A common theme today, how do we change it though?

For a week now, we’ve seen and heard whining, crying and loud screams that “Hillary won the popular vote, she should be President.” Some are demanding that the Electoral College just ignore the election and hand the position to Hillary, while others riot and destroy property. All of this, however, comes down to one simple fact, NONE of the idiots understand, or care to understand, how our government is set up and how to legally change it. A great example, oddly enough, is Captain America himself, Chris Evans.

Apparently, Evans just wants to “make it go away” despite the Electoral College being part of a Constitutional Amendment, meaning only changing the Constitution will be legal. If he’s able to convince someone to call a Constitutional Convention, and then if enough states vote for repealing the 12th Amendment, and enough states ratify that, then it’s done. But you can’t just “get rid” of something that is part of the Constitution. But, then again, that’s never stopped people from trying has it? Hillary and Bernie both promised to “make gun control happen” with many others saying the President should use “any means necessary” to get guns off the streets. To them, this means making it illegal for someone like me to own firearms, because I’m in the group they can find, that being legal owners who use their weapons for sport, hunting, or protection only. But, then again, until we’re completely beholden to the government for 100% of our lives, they won’t be the gods they want to be will they?

Moving on, we see more “tolerance” and “understanding” even if it’s presented as a joke.

Yes, this is a “joke” showing Michele Obama holding a sign saying an immigrant is taking her job. But, considering that the left has been SCREAMING for years that “undocumented” immigrants are people and deserve the opportunity to make their lives better, why is this funny? I’m regularly called a bigot, racist, sexist, homophobe, and so on, because I want logic to return to not only government, but also daily life. When I point out that entering Mexico illegally, then demanding health care, a driver’s license, and so on, would result in me vanishing into a jail and never being heard from again, well, logic flies out the window and suddenly I want to kill all Mexicans rather than admit they’re human. When I point out that the Bill of Rights never mentions gender, sexual orientation, or even the word marriage, I’m trying to “publicly shame” the LGBT community and want them to fear persecution. Never mind that while an Oregon bakery was forced to close after they turned away a customer who wanted a cake for a wedding for two women, and that a bakery owned by a gay couple not only turned away a custom who wanted a cake for a Priest’s birthday, but also lied and said the man ordered a cake that supported violence against homosexuals, it’s all about “rights.” So, the next time you pick up a newspaper, or go to the firing range, or remember the Cops can’t just search your car whenever they want, remember that “rights” also means that a gay couple has a right to force a private business to do something against their religion, and a gay baker can turn away anyone they want.

Finally, where are we headed now that we know how the world views rights and such? Well, we’re headed further down the path of being sued for offending someone, or by someone who broke into your home and slipped. An episode of Supergirl last season shows this attitude perfectly.

Now, I know this is just a TV show, and it’s over-dramatic so as to make for good TV, but it’s not really that far off. In that scene, two idiots are slamming into each other, at high speed, headed for a group of children. When Supergirl stops them, the one we see get out of his car is upset “she totaled car” and ignores her “you almost totaled these kids.” He then, rather stupidly, tries to hit her, and she easily stops him, and puts him in a classic PD hold. He’s not injured, and likely only in discomfort, and not actual pain, but people instantly start to get mad at her for “hurting him” or “abusing her powers.” So, here’s the question, why the attitude of “I can do whatever I want, I cannot be held responsible for anything I do, and if you stop me from hurting someone else, you’re the bad guy?” It’s been growing since the mid to late 1990’s, and now has reached the point where people destroy businesses and cars, and attack people, simply because their candidate lost an election. Add to this, Trump, on 60 Minutes, flat out said to stop it, but Hillary has been silent about the riots after she didn’t get elected. We need a swift return to logic and rational thoughts, and sadly, the only real way is to just step in and force a change. Universities that offer “safe spaces” where students are given snacks, coloring books, play-do or Lego, because they need to “recover from the trauma” of their candidate not winning, well, they need to see a swift decline in enrollment, and donations dry up. If they’re a state school, then they need to be investigated and possibly have state money withdrawn for not using it to TEACH COLLEGE CLASSES! People rioting, destroying property and attacking others, simply, NEED TO BE ARRESTED, CHARGED, TRIED AND JAILED FOR THEIR CRIMES! They’ll bitch and moan in court that they’re “just expressing their feelings,” and they’ll ignore the question about what they’d do if someone destroyed their business or car, or harmed them physically while “expressing their feelings,” because naturally, they can do whatever they want, and you can only do what they tell you to. It’s the same issue as when you ask them “what would you say if Hillary had won and Trump supporters were rioting, burning businesses and cars, and so on?” They give you a blank look, or worse, tell you “that wouldn’t happen because Hillary should have won.” They firmly believe they have a right to destroy what isn’t theirs, to attack people, and also that had the election gone the other way, everyone would be happy. This is no longer a willful mindset, but a mental disease! They’re incapable of even considering others, they firmly believe that they have a right to destroy what isn’t theirs, and all because, in this case, the election didn’t go their way. When you point out that, just because they’re mad, they can’t just “make the electoral college go away,” you’re suddenly “attacking them,” or “denying their rights.” George Washington and Thomas Jefferson could rise from the grave, hand out cookies and milk, then say that same thing, and it would be a “right wing plot to silence and subjugate the country.”

Can you see why I weep for the future?

It wouldn’t be a Monday without wanting to slap people

To start off, it seems that SNL is dead set to follow Hillary into obscurity. After the election, and while countless liberals run for their safe spaces, tweet their disbelief, or demand America just give them what they want, SNL had Kate McKinnon singing the late Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” and crying. I never knew much about Cohen, but from the response, I’d guess he wouldn’t like his music associated with a criminal not getting what she wants. I remember growing up in the 1980’s and loving SNL. Even as the shift to the left started, and we saw far more raunchy jokes, digs at the GOP outweigh even an unkind word about the DNC, it was still funny. Now though, it’s just like the rest of NBC, CNN and so many other networks, an open shill for Hillary and the rest of the DNC. While I can hope their ratings will show that people don’t agree, I’m not holding my breath, as I really don’t want to see SNL end, just go back to comedy for comedy’s sake, and leave politics to the news pundits.

Moving on, if you thought we were rid of Michael Dukakis in 1988, you’d be wrong. Now, he’s declaring war on the Electoral College. Unlike many of the others doing this, at least he’s demanding it be undone legally, rather than the many people tweeting or just screaming for the Electors to go against the results and just hand the White House to Hillary. Funny isn’t it, that when their candidate wins, it’s “they won, it’s how the system works” but when they lose, it’s time to demand people just do as they say, change everything, tear down the “broken system.” I’m not going to try to claim I didn’t take to my blog, or Facebook, or another medium to express my “displeasure” with either of Obama’s wins, as I firmly believe the man to be seeking the destruction of the United States. Ignoring that I believe him to not be a Natural Born citizen, we have quotes from him that he wants to “fundamentally change” the country, while Michelle is on record as saying that during his time in office was the first time she was proud of America. She’s not a young girl, so that literally means that until she became First Lady, she was never proud to be an American. I’m not going to even suggest that Trump is perfect or blameless in his life, but he is far more American that Obama will ever be. As for the Electoral College, I’m going to give you a short description of this institution. Most people see the map showing the states and see that California went blue, but it didn’t. LA and San Fransisco, and the very few other cities that are extremely densely populated turned the state blue. Yes, a handful of cities/counties are able to control the rest of the state’s vote. What this means, is that if you look at the map by county, the country is far more red than blue. Yes, there are more people that voted for Hillary, but this is the point of the Electoral College, it prevents a population center from controlling more than their state. Yes, there are writings from the founders that hint that they didn’t trust the average voter, and set up the E.C., and yes, it may be time to end that institution, but do it legally. This would be a change to the Constitution, which requires a Constitutional Convention. This, like the Second Amendment, can’t “just be changed” because someone doesn’t like them. This is one of the reasons Hillary did so horribly in some states, as people are very much going to protect their rights, and she flat out said she’d use an Executive Order with regards to the Second Amendment. In layman’s terms, she said she’d just issue an order to make owning guns far more difficult, if not illegal, for private citizens. Let’s put that another way. Let’s say that a candidate said they’d use Executive Orders to “fix” the First Amendment. Would you be upset that they want to remove your right to free speech, or assembly, or to force the press to report as the government dictates (openly, as opposed to CNN and the others that march to the DNC’s tune?) So, put that way, much like the Second, it can’t “just be changed” or done away with. If you are that serious about it, call for a Constitutional Convention, get the States there, and DO IT RIGHT!

