No, you don’t have that right

How many of you have been told “Oh, we are having this conversation” or heard “how dare you” recently? Every day I see a post, see a video, or just hear someone near me utterly shocked that someone wouldn’t do what they want them to. I’m sure you’ve seen me say it, or just guessed, but the vast majority of my work experience in the last 26 years is in customer service of some sort, and TRUST ME, even in 1992, the world was barreling toward what we have today. Imagine the following scenarios/conversations and see if you can guess how they ended:

1 – Hotel front desk receives a call about a drunk causing trouble in the hotel bar from the off duty law enforcement officer providing convention security. Agent confirms the drunk is a guest, so the cop just takes the drunk to their room to sleep it off rather than ticket/arrest them. Next morning, this guest assaults the front desk when told they will not give the cop’s name, then it’s found the guest destroyed over $2000 worth of property in the room.

2 – Support rep receives a report of an error, must ask for the error 10 times before they’re told what the error is. They advise the customer it will take a few minutes to research, during which the customer repeats, almost without stopping to breathe, “I need an answer, why aren’t you helping me, what are you doing, I need this fixed, you’re just stalling, I’m going to report you” and more. After about 5 minutes, the agent states they have found the cause and gives step by step, literally mouse click by mouse click, instructions on how to resolve the issue. The customer then repeats, more than 10 times, “but I need this fixed” until the agent says, (verbatim) “I am sorry if I was not clear, but I have tested this and I am just not allowed to edit your data, you just need to use the steps I gave above and it will fix your issue

3 – Waiter takes food to a table, and is told that it’s not correct. The waiter asks what isn’t correct, only to be told “You know damn well what isn’t correct, now fix it.” Waiter is flustered as it’s not their table, so they didn’t take the order, they just delivered the food, and the manager can see this and comes over. Guest again say “this idiot knows good and damn well what he screwed up and won’t fix it.” The Manager, angrily, states that the waiter standing there red faced did not take their order, but rather a young woman, who is a foot shorter and blonde, did, so they should apologize or leave.

So, what do you think the responses were to each of these?

1 – The drunk actually sued the hotel for “allowing him to be beaten up” then tried to say he didn’t agree to video from security cameras being shown in court. The judge overruled his objection, and he lost.

2 – Customer complained about “rude” rep, only to demand the CEO of the company when told “I’ve listened to the call and you had to be asked multiple times for the error, you then berated the agent as they were testing, which they told you would take a few minutes, you then ignored direct instructions on how to resolve your issue.” That manager then advised the agent to hang up on that person if they get them again.

3 – Waiter was reported for racism, and HR actually sided with the guest saying “you could have explained you didn’t take their order a bit more gently” and didn’t understand when asked “how is saying, I’m very sorry, but I wasn’t the server that took your order, I’ll be happy to fix any issues you can point out.”

So, can you still say, for certain, we aren’t headed for a society where just breathing within 100 yards of someone can offend them and get you arrested, or shot?

Society has changed, and not for the better

Just 40 years ago, virtually everywhere, if you asked a question of a stranger you were answered, even if the answer was “I don’t know,” if you had your hands full, people held doors for you, or thanked you if you did that for them, drivers allowed others into a lane, Police were smiled at, children were sent to play while adults talked and if they got back soon, they didn’t take over the spotlight. TV was about just the facts news, entertainment, and maybe late at night you were sold junk, or saw Church services on Sundays. People went about their lives, helped others where they could, spent time with family and friends, and in general, enjoyed their life. This is not the case today, sadly, as many have decided they are the center of the universe, able to control and punish anyone for any imagined slight. Virtually every corner of life has been taken over by this attitude, from the retail or food service world, to education, to corporate America, even professional sports and entertainment. We are so tied up in “I know the best way to do….” that we never even consider pausing to ask if that may not be true.

Consider when you call Customer Service now versus even 20 years ago, how you react at a restaurant when told something you don’t like, now versus just 20 years ago, retail now versus then, your general attitude most days. In the 80’s and 90’s would you ever have seen someone sue a restaurant for not having an item that they did not pay for? Not too long ago an attorney went to Our Place, a local DFW restaurant that regularly advertises their soups as part of lunch, but they had run out due to a busy day. He did not eat, and thus did not pay, yet he sent them a bill for “his time” in writing a letter threatening a false advertising lawsuit because they ran out of an item. I worked at two different sit down restaurants and two different pizza places, one delivery and dine in, one just delivery. All of them ran out of something at one point or another, including a pizza delivery place that ran out of pizza dough, on a weekend! Yes, within an hour we had donations from virtually every other store within 20 miles and drivers were dispatched to pick those up, but it happens, and this guy threatened to sue! I can remember, as a child, going to restaurants where I had ONE ITEM I liked, and more than once I heard “I’m sorry, we’re out.” My parents were very clear I would pick something else, eat it all, and not make a scene, but today if the waiter isn’t psychic and ensures you get what you want, people must have their lives ruined.

Where did we change that selfishness became the most prevalent trait in humans? I was told, many times in my childhood and teen years, by my Dad “go grab that door” especially where there were multiple doors, and then I, or he and I, would hold the door for multiple people, several times at restaurants we would just find the others we were with already seated and join them, yet just about a year or so ago, I held the door at a convenience store, for 8 or 9 people, but the last one started berating me about how “she doesn’t need a man to open doors for her.” I’ll admit I was tired and not in the best mood, but I feel I handled it well, as I just said “OK” and entered, letting it close. She then followed me in, ranting about my being rude and “slamming the door in her face,” a feat I assure you as the door opened inside out, meaning she’d need to be inside to have it slam in her face. I lost my patience there, leaned in and simply told her she cannot berate me for holding the door then also for honoring her demand that I not do that. She sputtered and I continued with “you may not have all ways applied to you, you get to pick one, you chose for me to not hold the door when you got angry, live with your choice.” I left after that, and yes, I could have handled it better, but it’s every day now.

Customer Service has never been a coveted job, save where you have great pay and/or benefits, such as working for an airline where you can travel almost free, or companies that pay above the norm to ensure they get the crème de la crème and keep them. But in just one day I need more than two hands to count the instances where I literally repeat myself at least 4 times, at times I’ve literally said “I have tested the steps above, but I am not allowed to edit your live server, so if you just use those steps it will solve your issue” only to be told if you don’t know just admit it, then a complaint filed. If it weren’t for companies recording EVERYTHING these days, I’d have been reprimanded for “being rude and refusing to even try to help,” rather, the client was told exactly what I’d said and emailed the proof, after which she actually said I’d faked it, and tried to demand I be fired for telling her how to resolve her issue.

We are in a rocket fuel powered handcart to hell people, and if we don’t kill the engine, hit the brakes and turn around, we will arrive and trust me, the world where customers can get you fired for doing your job, for literally begging them to just do what you know will work and thus what will resolve their issue, because they refuse to listen, well, trust me, no one will like that world. The people calling will not like getting any help for fear of being fired for helping them, the agents/cashiers/waiters won’t like it because they’ll be so scared serving someone breakfast, when they ordered breakfast, will get their fired for not knowing they actually wanted a beer and pizza but didn’t want to say it, and at the end, no one will be working, and we will be back in the stone age, is that what you want? At this point, I could happily move to cave in the Rockies, fish and hunt for my food, burn branches to keep warm and dry, or to cook, and never need money or tech ever again, but I know the vast majority of the planet are so unprepared, they’d starve in weeks, while bemoaning the “obvious hateful and spiteful attitudes of the world that they won’t just do their jobs and serve them” while ignoring they are the very cause of the collapse killing them.

At this point, honestly, I say we split the planet, give the crybabies and SJW’s and so on the eastern hemisphere and the rest of the people take the western. That gives the “I have rights” crowd more land, and they have a lot of people to spread out so no one offends anyone else, right? Just make sure travel is heavily controlled so they never again darken the door of the other side. Something tells me if we did that, within a few months we’d be ordered to send them food, money, technology, people to run their countries, and they would be required to do it for free and never complain. Even holding a signed contract stating they cannot do that, ever, they would cry about “it’s not fair” that we “just won’t help them any at all,” ignoring that they would not only not help, they’d happily take from anyone and everyone to satisfy their mere desires. So the question is now very simple, where will we end up, and how soon?

We have a crisis of the heart in this country

We have learned in the last several days, of a “prank” where a young lady pushed another young lady from a height of about 60 feet, into a pond/river. The young lady who was pushed is now in severe pain from injuries suffered due to her uncontrolled fall from such a height. Naturally, the immediate response after making sure the one who was pushed is going to recover, albeit slowly and painfully, was to hold the pusher accountable for her actions. What many did not expect, although I did to some degree, was the sheer volume of the “it was just a prank” side of the argument. I worked for several years as a Volunteer Firefighter, in a very small community which often meant we were first on scene of medical only calls, so I know a thing or two about injuries, and this is one of those lucky to be alive situations. A fall, uncontrolled and likely flailing wildly, from that height into standing water, would feel like hitting concrete at impact, it just then lets you sink under rather than just lying there bleeding.

The core of the situation though, is the attitude from so many people, that the pusher should not even be talked to harshly, but should just be allowed to go on about her life, which is wrong. When you were a child, if you pushed someone down while at recess and they just got a bit dirty, you were talked to sternly and told not to do that again. When a teen if you drove too fast, or otherwise were reckless, you were told in no uncertain terms how dangerous that was. The problem today, simply, is we have a generation now entering the adult work, and another behind them, who have been taught by participation trophies, not being cut from teams, and so much more, that no matter what, they aren’t ever wrong, and that has now almost led to a death. Had this girl died at impact or from her injuries, the young woman who pushed her would be facing at least involuntary manslaughter charges, which would ruin her entire life and likely end with her in jail.

