The country reacts to the UCC Shooting

And once again, the loudest reaction is the BAN ALL GUNS NOW OR YOU’RE A MURDERING PSYCHO chant from the left. Sadly, they’re believed, and not by a small percentage of the population. They say that gun control works by saying the states with the strictest gun laws have the lowest violence, which is a bald faced lie. One need only look at Chicago or Detroit to see this, as MI and IL have some of the most restrictive laws in the US regarding owning a firearm, and are in the top (if not AT THE TOP) of the numbers for gun violence.

To put this in context, as UCC was a “gun free zone,” meaning signage to that effect was posted, likely everywhere, would you leave a sign on your door that said “I’m not home and it’s unlocked” and then not expect to be robbed? Of course not. You don’t advertise your weak points, you hide them.

Sadly, when someone who is legally carrying a weapon stops a crime, they are demonized and dragged through the mud in the press as a “gun nut who puts people in danger” or some such idiocy. THIS MUST STOP! We need to stop pandering to the lowest common denominator, to stop letting the idiots be the loudest, and start demanding that the truth be reported.

Yes, it is a tragedy that people died at UCC, and I honestly hope this idiot enjoys his time in hell. Unlike many, I want those who do this and survive their rampage to be put to death in a painful manner. Gilbert and Sullivan said it best, let the punishment fit the crime. You stab someone 87 times, you get stabbed 87 times. You shoot someone, you get shot! I realize that’s not popular, but why are we concerned with the rights of someone who murdered innocent people? Simply put, we’ve been told for decades that “it’s not civilized to sink to their level.” While true, it’s not civilized to sink to their level, it’s not sinking to their level to put to death someone who murdered others. I realize we won’t return to hangings or embrace Gilbert and Sullivan’s suggestion, but we need to remove people like this idiot not only from society, but from the planet’s breathing population.

Finally, what angers me outside of the fact that someone who should have been locked up long ago based on what leads people to do this, is that others are perfectly happy verbally attacking those who would “dare” suggest that, had their been someone who could fight back with force equal to this idiot, lives could have been saved. These are the people who firmly believe a “no guns allowed sign” is the equivalent of Dumbledore casting a spell to prevent any gun from crossing that line, and also the same group seen on the news, utterly confused about “how such a thing could happen here” after a criminal ignores their magical boundary marker. In a country where criminals sue those who they victimize, I wonder what would happen were the families of the victims at UCC to sue the college for ensuring they were as vulnerable as possible?

Well, I’ll tell you this, I won’t stand for it or take it any more. Yes, you’re free to speak your mind, and I’m free to do the same. You spout idiocy at me, I’ll tear down your “logical argument” in a civil manner and leave you crying. You throw insults at me, I’ll ensure those around you know that your parents were either horrible at raising kids, or not there. And above all, you actually dare to attack me physically, I’ll have you on the ground, your right hand scratching the back of your left ear, and my knee on your back in seconds, so make the only shot/punch/kick/whatever count, as I’ll make sure mine all count.

Tweets from Steven Crowder

Yet more proof the inmates are running the asylum

Well, I had a good weekend, until today. Friday night and last night I spent time with my high school classmates, celebrating our 20th reunion. It was fun, goofy and all around a great time reconnecting with friends from a lifetime ago. Sadly, my good weekend was not to last, and I find more idiocy in my inbox.

First students at the University of Delaware insist that a falsely reported hate crime is still a hate crime. Apparently, paper lanterns were used for a celebration, and not completely removed, leaving wire in some trees. Fast forward and now they’re nooses (nooses are made of rope and shaped completely differently, but hey, who needs logic, right?) Well, the University first told them it was not a hate crime, but merely a misunderstanding, only to have students persist, and tell the University they were wrong, and it was a hate crime. So, what did the University do? They buckled! Rather than telling students to grow some backbone and brains, they’re “investigating” and launching a diversity action plan. I’ve heard questions for years, asking why the country is going downhill fast, THIS IS WHY! We’re no longer teaching students how to use their brains, how to think critically, how to survive in the modern world and earn a living. Rather, we’re teaching them they can scream “hate crime” and get what they want, we’re awarding degrees in “fields” that have ZERO application, and then commiserating with the students who “can’t get a job because the patriarchy is keeping them out,” rather than pointing out that a degree in women’s studies or 17th century French poetry is not going to help them find work when the world wants engineers, doctors, lawyers, IT professionals, and the like. Is it any wonder that we have people working at McDonald’s demanding the same pay as an entry level IT professional?

Next we’re once again seeing the “we can’t do anything until it’s over” mindset. With Obamacare, it was Pelosi telling the country that a law must be passed before anyone can read it, now we have Hillary telling us that she didn’t read her e-mails when they were being checked (after being recovered from deletion) so she is all but saying she can’t be convicted. This is a woman who literally asked what difference the torture and murder of an American diplomat at Benghazi made, but when confronted with her own career ending and possible jail time, she now wants to say that since she didn’t read and sort recovered e-mails, we shouldn’t ask her about them? This is the world we’ve made, with a massive portion of the country not voting, a good portion of those who do being bought off with “free” phones, food stamps, and the like (many of them voting fraudulently) and those who use their brains being the vast minority. I’ve seen countless diatribes ranting about how Trump wants to deport billions of “hard working Americans,” or how Jeb Bush hates those living in poverty, or how Cruz is an idiot. Here’s an idea, stop all the idiocy, use your brain and actually vote based on who best fits what you want done, rather than just ticking the straight ticket for the DNC, and who knows, we might actually see the country survive a bit longer.