Finally, is anyone surprised that Sweden is blaming gender equality for a massive SNAFU after their first big snow of the year. Recently, a policy (law?) requires sidewalks to be cleared before roads, to allow for “gender equality” because women walk more, and men are “over represented” among drivers. Naturally, this caused a massive problem, as no one could drive, so businesses and schools were closed, greatly impacting everyone. Naturally, it’s not because the roads were to be cleared last, it’s “a lack of gender-equality” in snow clearing that caused it. Now, I’m all for treating women and men equally, but I have to call this what it is, an act of complete idiocy. If a snow storm is bad enough that, when the roads aren’t cleared, no one can drive, is anyone really going to go out other than in their car? I realize I’m just a dumb Texan, and our “cold” is a warm summer day to someone in Stockholm in the winter, but this just seems to make sense. First clear the roads, and if you must, send out the walkway clearing crews right behind them, because guess what, THEY HAVE TO GET THEIR TO CLEAR THEM! Yes, I know the world isn’t perfect, and yes, discrimination still happens, be it based on race, sex, or any of a number of things people are biased about. But, to institute policies like this is just insane! We’ve seen this in other places, where policies are put in place to “ensure equality” only to have them cause far more problems, or be attacked just as vehemently. The true solution is to just ignore the whiners until they go away or grow up. A good example of this is a company I worked for in 2003/2004, and their hiring policy. The application has no mention of sex, gender, race, religion, etc, and any applicant that lists any of those items anywhere else is summarily rejected. The next two rounds (interviews) are entirely automated, and not only don’t mention race/sex/gender/religion/etc, in these, it’s impossible to list them as the “interviews” are done via a touch tone phone. Only in round 4 (application, interview, interview, round 4) are your race/gender/sex known, as only then do you meet someone in person. Even with this in place, they’ve been sued for not hiring someone because they’re black, or female, or gay, or what have you. Granted, they win each time, because they can show that those people were never interviewed by a person, but filtered out by the automated system. Much like the people in Missouri screaming that the Fire Department test is racist because they failed it, ignoring that very few people pass that test. I’m sorry, but we have to stop pandering to these people and doing stupid stuff like Sweden did, or we’re just going to see the world collapse and anarchy will take over. But, what do I know, I’m only a History Teacher from Texas, I didn’t get a Masters in Women’s Studies from Berkley, so I don’t know anything about politics, do I?

Enough from me, what do you think?

America after Tuesday, and so far nothing has blown up

Tuesday night saw something happen that a great many people are still in shock over. Hillary Clinton was not elected President of the United States, Donald Trump was. Within hours there were videos from tearful celebrities bemoaning the tragedy, or youtubers screaming they were going to kill themselves, or saying they were having a heart attack. Today, students are shown on video being consoled, having had classes cancelled because their candidate not being selected is traumatic. I hate to think about them later in life, when they don’t get the job they “deserve” or when they are forced to pay bills, or the like. We’ve seen tweets demanding people beg their states Electors to change their vote, which had the situation been reversed, they’d be screaming that “Hillary won the Electoral College, let it go, you lost.” There are people repeating “she won the popular vote” just as we saw in 2000, but they quickly forget that they would be the first to demand someone be arrested and made to publicly flog themselves and apologize, for doing the same thing.

Yes, there have been incidents where “Trump supporters,” and put that in quotation marks because anyone acting like this will be listed as one, regardless of who they did or would have voted for, of people being told they’ll be deported, or the like, and that is not acceptable to me. President Elect Trump NEVER said he would deport all immigrants, nor did he saw he would look at Citizens or legal residents of Hispanic or Muslim heritage in that way. What he said is he intends to work to stop ILLEGAL immigration, and to deport those here ILLEGALLY. Naturally, this doesn’t fit the “he’s a horrible, racist, sexist, pig” narrative, so the media spins it however they want, and of course, the left laps it up. What upsets me a bit is how the incidents of idiots displaying their racism or another quality that should be kept hidden are all over the news, but the complete silence about the “open letters” all but ordering people to vote for Hillary, or the many celebs who threatened to leave if he won. If you want a better America, start with the media, until they’re at least forced to just be honest, let alone stop the DNC bias, we will continue down this horrifying path. Oh, and just as we’ve seen since before the primaries, those “outraged citizens” protesting, well, they may not be what they seem. Click here for story

Where do we go from here? Honestly, we go on as we have for the last 8 years. The media is trying to spin this as the world is ending, we’re all headed for Auschwitz or Buchenwald, and Trump will be the second coming of Hitler, which is not true. For most of the day to day things each of us face, nothing will change. We are not going to see troops in our streets, dragging people off to be deported. The celebrities who swore they’d leave the country forever if he won will stay and keep making millions from the very people they insult by saying that, and life will go on. No, Gay Marriage will not become a crime worthy of being hanged at dawn, and the ACA won’t just go POOF and vanish. I honestly hope that we get a new SCOTUS Justice who will not try to legislate from the bench, but truly will just interpret the law, and rule on if that law is Constitutional or not, but we can’t say for sure until that person is in place. As for the ACA, as many people as are covered, it won’t be just yanked away, but I do hope the requirement to select a plan or be heavily fined will be removed. Before you get up in arms over “everyone should be covered,” consider this. My mother was made to select an ACA plan until her Medicare benefits kicked in last year. So, she selected one, and started looking for a Doctor. Guess what, NO DOCTOR WITHIN 100 MILES WOULD TAKE HER. So, she’s legally required to have that plan, to pay for, AND IT’S COMPLETELY USELESS! Sure, have a marketplace where people can get health care that they otherwise couldn’t, but requiring it, when not everyone can use those plans is theft, pure and simple.

Hillary will not be arrested and jailed, and honestly, I don’t think the FBI will really try too hard to continue the investigation. Personally, I think they should, because she broke the law and badly mishandled confidential information. WikiLeaks has never (so far) released false information, the media didn’t like that Hillary was being shown to be far more unfit that we ever thought, but we’re told it shouldn’t matter, and to focus on how bad Trump is because he saw something mean more than a decade ago. Are you seeing the real problem yet? It’s not the DNC or GOP, they’ve been the way they are for decades, and although we need to fix this and I say we need to get rid of parties all together, the real problem is the media. We’ve known for a while that many of the networks are owned by a very few corporations, and thus, despite the appearance of being independent, they’re all told what to do by the same person. The Clintons are also heavily connected to News Corp, so is it any surprise that they’d paint her as the second coming of Christ and Trump as worse than the devil?

No, he isn’t out to get the LGBT community, no he isn’t out to get the Mexicans or Muslims. What he is, is a man who wants to help American Citizens, which means ILLEGAL immigration must be stopped, and LEGAL immigration encouraged. He likely will weigh in on the bathroom issue, and he’ll be attacked for “forcing innocent teens into danger,” because he will most likely come down on the same side that I personally stand on. Just because you “identify” as a man or as a woman, does not change the fact that biologically you’re not. Restrooms and Locker Rooms are not a place for someone of one sex to be around those of the other. The media is going to have a sad, likely shaking teen on camera saying they don’t feel like they should go to the restroom because they’re really not a girl, or the like. Sadly, what this does, is open the world up to have people “identify” as a girl, just to use the ladies room, and there WILL be attacks and rapes. Naturally, that person will be a horrible person, a monster, but they’ll also be a “social warrior trying to undo progress by making things look dangerous when they really aren’t.” We saw from the beginning that this wasn’t about equality or people feeling uncomfortable or unsafe using the restroom for their sex, it was about forcing others to bend and cave. Schools first offered gender neutral bathrooms, single occupant bathrooms to be exact, and that was shot down as “forcing them to be outed by using them.” When it started to become obvious that parents cared enough about their children to fight them on this, they changed tactics. We soon saw school boards meeting in secret to just make it happen, but of course, that didn’t last. Students were told to not tell their parents, so of course some did, and parents were outraged, as they should be. Next, the President sent a letter of “advice” with thinly veiled threats about federal funding. So, this was never about “making sure students felt safe,” it was about forcing the vast majority of the U.S. to cave and bow to the will of a HUGE minority.

