We’ve all heard this joke or one like it, as well as seen the meme about one group or another shoving a spike in their bike wheel then blaming who they hate. Sadly, this is all too common today, and it’s getting worse. I’ve been harangued by women for “daring” to hold a door as if they’re too weak, or for “sexism” when I am just polite. Women have gotten to the point where their first reaction is the “I have a boyfriend” to everything, as if literally every male on the planet is about to rape them, and it’s thanks in no small amount to the media harping on “rape culture.” The big question I have is not only how we got to a point where it’s now almost genetic to instantly try to vilify everyone around you, but also how we stop the trend. When a uniformed officer has the Police called on him for being in uniform in a class he’s taking, we’ve officially reached the tipping point. The very people who scream about rape culture or how all cops just want to kill people are the very ones who then scream that the Police don’t care as they didn’t get to them fast enough when they’re robbed, or that the Police (whom they called) “acted rashly” when the KNIFE WIELDING TERRORIST was shot and killed. They bemoan the “poor misunderstood refugee” who was “forced into this course of action by islamophobia running rampant.” Had Police waited, tried to talk him down, and more people been killed, I can guarantee that there would be calls for Officers to be fired, if not hanged at dawn.
These same people, who claim to be educated and intelligent, are also calling on the Electoral College Electors to vote against the will of their states. I’ve pointed out to many people that the Electoral College was put in places so that a handful of cities/counties doesn’t decide the election. Trump won almost ALL counties in NY, but due to NYC, the margin was close. He won many counties in California, but due to LA and San Fransisco (almost solely due to them) the state went to Hillary Clinton. The same people who would be calling for me to be shot had the situation been flipped are calling for me to be all but shot for standing up for the system in place. Had Trump lost the Electoral vote but won the popular vote, he said he might not accept it, and Clinton called that a “threat to democracy” only for her supporters to do that very thing. Had the roles been reversed and Electors pressured to vote for him instead of Clinton, you can bet there would be demands that the Electors be fired, no matter if that was legal, but the reason for that is the very people now screaming to be handed what they want no matter what, are the very people who’ve been given just that since childhood.
For more than 15 years, and likely more than 20, children have not been told a grade failed, or that they didn’t win the race, so as to “not hurt their feelings.” Academics are a joke, as teachers are so heavily leaned on to ensure their students do well on standardized tests, that all they teach (almost) is that very test. I started elementary school in 1984, and I don’t remember being traumatized when I was told my answers weren’t right, so I didn’t get a high grade. Nor was my life ruined when I competed and didn’t win. The problem, is that the high school students of the late 1970’s, who cared more about Woodstock, drugs and “doing their own thing” are now parents of mid to late teens, and those children have been raised “free to find their own path.” This has ruined a generation, and I can only hope not the world forever. Children need discipline in their lives, and being spanked, sent to bed without dinner, or just having toys or technology denied them will not traumatize them. The reason these special snowflakes aren’t disciplined is simple though, they’ve learned very well that by simply threatening to tell someone their parents abuse them, they get their way. Personally, were it my child threatening that after I take their phone or game away, I’d hand them the phone. Before they dialed though, I’d ensure they know that they’ll be taken away, likely put in a state home where there is no PS4 or Xbox, no cell phones, and certainly no life anywhere near what they have. Unfortunately, some of these little twits need to be allowed to report the “abuse” and be taken away and put in state homes, so they realize that being made to clean up or do their homework isn’t abuse. Maybe, just maybe, if one or two had their lives upended for “reporting abuse” they’d learn, and then be able to tell others what happened, but, sadly, they’d just blame their parents for “not stopping it” (by giving them whatever they want) and continue to cry and whine.
Unfortunately, the only way they’re going to learn is the hard way. They need to be arrested and jailed for the false hate crimes reported since Trump’s win. They need to be told to grow up when they tell their professor they don’t like having a uniformed Officer in class, and they need to be told that just because they studied 19th century women’s art done only in pink, they aren’t better than anyone else, and thus, they don’t get to dictate how the country is run. Only when they’re firmly told to grow up and then made to do so, will we even have a hope of starting the road back to where we were only 30 years ago.