Last, but by no means least is the story of a woman arrested in Georgia for online videos where she advocated the killing of cops and white people. Naturally, as soon as this happened she was only urging people to defend themselves against racists bent on killing black people. We shouldn’t listen to her words about “open season” or telling people to “gun up” or anything else. Her words are not valid, we are supposed to let her tell us we’re wrong, and then apologize and give her millions of dollars and anything else she wants, while she then continues to foment hate in the country. This must stop! All lives are precious, and death is always a loss, if not a tragedy. But I’m sorry, Trayvon was a thug who tried to attack (and may have been trying to kill) Zimmerman. Michael Brown was a thug who had just committed a crime (theft) and was wrestling Officer Darren Wilson for his sidearm (NOT on his knees, hands on his head, back turned). In both cases, the shooting was in self defense. Zimmerman had wounds showing he had been hit multiple times, and forensics showed clearly that Brown was shot at very close range and not in the back. But to those who only see racism, facts and logic do not matter. I will defend anyone who shoots in self defense, no matter their race or their attacker’s race. Why then, do I seem to be in a minority who thinks like this? Why is it no longer OK for white people to defend themselves, and perfectly OK for black people to advocate murder? Why is it OK for this woman to tell millions on Youtube to “gun up” and that it’s “open season on cops and white people” but for me to even mention I have a gun for self defense means I’m planning mass murder? The simple answer, the media has decided (YEARS ago) that ratings matter more than lives or anything else. They found a story and only showed photos that would whip the country into a frenzy, and ran with it. The solution? Stop watching the news or listening to it on the radio. Stop buying papers and other news magazines. Only when they realize they’re losing money will they change, but I’m not holding out even the smallest bit of hope that I’ll live to see this happen, even if I live to 200.

Well, that’s my rant for the day, what are your thoughts?

Time for a linkfest rant

First, this guy wins today!

Next, we have three stories showing just how insane the world today is. One, two, and three.

The first and third are stories about “trans-gendered” children “denied their rights” when DEMANDING they be allowed to use the restrooms/locker rooms of those not the same biological sex. In both cases the schools made a unisex bathroom available, and BOTH SAID NO, GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! Make no mistake, this is NOT about “tolerance” or “equality” in any way, this is about ORDERING parents to FORCE their minor son or daughter to use the restroom or a locker room with someone of the opposite sex! I don’t know and don’t want to know what the details of these children’s lives are that they have decided they must be the opposite gender and must now throw a hissy fit about not getting to use the opposite sex’s bathroom, but I can just see the next step. Both would claim they were “bullied” while “just embracing who they really are,” while everyone ignores that they were offered a place that couldn’t happen, and turned it down! Not to mention the “girl” could rape another student, only to claim “she” was seduced and the other girl lied. This, again, is NOT ABOUT TOLERANCE, it’s about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT, AND DEMONIZING THOSE WHO DON’T AGREE BLINDLY AND PRAISE THEM!

Finally, link two. We’ve all seen the stories about the county clerk jailed for contempt when she wouldn’t issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple. Again, she was not jailed for “denying rights” but for contempt of court. Well, link two shows a lesbian judge DOING THE SAME THING, just in reverse. Yes, a JUDGE is refusing to marry straight, Christian couples. Where is the outrage over equality? Where’s the order for her to do the job she’s paid to do? It won’t happen, plain and simple, because she’s a “victimized minority and just helping show the imbalance in society.” Or at least that’s what the media would SCREAM 24/7 if this idiot was told to do her job!

Next, we’ve seen stories about muslims being “bullied” because people “dare” to bring bacon or alcohol through a checkout line in a store THEY VOLUNTARILY WORK AT AS A CASHIER! Well, one decided that she should be allowed to order her employer around, and now that she’s been put on leave, CAIR is actually suing. Now, the story as I’ve heard it has her not wanting to serve alcohol and being told to, or her co-workers would do it so she didn’t have to, or her just not doing anything. I don’t personally care, if you work as a flight attendant, SERVING DRINKS IS PART OF YOUR JOB! Add to this that the woman converted after she took the job, so SHE KNEW THE JOB REQUIREMENTS! Her claim that she “can’t earn a living” because of her faith is WRONG! She doesn’t have to be a stewardess, there are LOADS of jobs that don’t involve booze, pork of any kind, or anything else. As above, this is about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT.

Next to last is this one about Mexico charging $20 to cross the border into Mexico, and I won’t be surprised to find them, one day soon, CHARGING TO GET HOME! While we are all but forced at gunpoint to accept the dregs of their society and to keep them as Mexico doesn’t want them and our “leaders” are too spineless to do their jobs, we’re now told we must pay to go there? I personally say that no American visit Mexico ever again, and see what they say when tourism takes a NOSE DIVE.