I’ve ranted and rambled here for long enough, but I can’t sit and watch as I, and people I count friends are branded bigots or racists or sexists, simply because we didn’t bend over and do what people demanded we do. We, just like every other voter, voted for the candidate we felt we should vote for. Yes, there have been cries to end the Electoral College, or to call your E.C. representative and beg them to vote Hillary despite the results. Remember, had Hillary won and these things happened, the people saying that would be decried as hateful, bad losers, and so on. We are not going to see the Electoral College just go away, that is something that will take a MASSIVE amount of work. Just as Hillary was blowing smoke or promising something horribly un-Constitutional when she promised to “make gun control happen.” We have the Constitution for a reason, and that reason is to ensure that the people elected to serve aren’t able to just make things happen. It’s worked for 240 years, but naturally, when the left sees that screaming about “the children” or ranting that “guns are evil” doesn’t magically mean that all firearms are just POOF gone, they suddenly don’t care about the process, but when I suggest that the ACA is horribly flawed and must be done away with and something else put in its place, I get the “it’s law, you can’t just get rid of it, there’s a process.” You can’t have it both ways, you can’t say the Electoral College should be respected when you win, and should be gone when you lose. You can’t just make things happen that you want, and then use “the process” to protect things you want kept.

We need maturity at all levels, from the student to the President, and until that happens, we’re going to see the situation get FAR WORSE, and may not get better after that. Hillary, Obama and Trump have all called for America to come together, yet we still hear about riots, about people blocking highways, because their candidate didn’t win. I have no doubt that had Hillary won, and I simply stood somewhere with a “Pray for America, we need it more now” sign, I’d likely be attacked or worse, but when she loses, her supporters have a “right” to “express themselves” by BLOCKING TRAFFIC AND DEFACING BUILDINGS. This is precisely what safe spaces and trigger warnings have gotten us. Students are “traumatized” by seeing Trump 2016 written in chalk on a sidewalk, but when that happens, they’re “exercising their rights” when they break the law. They’re so traumatized by their candidate losing that they threaten to kill themselves. How will they ever survive the real world? Unless they stay in school forever, or get all the way to PhD and start teaching their useless topic, they are in for a rude awakening when they can’t call in to work because the mean man won the election, they can’t go home early from work because they saw a t-shirt for the other candidate on lunch. Meetings don’t come with trigger warnings, and when they complain to HR about their boss being “abusive” when he gives a warning about constant tardiness.

We’re in for a major shift in the world folks, and while we’ve got 4 years to try to reverse the trend, I don’t see much chance, and I am scared of what will happen when these special snowflakes get back into power. They will of course tell you (loudly and repeatedly) that they’re going to make sure everyone is equal, until in power, when white males are told to get out, and others who aren’t white males, but who disagree with the special flower people are told to follow. We’re on the downhill slope, the only question is do we walk, run, or slide down?

Time for a rant, and just in time for the 90 minute rant vs counter-rant on TV tonight!

I’ve not posted in a while, mostly because it seems that no matter what day or week it is, the news is the same every day. This group is racist, that group is being held down because they can’t make as much as a burger flipper as an engineer, or some other BS is under a banner headline.

A prime example of this is how the media either focuses on or hides the race of an officer who is involved in a shooting, but only when the person shot is black. They ignore the fact that black men, while still a minority in most places, commit most of the crime, and are responsible for a VAST majority of the violence against other black people. They ignore that in virtually all cases, the person shot had a firearm, was not obeying lawful orders, and in many cases, was shot to prevent them shooting someone else. But let’s not let pesky little things like facts get in the way, after all, since all white people are racist, it’s only natural that black men would be inclined to brandish a weapon at them, call them horrible things, and try to kill them, and defending yourself just proves you’re a vile bigot who deserves to die.

On the other side of this issue, as a city is destroyed by riots, suggesting that those who are rioting hate white people is apparently worse than the actual riots. Nevermind that the very people burning and looting have called all white people f&&&ing devils, and have called for people to be attacked and/or killed, simple because they’re white, to actually say that they hate white people (thus pointing out that the people playing the race card are in fact racist,) is just wrong, and means you should quit your job, but keep giving money to the “poor downtrodden masses” (who will hate you, attack you and worse) since you’re a vile racist.

While American cities burn, and anyone who dares not support the “enlightened and wonderful vision the DNC has for America” is all but crucified, Hillary is worried about looking smaller than Trump, so has a special podium for the debate tonight. Now, I’ll give this one a chance to be satire, but I’m not holding out much hope. Hillary has shown time and again she cares nothing for anyone but herself. She’s watched as Bill groped and worse, sat idle as Americans died, then asked “what difference does it make” when confronted, broken the law (the e-mail thing,) and she’s still living the high life, while telling people barely able to buy groceries about how horrible we are for not wanting to let her take more of our money.

Moving on to international news, it seems that sexual assaults have doubled at Oktoberfest this year. Now, rather than accepting that it’s because Germany imported MASSIVE numbers of “refugees” that amazingly aren’t all women an children, they’re saying it’s because people are reporting what they see more often, not because the “refugees” are rapists and worse.

Next, two from Clients from Hell. First, this gem is just amazing in that it’s adults and not kindergarten students. Now, I’ll be the first to say that CFH is a weekly reminder of why I’m so glad I’m no longer in photography or web design as a profession. This one, though, is a very common thing today. The client provided all the instructions, then when they complain, it’s pointed out that they picked everything they don’t like. So, when it’s pointed out that if they don’t like what they picked, they just pick something else, it’s still somehow the contractor’s fault, so they can tell them “I don’t like you” or worse.

Just like the one above, we have another great example of the “I’m always right” mindset. Simply put, the client contacts a translator for translation into two languages. They’re told it’s $1000 for one language or $1800 for both, to which they reply, several times, asking how much for both. When the translator gives the same answer, they’re still not polite, but ask for the work to be done, in under 24 hours, to which they’re told it can’t be done. They come back well after that deadline is gone and offer an insultingly low rate for the work, and are told no again. They try the “you’re losing money” bit, but are told no. Finally, they find someone willing to work for their low offer, and the results are horrible, as the “translator” just used Google Translate. When they come back demanding the first translator fix it, and are told no, well, I won’t spoil it totally, but I can easily see this person suing a bakery for not taking their money, as we’ve seen before.

These always piss me off a little, as if you asked them why they aren’t offended for the guy, they attack you for being sexist. Eve said she didn’t feel exploited by the scene, but that’s just a cue for the SJW’s to say she’s “brainwashed” or the like, but they’re silent when a man is nude on camera, and if you dare point out their blatant hypocrisy, well, you’re a sexist and thus, open to be assaulted and you can’t fight back or walk away, or you’re “denying their rights.”

Simple question here, why wasn’t the United Way sued for wrongful death when their stunt caused the death of two people? I’m actually very curious, as the CG stated the balloons were why they had to stop, and they know who released them.


These are just sad. First, an octopus has predicted sports, apparently, with 100% accuracy, so when fans hear it predicted their team won’t win, they threaten to kill it? How sad their lives must be.

The second just shows how far we’ve gone on the path to hell, a man killed someone not directly responsible for his family dying, and goes home as a hero? I’m sorry for his loss, and I understand being angry, but he committed cold blooded murder, and was thus, given a high position in his government? Sorry, but no, he should be given the death penalty. But, this is also a world where people actually believe having to defend your life with deadly force is the same as murder (yes, people do,) I’m not shocked. I’ve actually heard people say they’d “rather watch their children raped and murdered than to disappoint them by becoming a murderer just to save their lives.” Yes, they believe it’s better to let someone RAPE, TORTURE AND KILL A CHILD, than to use a gun. And sadly, these are the people who right now, are a majority in many states, and influencing laws. WHEN something happens, they’ll either sue the police for not having teleportation abilities, and thus “being too late,” or the person who saves them, for “bringing a deadly weapon into their home.” It’s only a matter of time before we have entire sections of cities where police won’t go, and where crime is worse the slums of NYC during prohibition, and they’ll bemoan the “evil gun nuts aren’t willing to let them ban guns, so the criminals still have guns.” If you don’t believe me, look up some of our elected officals’ quotes, they actually believe that if the legal gun owners would just give up their guns, the criminals would stop.

