A common theme today, how do we change it though?

For a week now, we’ve seen and heard whining, crying and loud screams that “Hillary won the popular vote, she should be President.” Some are demanding that the Electoral College just ignore the election and hand the position to Hillary, while others riot and destroy property. All of this, however, comes down to one simple fact, NONE of the idiots understand, or care to understand, how our government is set up and how to legally change it. A great example, oddly enough, is Captain America himself, Chris Evans.

Apparently, Evans just wants to “make it go away” despite the Electoral College being part of a Constitutional Amendment, meaning only changing the Constitution will be legal. If he’s able to convince someone to call a Constitutional Convention, and then if enough states vote for repealing the 12th Amendment, and enough states ratify that, then it’s done. But you can’t just “get rid” of something that is part of the Constitution. But, then again, that’s never stopped people from trying has it? Hillary and Bernie both promised to “make gun control happen” with many others saying the President should use “any means necessary” to get guns off the streets. To them, this means making it illegal for someone like me to own firearms, because I’m in the group they can find, that being legal owners who use their weapons for sport, hunting, or protection only. But, then again, until we’re completely beholden to the government for 100% of our lives, they won’t be the gods they want to be will they?

Moving on, we see more “tolerance” and “understanding” even if it’s presented as a joke.

Yes, this is a “joke” showing Michele Obama holding a sign saying an immigrant is taking her job. But, considering that the left has been SCREAMING for years that “undocumented” immigrants are people and deserve the opportunity to make their lives better, why is this funny? I’m regularly called a bigot, racist, sexist, homophobe, and so on, because I want logic to return to not only government, but also daily life. When I point out that entering Mexico illegally, then demanding health care, a driver’s license, and so on, would result in me vanishing into a jail and never being heard from again, well, logic flies out the window and suddenly I want to kill all Mexicans rather than admit they’re human. When I point out that the Bill of Rights never mentions gender, sexual orientation, or even the word marriage, I’m trying to “publicly shame” the LGBT community and want them to fear persecution. Never mind that while an Oregon bakery was forced to close after they turned away a customer who wanted a cake for a wedding for two women, and that a bakery owned by a gay couple not only turned away a custom who wanted a cake for a Priest’s birthday, but also lied and said the man ordered a cake that supported violence against homosexuals, it’s all about “rights.” So, the next time you pick up a newspaper, or go to the firing range, or remember the Cops can’t just search your car whenever they want, remember that “rights” also means that a gay couple has a right to force a private business to do something against their religion, and a gay baker can turn away anyone they want.

Finally, where are we headed now that we know how the world views rights and such? Well, we’re headed further down the path of being sued for offending someone, or by someone who broke into your home and slipped. An episode of Supergirl last season shows this attitude perfectly.

Now, I know this is just a TV show, and it’s over-dramatic so as to make for good TV, but it’s not really that far off. In that scene, two idiots are slamming into each other, at high speed, headed for a group of children. When Supergirl stops them, the one we see get out of his car is upset “she totaled car” and ignores her “you almost totaled these kids.” He then, rather stupidly, tries to hit her, and she easily stops him, and puts him in a classic PD hold. He’s not injured, and likely only in discomfort, and not actual pain, but people instantly start to get mad at her for “hurting him” or “abusing her powers.” So, here’s the question, why the attitude of “I can do whatever I want, I cannot be held responsible for anything I do, and if you stop me from hurting someone else, you’re the bad guy?” It’s been growing since the mid to late 1990’s, and now has reached the point where people destroy businesses and cars, and attack people, simply because their candidate lost an election. Add to this, Trump, on 60 Minutes, flat out said to stop it, but Hillary has been silent about the riots after she didn’t get elected. We need a swift return to logic and rational thoughts, and sadly, the only real way is to just step in and force a change. Universities that offer “safe spaces” where students are given snacks, coloring books, play-do or Lego, because they need to “recover from the trauma” of their candidate not winning, well, they need to see a swift decline in enrollment, and donations dry up. If they’re a state school, then they need to be investigated and possibly have state money withdrawn for not using it to TEACH COLLEGE CLASSES! People rioting, destroying property and attacking others, simply, NEED TO BE ARRESTED, CHARGED, TRIED AND JAILED FOR THEIR CRIMES! They’ll bitch and moan in court that they’re “just expressing their feelings,” and they’ll ignore the question about what they’d do if someone destroyed their business or car, or harmed them physically while “expressing their feelings,” because naturally, they can do whatever they want, and you can only do what they tell you to. It’s the same issue as when you ask them “what would you say if Hillary had won and Trump supporters were rioting, burning businesses and cars, and so on?” They give you a blank look, or worse, tell you “that wouldn’t happen because Hillary should have won.” They firmly believe they have a right to destroy what isn’t theirs, to attack people, and also that had the election gone the other way, everyone would be happy. This is no longer a willful mindset, but a mental disease! They’re incapable of even considering others, they firmly believe that they have a right to destroy what isn’t theirs, and all because, in this case, the election didn’t go their way. When you point out that, just because they’re mad, they can’t just “make the electoral college go away,” you’re suddenly “attacking them,” or “denying their rights.” George Washington and Thomas Jefferson could rise from the grave, hand out cookies and milk, then say that same thing, and it would be a “right wing plot to silence and subjugate the country.”

Can you see why I weep for the future?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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