Finally, Uncle Ted gives us a great laugh.

So, that said, your thoughts?

There are and should be things you just can’t say!

It seems that, lately, we are seeing a rise in two things, one is vigorous defense of “free speech” while the other is the rise of groups all but calling for open war on whites and Police. I’m sorry, but despite having a right to free speech, advocating and/or otherwise supporting murder is NOT something that should be accepted or even tolerated by anyone. Well, it seems that a Texan student is getting a crash course in the fact that her actions and words have consequences. She tweeted that the Houston Police Officer who was brutally gunned down at a gas station “deserved it” because he had “creepy perv eyes.” I’m sorry, but there is just so much wrong with that I want to put this idiot in a padded room, so we don’t have to suffer from her verbal hate. First, how do you define “creepy perv eyes?” I know I’ve seen people who seem to be watching me or others with definite malice in their thoughts, or just “perving” on women they are mentally undressing, but that’s my opinion and others would disagree in many of those situations. Second, why does that warrant his death? I guarantee that were I to say that someone who is not white, but was a brutal murderer, rapist and worse “deserved death” because they killed others, I’d be branded a racist and have to run for my life. Never mind that I was satisfied the world was no longer subject to a psychopath, I’m racist, while because she advocated the death of a white Cop for “perv eyes” people are all but fire-bombing the school for “daring” to investigate her. Never mind she had an outstanding warrant. Never mind that she ADVOCATED MURDER. And never mind that white people are TOLD on an almost DAILY BASIS, that we aren’t allowed to say something, simply because we are white, but when it’s ADVOCATING THE DEATH OF A WHITE COP, it’s OK?

No, it’s not, and never will be. I know it’s not popular or politically correct, but we live in a world where it’s OK to all but kill someone because their white, to demand their money because they’re white, and suggesting someone stop being a criminal and get a job is “racist.” This MUST CHANGE, or we will see things worsen until we truly live in a world where only someone who is white can commit murder, while anyone else can video themselves screaming die whitey then admit they killed the defenseless person because they’re white, and nothing will be done. Which do you prefer, logic, or open warfare?

In parting, while I would never tell you what to do, I can tell you that until and unless the corporate office for Arby’s fires the idiot, and makes it very clear that they did fire them and why, I will not be eating there again. I realize that I’m fast approaching a time when I’m left with Chic Fil A and making my own food, but I will not care, as I will not support any company that accepts, tolerates, or condones idiocy and bigotry like this.

And people wonder why society is going to hell, fast!

With the rioting in Ferguson, MO and so many other incidents given hype by the media, one would think that all police officers in the US were white rednecks, letting white citizens do anything, while gunning down innocent non-white children. This IS NOT TRUE! Brown was shot while trying to take a police officer’s weapon, not in the back while running, as evidence has shown. Another thug was shot when he pulled a weapon to attack an officer, yet people riot in the streets as if he were a 5 year old shot simply based on his skin. Then we have a black man who was a “disgruntled employee” shooting two people broadcasting live news, and the media is silent! Why? Because the reporter and camera-man were white, and this happens!

When did racism change from “preferring one race over all others” to BEING WHITE? This is unacceptable, yet if and when this idiot is blasted for her insensitivity to parents, two fiance’s, and many others for mocking their pain, she will play the victim and blame them for her rapid decline in “personal achievement because they made her feel bad” for MOCKING THE DEATH OF TWO PEOPLE!

We need to force the media to go back to what it was only a few decades ago. When they were not shills for the liberals and democrats, but reported news. “Anchor babies” are NOT all Mexican, but simply put, children of NON-CITIZENS who are then USED to get benefits from a country the parents do not pay taxes to. This means two Brits, Italians, French, or any other nationality parents could come here, have a child, and then use that child to get money from the US!

Add to this that while it’s been proven by statistics that more white citizens are killed by black thugs than white cops kill black citizens, and more black thugs kill other black citizens, the media hypes up a situation not-so-Sharpton tells them to and the country suddenly believes that “all cops are white rednecks ignoring crimes and hunting black children.” Will you let your country continue on a road where people actually suggest giving black votes more weight than non-black votes? Or will you stand up and say NO, I WANT LOGIC BACK IN MY COUNTRY? I guess we’ll see, won’t we?

Give us your money, especially if you disagree, or you’re a bigot

We have seen for years that the liberal left preaches tolerance and practices intolerance and hate. While they repeatedly tell us that the recent SCOTUS ruling is a win for love, and a win for “equal rights,” they attack anyone who dares not praise their “victory” no matter who they are.

So, now we’re moving on to the main focus for most people, money. It seems that a donor recently sent $10,000 to Girl Scouts of America, asking that the money not be used for camp scholarships for transgender girls, or for it to be returns. Naturally, the GSA chose to return it, rather than honor such a hateful request, while also making sure to publicize that this person “denied 500 girls the ability to go to camp.” Never mind that they could have honored the wish and sent 500 girls who aren’t trans to camp, never mind that they could have then used money that didn’t have any stipulations for the trans-girls, and never mind that they could have just lied as most organizations do today. No, they chose to return the money then paint the person who simply made a request as a “heartless beast who is bigoted against transgender girls.” Not to mention the almost impossible to read quotes from GSA where “every girl can join, and we don’t worry about if they are girls.”