While I’m glad people are getting this message out, it’s being misused. Students are now reporting “harassment” when they see Trump 2016 on the sidewalk, are reporting “hate speech” in class when their history book points out that slavery wasn’t purely a white American thing. While they gleefully silence anyone who they don’t like, they’ll scream about their “right to free speech” as they take others’ rights away. I can only hope they grow up one day, or we’ll have the equivalent of a toddler day care in DC one day, with people yelling “shut up, you can’t talk to me any more” and the like in Congress.

Well, enough ranting for now, what’s on your mind?

Hump day news

I’ve not watched TV news or listened to it on the radio (save the blurbs on whatever station I’ve got going in the car) for quite a few years now. All sides in the “main stream” media are now so biased, I won’t be shocked when it literally becomes a cheer leading session with “you’re side stinks” as the tag line. The left has been screaming about Fox News being nothing but a GOP front for years, and for a while, I defended them as they seemed to show the failings of both parties, even if they were a bit happier to do so when the DNC fell or stumbled. Today however, they almost are just a GOP cheer squad, and we’ve seen how “fair” CNN has been in helping Hillary with her bid for the White House. Well, today is no different in how “fair” things are today, despite the screams from some that their “rights” are being denied, the world seems happy to do that very thing to others, as long as they’re the ones who are currently “evil racist and sexist bigots,” which of course is something the vast unwashed minority tells them about people, and thus, who to attack. Today’s stories prove that the inmates are running the asylum, and are now armed and unwilling to go back to their rooms.

First, The NY Times needs to learn what hypocrisy is, and how to spot it in their stories. When reporting about a pool policy in Toronto, wherein only muslim women and girls are allowed to swim, due to the requirement they dress very modestly around men they are not related or married to, it’s all sunshine and daisies. The pool and city are “inclusive” for helping a group that otherwise could not enjoy the public pool do just that. In New York, when a public pool does the very same thing for orthodox Jews, well, let’s just say being compared to concentration camp operators wouldn’t be much further from the story. It’s “unfortunate” and only a step away from the a return to the days of the Sanhedrin and people being forced to worship in a Synagogue. The saddest part is that were you to show these stories, side by side with the faith and location redacted, the Times would likely “stand behind their reporters.” You could even swap the locations and faiths, and they’d attack you for “islamophobia” and “working to let the Jews force people into their religion.” There was a time when the NYT was a viable and respected publication, but today they are little more than a mouthpiece for the ultra-liberals in society, and they not only don’t care, they don’t even see it.

Next, we have the government blatantly acting to force religious institutions to violate their faith. I can guarantee if there were a muslim college, they wouldn’t even be required to offer insurance, as they “object on religious grounds” When it’s a Catholic run college, and thus, run by “evil, bigoted Christians, who just want to subjugate the world and force conversion by saying God Bless, or Merry Christmas, or wearing a cross pendant,” well, they need to respect the law and comply. It’s not only Catholics that object to being forced to fund abortion, Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christians also believe abortion is wrong. So far, it’s only California that’s doing this, but it won’t be long before the Feds begin ordering people to not question them, and we’ve already seen an elected official calmly tell the people she is supposed to represent that in order to find out what’s in a law, it has to be passed first. Sorry Nancy, but you’re completely backward there, and you know it. The left, for years, has demanded to know every little snippet in laws proposed by conservatives, but when their exalted leader decides that he is going to not only force the country to spend more money for less, but also refuses to even consider anything else until that’s done, “we have to pass it to find out what’s in it,” and no one in the media saw anything wrong with someone elected to pass laws saying we aren’t allowed to know what it says until it’s law.

Finally, societal changes are hitting more and more rapidly, and most are in the form of “shut up, you’re offending me” and then cries for all but public flogging and crucifixion for said “crime.” First in this section is this story where protesters, who by all reports, were peaceful, being kicked off the University of Southern Missouri campus, for the horrid act of having the Missouri state flag. This is just the latest in pandering to those who whine loudest, as that flag does have a small version of the Confederate Battle Flag in it’s design. Several colleges have already stated they will not fly their own state flag, including University of Missouri, presumably to avoid cries of “racist” and so on. While this happens, in other states, students swarm flagpoles to take the U.S. flag down and fly a foreign country’s flag, or all but attack students wearing U.S. flag designs, but no, we just ensure no one can claim racism where it doesn’t exist. Naturally, after police forced a group exercising their right to peacefully assemble off of a public university campus, the school stated that the police were mistaken and the flag isn’t banned. Sorry folks, Police aren’t stupid, they wouldn’t have acted unless they had been told to, and would not have told people that the state flag of Missouri was banned on campuses IN MISSOURI. This is the same as saying “we’re sorry, it shouldn’t have happened, now run along and don’t sue, or tell anyone.” The college is backpedaling and trying to save face, but I for one hope it backfires and they see students leaving in droves, or at least story after story about how colleges are banning their own state flag. While this is going on, another form of silencing anyone who disagrees is happening on the White House Facebook page. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that when I find a post I like, I share it and like it, just as I vote up videos I like on youtube, so they are seen as popular and more likely to be seen by others. This however, is a very extreme form of that, as only about 250 profiles are posting repeatedly, and in doing so, making sure that only positive things are visible on the WH Facebook while their messiah is in office. Were this to happen when GW Bush was in office, it would be “rabid redneck conservatives are silencing people trying to show the evil that is Bush” but when it’s Obama, it’s just short of being part of the choir of angels and only helping others see the great man.

I’ve said it before, and I will continue to do so as long as I’m breathing. We are headed to hell in a rocket powered hand cart, and we lost our brakes long ago. The world is so focused on not offending this group or that, that we offend large groups and tell them it’s in the name of progress. We have schools telling elementary students that simply praying silently is a violation of the Constitution, while a U.S. Judge tells a religious institution they can’t opt out of covering abortion, or a city mayor telling pastors they must submit their sermons or be arrested. While screaming about separation of Church and State (which is not anywhere in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or Declaration of Independence) they interfere with Church matters right and left. While screaming about freedom of speech on Twitter or Facebook, they tell people that the Second Amendment only applies to firearms that existed in 1776, not seeing the idiocy of that statement. I’ve actually told someone who said that, that if that’s true, the First Amendment only applies to hand written letters and newspapers printed the same way as in 1776, only to be called an idiot and told to go back to school. They honestly cannot see that saying “the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” only applies to muskets and other firearms available in 1776 is the exact same as saying that freedom of speech and the press is only spoken word, letters or newspapers. If we don’t do something to turn this back to what we were only 30 years ago, when the government was small and functioned, we will see the end of the U.S. in my lifetime.

Why is this OK?

I’ve posted many times about hot button topics, and in general I’ve seen about a 50/50 response, with some agreeing with me and others very much opposed. Thankfully, my audience has, so far, been civil, but it seems the world is just determined to speed toward hell. This story popped up for me today, and while I’ve never really been a fan of Bill Nye, until now, he pretty much seemed to be interested in real research. Now? In my book he’s no better than the mouth breathing trolls I encounter so often in discussion threads.

Simply put, according to this article, Bill Nye is “open” to criminal charges and/or jail time for “climate change dissenters.” Yes, you read that right, by that title, he’s OK with jailing those who don’t agree totally with him, no questions. This isn’t about jailing the Captain of the Exxon Valdez, but any “dissenter” and those doing the jailing will decide who is and isn’t a “dissenter.” I’m sorry folks, but this is exactly what’s wrong with this country, too many are “offended” or “upset” by the “lack of unity on important topics” that no discussion takes place. Rather than actually work together, and by doing so, maybe actually figure something out, the “scientists” on the left are just going to throw you in jail for not agreeing with them. This is the same as the idiocy in Houston, where a lesbian Mayor just declared all restrooms are open to anyone, then cried on TV about the “hateful bigots” when the voters overturned it. She then tried to force the area pastors to turn over all sermons, only to moan and whine when that was struck down by a court.