The issue goes deeper though, and has wider reaching effects than most know. Not long ago, people were running around Central Park, wearing scary clown masks, and swinging very real looking weapons, to scare people. If I remember correctly, at least once this resulted in one of them being punched to stop the perceived attack, and I know I remember an off duty Police Officer drawing his sidearm and in both cases, the response was “IT WAS A PRANK, DON’T BE A JERK” or something to that effect. The people who, moments before, were running at others with what appeared to be a very deadly weapon, now cry and scream about people reacting any way other than abject fear or running. They could not understand at all that people would defend their lives with violence when faced with violence, and still can’t.

Fast forward to 2018, and we have an explosion of “I have a right to…..” with that group also saying no one has a right to stop them or even say they can’t do something. Former VP Candidate Tim Kaine’s son has a criminal record for assaults associated with the group antifa, and other members of that group are outraged that their photos are now public record after their arrest for assaulting people who were no danger to them. This last weekend in Charlottesville, Police Officers were assaulted for simply being Police Officers, yet we still hear from the media only that these are “protesters” who are “anti-fascist” even as they employ fascist tactics right out of the darkest parts of history. What will happen then, when one of these antifa rallies attacks the wrong person, and fearing for their life, they draw and fire a weapon, killing their attacker?

The simple answer is chilling, but I can all but guarantee it is right, the victim of the attack, who was fearful they would be killed, will be charged with murder, and likely convicted. We already have groups that regularly find and publicize private information to dox those they don’t like being able to speak against them crying when they aren’t allowed to hide behind a mask. How long will it be until we hear, in a court of law, “I did not authorize any recording of me, so that surveillance tape is not valid as evidence” when a video is showing of one of these “protesters” almost killing someone? How long until we hear “I don’t authorize you to show that” in challenge to evidence of guilt, and it working? We live in a world where people regularly commit heinous crimes and are let go with a slap on the wrist, so now they believe they have rights no other person has. College students try to have professors who won’t just give them a better grade fired for “harassing them,” others scream to drown out speech they disagree with, and still others brutally assault others over mere disagreements, when will we wake up and begin working to stop all of this?

The simple answer is, unfortunately, when we go over the edge of sanity and are forced to claw our way back. The longer answer is, unfortunately, when someone is gravely injured or worse. The riot in Charlottesville in 2017 saw someone killed when a vehicle that was fleeing those trying to harm the driver struck them. Naturally, the rioters took that as their cue to become more violent. Police have been ordered to stand down, people actually protesting peacefully have been told to leave or have been arrested because their peaceful presence somehow caused the intolerance in those bent on subjugating all to their will. We’re nearing the end game, we will see these mental midgets try to overthrow the government, fail, and the media cry about the “political persecution” of not letting them have their way, we will see one of them try to murder someone at a riot and their intended victim will be armed and fight back, and we will see the media cry about a “murderer going free.”

This is no different than 2000, 1992 or 1980. Congress worked to obstruct and remove Reagan, GHW Bush and GW Bush, as they can’t stand not having 100% backing to do all they want. Definitions are changed, documents re-interpreted, and history edited to fit their agenda. The goal is the same as with every government in history, cement their power and control, and prevent anything that threatens the loss of their iron grip on their country. Thankfully, we live in a country where the founding documents give We, The People, the right to circumvent those trying to control us. Article V of the Constitution lays out how our Constitution may be amended, and gives two paths. Congress may present an amendment if two thirds of them agree to it, then three quarters of the states must ratify it. But, if Congress proves to be useless, two thirds of the States may, in their own legislatures, call for a convention of states, where amendments may be presented, and if ratified by three quarters of states, they are accepted. We can limit Congress to very few terms, we can require a balanced budget, and we can even point blank say that what the Constitution says is what it means.

We will face opposition, people like Robert Reich, spread lies and whips people into fearful mobs about how a Convention of States could accidentally destroy the entire Constitution. He cries about “rogue conventions” and works to silence all dissent to the left, demanding submission and subservience to the benevolent masters who simply want to make everyone equal, except for themselves, who will be more equal than those they rule. We must stand up and say NO MORE LIES AND HATE! We must demand the Police arrest the “protesters” who destroy property and assault all who do not praise them for ruling over us. We must demand Congress do their job instead of demanding others do it for them. We must stand up to the lies being spread and tell the likes of Reich that just because he doesn’t like the idea of the States working where Congress won’t, doesn’t mean he can order the country not to do anything.

We, The People, truly hold the power in this country, but if we don’t use the power we have, it will be taken from us in the not so distant future. So, the question is very simple, are you going to be led silently into the box cars as the left continue to add to the list of what you aren’t allowed to do or say? Or, will you stand tall, look them in the eyes, and say you will no longer be subjugated to those who are scared of words? It’s your choice, and while common sense and common courtesy are super powers today, they aren’t totally gone from the planet, yet.

Join us today at and let your state legislature know you support calling an Article V Convention of States. Together is the only way to go forward.


The election of 2016 saw a new creation in the ongoing screaming match between liberals and conservatives, the emergence of bots being blamed for all woes. A bot, in the simplest terms, is a bit of programming which performs generic, simple, and repetitive actions. These aren’t a new idea either, it’s just the execution that has changed over the last few decades. My generation, by virtue of being born in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, have quite literally grown up using computers. In the 1908’s I created batch files, most of them just to prove I could, as they would grab a MIDI and play it, or ask a question and stop. In the 1990’s, Microsoft launched Windows Operating system, which eventually included a StartUp folder. Any software placed there would be opened as soon as the machine was powered on, another use of this idea, a simple task happening automatically. In the years after I graduated High School, working for a one hour photo lab, I had my computer set to launch the various programs I needed to use to balance my chemistry, check exposure of negatives and prints to balance, before opening, so I produced good quality photos.

In a sense, batch files, and later, bots, were the beginning of A.I., as once programmed, they perform their jobs every time until stopped or changed. The election of 2016 however, saw a major expanse of their use, on all sides of every issue. Blogs would use them to spider the internet for articles with certain topics and repost them, or tweet them, or share on Facebook. Other accounts would watch for social media posts about specific topics, then reply to them or share or re-tweet them with either supporting or opposing verbiage added. The mainstream media likely uses this idea in some ways too, as it makes sense for the tickers and such playing at the bottom of their channel. Why have a person manually type in headlines when a batch file or bot can simply gather headlines and put them into another file, then send it on to be used. This is, simply put, the penultimate bias free writer. There is no consideration of the message or real desire involved, it’s simply “if I find this, do that,” lather, rinse, repeat.

I personally stopped at the Start Up idea, as I only learned HTML in the 90’s, and no other languages, but I’ve taken advantage of these on some websites where I could choose topics to have stories e-mailed to me, so I don’t need to scroll through multiple websites to find the stories I want to read, but today, the issue has become one that is leading us to a dangerous end. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know I’ve gone live several times, that alone making it pretty easy to see I’m not A.I. of any sort, yet I’m regularly called a bot when I oppose the liberal/socialist end game, as if that instantly removes my right to speak out on any topic. In actuality, that is the new goal of the “you’re just a bot” movement, silencing all opposition.

The methods may be new, as certainly computing and such are very new in the span of history, but the premise is much older, going back almost to the dawn of man on this planet, dehumanization. If your opponent isn’t human, you can do far more to them and not feel bad. Roman slaves were not considered human, allowing them to be killed for any infraction. Jews were called rats or cockroaches by the nazi regime, making it almost easy for the soldiers to carry out their orders, as they were conditioned to see their targets as not human. Even today this continues, South Africa is working to dehumanize white residents, so they can be killed and their land stolen, and Planned Parenthood spends millions each year to advance their message that the fetus is “just a clump of cells” so removing it isn’t murder, despite numerous medical professionals, experts in their field, have weighed in on this stating that the baby feels pain as early as 12 to 20 weeks. One woman even stated the baby doesn’t scream because she transects the vocal chords first, ensuring no screams, as she apparently learned the baby screams in pain when being dismembered.

The danger comes in now, though, as the movement is not stopping online, but slowly encroaching on real life. People are being doxxed, that is having their personal information published against their will, and used to make their lives a living hell, have them or their family fired, and so much more. SWATTING is a common practice among younger people where they will report a crime, normally a hostage situation or suicidal person at someone’s home to get the Police to respond, sometimes just to get someone out of a video game. How long, then, will it be before we see a court case where someone is on trial for murder, defend themselves with the “they were just a bot, so it wasn’t murder” idea?

Dehumanization is dangerous, when it comes to the military, those training the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, are very careful to not go to far, as of course they must train these men and women to fight, and if necessary, kill their enemies, but if not done properly, once home from service, the new civilian may have severe issues adjusting, which is why they are so careful, and why there are organizations set up solely to help those coming home adjust successfully.

In just the short time since the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency, we’ve seen people assaulted over inviting a speaker to a private event at U.C. Berkeley, Charlottesville saw people run over for not supporting the removal of a monument because it was a reminder of the Civil War, and while a dark time in our past, it should be remembered, taught about, and more, to ensure we do not repeat it.

How long until we go from fist fights to shootings over a small group not liking that they can’t order a government around? When will the first person be murdered because they don’t join in and obey a mob demanding an entire segment of the citizenry be forcibly silenced? When will the first politician declare all votes against them were “cast by bots, and obviously are invalid” and be allowed to claim a victory by simply demanding it?

Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury, and more have warned us about the move toward tyranny, and how it will be made to look so wonderful we will gladly hand over all of our rights. Will the next century see “Flyover America” visited by the coastal elites who want to see a “savage reservation” before returning for a Soma Vacation? Will we see a second American Civil War over the “right to be right?” We have people now who are convinced you cannot even walk away from them when insulted, the “Oh, we are having this conversation” types. I’ve personally had to put one into a submission hold until a Police Officer got to me to avoid being assaulted for the “crime of walking away.” When will the first murder happen because someone “walked away and denied someone their right to be listened to?”