Make no mistake, we are moving toward a world where anyone at all could walk into the restroom you are using, and you cannot complain. Ladies, this means a “woman” who is biologically male and only “identifies as a woman” so he can then be alone with women he wants to harm, can legally enter the women’s restroom, and even when you are attacked, you can’t complain about that law, as it’s for “equal rights.” We have already seen an attempt in Houston to all but imprison Pastors because they preach from the Bible, and the gay mayor didn’t like that they wouldn’t do what she told them to. What will happen if someone demands single person, unisex restrooms? Will they be “intolerant” because they don’t want to share a restroom wish a transgender person? What happens the first time a transgender 5th or 6th grader who is biologically male uses the girls restroom and a 1st grader doesn’t like it? Will that 6 year old be expelled for intolerance?

We MUST stand up for sanity and logic. If we cannot use the term gender to indicate if the person is biologically male or female, then use sex or just blatantly ask which set of reproductive organs the person currently has, and go from there. We also must push back against the idiocy of “you can’t complain about anything I do or you’re a hateful intolerant bigot.” That’s not how tolerance works, they know it, and they don’t care. Tolerance is literally just putting up with something. You tolerate a splinter in your hand only until you find tweezers so you can remove it. You tolerate a crying child at the supermarket only long enough to get what you came in for and get away. By the current liberal definition, you must keep the splinter forever, and must praise the child for “expressing themselves” while showing whatever the brat throwing a fit wants down upon them.

It’s very simple, and sadly, even as simple as this is, people still reject it in favor of “do what I demand, give me what I demand, and don’t complain or I’ll call you names.” Yes, I personally believe that homosexuality is not genetic, and thus, a choice, even if an unconscious choice. I believe it is wrong, as the only purpose of sexual intercourse is reproduction, and only in the last 50 or so years have we been able to have a woman get pregnant without needing to physically have sex with a man, save 1 case 2000 or so years ago, which isn’t the same thing. So, I believe it’s wrong, but I DO NOT HATE OR FEAR THOSE WHO ARE GAY! I get very upset when I am called homophobic, mostly due to the “la la la, I’m not listening” response when I try to logically and civilly discuss. Basically, those using the term behave like 4 year olds who call you names then stick their fingers in their ears so they can’t hear you, and thus, they get the last word, they’re right and they win.

In terms of jobs, I don’t care if you’re gay or not, black, white, yellow or pink with green stripes, I can if you can do the job, and if you will do the job. I get upset when I get to work and things aren’t done, making my day harder, and I’m not allowed to complain as I would be “singling out the XXXXX person and discriminating.” It is NOT discrimination to expect someone to do the job they are paid to do! It’s not racist that a black person didn’t get a job on the Fire Department, it means they didn’t pass the test. I took it 5 times before I passed, and even then, so many people did better than I did that I didn’t get picked, and I’d been a volunteer firefighter for 4+ years at that point!

So, you have a choice, use your brain and work to remove the toddler tantrums from society, so perhaps we can get back to work and not worry about hurting someone’s feelings, or you can ignore this and remain part of the problem. I personally don’t care, but should you pick option 2, know I won’t mince words and I will likely ensure you are told very bluntly that I feel you’re an idiot.

Your thoughts.

White House VS Christians, you read that right

It seems that SCOTUS forcing all states to recognize gay marriages isn’t enough. Nor is having US Judges help gay activists shut down private businesses, while they practice discrimination and hate all the way. Now the Vice President of the United States has come out and said that simply believing the Bible says what it says is “violating the rights of the LGBT community.” Yes, you read that right, VP Joe Biden has said that interpreting the Bible literally is violating rights. I’m sorry, I thought I had to actively silence someone to violate their right to speech, or restrain them and prevent them going to a rally to violate their freedom of assembly, but no, I was wrong. I simply need to think to do so.

I’m sorry VP Biden, you are completely wrong here, and I have to wonder what you’ll say next.

I’ve said this before, the first amendment does NOT mean you can’t have a statue with the 10 Commandments on the lawn of a public building, nor does it mean that students cannot pray before a football game. It means, simply, that Congress cannot establish a state religion, and cannot restrict the free exercise thereof, PERIOD!

Sadly, we now live in a world where students were taught that seeing a Bible was tantamount to being dragged to church and forcibly baptized, not simply viewing a book. A world where my praying of my meal is “forcing my views on others,” and daring to wish someone a Merry Christmas is forcing them to abandon all they believe.

Even more upsetting is knowing it will get worse. We have seen what happens when regimes are out of control. We’ve seen them pander to one group to the detriment of others, until they must silence all dissent. I just wonder what will happen when that day comes. Will the LGBT community be shocked that the government that “bravely protected their rights turned on them?” Or will they tuck tail and go meekly?

Your thoughts?