We no longer live in a world where “shall not be infringed” means DON’T ACT AGAINST, rather we live in a world where if you buck the system you are silenced or worse. For those of you who haven’t seen them, God’s Not Dead and God’s Not Dead 2 are great movies and great examples of this. Spoilers Ahead!!!!!

In the first movie, a college student has to take a class to graduate, but is warned that the professor is not the kindest person when it comes to Christians. The professor (Kevin Sorbo) tells the class to wright “God is dead” on a piece of paper, only to then humiliate the lone student unwilling to do so. With the student unwilling to bend, the professor decides to have a trial, with the student as defense, himself as prosecutor, judge and jury. Eventually, the class is allowed to judge the arguments, and the student gets the professor to admit he hates God, only to ask “how can you hate what doesn’t exist.” I loved that bit, but the movie shows so well just what so many go through, being ordered to deny their faith while others are praised for their “bravery” and “tolerance” for forcing someone to deny or hide their faith.

In the sequel, a teacher is asked about a quote attributed to Christ and how it pertains to the lecture on non-violence. This is a history class and the teacher simply answers the question, only to be later suspended and sued for everything for “pushing religion.” In the court case, a school official also says that quotes from MLK Jr wouldn’t be allowed since he quoted the Bible, indicating clearly that it’s not about education or history, it’s about silencing Christians. Over the course of the trial, it’s obvious that the ACLU lawyer is less and less concerned with the law, but only with punishing a teacher because it will set a precedent. At one point he even says they can’t lose and let a precedent be set.

Why is it OK for an atheist student to loudly proclaim that there is no God, for a Muslim to pray during school, for schools to have students “be a Muslim” for a week, but not for a teacher to answer a question asked when it refers to Jesus. Students have been punished for the smallest infraction, while other students are praised in the media for bravery when they “create” a clock by disassembling a clock and putting it into a case the looks almost identical to a bomb, but only after the school reacts EXACTLY AS THEY SHOULD?

The answer is simple, Christians pose a real threat to the “do what you want and feel good and everything will be fine” crowd. Christians are the ones telling people that lying, stealing, sleeping around, and so on are wrong. When that is said, suddenly someone’s “rights” are being yanked from them. Nevermind that the drugs they have a “right” to use are illegal, or they’re too young, they have a “right” to do that and you aren’t allowed to say anything. Women scream that it’s “their body so their right to an abortion” when any law is discussed, even when it’s not about what they scream. I’ve seen lawmakers attacked for even suggesting that a law be passed calling for harsh punishment when a minor child is transported across state lines for the purposes of any medical procedure, when there is no parental consent. Instantly, that law is “forcing women into back alley abortions” or “forcing rape victims to have their attacker’s child.” Read that again, a girl who wants an abortion, or a boy who wants lipo, same crime, transporting a minor w/o parental consent. WHEN that is brought up, they start screaming about girls who will be abused for getting pregnant by their religious parents. When you then point out that there is a clause allowing a Judge to allow the abortion and remove the child from an abusive home, they just scoff and say you don’t know how hard it is to leave an abusive home, then go on a rant about how you’re offending them, how you want to silence them (while they don’t let you speak) and how you’re “denying their rights” by simply existing.

I have asked, multiple times and in multiple venues how my simply believing what I do affects anyone’s rights. They generally point out this law or that policy, so I tell them I am not a government official, so they go off about voting, and I point out that I am one person and they are one person, so they can vote too, and suddenly I’m “trying to silence them” by responding to their accusations. I have asked the following question, word for word, “I am not involved in government, management, or any decision making process. Remove all of that, ignore voting, how does my simply sitting here, thinking and believing as I do, affect you in any way, at this precise moment?” The response I got was profane and nothing but an attack on my person. That one time, I wrote out “if you are going to act as a foul mouthed child, I’m leaving.” The idiot actually grabbed me and tried to push me down, until I had them against a wall in a lot of discomfort. Do you see what happened? I asked a question, was shouted and cursed at, and when I tried to leave, I was physically assaulted. Why is it OK to shout at and demean Christians, and we aren’t allowed to even get upset. I’m tired of the hypocrisy, and it’s only getting worse.

I am not about to force you to be a Christian, nor will I force you to believe as I do when it comes to various policies and laws. I will not allow you to silence me however, and I will no longer just ignore situations where Christians are silenced. If you want tolerance from me, you need to show it. If you want people to take you seriously, don’t act like a toddler told they can’t have ice cream for breakfast. In the simplest of terms, if you want to be taken seriously, then act in a way so as to deserve it.

God’s Not Dead

Earlier this year, I took my parents and nephew to see Risen, which had a preview for God’s Not Dead 2. I hadn’t yet seen God’s Not Dead, but being a history/political-science buff, and having gone to school to become a teacher (although that still hasn’t happened,) I was intrigued. I found God’s Not Dead and have to say, while hard to watch as a Christian, this is something that truly is happening on college campuses today, and I’m glad I did. Well, today, I took the parents and nephew to see God’s Not Dead 2, and we’re definitely going to see number 3 if/when it’s released.

Now, without spoiling the movie (and this is just from the trailer,) God’s Not Dead 2 follows a court case wherein a High School teacher is being sued by the parents of one of her students for “preaching in the classroom.” From the trailer we know that a student asked a question comparing Ghandi and the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to Jesus in their stand on non-violence. She asked about his words “love your enemy.” Melissa Joan Hart’s character then quoted that scripture, that’s it. During that scene in the trailer, another student texts his parents about it, and the teacher then starts a wild ride.

Now, I won’t say more about the movie, so as not to spoil it, and I ask that you not include spoilers in any comments. Moving on though, this isn’t a made up issue, nor an isolated one today. The production studio has listed many cases where Christians are silenced, or the attempt is made, on their website. I have a PDF of it here for anyone who doesn’t have Word or another program which opens Word files. This document shows instances of teachers and students being targeted, from elementary to post-secondary school, and thankfully, ADF represents many of these individuals, and has successfully kept the right to have your own faith and not hide it.

I’m a history major, and love the study of history and politics, so I know the words of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and much more. The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…..” Yes, it goes on to list freedom of speech, the press and assembly, but the establishment and free exercise clauses are at the heart of these cases. The ACLU loves using the Establishment clause, and ignoring the free exercise clause, and does so often. Of course, “Separation of Church and State” is flung around as if chiseled into the very stone of all government buildings, while it’s ignored that Thomas Jefferson used that phrase in a letter to the Danbury Baptists, and meaning that the separation is to protect the Church from the State, not to silence believers.

Yes, I am a Christian, and yes, that means I believe the words of Jesus, and believe that I, and every other human on the planet, is a sinner. I don’t say this to denigrate anyone, and you’ll notice, I put myself first in that statement, so neither do I use it to say I’m somehow better than others. I was and still am a sinner, but I choose to do all I can to not sin, and when I do, I confess and repent. Everything else, from marriage being a sacred union of a man and a woman, to homosexuality in general being wrong, and the need to repent and commit to Christ to avoid hell, I believe as well. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” Ephesians 2:8

Being saved by grace means you can never earn it. Not only can you never live a completely sin free life, but neither can you volunteer, donate, or do enough to gain entry into Heaven when you die. This, it seems, is now the crux of the matter. The people who attack Christianity want to force Christians to recant, and to tell the world that avoiding hell (if they even acknowledge the existence of Heaven and hell) is a “right” and to be told you must work at it, you must repent, and you must accept Christ as your savior, is “denying their rights” so that they can then try to sue to force people to, at the very least, be silent.

So, to wrap this up, an old quote from Voltaire “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Now, I use this more often than not when referring to politics, but it works just as well in this situation as well. Today, criticizing the LGBT community, any minority group, or any faith other than Christianity, seems to be a lightning rod for the ACLU to sue. Why are we not allowed to speak about our faith, or criticize those who want to silence us? The answer is simple, those attacking Christianity in any way, want the benefits without the work. They want to go to Heaven, but want to live however they want until then. This is seen also in those who don’t want to work, but want a new car/TV/phone/etc. When you even suggest they work for the money to pay for those things, they scream that you’re “denying a right.” When anyone suggests drug tests for welfare recipients, or a “welfare to work” program, you’re “forcing single mothers to abandon their kids to strangers” never mind that women are having kids just to get more money, and these kids grow up to be criminals due to parents who don’t care about them. We must stand up and take our country back, or we will lose it forever.

