First, this guy wins today!
Next, we have three stories showing just how insane the world today is. One, two, and three.
The first and third are stories about “trans-gendered” children “denied their rights” when DEMANDING they be allowed to use the restrooms/locker rooms of those not the same biological sex. In both cases the schools made a unisex bathroom available, and BOTH SAID NO, GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! Make no mistake, this is NOT about “tolerance” or “equality” in any way, this is about ORDERING parents to FORCE their minor son or daughter to use the restroom or a locker room with someone of the opposite sex! I don’t know and don’t want to know what the details of these children’s lives are that they have decided they must be the opposite gender and must now throw a hissy fit about not getting to use the opposite sex’s bathroom, but I can just see the next step. Both would claim they were “bullied” while “just embracing who they really are,” while everyone ignores that they were offered a place that couldn’t happen, and turned it down! Not to mention the “girl” could rape another student, only to claim “she” was seduced and the other girl lied. This, again, is NOT ABOUT TOLERANCE, it’s about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT, AND DEMONIZING THOSE WHO DON’T AGREE BLINDLY AND PRAISE THEM!
Finally, link two. We’ve all seen the stories about the county clerk jailed for contempt when she wouldn’t issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple. Again, she was not jailed for “denying rights” but for contempt of court. Well, link two shows a lesbian judge DOING THE SAME THING, just in reverse. Yes, a JUDGE is refusing to marry straight, Christian couples. Where is the outrage over equality? Where’s the order for her to do the job she’s paid to do? It won’t happen, plain and simple, because she’s a “victimized minority and just helping show the imbalance in society.” Or at least that’s what the media would SCREAM 24/7 if this idiot was told to do her job!
Next, we’ve seen stories about muslims being “bullied” because people “dare” to bring bacon or alcohol through a checkout line in a store THEY VOLUNTARILY WORK AT AS A CASHIER! Well, one decided that she should be allowed to order her employer around, and now that she’s been put on leave, CAIR is actually suing. Now, the story as I’ve heard it has her not wanting to serve alcohol and being told to, or her co-workers would do it so she didn’t have to, or her just not doing anything. I don’t personally care, if you work as a flight attendant, SERVING DRINKS IS PART OF YOUR JOB! Add to this that the woman converted after she took the job, so SHE KNEW THE JOB REQUIREMENTS! Her claim that she “can’t earn a living” because of her faith is WRONG! She doesn’t have to be a stewardess, there are LOADS of jobs that don’t involve booze, pork of any kind, or anything else. As above, this is about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT.
Next to last is this one about Mexico charging $20 to cross the border into Mexico, and I won’t be surprised to find them, one day soon, CHARGING TO GET HOME! While we are all but forced at gunpoint to accept the dregs of their society and to keep them as Mexico doesn’t want them and our “leaders” are too spineless to do their jobs, we’re now told we must pay to go there? I personally say that no American visit Mexico ever again, and see what they say when tourism takes a NOSE DIVE.
Finally, Uncle Ted gives us a great laugh.
So, that said, your thoughts?
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