Two for tonight

First up is some news on the gay marriage front. It seems that fashion icons Dolce and Gabbana didn’t get the memo about everyone towing the party line and praising the recent decision from the US Supreme Court. The two men, both gay, openly criticize not only gay marriage, but the idea of children being raised outside the traditional nuclear family.

Naturally, the homosexual community spoke favorably about two of their own embracing their own right to think for themselves, right? Wrong, these two were lambasted and vilified for “daring to criticize gay marriage” with Elton John even going so far as to say he will never again wear anything of theirs, and calling for a boycott.

I can’t help but wonder what would happen were Dolce and Gabbana to completely blacklist E.J. from their products? While he’s the one avoiding them, it’s “fighting against intolerance” but if they were to tell him he is not allowed to ever own anything of theirs again, I just know he would “demand they give him the same right as any other customer” maybe even going far as to sue for “discrimination.” I’m also reminded, in this line of thought, of a village in Austria which in 2005 was considering removing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s name from a stadium due to an execution (capitol punishment being illegal in Europe) until he beat them to the punch, requesting his name be removed. Once he asked that it be done, the mayor quickly began asking that the then Governor of California reconsider. So, once again, if it’s their idea, it’s great. If it’s something the person they now hate wants done, that person must “show tolerance by doing exactly what they demand” right?

The second story is a bit simpler. It seems a father took his daughter to have a tooth pulled, but was not allowed in the room with her. When he heard her SCREAM he barged in to find her restrained with a “papoose board.” Yes, a father was removed from his child’s presence against his will, only to find that child restrained as if she was a criminal! Naturally, the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) maintains that this is a last resort and should never be used without parental consent, so of course, the father is lying, his little girl was a monster and the “poor vilified dentist” was just doing his job, right? Of course, we’ve never had anything go wrong when parents are not allowed to even watch their child alone with another adult. Personally, I’d like to see this dentist lose his license to practice, be unable to get any job in any medical field ever again, and be investigated as to what else he used the papoose board for, but that would just be “going on a witch hunt” wouldn’t it? After all, there’s nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain……….

So, your thoughts?

This is completely unacceptable!

We have seen, in just the last year, protests and riots over “racism” when a Police Officer is forced to use any form of force against a black citizen, as long as the officer is white. Note, that in the case in New York, where a man died due to being restrained, the fact that he was resisting, was much larger than the officers, and the fact that the on scene supervisor was black and didn’t stop it, were all ignored. Yet, something like this is completely ignored in the media, and by the infamous race baiters, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Warning, do not watch the video if you are disturbed by violence, or don’t want to see a small child fall on her head on concrete.

Yes, that’s correct. The white woman, presumably the child’s mother, was holding the child and sitting down, when brutally pulled by the hair off the bench, which resulted in her DROPPING THE CHILD TO THE CONCRETE, and the child landed on her head. You can bet had a white woman slapped a black man or woman, in response to an attack, she’d be labeled racist and in jail, but this black teen forced a white woman to drop a child, which could have KILLED THE CHILD, and nothing is said.

I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry if this offends you, but I am appalled at where my country is now. I grew up in a small town in Texas, and trust me, the history of this area pre-Civil War, during and after Reconstruction, even as little as 60 years ago is what is referred to when the media wants to show racism. It happened, and it can’t be changed. But, why does that mean we can’t go after thugs who almost killed a child with their actions? Why are we vilified when we tell people that “hands up don’t shoot” makes you look like an idiot? Why are we treated as demons for saying something as true as ALL Lives Matter? The answer, the media wants ratings, and that sells. The current crop of politicians know that to get votes, they must appeal to people, and telling a group of people who destroyed their city when the verdict wasn’t what they wanted that they are all now criminals would lose votes.

I’ve asked this before and I’ve answered it before. How do we fix the issue? And the answer is as simple now as ever, stop the lunacy. Enforce laws equally, and report equally. Show these thugs on national TV, and ensure they spend a lot of time in jail. Stop with the idiocy of “hate crimes,” because all crime is motivated by some form of hate. Had this been an issue of a black woman dropping her child when a white teen pulled her to the ground, the teen would already be in jail to keep them alive! I want to believe we are not headed to hell in a hand cart, but we are. I also firmly believe there will come a day when we are told, though I don’t know by who, that white people cannot ever cause the death of a black person, even in self defense, because that’s racist. We will reach a point where video will be shown in court of a white person, on the ground, surrounded by black thug attackers, and when that video shows the VICTIM defending their life, that will result in the VICTIM being sent to jail for “murder” or some such. We will see a day when we will be told that if a black person wants your car, you are required to give it to them, because it’s “racist” to not do so.

It’s getting closer when you have idiots who can go up to people and take their phone (which we all know most phones are $300 or more) then when the person gets upset, they scream “it was a prank” and suddenly the person who rightly believed their phone was just stolen is not allowed to be angry. We’ve seen idiots dressed as clowns akin to Pennywise in IT running at people with what I assume are fake knives, then they get upset when one of the people they want to “prank” punches them or draws a weapon. They ignore than the “racist” was defending children, or reacting to what they saw as masked people running at them with a knife. They firmly believe they can say “it’s a prank” and that excuses their actions.