You will never see me advocating a Theocracy, nor should you. The Founding Fathers set up a government where the people held the power, but it’s slowly been taken from us. I dream of a small government in DC, and at the state and local level. A government that only collects tax that it needed, no more, and doesn’t invent needs. I dream of the day when the government stops ordering how subjects be taught, how businesses operate, and how we live our lives. Yes, some will cite “discrimination” by businesses that refuse to serve gay customers, and it’s happened, but oddly, even when they are driven out of business by a small group of people, others rally to their aid. Why not let the market decide? If you don’t like a business, don’t spend your money there. If enough people do that, the business changes, or goes out of business. Christians are still doing that, we go to Hobby Lobby and Chic Fil A to support Christian/Faith Based businesses, and when a Christian is turned away by a business owned by someone who is part of the LGBT community, you don’t see a lawsuit, you just see them not go there at all, and word of mouth to their friends and family, no rants or cries for the “horrible discriminatory business to be destroyed,” just capitalism at work.

Odd isn’t it, that the very people who scream about discrimination, hate, intolerance and so on, are themselves the most guilty of it. While those they accuse, well, we may be upset and we may speak up, but we seem to be the ones, most often, who are the most inclusive and tolerant. Jesus taught that we are to love those who hate us, that we are to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and clothe the naked. To me, that’s it, I don’t care who you are, if you’re hungry I’ll feed you, and I’ll do all I can to help you back onto your own two feet. Why is it then, that I’m still a bigot or worse, simply because I happen to be a Christian?

Movie WebsitePDF of cases obtained here.

Orwell must be spinning in his grave

For years, we’ve watched as this “minority” or that one demands “equal rights” while what they say is a right, only applies to them. Most recently, it’s been gay marriage and equal access to facilities. With the feds’ recent actions, no one may deny a gay couple the “right” to marry, but we have seen judges and others deny straight couples that very right. We watched as a county clerk stated she would not grant licenses for a gay couple to marry due to her religious beliefs was jailed, only to then see a judge state she would refuse to marry straight couples until gays could marry, and nothing was done. Can you smell the hypocrisy yet? Oh, but there’s more, so stick around. The next move was transgender rights, and not only for those who are physically female after being more male, or vice versa. No, this is for those who identify as female while being physically male or vice versa. You see, now, it’s a “right” to use whichever restroom you wish, and complaining only means you’re a bigot. Well, the Human Rights Commission, a group that will fight against the vast majority of humans on the planet to grant “rights” only applicable to a small group, seems to think this is a valid point. They are now crowing about organizations which are faith based being outed so they can know who to attack.

You see, they claim that it’s wrong to tell someone who is physically female they can’t live in a male dormitory. They claim it’s wrong to kick a student who is physically male out of college since he filled out that he is female on his application (falsification of the form,) so naturally, they focus on Christian organizations. Back in September, I wrote this piece about underage students demanding this very thing. In at least once case, the male student who was demanding his “right” to use the girl’s locker room was offered a gender neutral option, and TURNED IT DOWN! You see, this isn’t about “I don’t feel comfortable in the guy’s locker room because I identify as a girl,” rather, it’s “DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO, DO NOT COMPLAIN, OR I WILL SUE YOU INTO OBLIVION!” I’m sorry, but with as many people screaming about how they identify, the risk of this being abused is VERY REAL! What will happen the first time a guy who identifies as female rapes a classmate in the locker room the school said no one could say he can’t use? What will happen the first time a girl who is allowed in the boy’s locker room claims she is raped? This is a VERY REAL THREAT, and sadly, even suggesting this is, to the HRC tantamount to flogging someone to death.

I’m sorry folks, but I am not sorry if I offend you with this, but this is NOT A RIGHT! The old arguments are just being reused and they’re just as silly as ever. If you argue that restrooms are not about how you identify, but what plumbing you have, you’re a bigot who wants to go back to the dark ages and behead those who disagree with you. Even at a school where 90% of the students are underage, parents aren’t allowed to PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN, they are expected to buckle and let others tell them what is and is not right.

This WILL GET WORSE, we are moving toward Orwell’s 1984, just a bit later than he foresaw. We are moving toward a world where people will be expected to inform on everyone. We already have the “see something, say something” campaign from DC, we have doctors asking children if their parents own firearms, and children being taken into an office and their parents NOT ALLOWED in with them. What’s next? Will the government start removing all children from their parents at birth to raise them as they see fit? Will parents be told that daring to show their child a Bible will get them killed? We will only be able to see what happens as we go forward, I just hope we wise up and stop this mad dash to oblivion before it’s too late.

An old liberal argument that just won’t die

Every time there’s anything happening involving a firearm, the old debate comes back up about the Second Amendment. Naturally, there are people on all sides of the issue, from those who want any kind of weapon they can dream of being legal to carry anywhere, to those who want anyone who’s ever touched a firearm killed. Personally, I have a concealed handgun license, and now, TX has passed a law saying my license allows me to carry open or concealed. The argument here though, isn’t about if the second amendment allows this, but rather, that it only applies to the types of firearms available for use in the late 1700’s. The “they meant muskets” argument, to be honest, is one of the most idiotic arguments possible, yet when you point out that the founding fathers were well educated and specifically phrased the 2nd Amendment as they did to allow for advances in technology, suddenly you’re an idiot and shouldn’t be allowed to feed yourself, which in the minds of idiots who believe the musket theory, means they won the argument. Well, let’s take this to it’s natural path, shall we?

The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, the right to petition for redress, free speech and freedom of assembly. If the musket argument is true, religion isn’t really affected, nor is the right to petition for redress or assembly, but speech at that point in time was either in newspapers or literally using your voice. There was no TV, radio, internet, etc. So, if you’re going to tell me I can only have a musket, you can’t have a blog/facebook feed/podcast, there can be no radio or TV commentary, and you therefore, can be silenced unless actually speaking or writing for a newspaper.

Do you see the idiocy here? To claim that the second amendment only applies to the types of firearms available at the time it was written is as mind numbingly stupid as it is to say that because TV, radio, blogs, etc didn’t exist, they aren’t forms of speech, and thus, not covered by the first amendment. The musket crowd are quick to spew their hatred for guns, and to vilify anyone who dares suggest that the framers of the very document that allows them to spew said hatred might have known weaponry would change, but they’re just as quick to say the first amendment covers this form of speech or that, even if it literally didn’t exist when the BoR was written. So, which is it? Did the founders know or not know that times would change, and if they did, are you willing to admit you simply want to impose your will on the rest of the world, or will you continue to demand we all bow to your will, praise your amazing intellect and believe as you do, while “championing freedom and individuality” as long as people are just like you.

Here’s a link to the tweet that spawned this rant.

The votes are in, and of course, Houston is full of bigots

One of the big issues being decided in Texas yesterday was an ordinance which, supposedly, was about promoting equality for the LGBT community. What most didn’t want to point out, until it was discovered then it was all anyone talked about, was that this ordinance would allow anyone who identifies as a gender not their own, to use that gender’s public restrooms. Naturally, when someone pointed out that this could be abused by predators to be in a restroom with those they prey on, that person was accused of fear mongering to promote a bigoted agenda. I don’t know if anyone asked, but how was Houston going to guarantee that only those who were truly “born the wrong gender” took advantage of this new ordinance? I don’t remember anything in the wording about it, other than simply allowing anyone to use the public restroom they wished based on what they identified as. I can personally all but guarantee that, had this passed, we’d see someone raped or worse in the one room in public they should feel safe against the opposite gender in, after which it would be someone else’s fault, naturally.

The sad part is that this is only the latest salvo in a fight where one side is determined to force you to praise and obey them, while of course claiming it’s all about equality. This is a piece I wrote a while back, showing instances of students demanding this same “right” at public schools (as well as ranting on a few other things.) Houston was of course the next step. If a city declared that you can’t tell a male citizen he cannot use the women’s restroom, then you can’t tell students which one to use, and this would be used as proof that it’s a “right” while ignoring that the minor children were being put in danger.

