should be fired because I don’t like him” and on and on and on. I can guarantee that had Clinton won and a single person suggested this, that person would be all but executed at dawn for “daring to speak against the President Elect.” But hey, the special snowflakes likely finished their coloring books and let their play dough dry up, so now they don’t have anything to do, like STUDY THEIR COURSE WORK, right?
Anyway, enough from me, what do you think?