Only when we get to a point where none of this idiocy is tolerated, where it doesn’t matter if you “pulled the racist white woman who disrespected you,” when thugs and idiots are forced to live the consequences of their actions we will once again have a nation to be proud of. It starts with us telling our elected leaders that WE elected them, and we can just as easily not re-elect them. That we want them to stand for everyone, not the group screaming that they’re being mistreated. Police and Fire entrance exams aren’t racist, they’re tough due to the job being tough. If you can’t pass the exam, STUDY HARDER AND TAKE IT AGAIN! But sadly, this isn’t the world we have any more. We have a world where people are given handouts because they say it’s racist not to, and where victims are told they can’t do anything to their attacker, because it’s “racist.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it

Virtually ALL crime is motivated by hate. Yes, there are those who steal to feed their family, and many of those only resort to stealing as a last resort, but those are in the vast minority of criminals. Sadly, we live in a world where certain people, if they are attacked, are seen as more of a victim than others. Just recently, Dylann Storm Roof shot and killed nine people in the basement of a Church, which is horrific on it’s own, but because Roof is white and the victims are black, this is a “hate crime” and carries heavier penalties than had the victims been white and the shooter black.

We saw in Ferguson and in so many other cases, countless excuses made from poor economic situations, to discrimination meaning they can’t find a good job, or just feeling that the world hated them because of their skin, when crimes are committed. We have also seen Police officials all but tarred and feathered when they respond against these suspects, including an officer who had one (Michael Brown) attempt to take his weapon from him, forced to leave the state after death threats were made, due only to his acting to defend his life. What would have happened had he not acted? What if Brown had gotten the pistol and shot the officer, then killed someone else? Would the family have sat idle while Brown was tried and convicted? No, they likely would have been screaming that the Officer should have done more to stop their baby before he hurt someone, and it’s the Officer’s fault that their poor relative has to live with what he’s done.

Well, I’m sorry, but this has to stop. Roof killed, that’s it, and the act of taking a human life when not in self defense or defense of others, should be enough to warrant the harshest punishment possible. I live in Texas and fully support that if you are convicted of murder, you can face being put to death! I don’t care if you’re white and kill someone who isn’t, if you’re black and kill someone who isn’t, or if you’re pink with orange stripes and kill someone who is the same! If you murder another human, that is, for me, enough for you to be put to death! Only when we begin demanding our leaders tell us why some lives are worth more than others, based only on their race, will we start the path back to a strong society. I fully agree that what Roof did has no place in civilized society, and that means people murdering others, I don’t care what race any of them are! We need to hold our elected leaders responsible for fomenting a society where one entire segment has been told their lives matter more, so anything they feel is done to wrong them becomes a hate crime or racism.

Finally, to answer the President’s comment that the ready availability of guns is a problem, that’s not what we need to address here. I can guarantee that making guns illegal will only make things worse! When you disarm those who do not break the law, you put them in danger. While I will agree that there are some who obtain their weapons legally, then use them illegally, these are the minority. Gangbangers and thugs buy theirs from the back of a car, the slug that shot up Sandy Hook stole his from a relative. I’d be willing to bet the weapon used by Roof wasn’t his, or at least wasn’t purchased by him. So, unless there’s a magic switch that will first make every single firearm on the planet vanish, and also remove all knowledge of how to build them and how to make ammunition, then making it harder for law abiding citizens to purchase them only disarms those who, honestly, need to be able to defend themselves more today than ever.

Two for today’s you have to be kidding file

First is this story from Mobile. It seems that Aldric White attempted to rob a Family Dollar and was shot by a customer as he had another man on the ground with a pistol to his head. Let me say this again, White had his weapon to a man’s head, but was shot instead of shooting that man. I realize this is almost two years old, but it still shows the state we’re in today. White’s family has actually said the other customer should have DONE NOTHING! They undoubtedly would be attacking the Police for racism had White MURDERED that employee and then been arrested, but now they have a private citizen who defended someone to attack.

Next is this story from South Carolina, where two people came in to rob a Waffle House, and when one of them pointed his weapon at someone, they drew and fired DEFENDING THEMSELF, but the family is planning legal action against this would be murder victim for shooting the person trying to kill him.

We’ve also seen the lunacy in Missouri where people DESTROYED THEIR OWN TOWN in reaction to Michael Brown and the officer who fired rather than let Brown get his weapon (the wounds show he was not fleeing, as they entered the chest first.) This is, sadly, the world we now live in. A world where, if you are attacked by a “minority” you either defend yourself and get sued or worse due to your “racist attack on a poor minority” or you die.

I’m saddened by any loss of life, but given the choice between someone who has clearly threatened my life or someone’s life in my presence or the person who was threatened, I will act, and I will act to stop them, period! Why is it, then, that this is evil, but Brown robbing a store and going for a cop’s gun is not? Why is it evil that Aldric White was shot while committing armed robbery but not evil for him to do so? Why is it evil for someone to defend a store clerk, but not evil to put a gun to said clerk’s head? If you listen to the media and those screaming, like Sharpton or Jackson, it’s because we’re all racist and those “poor misunderstood teens” were innocent and gunned down by hateful people, thus ignoring their criminal behavior.