While I am likely more conservative than many of those around me today, at least in my age group, I find it hard to see how people can not only ignore the security risk being posed by these laws, but honestly believe that “no one will abuse it, it’s just about equality.” We’ve now seen private businesses run out of town for refusing to bake a cake, seen businesses owned by those in the LGBT community refuse service and nothing happen, and now we’re seeing entire cities attacked for doing exactly what this crowd claims to believe in, let the people decide, but apparently they are to be allowed to decide to follow the screaming at them that they’re bigots.

I will be the first to argue for equal treatment, but marriage is not a “right,” choosing to go into the restroom for the opposite sex is not a “right,” and so many other “rights” fall in this same situation. Until we grow up, wake up and stand up, demanding that logic and reason be once again a core qualification for government, I fear we’ll see far worse, until we’re either forced to capitulate in public, or be jailed, or worse. But, enough of my ranting, what do you think?

More re-writing of the Constitution

We heard about this case a while back, and it appears it’s now working it’s way through appeals courts to the Colorado Supreme Court, and maybe even to SCOTUS. What infuriates me is that this should never have been in court, as the Constitution does not state that there can be zero discrimination, but rather that the people (all but the government to be perfectly clear) cannot have their religious liberty tampered with. The words are, just so you know, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Simply put, it is not a “crime” to deny service based on religion. We’ve seen muslims demand that no one bring pork or alcohol through their line at a grocery store, or sue an airline for “forcing them” to go against their faith. The latter is actually worse, because the muslim in question converted after getting the job, and her co-workers were willing to make sure she didn’t serve the alcohol on those flights. Both of those cases were not about embracing or exercising their faith, but about forcing others to do it with them. The idea of all of these cases is that people today firmly believe that they have a “right” to whatever they want, and can sue and attack people for saying no.

Back to the bakery, though, not even 20 years ago, this would not have gone to court, but rather would have been handled by the local economy. If there truly were enough people “outraged” or “offended” by this baker, then their business would have dried up and they’d have been forced to close by not having business. Today, however, they’re all but burned at the stake, simply because a small percentage of the population is hell bent on not only “exercising their rights to equal protection under the law,” but also to forcing others to praise and give in to them. Very shortly after this baker was sued, a man called bakeries owned by those in the LGBT community, asking for cakes or cookies with scriptures on them. When he was told no, called every name in the book, verbally abused, HE DID NOT SUE, he simply posted the story online. Naturally, he was requesting “offensive messages attacking people for their beliefs” and was lying when he showed what the scriptures he wanted referenced said, proving this isn’t about freedom, it’s about forcing people to change to accept and praise those they disagree with.

We’re getting close to a tipping point, and if we go over that point, you won’t be able to pray in public, wear a cross necklace, or in any way show your faith, for fear of being sued for “attacking” someone or “forcing your beliefs on them.” Those who have read Revelation know it’s going to happen, but are we really going to help hasten that day?

More of the same from the left

I’ve almost gotten to the point where if I don’t see some idiot complaining about America’s “gun culture” I begin to wonder if I’m dead and gone, though I don’t wonder that too often. The latest is an idiot who posted how she could “disarmed this dude and fired all his rounds without much effort” as if she has the right to (1) steal someone’s firearm and (2) discharge a firearm in public just to “prove he shouldn’t have one.” Next, this was in New York (unless there’s a Manhattan, TX idiots prefer to buy coffee in,) where it’s only Law Enforcement Officers who carry openly, everyone else must carry concealed if they’re licensed.

I can understand culture shock, and this woman, being from Europe, is naturally unused to a country where the population is armed. In the UK, it’s rare for even police to have more than melee weapons (asps, clubs, etc), tasers or the like. But this woman wants to present herself as “trained” even if minimally, and then claim she should be able to legally disarm someone when she is not a LEO, and two, doesn’t recognize that the holster is in fact one made to make disarming the person using it very difficult.

I didn’t spend much time as a corrections officer, and never was licensed to carry a weapon, but I do know a few things. First, the weapon is private property or city property, either way, it’s theft to take it, crime number 1. Second, that is a law enforcement officer, so it’s rather stupid to think you could get the weapon, and not get beaten to a pulp. We no longer live in a world where some criminals will shoot first when confronted while breaking the law, but one where people go hunting for officers. The police are very touchy, moreso now than ever, about people trying to take their weapons, and if someone tries, it’s likely the idiot will be shot!

My final complaint is the attitude that seems to be taking over the world, the “America is the problem” right up until the “save us America” cry. I guarantee if anyone went to the UK, Spain, France, Germany, or any other country, to work or just to live, and started publicly ranting about how “horrible” that country is, or how “backward their laws are,” that person would be deported very quickly, as long as their not muslim and screaming about discrimination and tolerance of course.

So, to wrap up another rant, what are your thoughts on this? Also, I can’t help but wonder if we found this woman’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc feeds and posted this picture with well thought out, well argued, civil and logical statements about the sheer idiocy of thinking she could disarm a cop, didn’t know the holster alone wouldn’t allow that before the cop had her in cuffs, and about how the laws here are not subject to the whims of foreigners who are here enjoying the country they’re berating, just what would her reaction be?

Yet more proof the inmates are running the asylum

Well, I had a good weekend, until today. Friday night and last night I spent time with my high school classmates, celebrating our 20th reunion. It was fun, goofy and all around a great time reconnecting with friends from a lifetime ago. Sadly, my good weekend was not to last, and I find more idiocy in my inbox.

First students at the University of Delaware insist that a falsely reported hate crime is still a hate crime. Apparently, paper lanterns were used for a celebration, and not completely removed, leaving wire in some trees. Fast forward and now they’re nooses (nooses are made of rope and shaped completely differently, but hey, who needs logic, right?) Well, the University first told them it was not a hate crime, but merely a misunderstanding, only to have students persist, and tell the University they were wrong, and it was a hate crime. So, what did the University do? They buckled! Rather than telling students to grow some backbone and brains, they’re “investigating” and launching a diversity action plan. I’ve heard questions for years, asking why the country is going downhill fast, THIS IS WHY! We’re no longer teaching students how to use their brains, how to think critically, how to survive in the modern world and earn a living. Rather, we’re teaching them they can scream “hate crime” and get what they want, we’re awarding degrees in “fields” that have ZERO application, and then commiserating with the students who “can’t get a job because the patriarchy is keeping them out,” rather than pointing out that a degree in women’s studies or 17th century French poetry is not going to help them find work when the world wants engineers, doctors, lawyers, IT professionals, and the like. Is it any wonder that we have people working at McDonald’s demanding the same pay as an entry level IT professional?

Next we’re once again seeing the “we can’t do anything until it’s over” mindset. With Obamacare, it was Pelosi telling the country that a law must be passed before anyone can read it, now we have Hillary telling us that she didn’t read her e-mails when they were being checked (after being recovered from deletion) so she is all but saying she can’t be convicted. This is a woman who literally asked what difference the torture and murder of an American diplomat at Benghazi made, but when confronted with her own career ending and possible jail time, she now wants to say that since she didn’t read and sort recovered e-mails, we shouldn’t ask her about them? This is the world we’ve made, with a massive portion of the country not voting, a good portion of those who do being bought off with “free” phones, food stamps, and the like (many of them voting fraudulently) and those who use their brains being the vast minority. I’ve seen countless diatribes ranting about how Trump wants to deport billions of “hard working Americans,” or how Jeb Bush hates those living in poverty, or how Cruz is an idiot. Here’s an idea, stop all the idiocy, use your brain and actually vote based on who best fits what you want done, rather than just ticking the straight ticket for the DNC, and who knows, we might actually see the country survive a bit longer.