We’re in a jet propelled handcart headed for hell, and may be past the point of no return, but people are waking up, realizing that no one has rights others don’t, I just hope enough people do, and maybe we can stave off disaster for a few more years, or decades even.

Will you take the Red Pill, or the Blue Pill?

England, 1932, Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World, was first published, showing the world a future where freedom was a drug induced daydream, and humans little more than a science experiment.  Engineered in laboratories, each caste was perfectly created for the job they would hold in society, from the Alphas who ran the offices and reported only to Controllers, to the Beta, Gamma and Epsilon castes, who never questioned why their lot in life was merely to serve those above them.  In a reverse of Hitler’s dream of eugenics, humans were no longer terminated for defects, rather defects were carefully controlled, so as to keep the lower castes in their place.  The traditional family unit demonized so far that the words Mother and Father were tantamount to the worst swear words known to mankind.

After being decanted, the children were subjected to social conditioning to ensure they would not buck the system.  Toddlers were shown beautiful flowers or colorful books, only to be shocked when they reached for them, reinforcing the idea that these things were evil and to be shunned.  From the earliest age possible, lessons would be spoken to them as they slept, enforcing the idea that they loved their caste, that they would be miserable in a higher, or any other, caste, so as to ensure they would never try to break the mold, resulting in a world where, despite the tyrannical rule, people truly believed they were free, and were happy.  Savages existed still, however, on reservations, where men and women would have children the traditional way, raising them as a family, teaching them morality and values from their religions, only to be shunned by the civilized people.

Scotland, 1945, the second World War would end this year, and Animal Farm would show a vision from Orwell, of what might have been had the Axis powers not fallen.  Farm animals, left by the farmer to fend for themselves, form a society and begin to take on roles they had never held before.  At first, all worked, all were fed equally, all were housed and allowed to live equally, but it would not last.  The pigs, representing the ruling elite, would soon come to author more and more rules, which on paper would hold all animals equal, but as seen in socialist and communist countries time and time again, they would not feel obligated to follow their own rules.  By the end, the one rule stated All Animals are Equal, Some Animals are More Equal than Others, with the pigs ultimately facing the farmers on their return, both stunned, while the other animals languished and died under the tyrant rule of the pigs who took control in the vacuum.

Scotland, 1949, George Orwell, in failing health, finished and published 1984, another cautionary tale, but on the opposite end of the spectrum.  Rather than people controlled by drugs and endless distractions, Orwell’s future saw them controlled by a brutal tyrant regime.  Slogans like War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, would reinforce that mankind was always meant to serve the powerful, either by choice or by subjugation.  Children encouraged to inform on family if they broke even the slightest rule, police free to do as they pleased, regardless of any law or infraction, government officials free from all laws they passed to control the masses.  Brutal rule to ensure society, and the status quo, continued without change, without those in power ever having to fear they would lose their power.

Prior to any of these works being published, 1929 saw the crash of Wall Street, and the beginning of a depression the world had not seen the likes of.  Having just taken office, Herbert Hoover would watch as men who had fought in World War I, and now were out of work only a short time later, would set up tent cities, or Hoovervilles, Americans left their homes to go west seeking work, some finding pay of a penny or less for a task, while their families held together as best they could.  Movies such as The Grapes of Wrath showing children begging total strangers for even a spoonful of their evening meal, would tattoo on the mind and consciousness of Americans just how bad things were, and could be again without care being taken.

1933 saw the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and would herald a change in the United States, moving toward the end of the days of hunger.  Over the course of his first year in office, FDR would oversee the creation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Civil Works Administration, banking regulation changes, and ultimately, the change in direction which would have the U.S. start back to where she was just after World War I.  Men would find work paying far more than any job in the last 4 years, industry would start to return and revitalize cities, families no longer worried that they would not eat for more than a day, but at what cost.  The expansion of government in that year saw control move to a level never seen in the U.S. before.  Government, either Federal or State, would employ more people than ever before, some given menial tasks just to have a job, while others would provide services badly needed, such as building roads, or repairing other infrastructure.

Just two years later, 1935 would witness the penultimate rise to power of Adolf Hitler in Germany, starting with Universal Firearms Registration.  His regime would boast that health care was available to more people than ever before, habits like smoking were now illegal, education was growing, and towns were safer for his work.  The world, having only two decades earlier fought a bloody war, watched as they saw the country they’d been fighting began to rally back, not seeing all of the signs that war would be at their door again very soon.  Under FDR, the U.S. trundled along, happily watching as men went back to work, industries thought gone once again started to boom and, ultimately, they believed the world was on a path to peace and prosperity.

The experiment with Prohibition showed the Government that the common man would not be overtly controlled so easily, but this showed them not only that they couldn’t seize total control, but rather that control needed to be stealthy and subtle to work.  By 1939, Germany had left the League of Nations, treaties had been broken, new treaties signed, and on September 1, 1939, Germany invades Poland, their path through Belgium drawing Great Britain into the war.  Roosevelt, knowing the American people were still very close to a bloody war, remained an isolationist, watching as Europe and Asia descended into the hell that is open warfare.  By 1940, Roosevelt would send war goods to Britain, but remained steadfast in his stance that America would not fight in this war, holding that position until December 7, 1941, when Japan would attack Pearl Harbor, resulting in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and World War 2 officially starting for the United States.

June 1944 saw the invasion of France on D-Day, with Utah and Omaha beaches the focal point of the world’s attention, and 1945 would see the end of fighting in Europe, with France liberated, and Germany once again, sanctioned for their part in a world war.  Post War Europe, unlike after World War I, saw Germany divided into two nations, East Germany ruled by the Soviet Union, and West Germany, a mostly free state under mostly self rule, with the United Nations, the replacement for the League of Nations, watching both new nations very closely.  Hitler, having worked as hard as he did to eliminate Europeans of Jewish descent, also saw something the world had not seen in some time, the Nation of Israel officially recognized in 1948, something which would cause strife for decades.  The 1950’s saw the Korean War escalate, the 1960’s and early 1970’s the Vietnam Conflict, the 1980’s Grenada, the 1990’s Desert Storm, in 2001 the destruction of the World Trade Center would see war return to the Middle East, where it would continue to the current day as of this writing.

Another change, though, was society at home during the 1950’s and 1960’s.  During World War I, women took on new roles while men were drafted or volunteered for the Military, just as in World War II, only to return home to their families, or to other careers, when the war ended and the returning men re-entered the work force.  The change, would begin here.  Children born too early for World War II and some too late for Korea’s draft, were now able to watch in more detail, starting with photos in newspapers and magazines, then on Television in the latter part of the 1950’s and again in the 1960’s with Vietnam.  War had been an abstract, only those who had a loved one return in a pine box, or grievously injured, knowing the true cost so many paid.

December of 1955, in Montgomery Alabama, saw a woman refuse to move seats on a bus, because a white passenger wanted her seat.  The powder keg of equal rights had been lit, by a woman who simply was tired of giving in.  Americans watched as laws proclaiming separate but equal were proven lies, as men and women who, solely based on skin color, were seen as second class citizens, said enough was enough, and soon, the movement would shake the country’s idea of equality to it’s core.  From Governor Wallace having to be moved by Federalized National Guardsmen, to allow a young black woman to enter a school, to protests led by the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior, to riots and protests resulting in use of force far beyond what had been seen before, Americans once again began to see the world in a new light.

Movements for equality, for peace when a tyrant rises, for better treatment of certain people, are not new to the world, just as they weren’t new in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  What was new in that time, was the media.  Radio was still not an old device in this era, but it was dominated by people taught to just read the news, not to comment and theorize.  The Who, What, When and Where, were all people got, the Why was for each listener to think on as an individual.  Hollywood had, for the most part, been the place of fantasy, of spaghetti westerns, and people were happy as they could escape for a time without being preached to about this cause of that, but this would soon change.  Other mediums were coming into their own, challenging the status quo, and setting the stage for a world unlike that which had been seen before.

1938, Action Comics launched something the world had never seen, a true super hero.  Superman, a child from another world, sent to Earth to survive his home planet’s destruction, had powers unlike anyone else.  Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, the world saw a super hero rise to challenge evil in a way they never imagined.  1940 would se Captain Steven Rogers become Captain America, stepping onto the world stage to challenge Hitler, with his first cover in December 1940 showing him landing a blow to Hitler’s jaw, and side by side with Superman, launching young boys into the world of super heroes and daring do, where good would always triumph over evil, and justice would be served.   By the 1970’s the world of Comic Book Heroes would have expanded so far that heroes no longer worked alone, but in groups, to tackle larger and larger issues.  Villains and their henchmen were more dangerous, but again, good always won.

Alongside the comic book heroes, TV introduced new ideals as well.  Where the children of the 1950’s had Little Orphan Annie on the radio, Lassie or Flipper on TV, and a few comics, children in the 1970’s had the Dukes of Hazzard, professional wrestling, more soap operas than ever before, and something totally new to television, PBS, with offerings like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, or The Joy Of Painting, where you weren’t merely entertained, but educated as well.  Schoolhouse Rock showed how a bill becomes a law, and other lessons, The Electric Company used new techniques for their graphics, and just like that, a generation of children would no longer be outside until their parents dragged them into get washed up for supper, but who would plan their playtime to coincide with their must watch programs.

Mr. Rogers gave us a world of make believe, lessons taught in a gentle and kind way, even ensuring that a blind girl wouldn’t worry about his fish by making sure to say it was time to feed them each day.  Sesame Street showed a very diverse world, with monsters, garbage dwelling grouches, birds, and other creatures living and learning along side children and adults from all backgrounds.  So many new ideas brought into one medium that children were inundated with them by the time they started Kindergarten.  This generation would eventually learn of the Civil Rights movement, but rarely thought twice about what color their neighbor was, or why they weren’t in another class.  Rather, a new class of student to be segregated emerged, Special Education, those with learning disabilities on such a wide scale, were segregated, often taught so slowly that by the time they were to graduate High School, they might be at a middle school level of education.