Only when we wake up and start telling families of criminals they cannot sue their relative’s victims, they cannot sue someone for defending their own life or someone else’s life, that the actions of a thug have consequences they can’t change because they don’t like them, will we get back to a country that actually resembles the America of only 20 years ago. Do I think we’ll get there? Not in my lifetime, sadly, but I know I won’t be a victim, and when the day comes I have to defend myself or someone else, you can bet I’ll be tried for murder like Zimmerman, attacked for my “racism” when acquitted and sued civilly for “pain and suffering” due to my actions, but you can also bet I won’t back down.

Open carry coming to TX

Video Link

OK, before anyone starts screaming that we’re back in the old west, with everyone carrying whatever they want and gun fights in the streets, please watch the video. Yes, the attorney shown works for Texas Law Shield, a firm that specializes in defending their members in cases involving weapons, but they are still attorneys and point out several key points.

First, you must be licensed! I hold my CHL, and I am allowed to carry my weapon in many places, but not everywhere. My license, as of 1/1/16, will simply become a handgun license. I am researching if concealed carry will be affected, or if anyone with a license can carry openly or concealed. This does not remove the restrictions on CHL holders for locations either. The 30.06 law is still there, and 30.07 will address open carry.

Next, I can only carry a handgun and only in a belt or shoulder holster. I cannot walk the streets with an AR-15 on my shoulder or a shotgun slung on my back, period.

The implications for interacting with the Police are also addressed. There were amendments proposed that would make it so a Police Officer could not detain someone, or ask for their ID/License, solely on the fact that the person is openly carrying a weapon, both were defeated. I support that, as I don’t want just anyone able to carry and not be questioned. I am not a criminal, and have no record, so if I am asked for my ID, I will provide it, and I will obey all laws. If a Police Officer steps over the line, I will comply and call my lawyers, it’s that simple.

The crux of the matter is that there are 4 groups in this fight. The first simply doesn’t care, and won’t do more than watch. The second is my group, law abiding citizens who may or may not take advantage of this. I doubt I’ll openly carry much if at all, but will stay with my concealed option. Group three are the idiots trying to “make a point” by walking around with AR-15’s and the like, then getting upset when even questioned. I’d not be shocked to find out that group four, the liberals trying to ban all guns, had a hand in getting them to do this. Group three makes people like me look bad. To date, I have been openly visible with my handgun on my property (we have predators here, and they can’t all be scared away by noise), at the range, or when taking it for service or to the range.

Group four are the worst in my book. Not only do they actively shout that guns are the evil, not the people who use them, but they do not allow dissent. They actively work to undermine logic, as I can use a gun, rock, knife, baseball bat or my bare hands, to commit violence against another. They don’t want to hear it, because it shows that anything can be a weapon, and they’ve got a hard on for guns and anyone who disagrees with them is instantly a murderous psychopath who should be put away or put down. To achieve their goals, they not only lie and shout down anyone who doesn’t praise their intelligence, but they work to make people like me, who own firearms but use them responsibly and legally, look bad by encouraging the idiots among us to carry an AR-15 openly, and to then argue with police that “the second amendment is my license, you can’t stop me” or worse.

So, what do you think?

I’d say I’m surprised, but that would be a lie

It seems that, rather than simply being a bastion for liberal thought, colleges are now a bastion for students to get their way now, professors be damned. Yes, there are now professors who are SCARED to upset their students.

Students are getting professors fired, or just not brought back, for “offensive” texts on syllabi by authors such as Mark Twain. I’m sorry, but I read Tom Sawyer in JUNIOR HIGH, and it’s now gotten to where that author is not acceptable in college? Moving on, don’t forget that students actually had the nerve to suggest their finals be put off or cancelled due to their “emotional distress” over the Ferguson, MO situation. Yes, kids at IVY LEAGUE schools were so traumatized at watching a city tear it’s self apart over a criminal that they wrote a letter saying they believed they had a right to this, and were “shocked” when it didn’t happen.

The crux of the matter is simple, although I doubt many colleges will see it, or if they do, act on it. TREAT THESE STUDENTS LIKE THE ADULTS THEY ARE! When they scream about Twain being on the syllabus, tell them to grow up and read what is assigned. When they scream that being assigned something that doesn’t 100% mesh with their political leanings or other beliefs is “oppressing them,” and they ignore that only being assigned what they agree with is doing what they accuse to those who don’t agree with them, they need to be KICKED OUT! A college education is not a right, it’s a privilege! That’s why it’s not free!

We’ve moved from the era of students working their butts off to afford college, to the era of students studying “the social and political affects of renaissance French poetry” being shocked that their degree doesn’t automatically get them a six figure job, to the era of students getting professors fired for teaching the subject matter.

So, the question is simple and simple to answer, for me at least. The answer is to stop coddling these ADULTS who want to whine like toddlers denied a third cookie when they’re assigned something they don’t like, and to stand behind the professor. Sure, verify if an assignment is reported, and if it’s not relevant to the class, that’s different, but trust me, those will be rare items on this list. As for those who won’t give up the “fight to make sure they aren’t offended” OFFEND THEM BY KICKING THEM OUT OF COLLEGE, then when they sue, LAUGH THEM OUT OF COURT! Only when FORCED to work for what they want will any of them have any chance of actually growing a brain. Many won’t, and they’ll live on the dole and get high every day, but some will grow up and become useful adults, isn’t that worth it?