Last, but by no means least is the story of a woman arrested in Georgia for online videos where she advocated the killing of cops and white people. Naturally, as soon as this happened she was only urging people to defend themselves against racists bent on killing black people. We shouldn’t listen to her words about “open season” or telling people to “gun up” or anything else. Her words are not valid, we are supposed to let her tell us we’re wrong, and then apologize and give her millions of dollars and anything else she wants, while she then continues to foment hate in the country. This must stop! All lives are precious, and death is always a loss, if not a tragedy. But I’m sorry, Trayvon was a thug who tried to attack (and may have been trying to kill) Zimmerman. Michael Brown was a thug who had just committed a crime (theft) and was wrestling Officer Darren Wilson for his sidearm (NOT on his knees, hands on his head, back turned). In both cases, the shooting was in self defense. Zimmerman had wounds showing he had been hit multiple times, and forensics showed clearly that Brown was shot at very close range and not in the back. But to those who only see racism, facts and logic do not matter. I will defend anyone who shoots in self defense, no matter their race or their attacker’s race. Why then, do I seem to be in a minority who thinks like this? Why is it no longer OK for white people to defend themselves, and perfectly OK for black people to advocate murder? Why is it OK for this woman to tell millions on Youtube to “gun up” and that it’s “open season on cops and white people” but for me to even mention I have a gun for self defense means I’m planning mass murder? The simple answer, the media has decided (YEARS ago) that ratings matter more than lives or anything else. They found a story and only showed photos that would whip the country into a frenzy, and ran with it. The solution? Stop watching the news or listening to it on the radio. Stop buying papers and other news magazines. Only when they realize they’re losing money will they change, but I’m not holding out even the smallest bit of hope that I’ll live to see this happen, even if I live to 200.

Well, that’s my rant for the day, what are your thoughts?

Time for a linkfest rant

First, this guy wins today!

Next, we have three stories showing just how insane the world today is. One, two, and three.

The first and third are stories about “trans-gendered” children “denied their rights” when DEMANDING they be allowed to use the restrooms/locker rooms of those not the same biological sex. In both cases the schools made a unisex bathroom available, and BOTH SAID NO, GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! Make no mistake, this is NOT about “tolerance” or “equality” in any way, this is about ORDERING parents to FORCE their minor son or daughter to use the restroom or a locker room with someone of the opposite sex! I don’t know and don’t want to know what the details of these children’s lives are that they have decided they must be the opposite gender and must now throw a hissy fit about not getting to use the opposite sex’s bathroom, but I can just see the next step. Both would claim they were “bullied” while “just embracing who they really are,” while everyone ignores that they were offered a place that couldn’t happen, and turned it down! Not to mention the “girl” could rape another student, only to claim “she” was seduced and the other girl lied. This, again, is NOT ABOUT TOLERANCE, it’s about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT, AND DEMONIZING THOSE WHO DON’T AGREE BLINDLY AND PRAISE THEM!

Finally, link two. We’ve all seen the stories about the county clerk jailed for contempt when she wouldn’t issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple. Again, she was not jailed for “denying rights” but for contempt of court. Well, link two shows a lesbian judge DOING THE SAME THING, just in reverse. Yes, a JUDGE is refusing to marry straight, Christian couples. Where is the outrage over equality? Where’s the order for her to do the job she’s paid to do? It won’t happen, plain and simple, because she’s a “victimized minority and just helping show the imbalance in society.” Or at least that’s what the media would SCREAM 24/7 if this idiot was told to do her job!

Next, we’ve seen stories about muslims being “bullied” because people “dare” to bring bacon or alcohol through a checkout line in a store THEY VOLUNTARILY WORK AT AS A CASHIER! Well, one decided that she should be allowed to order her employer around, and now that she’s been put on leave, CAIR is actually suing. Now, the story as I’ve heard it has her not wanting to serve alcohol and being told to, or her co-workers would do it so she didn’t have to, or her just not doing anything. I don’t personally care, if you work as a flight attendant, SERVING DRINKS IS PART OF YOUR JOB! Add to this that the woman converted after she took the job, so SHE KNEW THE JOB REQUIREMENTS! Her claim that she “can’t earn a living” because of her faith is WRONG! She doesn’t have to be a stewardess, there are LOADS of jobs that don’t involve booze, pork of any kind, or anything else. As above, this is about FORCING OTHERS TO DO WHAT YOU WANT.

Next to last is this one about Mexico charging $20 to cross the border into Mexico, and I won’t be surprised to find them, one day soon, CHARGING TO GET HOME! While we are all but forced at gunpoint to accept the dregs of their society and to keep them as Mexico doesn’t want them and our “leaders” are too spineless to do their jobs, we’re now told we must pay to go there? I personally say that no American visit Mexico ever again, and see what they say when tourism takes a NOSE DIVE.

Finally, Uncle Ted gives us a great laugh.

So, that said, your thoughts?

Welcome to the ADD News!

First on the list, budget proposals by the self declared emperor Obama. Is it any wonder that a budget that, primarily is “more taxes and more spending” with little substance outside of that is rejected? We can only expect Obama to begin decrying the House and Senate for “taking food from babies” or “denying help to those who need it” while those he speaks of helping are those who WON’T WORK not those who can’t, as we’ve all seen his ignoring of our Veterans who WANT TO WORK, but can’t, and still get nothing from his administration.

Next on the block, an idiot who didn’t learn fast enough. It seems a man who had a six figure salary with a seven figure stock package decided to attack Chic Fil A many times. He went through the drive through multiple times, only ever getting a free cup of water, only to then video his berating of the poor person at the window. He told her she was working for a hateful company, told her he wanted to slow down the line, wanted to take money, wanted to hurt the company, because he felt they were hateful. The girl in the video? She was courteous and gracious, and even accepted his apology. He was, however, fired from his job after the video he tried to delete went viral, then fired again when his new employer found out who he was. Now? Well, he’s in an RV on food stamps trying to sell his memoirs. Seems to me he came off as the hateful jerk, and Chic Fil A the company just trying to serve their customers.

Moving on, a child is forced to shave his head due to a “distracting” hair cut that HONORS HIS MILITARY FAMILY! Yes, a child is forced to shave his head or be suspended because he had a “high and tight” hair cut. I’m sorry, but I’ve worn this cut for more than a decade! I also watched as students in my graduating class (20 years ago, yes) had hair cuts that wouldn’t pass at even the most lenient of jobs. I can’t help but ask, had he braided his hair with pink ribbons to support gay rights, would they have done the same? Also, notice the district throwing the school under the bus, and the too late apology, as the CHILD WAS FORCED TO SHAVE HIS HEAD before they acted.

This one’s just for a link. It seems Ted Cruz is signing up for Obamacare. I can’t help wonder what his campaign speeches will be like.

This one needs no introduction, other than, what did we expect? It seems a passenger was BEATEN for not blindly praising Michael Brown. According to this story, a passenger on a bus was asked about the Brown case, and when he responded that he hadn’t thought about it much, he was BEATEN by the questioner. Yes, we now live in a world where someone can ask you about a case where someone tried to take a Police Officer’s weapon, and was subsequently shot, and when you don’t side with the CRIMINAL THUG, you are beaten. Notice the photo, they’re smiling! I can’t help but wonder, if I was ATTACKED AND HAD GUNS PULLED ON ME, only to react to save my life, would I be jailed based on my attacker’s race? Apparently, we must ask this now.

Not much to say on this one. It seems that while schools FORCE Christians to hide their faith, they also FORCE children to read the quran. This one is about a US Veteran finding his grand-daughter was being forced to learn islam, and his reaction. Personally, since so many people sue for less, I’d have demanded the ISD pay for a private school education for my child or grand-child.

Finally, we explore the idiocy of the left. It seems Kroger has publicly said they will simply follow the laws of the states their stores are in, but that isn’t enough for some. In open carry states, Kroger refuses to deny those who embrace their rights entry into the stores, so “Moms demand action” is putting out ads comparing someone with an assault rifle (which no open carry advocate carries, only those trying to make 2nd Amendment supporters does) to a child eating ice cream. They cite incidents at Kroger stores where guns were used to kill, ignoring that the people who killed others should not have been free at all. But beyond all of that, they scream about “rights” when it comes to gays or something else the majority of a state doesn’t want, then scream to stop something the majority does. It’s very simple folks. If your state has a law you don’t like, vote against it and/or those in power supporting it. If you lose, accept that you are in the minority or move away. If a company does something you don’t like, don’t shop there, and encourage others not to. If the company does well, accept that you are in the minority or act like a toddler denied candy, and hurt your argument/side.

I don’t expect anyone to comment other than in agreement or to say how ignorant or bigoted I am. If the latter, remember that by not engaging in reasoned, civil and logical debate, you only prove yourself a mental 2 year old, but after all, calling me names is all you have, right?

Smokey out