Education had begun changing in the 1970’s, with a generation of children growing up watching war as never seen before, watching Hollywood celebrities protest violence, while their movies and TV shows glorified vigilantes and criminals, even seeing them side with the very people the U.S. Military was fighting, entered the education field and began to teach history, literature, and other subjects in ways that not only distorted, but blatantly re-wrote history.  The American Revolution was no longer a result of colonists wanting representation in how they were taxed, but because slave owning white men didn’t want to pay taxes, which of course ignores that the new nation taxed it’s new citizens.  Slavery was purely an American issue, where white men didn’t want to give up their free labor, meaning the roots of slavery, those being African tribes selling their neighbors to both profit and take their land, Europeans being the buyers, and that nations to this day still allow slavery, were ignored.

Students until this point had grown up with parents enforcing hard work pays off, removing privileges from students who were failing a subject so they had time to study, employers cutting hours when a student’s work began to flag, only to see a change happen, where teachers were encouraged by coaches and other extra-curricular sponsors to make sure students passed, so as not to hurt a source of income for the school.  By the time this came to light and schools stopped the practice, parents no longer held the student responsible, but questioned the teacher as to why they were failing their child.  Discipline had moved from a time when a disobedient student was paddled, only to have the parent repeat that punishment, to a time when the student was given time out, not only from their peers, but from the lessons.

Manipulation became a way of life at an early age, with boys complaining the lady teacher didn’t like boys, white teachers didn’t like minorities, coaches cut people for frivolous reasons, until we moved into a time when everyone makes the team, those who win too often are excluded to give everyone a chance, and the world again began to change.  In a move reminiscent of the 1940’s and 1950’s, books were removed for being too provocative, until books like To Kill A Mockingbird are removed for showing racism in the wrong way while books like Fifty Shades of Grey are sitting in public school libraries still.  Students are no longer exposed to the darker side of humanity’s past, and thus, no longer shown how mankind will rise to defeat tyrants and despots, resulting in students believing the very people who stood against tyranny were themselves tyrants.

Hollywood, naturally, began to change at this time as well.  In the 1980’s, a movie like Blue Thunder, where a scene shows a woman’s bare breasts for a few seconds, were rated R, and only grudgingly as opposed to X, or just not made.  Television programs which would discuss adult themes were closely regulated, news programs were careful in how they spoke of things, so as to ensure they were clean in the eyes of the FCC.  Just a decade later, and the 1990’s saw prime time programs on major networks, where all but the act of intercourse was shown.  Teenage characters were shown wearing less than most people would wear when swimming as every day attire, and romantically involved in relationships most adults remembered not knowing about until late in High School, or possibly college, and it only moved forward from there, to modern day entertainment, where sex sells, and people are shocked at how many of the celebrities they looked up to, who are now being shown to be predators that crowds would have formed mobs to hunt down only 20 or 30 years previously.

2016 will be remembered either as the year the world began to wake up to the programming we were all subject to for 40+ years, or the year the world fully took the blue pill, and stayed in Wonderland.  The election of Donald Trump, something the mainstream media said point blank was impossible, will be remembered either as the year Americans retook their power as The People, or as the year the United States gave up all freedom to tyrants.  Following this election, young people rioted in the streets, destroying property, because they could not force a country to undo an election and install someone who lost.  Others wailed in the streets, returning a year later to do so again, to protest.  States began enacting policies that only ten years ago would be so ludicrous as to oust all in power, protecting people who entered the country illegally, many who went on to commit heinous crimes.  Monuments to history, albeit a dark time in our history, were torn down by mobs who went unpunished, cities raced to remove others, to prevent just that from happening again, while many people begged for common sense, for us to not hide our history, but keep it so we may learn from it.  All of this leads directly to the situation facing the American People today.

February 2018 saw an active shooter situation in Parkland Florida, where Sheriff’s Deputies were ordered not to enter an engage, where S.W.A.T. Officers who defied those orders were fired, and all but that night, students were deputized by the mainstream media to demand Americans disarm.  Quotes like no one wants to face a shooter with an AR-15 were thrown around, while case after case from other parts of the country show people doing just that, and more.  Law Enforcement agencies all over the country decried the cowardly actions of the Deputies in Parkland, sitting outside while a shooter was in a school, which 28 years previously was made a gun free zone by a bill sponsored by then Senator Joseph Biden.  Suggestions that school districts allow those paying taxes to them to choose if teachers may choose to be armed are decried as forcing teachers who have no training to be armed, making things worse.  Districts which already allowed this, and thus are far safer, are ignored, or ridiculed.  The very people screaming about how evil the AR-15 is, who yell at Americans we don’t want to take your guns, are then seen marching demanding the repeal of the Second Amendment, carrying signs insulting gun owners, and others with signs blatantly saying they will pry them from your cold, dead hands.

We are at a tipping point, books/movies like Ready Player One show a world where people’s lives are so horrible they spend all the time they can in virtual reality, only to go into so much debt they literally become slaves until they die.  Where a corporation doesn’t flinch at killing hundreds to stop anyone from taking away their opportunity to lock in total control over society.  Movies like Equilibrium show a world where people are drugged to remove all emotion, where from a very early age they are indoctrinated to fear emotion so much they willingly take the required drugs, and those who don’t are killed.  Movie after movie after TV show after TV show shows us exactly what Huxley and Orwell warned us about all those decades ago, yet we seem to be pouring rocket fuel into our handcart, ready to fly full speed into a world where we are subjugated, and made to like it.  Those speaking out, begging society to step back are beaten to a pulp and called nazi, by those using the very tactics the nazis used, because history is no longer taught.  Those begging people not to dive head first into a world where they will be drugged into mental oblivion are berated for denying them the right to choose, only to them be demonized for not stopping someone from going to far.

We are at the tipping point, where countries invite those who openly call for the destruction of all who do not bow and serve them, to do just that.  We are watching the world burn, watching the tyrants start solidifying their power, so the question is very simple.  Will you take the red pill or blue pill?  Will you march to your destruction, going silently into the good night, or will you step back, will you realize that We The People have the true power?  Will you rise up against those who would be your oppressors, or will you place your head on the chopping block?  Only you can choose, I just hope it isn’t too late.

Business as usual

To listen to liberals, nothing is ever their fault, nothing is ever their responsibility, and they are the ultimate authority on everything. When Obama admitted that DACA was un-Constitutional, but that Congress wasn’t doing what he wanted, so he was going to do it anyway, liberals cheered and praised his action to open the floodgates of illegal immigrants coming into the country. When Trump said the same, that DACA was un-Constitutional, so he was ending it and telling Congress to do their job, liberals demanded he not do that, saying he wasn’t allowed to, ignoring that their messiah Obama said flat out that it was an un-Constitutional move.

Over the last week or so, the topic is gun control, although they will happily lecture you on how “since Obama issued the executive order on DACA, it must be allowed to stand” they’re demanding that “something be done” with hashtags like not one more, or never again. What they don’t do, ever, is tell you what should be done. They demand that “assault weapons” be banned, while admitting they can’t define “assault weapon” they demand that certain people be prevented from gaining firearms, and ignore that there are already laws on the books doing just that, just demanding that “something be done.” I have personally said “OK, let’s say there’s a law saying it’s a felony, punishable by jail time, for me to slap you” they nodded and I slapped him, lightly. Naturally, he screamed that it was illegal, then I just slapped him again while a friend said, he’s breaking the law, how do you stop him? He ranted and railed that I should be arrested, only to be told “no, just do something, pass a law” at which point he just stormed off.

Confronted with the lunacy of “just do something” he refused to continue the conversation, and later I found that he’d been lying to others, saying it’s legal to walk in and buy any gun you want, no paperwork needed, and screaming at people who told him he was wrong. I realize this nut job is an extreme case, but it shows the lunacy of the liberal argument. You can tell them the law is already in place, so we need to fix law enforcement, reporting, etc and you’re called an idiot. You can prove it and they’ll storm off and lie to others.

You will not win an argument with a liberal, nor will they even admit that you had anything good to say but stood and lied to them. So the question now is simple, while Trump is demanding the actual work needing done is done (fix reporting and enforcement,) how do we fix the issue of the lies being told other than by pointing out the lies when they were told?

Just what is “common sense” reform?

Valentine’s Day 2018 was, as we can all agree, visited by tragedy in Florida, showing the best and worst of humanity. From a JROTC Cadet who died helping students get into a room, two other JROTC Cadets who saw a way to protect others and took it, to a Coach who sacrificed his life for his students. As happens after any tragedy, well most of them, the liberals in Congress and the media jumped on the gun control wagon, with their gunsense hashtag and demands to “regulate assault weapons.” There’s one glaring problem with that goal, the definition of “assault weapon.” A new twist though, is that yes, the term “assault weapon” was used in marketing many years ago, but not for any of the modern firearms that the rabid liberals want all but melted to slag.

Yes, marketing executives used that term to sell rifles, and yes, they stopped when the first “assault weapons ban” was introduced, but there is no standard of what liberals call an assault weapon is today, and worse, the glaring holes in their knowledge is staggering, and I’m not just referring to calling a magazine a clip, or a rifled barrel firearm a gun. We’ve had many press conferences from liberals referring to “ghost guns” and “barrel shrouds” and those are the least of the idiotic things said. When Shannon Watts became the public face of Everytown and Moms Demand Action, the lies and unintelligent drivel was instantly on public display. From claiming that “many of their members are gun owners” to her claim that no one needs a gun that fires ten rounds a minute. The tweet that got her to ban me was when I told her I can walk outside at any time, find and throw ten rocks, one at a time, in under a minute, should my arms be banned?

When confronted with a well reasoned and logical argument, there is also the standby tactic of either calling the person who shuts a liberal down a nazi, bigot, racist, or “literally Hitler.” I have a dubious honor though, as I actually fought that line with historical knowledge I worked years for in my undergraduate studies, to the point where the idiot actually laid hands on me, prompting me to use a simple hold until the cop in the common area took it over, but that’s a story for another day.