Yeah, it’s an old story, but I need to rant.

We’ve seen countless examples of pure selfishness in recent years, but this one to me, is one of the best examples of why we MUST act to reverse the trend.

Story Link

This is from September of 2014, where a woman takes a ball specifically thrown to a child, while smiling. In Houston, Juan Miranda threw a ball to a child in the stands, but this woman grabbed it and felt nothing wrong with that. I could ALMOST see acting like this were it a foul or a homerun hit into the stands, but this was specifically tossed to the child.

Fast forward and the outrage didn’t stop at the game. Yes, those in the booth held nothing back when discussing the sheer crapiness of this woman, but it’s her reaction that’s just perfect. She harps on how she is the victim. But get this, SHE IS A CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST! Yes, this woman went to school to study how to help children with mental issues, only to traumatize a child in public! Next, she complains that “her life was ruined” by people vilifying her for nothing. She claims that the child will have many opportunities while she won’t have as many, she expresses outrage that her belt was called ugly, as she “spent a lot of money so how could it be ugly,” then goes on to be shocked that the people who worked with her have left, and her “career has been ruined” by her simply catching a baseball.

This is just another symptom of society as it’s been for the last 20 years. Children are taught that they have a “right” to pass their classes with good grades, as teachers cannot use red ink or use the word fail. They’re taught they have a “right” to win when those who study and work to win contests are barred from competition for “winning too often,” and they’re taught that they needn’t work to be a better athlete, as coaches are told they can’t cut anyone from the team, and everyone trying out must make the team.

So, how do we fix this? Simply, reverse the trends! Make people who are able to work do just that, rather than living on welfare for decades. Let teachers actually teach, which includes marking those who do not study as having failed. Let those who are hired to coach a team select only those who will be best suited to play, and cut those who later prove they won’t or can’t. But, are we willing to make the hard call? Are we willing to tell people that hurt feelings are a part of life, and stand by that? I know I am, but how many others are?

It seems that this dead horse is going to be beaten into goo

I’ve held off on this one simply because every time I pull up the link to think about how to address this, I either get angry at the hypocrisy shown, or break down into hysterical laughter, although the latter is far more common.

We’ve all seen the Age Of Ultron trailer where the Avengers try to life Mjolnir, with Captain America getting a minor reaction, and Black Widow declining to even attempt it. A side-note here, Cap. and Widow have both wielded Mjolnir in the comic books, indicating that they are, in fact, worthy. As for that bit, in the first Thor movie we see Odin banish Thor from Asgard, saying “Whosoever holds this hammer, be he worthy, he shall possess the power of Thor.” OK, geekiness aside, back to the real topic at hand, that being “feminists” attacking Joss Whedon over one line in the movie.

Now, the trailer above doesn’t have the line, but in this scene in the movie, Tony says he will be reinstating Prima Noctis, that being the right of a king to have sex with a new bride on her wedding night (used by King of England in an attempt to breed Scots out of Scotland) and they began screeching that he supported rape, or the like. Story Link

Here’s the deal, Whedon didn’t write or have any control over the script, he was the Director! But, his name was on it, so naturally, he should have had the male Avengers bowing to the women, doing what they said, and made Ultron an oppressed woman who just wants to be treated equally.

One thing that is conveniently avoided or ignored, is that later in the movie, when Natasha asks Clint’s wife how “little Natasha” is, and is told the baby is a boy, she calls the unborn child a traitor, in the same joking tone of voice Tony uses in the scene with Mjolnir. Both of these lines are jokes, and were it not for this idiocy about Tony’s joke, I’d never have even considered Tasha’s joke for more than a movie line!

Tony Stark, the character, while he’s grown since his time as a prisoner of war in the middle east, is still a playboy, and an emotional teenager, so these jokes are his mainstay, and that’s the biggest part of his character. Even when fighting as Iron Man, he quips and puns the same, so my question is why a character that’s been this type of person for decades should be changed because people who have never read any of the comics the movie is bringing to life don’t like it? Simple, because these idiots have grown up never being told no, never being told they can’t have everything they want, and now it’s what they firmly believe. It’s yet another symptom of a society where coaches are told everyone trying out must make the team, where teachers are told they can’t use the word fail or use red ink on assignments, and where people are not allowed to compete in a competition because they win too often and others deserve a chance to win. Heaven forbid people actually let others think differently, or study for their tests, or work to be better than others, no, we live in a world where it’s now a “right” to win or get an A, and we’re reaping the whirlwind of a generation who scream that they be given what they have a right to, and when you aren’t willing to pay for their new phone or purse, you are the villain.

Well, I’m tired of it, and sadly I don’t see much hope of changing it any time soon. These people, now adults, need the spankings I got as a child when I was a brat, they need to be grounded for not doing their work, and need to be made to work for money to buy the new thing they want so badly, but no one is willing to do this any more.

Smokey Out