You see, I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in History, and specifically, military history since the American Revolution. My Great Uncles and Grandfather inspired that, as they fought in World War II, with my Great Uncle Coleman landing at Normandy and going on to fight Rommel in North Africa, while another died in the failed air drop on D-Day. You see, I know Hitler and the tactics he used well, and those very tactics are being emulated today, just not by those the screaming snowflakes claim. You see, “anti-fascist” was a group in the Nazi regime, used to fight anyone standing up to them. Before that was formed though, Hitler knew he had to garner national support, so health care, education, and such were first. By claiming to “have the best of plans” the people rallied to him, and he was among the most charismatic people to have wreaked havoc on the planet. Once he had them in the palm of his hand, he then moved to disarming the public, playing on the old standby that the Police and Military were there to protect them, they should be trusted. Once that was done, we all know what happened, from Krystalnacht in 1939, to Auschwitz and Buchenwald, and the millions killed before 1945.

Moving back to 14 February 2018, Cruz committed multiple crimes before he even left for his attack. You see, the federal background check requires disclosing many things, which had he been honest, would have meant no sale of any firearm. He threatened his ex’s new boyfriend, and even said he would be a “professional school shooter” in a YouTube comment, and his profile there was under his legal name. Police were called out to his home so many times one wonders why he wasn’t either in jail or a psychological institution well before his attack. So the question isn’t about gun control, it’s about mental health. When an actual professional says that Cruz displays classic signs of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, why wasn’t he already known for his crimes?

Now, being a student of History, I cannot sit idle while disinformation and blatant lies are spread, as I can counter them all. When people go on and on about how the AR-15 is the “weapon of choice” for criminals like Cruz, I point out that Oswald and Whitman used bolt action rifles, and in Whitman’s case, a sawed off shotgun. The only reason that Dallas in 62 wasn’t a mass shooting is that Oswald was only interested in Kennedy, but Whitman’s shooting lasted so long because he found excellent cover and with long range not an option, the Police had to get to him, which prompted the creation of the S.W.A.T Programs virtually every city has today. I’ve brought this up many times, and thus far, only one person has actually remained logical and civil in their conversation, and has now agreed it’s about the person, not the tool used.

To explain that last sentence, let’s look at the AR platform. The most common caliber for the AR-15, is .223/.556, which to be honest, isn’t that large a round. In fact, most hunters prefer either .30 .30 or .30 .06, or even larger. I’ve fired a 308 Winchester and a 300 Blackout rifle, and trust me, they are more powerful than my AR ever will be. To be honest, I bought my AR because I want to add a new competition to my belt. I’m already likely in the top 25% of pistol shooters, I’ve not been beaten at Skeet in 20+ years, so now I’m moving to rifles. The AR platform allows me to quickly change optics for short or long range, to add a flashlight if I’m in a room clearing stage, or to add a bipod for lane shooting. Even were I hunter, and I prefer to hunt with my debit card at HEB for my meat, although for chicken I’ll soon have a pen full of them, I wouldn’t use an AR to hunt.

Let’s look at this logically though, which requires looking at the Mini 14, which aside from the look, is just an AR-15 made of wood, as it fires the same caliber as most AR’s and can use a 30 round magazine as well. You see, the argument against the AR-15 is not about it’s capabilities, it’s all down to the look. The desire for an “Army Gun” likely started in the late 1960’s with Vietnam, as we now had live reports on the war, and saw the Soldiers using the M4 and M16, so the manufacturers came up with ideas to mimic it, just not completely. You see, the M4 and M16 can be Select Fire, or in some cases, Fully Automatic. Select Fire means you pull the trigger once and three rounds are released, while of course, Full Auto is where you “spray and pray.” An AR-15 is Semi Automatic only, as when you pull the trigger once, one round is released. This is true for a high percentage of firearms today, from pistols to rifles to even shotguns. Only bolt-action, pump, and single action revolvers are not Semi-Auto, meaning you must manually chamber a round, or cock the hammer, to fire again.

So, with the massive evidence, complete with legislation from the 1980’s which means only the “ultra rich” can buy a true machine gun legally, the question has to be, what true common sense reform can be done. It’s ultimately a simple answer though, and one those screaming don’t want to hear, it’s not about guns, but the users. Cruz, Lanza, Whitman, Oswald, all were mentally unwell, and honestly, should have been under treatment for a good while, possibly their entire life, but the focus on the failures of an industry that makes so much money they can literally buy legislators, isn’t one that is wanted. Cruz was on psychotropic drugs, but HIPPA means that it’s very rare when Doctors report this, at least to the level required to flag a background check. The Sutherland Springs shooter received a Dishonorable Discharge from the USAF, and had a domestic violence charge, but neither were reported in time to stop his purchase. So, as the background check already addresses both situations, they had to lie to get their weapons, and only the lack of reporting and lack of regulations allowing Doctors to legally break Doctor/Patient confidentiality failed here, not the laws in place.

To wrap up, we don’t need to regulate the tools used, but the users. President Trump has undone an act that simply said if you received Social Security Disability, you’re a prohibited possessor, as that could mean if I lose a leg and can no longer work, I’m now disarmed, while if you’re in a psych ward, you also lose that right. This is of course, touted by liberals as “President Trump made it easier for criminals to get guns” which is a bald faced lie. We have the laws needed to ensure you cannot purchase a weapon if you are a felon, domestic abuser, or the like, so we need to look at how those things are reported. When these things are not reported correctly, the person who was to report them should be charged as an accessory, even lightly, to any crimes committed. Doctors should be able to, confidentially and only to law enforcement, report those they feel are not mentally stable to own even a staple gun, perhaps via an office that will include medical experts who can help determine when it should go to law enforcement. I’m not an expert on public policy, or writing laws, although were laws written in layman’s terms, I’m sure I could craft a good many that would help the world. The final step is twofold, dumping most, if not all of the career politicians in Congress today, and enacting term limits and possibly even a mandatory retirement age for the House and Senate (and definitely a retirement age or allowing Doctors to force retirement on SCOTUS, as Ginsberg isn’t able to stay awake now) so that we have turnover to keep new blood and new perspectives among those we elect to lead.

So, my question to you is, what would you do other than jumping on the gun control, ban this or that, bandwagon? Oh, an keep in mind I hold a degree in history, am a politics/history buff, and will find any and all source material to destroy anything that I can, even if I end up destroying my own argument when pushed to start research.

Art imitates life, again

When I first found Texts From Superheroes it was just a goofy site to me, but as the election season ramped up last year, it became a bit prophetic. As with every election, the Hollywood “elite” began their “you must vote for so and so or you’re a racist/sexist/bigot/etc” schtick and I, as always, ignored it and voted as I felt I should. What changed last year though was the use of everything those not voting for socialism or Hillary said in a twisted sense to make us look like demons. The images below are an excellent illustration of that (pun intended.) You see, I’ve read Captain America and Punisher comics since I had money of my own to buy them, so it’s well over 30 years, so I feel I know the characters pretty well. Now, of course liberals hate Punisher because he uses guns, so they ignore him, but Cap is a different story.

This image is a perfect example of what would not be said. Yes, Captain America would be saddened to see neo-nazis marching in the street, but he would be standing between them and who they’re screaming (and who’s screaming at them) and helping arrest both when violence broke out. The problem is, though, that the left has decided that not agreeing with everything they say/want/demand is “nazi” or “fascist” behavior, and they are actively assaulting all who disagree, and now are using things like this stupid comic as “proof they are the real patriots.”

On a similar note, this one is calling for banning of those embracing Constitutional rights, based on mere political stance. Also misleading, the cowards in masks who call themselves antifa are the ones assaulting people in almost all cases, at least until arrested, at which point they cry and complain about “brutality.” But it’s the same point. Look at the super-heroes as they were depicted in the 80’s and 90’s, and you see general heroes, no politics save maybe from Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne as they are millionaires. Superman only was a government stooge in a post-apocalyptic world and it was Batman that woke him up, but now it’s all politics. Movies are all about showing how evil anyone who isn’t liberal is, while they scramble to hide the perversions we now know they’re guilty of. Comics insult a duly elected President, and more.

Yes, I realize this was a “geek rant” as I know not everyone is into comics, but it’s not just this, watch for the parts of pop culture you still enjoy that have changed. Check each one and I’ll bet you’ll see the “hero” is liberal, maybe even full bore socialist, and the “villain” is the one portrayed as a nazi for not wanting to silence people, or for not wanting to give away his salary, or the like. This is Pravda level propaganda, and being fed directly to children, and should scare all of us.

It’s not fiction, it’s prophecy

We’ve all seen things were we think of a painting, movie, or book, and we generally just say that life imitates art. Well, it’s not as uncommon any more, nor is it as easy to just say “huh” when we see it. It’s all well and good to joke that The Simpsons has predicted this or that, but what happens when we see far more dangerous aspects of a movie, book, or show happen in real life? The Hunger Games shows a bleak future where Americans rose up against the government, were roundly defeated, and now truly live only to serve the well off in the capital. While it’s a good read, and not horrible movie series, it’s not that impossible to think it may happen.

Look at Los Angeles in the 60’s/70’s and sporadically since then. From the riots in Watts, to Rodney King, and now UC Berkeley rioting and destroying the campus over a mere invitation, is it that crazy to think those are all that will happen? We’re seeing the cowards in masks known as antifa call for armed uprisings, although for now they end up crying as they’re arrested, just because they can’t demand the country ignore the Constitution and put their candidate in office. More recently, we saw a clear case of election fraud in Alabama, where people bragged about coming in from “all over the country” to vote for Doug Jones. Cities with populations of 1000 saw tens of thousands of votes cast, yet suggesting that the election be voided, and ID be required is treated as if you just bombed Disneyland.

A lesser known movie trilogy, the Cube trilogy, shows a more likely scenario though, rather than the future where the government wins a war against it’s people and then keeps them down, this one shows threats just disappear. In the prequel to Cube, Cube Zero, we see a political agitator captured and put in “the cube” where entering the wrong room means death. One of the workers learns this and goes in to help her, only to end up a prisoner by the end of the movie. We also see a soldier on the inside, although by the end he’s little more than a robot, as in this world, all soldiers have a microchip implanted in their head which allows a remote user to run them like a drone, eliminating all possibility of resistance to an illegal order, such as killing someone for their speech.

We’re inching ever closer to something like these every day, as liberals demand they be allowed to “speak” through violence and vandalism, while also demanding all dissent be silenced. Universities are actively censoring conservative groups out of fear of the liberals rioting, saying it’s for “security,” while the liberals cheer from their safe spaces, waiting for the next person to violate their demands so they can once again violently silence someone. Oddly enough, as it seems that religious freedom and freedom of speech isn’t held too dear, the UK has begun to take steps to stop Universities from stifling free speech, although it’s just fines for now, and I’ll not be surprised if some decide the fine is cheaper and easier than paying for security, or repairs after a riot.

I understand that some speech shouldn’t go unpunished, the old story about being free to say what you want, but also being free to be held accountable for the riot after yelling fire in a crowded theater, is a perfect parable. Yes, you can say what you want, you are just also accountable for it. The problem is, however, that when I state that I believe homosexuality is a choice, and a sin, is not equivalent to yelling fire in a theater and causing a riot. More extreme, is simply saying “I disagree” and getting death threats. Many people today firmly believe they have a “right to be right” or a “right to happiness” which are both patently false. If I had a “right to be right” I could demand you be arrested when I say 2+2=6 and you say I’m wrong, but there are people so assured of their perfection that they will demand you be arrested for daring to challenge them. I’ve been told I should be shot for denying someone’s “right to happiness” only to be told someone needs to shoot me in the head with my own gun when I pointed out there is no such right.

Sadly, it’s going to get worse, and can’t say if it will then get better or not. The cowards in masks tried their BS in Austin recently, and were roundly shut down by APD and other Tx law enforcement, but they’re now suing for “Police brutality” and other idiocy, and precedent has been made in other states which may seen some liberal judge agree and set them free. If that happens, Police will stop helping, or will react to everything with S.W.A.T. tactics, which will be the first step toward martial law, which the left thinks they want, but will not be good for anyone. So the only real question now is simple, how long before we get to the end game, and what happens after?

From willful to arrogant ignorance

I will admit I have a shorter fuse than most people I meet, but lately it seems to be something everyone wants to test. From people in stores I’m shopping in, to drivers around me on the road, to online interactions, what I once called willful ignorance, has now become arrogant ignorance. Two examples should show what I mean, if not I’m not going on as I don’t want a headache. First, a story that I’ve lived many times and has come up in stories from retail workers the world over. I know I’ve told stories from my many different retail jobs, from people not accepting a product was sold out, to many other “no, you’re wrong and I’m right” attitudes, but the penultimate story is one told by people not working in retail. Before I worked at the big box grocer I worked for before the job I’m in now, I would be stopped and asked where something is, or if I could reach something for someone. Having worked retail many times, I generally try to help, and only if I can’t do I apologize and say I don’t work there. Well, just before my parents’ home was completed, I went into town for some things for lunch. I was pushing a cart, holding a list, and wearing jeans and a jacket most often seen on construction workers, when I was physically stopped (lady grabbed my arm,) then ordered to stop and come help her. I told her I was not an employee, and there was likely one near the bakery. She scowled, said “I’ll have you fired” and pulled, to which I said “go for it, I’m not an employee of this company, at any location.” A few minutes later she comes stomping up with a manager, screaming about horrible service, points at me and says she wants me fired. The manager says he doesn’t know me and that I don’t work there, and she screams, literally screams, that she wants me fired. I then tell her, “well, you can call the University I’m working part time for while I’m a student, and ask that I be fired from the temporary groundskeeping crew,” only to get a “you did not tell me you don’t work here,” and another scowl as I told her I did, twice, and then walked away. Normally before this, the “can you help me find….” was just not looking at my clothes or not seeing the absence of a uniform, but this lady took it to the “I’m right, so you’re an employee, help me or you’ll be fired” attitude. I told her twice and she still dragged a manager over to demand I be fired from a store I’ve never worked for. The sheer arrogance in that boggles the mind, I was dressed far from what employees wear, had a shopping list, groceries in my cart, and so on, yet she decided I was being paid to be there so I was now required to drop everything and obey her, then she still got angry when proven wrong.

The second example is actually happening to me, repeatedly, right now. I’ve found several things I no longer use which I think might make good Christmas gifts, so I posted them in the Facebook marketplace, only to get most responses as “I’m interested in this item.” I realize it’s a canned response and easy to send, but several of those I reply to with “Still available” ask me questions I answered in the post. For example, I’m selling a car that is either a parts car or project/rebuild, and I listed everything that makes it such, only to get one person who said they were interested, then they asked what’s wrong with it. I responded “I’m at work, but all details are in the post” only to be told “I don’t read the posts, what’s wrong with it.” Yes, the person actually said they never read the posts, they demand I send them a personalized version. I simply said, “No, read it or don’t, I’m at work and not able or willing to retype all of my post.” This person then actually reported me for “reneging on a sale agreement,” saying I’d agreed to their price (they never offered an amount) and date/place to meet, but I then said “I changed my mind, I’m not selling to you.” I found out after they were told off, as Facebook can see the message history, but I was still floored. I told someone they could read what I posted, they basically said “no, treat me special,” and when I said no, they lied in a report to get me banned. Again, not just willful, but arrogant, ignorance.

How in the world did we go from a world where if you asked something and were told “I don’t know” and you moved on, to a world where not knowing all, and treating people as if they were god himself, is a capital crime? As I said, I’ve worked retail many times, and been asked to help a customer in a store, and they would smile or laugh when I wasn’t able to because I didn’t work there, and now we have people demanding non-employees be fired because they couldn’t help. Or people, when told they can read an ad or not, then going so far as to lie to get someone banned, over not being treated special. I work tech support now, and I get those calls where someone just isn’t getting it, and then the upset customer when I show a screenshot of what they aren’t getting, as they then complain I was “rude” or the like, which is why I am glad I work via online chat, as when they complain I was “rude” for showing them what they aren’t getting, I have a transcript. But that’s still the same thing in a way. I’m asked for help, I give help, they don’t like the answer, so I’m now “rude” or “ignored them.” This is not a hard concept, if someone tells you they can’t help, don’t demand they magically find a way to, if someone tells you that an ad for a car is all you need to read, don’t demand they retype it for you or you’ll have them banned. If you ask how to do something and get the answer, don’t act like you weren’t. The people who we hear from every day telling these same stories have the same rights as everyone else, just because you weren’t treated like royalty doesn’t give you the right to ruin a life.

The myopia of the left, and how it hurts everyone

Starting in November 2016, there has been no end to the screaming from the left side of the aisle, from Russia to sexism to racism and more. But what they ignore is what is going to end up hurting them the most, that their own heroes are often the most guilty of the crimes. The latest in their arsenal of complaints is Net Neutrality, and how it’s repeal is going to “end the internet.” This is just par for the course, as ending only the mandate in the ACA will “kill millions,” lowering taxes will “bankrupt” various groups, and now this. At this point, I’m not going to be surprised to hear that enforcing the law “disenfranchises millions,” or some other idiotic claim.

Simply put, removing regulations does not “end anything,” rather it’s going to be a good thing. The internet has been around for 20+ years, and Net Neutrality only 2, but this is ignored because Net Neutrality allows the left to call anything offensive, or racist, or what have you, and with it being “wrong,” social media and other online services are running to ban and block so as not to be accused of being that. By removing regulations, there is no government presence waiting to hit a provider or online service with a fine or punishment for anything the left hates, meaning that they can’t scream “racist” at the drop of a hat and get someone banned, and they hate that.

There’s an old saying, “If you want more of something, make it illegal. If you want less, tax it.” This works here too, as if you want more innovation and creativity in an industry, get the government out of the way, while if you want less, regulate that industry. Internet access is not a human right, nor is having a cell phone, but those can be used to control a population, as it will become “oh, you don’t have the health care plan we approved, well that means you don’t get 4G speed this year.” Or, if you’re a “known agitator” (read, conservative) who they want to silence, your “crimes” go public and you’re not allowed to be online as much as those who tow the party line. It’s a simple process and couched in “neutrality” so as to not be recognized.

Simply put, Barack Obama appointed the man who just voted (along with another person) to end a massive government regulatory practice, so it’s all because of Trump. Barack Obama named the seven countries we are currently not accepting travel from, but because Trump signed the order, it’s a Muslim ban. Trump could follow Obama’s playbook to the letter, and because it’s not their savior doing it, all would be horrible. This is what we see every time government moves to lessen restrictions, taxes, etc. Because we now have less of big brother, the left loses their mind because they can’t control us. They know that the vast majority of Americans actually paying taxes aren’t liberal, so the “charitable” work they do (Planned Parenthood and other liberal organizations) will be lessened, and actual charitable work (soup kitchens, food pantries, etc) will go up, but those are “bad” because they’re run by Churches. You know, those evil organizations that teach you that your actions have consequences?

Look back to the 1980’s and Reaganomics. I was only 4 when he was first sworn in as President, but I do remember that gas was cheap, food was cheap, we didn’t want for much at all, and what I did “want for” were things my parents said no to, not due to money, but because they decided I didn’t need it. This, however, is the perfect example, as being told no is what liberals can’t stand. They are the eternal toddlers, screaming for ice cream for breakfast, then crying and throwing a fit when given anything else. They’ve grown up being told that conservatives are evil because they don’t “tolerate alternative lifestyles,” when in reality tolerate is the perfect word. I count myself a rather conservative person, and while I believe that homosexuality is a sin, and thus, without repentance and working to no longer choose that lifestyle, will result in the person spending eternity in hell, I don’t let that color my judgement when I look for people to hire, contractors to use, etc. I’ve worked and gone to school with people I know are gay, I’ve supervised them and been supervised by them, and never had any trouble, as them being gay never affected work.

What I have had happen is I’ve been propositioned by men, only to be told I’m homophobic because I said “I’m not gay” because I wasn’t willing to “try it.” I looked one in the eyes and said “I thought it wasn’t a choice? I thought you just are or aren’t, but you’re telling me I need to try it? Are you saying it is a choice?” When I threw the big argument back into his face, he hissed and almost attacked me, but eventually lied to try to get me fired, only to be fired himself because he’d been coming on to all guys in the store since his hiring. He then sued for “homophobia” and ranted when the evidence proved him wrong. His attitude is that the world must do all it can to make him happy and damn everyone else. When told no, he couldn’t accept it, and did all he could to force those telling him no to change their course.

This is the same with Net Neutrality, liberals got a golden ticket to report everything they hate as “hate speech,” or “offensive,” or “racist,” for two years, and now they can’t handle that the government is saying they can’t. They’re screaming that it’s the end of the internet, when in fact it’s a new beginning, as without it, sites like Gab can actually compete with Twitter (I know I didn’t link Twitter) rather than be choked by government regulations, meaning their safe haven is now in danger of being driven down by a competitor, and they can’t have that. Oddly, the very people driven away by their reports are the ones going to competitors, but that’s only bad because they don’t just want us gone, they want us completely silenced, and without big brother to help, they can’t.

So, the ultimate question here is simple, if you own a business of any kind, do you want more government intrusion or less?

Hate Speech/Fighting Words

We already know the Supreme Court has ruled that “hate speech” is not a thing, and as predicted, the snowflakes at UC Berkeley promptly kept assaulting people for daring to invite, or even consider inviting, speakers they don’t approve, to groups they aren’t members of. The UCB College Republicans are, finally, getting tired to it, and calling on the college to protect them as they protect the criminals assaulting them.

Well, I’ve recently started doing two things, if the left is doing something they demand others not do, I make sure they see me doing it as much as possible, just as anything they say no one can do, I do it. We are fighting for the future of our country, against people who won’t just change things a bit, but who will utterly destroy everything about it, replacing it with a communist nation where all who don’t bow to them are killed, those who do, but aren’t the right type of person are forced to work to pay for the “free” things they say are rights. We’ve seen that in the USSR and still see it in North Korea, and trust me, no one in their right mind would ever support that.

As they are showing their disdain for the law, by demanding “sanctuary cities,” by praising a verdict where an illegal immigrant who killed an American was not convicted, and where they assault people for speech while screaming about the Bill of Rights, and far more. Well, here’s my plan, and I personally see it scaring the hell out of anyone I use it on.

The next time I’m told, in person of course, that Trump is Hitler, or any of the other talking points, I’m going to immediately tell that person they’ve just used hate speech, or fighting words, to assault me and I’m just defending myself. Now, as I’m six foot one, about 240lbs, and don’t look “fat,” you can imagine the reaction. When they scream about their rights, I’ll ask about the rights of those being forcibly silenced. If the idiot is wearing or otherwise showing support for the antifa cowards, I’ll bring up UCB.

This crap has to stop, about 10 years ago, I was debating economic models, for an assignment in Economics, when an idiot called me racist. I told him to get lost, we were discussing a class assignment, and he grabbed me. I quickly had him in a “very uncomfortable” hold and told the Campus Police officer who came over that yes, I’d been assaulted. This was the start of the “you can’t say anything I don’t approve of” mindset, as he argued I was racist and assaulted him even after the video of him starting things, him grabbing me, and me using a very mild hold. You could show video of MS13 thanking Hillary for letting them in illegally as they go down a line of children shooting them, and the liberals would rant about the need to disarm the law abiding or the need for the “dreamers” to be made citizens so they can make something of themselves, ignoring all that proves them wrong.

So, who’s with me? Who thinks we can maybe convince a few of their idiocy, or at least get them to shut up, if we start using their tactics, or will they demand we be arrested for what they routinely say is their right?


Today the FCC voted 3 to 2 in favor of reversing regulations put in place just over 2 years ago. Just as with any attempt to repeal the ACA, the left is going overboard on their predictions for what will be next. This time, rather than MILLIONS WILL DIE, it’s THE INTERNET AS WE KNOW IT IS DEAD. Personally, I am a fan of as little government as possible, and this, so far, has proven to be the best course of action as long as I’ve watched. Health care existed long before the ACA, and will exist after it, just not funded by tax dollars. In the early 1970’s, my parents had my Sister, later I came along, then my Brother. I don’t remember ever hearing about my parents having to pay off their bills from the hospital from this, nor was it horrible if I chipped a tooth, got sick, one of us got hurt, we just went to the Dr/Dentist, our insurance covered a huge portion of the bill, and we paid the rest, normally out of pocket, not being billed. For example, I had to have my wisdom teeth removed around 2003, and while the procedure was very expensive, needing an oral surgeon and anesthesiologist, I paid under $100 for the entire thing, including the pain killer I was given for the first few days. Fast forward to 3 years ago, I needed 2 teeth extracted, no surgeon, but I was knocked out, and I was billed, after insurance, over $500. The only real change, the ACA passed in 2012, and as many predicted, costs went up for the consumer.

Now, look at 2015, when Net Neutrality was enacted. At the time, we didn’t have any option but a small cable company, but we paid about $30 a month to our ISP, now it’s almost $60. Regulations put a burden on the provider, and they will always pass costs onto the consumer. Yes, it’s possible that ISP’s may decide they don’t want to make it easy to watch Netflix, or that they don’t like certain websites, and I don’t agree with that practice, but the market should decide, not government, what a business may or may not do. What if the provider notices that between 5 and 8 at night, their speed is killed, and most customers are on Netflix. They see that they don’t have the ability to handle that traffic, so they limit speed to compensate, choosing to limit so as to not burden those working, or doing other things. What if a college is their own ISP and chooses to limit Netflix so the library and other public terminals don’t see a slow down? In this case I’m for it. The common thread, their customers should be who decides what happens. In the first case, their customers complain, the company gives the equivalent of a shrug, their customers start switching to another provider. This ISP sees their actions losing them money, they either reverse the change, or they suffer and eventually go out of business. Think back to AOL. They censored e-mail messages critical of them, blocked some competitors’ sites/apps, and more. They are now gone, with only the holdouts with e-mail addresses as proof they once ruled the internet. Comcast decided they wanted to limit Netflix so users had to use their VOD service, now customers, instead of whining to the government and getting them to force Comcast to do what they want, will just need to switch. The advent of fiber and other technologies, simply put, means no more “we’re your only choice” for customers. The second option? The college says they are giving free internet access to help with course work, with Net Neutrality in place, the government tells them they aren’t allowed to block or limit sites even though they don’t charge, students force a college that gave them free connections to reverse a good practice. Without Net Neutrality, the college can say “we’re giving you free internet to use to study, you want Netflix, you can pay for the connection” and the students can whine and moan, but the college keeps a good practice.

Simply put, deregulation is a good thing in my mind. It always starts small, by the government simply getting out of businesses’ way, but look at the two industries most affected by past deregulation, telephone (not cell phones) and power. Growing up we had no choice but to use Southwestern Bell and TXU. Our bill could go up without notice, and they just grinned and said their costs went up. Deregulation happened, and now we have one company running the infrastructure and many running the service side. SBT, ATT, and others pay the line company, just as TXU, Reliant, and others do with Oncor in North Texas, and then sell that to consumers. As they have to compete, and the delivery company doesn’t have to worry about pricing and such, both sides benefit. TXU sells at a price low enough to entice people away from the other guys, just as SBT or ATT does, and they make some profit in the process.

Well, cable TV/Internet is the dinosaur in this scenario. Fiber is still very new on the scene, and DSL or other telephone delivery options are dying, as they should, as a technology. Sadly, only one cable provider is available in an area, for my area it’s a tiny company, while the majority of my county is Charter with a portion of it being Time Warner. As there is no competition other than Satellite/Internet for TV, they’re pretty safe. They lose my $40 or $50 a month TV plan, they still get my money for internet, which I need to watch my new TV provider. Google is working to come into new areas with Google Fiber, but having to install all the infrastructure, they’re putting out a lot of money, so they aren’t really competitive. They also are doing the same as cable companies, charging based on your speed. If Net Neutrality happens the way it’s cheerleaders want, they’ll all be told you can only charge one price, and have one package. Do you think they’ll choose the highest speed at the lowest cost? Of course not, they’ll find out the lowest speed they can get away with delivering, and charge as much as possible for it.

Yes, there will be growing pains, such as Congress having the ability to tell the FCC they can’t remove a regulatory and financial burden from companies, or those companies deciding to limit what is the most taxing on their servers, but rather than tell the government to “make it better,” why not look to the Elon Musk’s of the world and ask for a better option. In a climate so totally controlled and locked down by the government, ingenuity is stifled. Why come up with a better way to do things when you’ll not be able to afford to sell it? With this move, Musk is free to come up with a better option and sell it cheaper, which means the other guys start trying to beat that tech and sell it cheaper. The free market works people, it always has. Health care before the ACA was as cheap as possible, because Aetna knew if they didn’t treat me right, I’d switch to BCBS or another provider. ATT did me wrong on my cell plan, so I went to Sprint for 20 years, until they did too, and I moved to another provider.

Aside from wanting the government out of as much of my life as possible, I can also attest to the fact that it works not only socially, as I don’t like being told I must buy an approved health care plan, which is all but useless, but also the plans cost less, and have the needed amenities. Net Neutrality being gone means your provider must now earn your continued business, the crutch of “regulations require us to do this” is gone, and now they have to prove they’re going to do what the customer wants.

I’ve said it on every thread and story I see about health care or Net Neutrality, socialism fails every time, not because the idea is flawed, but because mankind is, and whenever you have anything socially controlled, someone at the top decides that because they’re running the show, they deserve more. Huxley warned us about dependence on technology, while Orwell warned of socialism and big brother. Sadly, both were right. We’re now so hooked on our devices for everything, that we believe the socialists when they tell us we have a “right” to be equal, so they regulate the crap out of an industry, while of course none of the rules apply to those running things. They don’t apply to the “leaders” because, simply, the “all animals are equal, some animals are more equal than others” mantra has become entrenched into the minds of those in power.

We need to get a completely new group of Representatives and Senators, and keep them as short a time as possible, to avoid that mindset, and we need to tell those selling us our daily fix of entertainment that we can get along without them, showing them that if they want us to pay, they need to make it very enticing. I’m perfectly willing to go back to books and music for a year or so, to show the Comcasts of the world they aren’t entitled to my money, only to sell a product, and hope I buy it. I’m just sadly fighting an uphill battle where the stone slips every time against a population of people half my age, dead set that I’m wrong, and evil for not agreeing with them, in fact some days, trying to inject common sense and logic isn’t preferable to pushing that rock and failing every time.

And yet again, the reaction to everything is…..

We saw it with the ACA and now we see it with Net Neutrality, and even more telling in the push to rule the U.S. as tyrants is shown in Alabama as what the left wants is demanded at all costs.

Starting last November, as we saw in 2000, only louder, was an instant demand to do away with the Electoral College, which would allow NYC, LA and a few other cities to decide for the entire country every four years. When the GOP led House and Senate began introducing bills (that failed until recently) which would repeal the ACA, especially after the election which gave the GOP the House, Senate and White House, the screaming was intense that they “weren’t allowed” to do it.

Tuesday’s election in Alabama is rife with corruption, such as a city with barely 1000 people seeing 26,000 votes cast, yet any attempt to get the fraud out, and allow the people of Alabama to elect who they want is called “voter suppression” or “denying the voters who they wanted.” Videos are all over social media where people admit they came from out of state to vote, but as the left wants Jones, they scream that it’s over, get over it, let them have what they stole.

Move to Net Neutrality, which is NOT going to be the FCC doing anything than taking the reigns off, and they are already emailing out “the FCC voted, let’s overrule it.” That’s the exact subject of one I just received, blatantly saying “let’s change what they did legally to what we want.” I’ve said it many times, but I’m likely nowhere near done as people don’t listen when the message isn’t “here’s everything you want” so I’ll keep saying it. The internet was around before 2015 and no ISP banned sites or gouged on price based on what sites a customer visited, at least not in the U.S. What didn’t happen though, was what we’re seeing on sites like Twitter or Facebook, where conservatives are targeted and “shadow banned” or outright banned from the site, because liberals report them for “hate speech” while ignoring people actively calling for assaults and worse. With the regulations in place, Twitter is free to stop me saying I’m pro-life because some snowflake decides that’s “a violation of their first amendment rights” or some other idiocy. With the regulations gone, the FCC is not going to just say “good luck” and leave, but rather will do what they were created for, actually working to police censorship and abuse, which comes almost completely from the left side of the aisle.

But of course, any deviation from the liberal mantra is cause for your death. I have been with my company for 5 years, and in that time I’ve learned one thing, I don’t discuss much at all at work. I’m fairly sure that 99% of those I work with voted against President Trump, and are in complete agreement with all that the DNC says, as I’ve been hearing nothing but “now they’ll charge you more to use Netflix” and the like. Only one person has spoken in defense of the decision to shrink the government, and he was all but laughed out of the building. So, I’ll say it one more time before I end, ending “net neutrality” is NOT going to mean that your bill will be 10 times higher because you want to watch Netflix, you will not be censored for being a non-white non-male. This is not the end of the world, we had internet for years before this, now we’re just going back to it, which will be a good thing!

The not so new attitude about everything

It’s been over a year since millions of people collectively demanded that America not follow the Constitution, and just hand the Presidency to the person they wanted. When that didn’t happen, we began to see a massive uptick in acts of violence and charges of bigotry, racism, sexism, and other name-calling, in an effort to get their way. Sadly, we saw a prime example of what they’re willing to do to get their way just days ago, when, funded by the mega rich Democrat donors, Doug Jones won the Alabama senate seat. Even before Tuesday, many were already talking about voter fraud, as there was a lot of chatter about “volunteers” being brought in from out of state, yet there is little chance to prove it after a court order requiring digital records to be kept was stayed, allowing those records to be destroyed. This, of course, is just more that is being used to argue for voter fraud as the left screams about their “victory.”

From net neutrality, sexual harassment/assault claims, health care, and elections, we’ve seen mountains of proof that the left is no longer content to simply call those who don’t agree with them names, they are now actively working to force the world to do as they want, and damn anyone who dares suggest that as they’re the minority, they should not get to demand that. What is being ignored, or worse, actively censored, is what we need to discuss, that the left is stealing elections, forcing government bloat, and more. Two simple items that are happening in DC will show this, with a very simple argument.

The ACA mandate repeal, part of the tax bill recently passed, is being heralded as Republicans “taking away healthcare” while others wail that “millions will die” or that “Republicans want the poor to die.” And of course the standard “this is a tax cut for the rich” argument. But none of those are true, as always. If I had a product that I required you to purchase, that would be wrong, which is what the ACA did. The government created “health care plans” that the government then sold, and required all American citizens to purchase, from them. Aside from the lies that I could keep my plan or Dr. if I liked them (I did, and I didn’t get to keep them,) or the fact that I personally know someone who was told they were not eligible for a waiver, and the only Dr. who would take them on an ACA plan was 100 MILES AWAY, the ACA was and always will be a horrible thing. Why else do you think we “had to pass it to find out what’s in it?” Well, the Republicans finally got together and passed the tax cut, and included a repeal of the ACA mandate. Note, they are NOT repealing the ACA, as much as many people want them to, they simply removed the mandate, meaning if you choose not to have health insurance, you are no longer fined (taxed.) I pointed this out in many social media threads only to be told I’m “ignorant of the facts.” Many of these threads I simply said “hey, you’re pro-choice, so you should be happy I get to choose,” only to be blocked or insulted, or in some cases, threatened. But one did seem intelligent, so I posted a screenshot of the actual verbiage, showing it’s only the mandate being repealed, and just like that, the intelligent argument died and I was a “horrible racist bigot who wants millions to die just to give the rich a tax cut.” And people wonder why I weep for the future.

Net “neutrality:” Just over two years ago, the FCC implemented a group of regulations to ensure “net neutrality,” and now that they are considering undoing that, the world is losing it’s collective mind of the “end of freedom.” I don’t even try to argue in those threads, as no one there will even tolerate my “ignorance” when I point out that there is no way for “all data to be equal” and that regulations increase costs, and thus, what we pay for a product. Simply put though, why should all data be equal? Not all sites are of equal importance, or take as much resources to display. Let’s take a few for example, Netflix/Hulu, e-mail, Twitter, and any software used by schools. Netflix/Hulu and other video streaming services take MUCH more bandwidth as they are transmitting much more data, while e-mail and Twitter require FAR LESS, so you don’t want those to be equal, as that means slowing down the bigger services, not speeding up the little ones. If you look at the last one, when compared to video streaming, e-mail, or social media, you can easily argue they are more important than entertainment. Why do you want what your child’s school (or yours if you are in college) to be equal to entertainment? I don’t, I want the options that require high bandwidth to get it, and those that don’t to get what they need.

Of course the argument always returns to “you just want to limit people,” which I don’t. We had health insurance before 2012, what happened was that many plans were deemed “bad” so they went away, and of course, costs went up. We heard screaming of “they want people to die” just as we always hear about “forcing women into back alley abortions” when any attempt is made to remove funding for planned parenthood. This is no different, we had internet before 2015, and honestly it was better than before net neutrality, as Netflix, YouTube, Hulu and so on could be prioritized, not forced to be equal to all other items. No ISP is going to decide they don’t like Netflix and block it, as they will lose customers right and left and go out of business. ISP’s will also not decide that you must pay $100 for a certain website, as the same will happen. Regulations, while not always bad, do cause costs to go up, so removing them isn’t always the death blow that is predicted.

Finally the “tax cut for the rich” argument, as it’s really it’s own thing. Sarah Sanders, who is either adored or despised, dropped the mic on the press corps when asked about this by talking about 10 reporters who always go out for drinks together, and pay based on their income, until the bartender gives them a cut in prices, based on what they pay. The top payers get the biggest cut, monetarily, and those who pay little or nothing, get less or nothing, because X% of a small number is a small number, and X% of nothing is nothing. So, tired of being vilified, those paying the most decide to drink at home, and suddenly, the remaining people can’t cover the bill at all. The tax cuts being passed (hopefully) will result in people like Bill Gates, who pay MASSIVE taxes, to see a larger savings when it comes to dollars and cents, because they pay more, as opposed to me, because I don’t pay what they do. The argument is flawed because other than socialism, there is not a way to pass tax cuts and exclude “the rich,” although ironically the Democrats harping on the “rich” getting more are themselves in the bracket to benefit most, although many also don’t pay their taxes. The last time this happened, I made one comment, and of course was castigated horribly for my ignorance, but I’ll say it again here. When you do your taxes the first time after the tax cuts are passed, if you don’t pay less, tell me, and I’ll happily change my mind and join you in demanding the cuts be reversed. You won’t see a single person who takes the challenge win, as they will see their taxes go down, unless of course they pay nothing, because of course 100% of zero is zero, but I tend to ignore them on any tax argument on principle.

So, to summarize, no millions upon millions will not die because I am no longer forced to pay for insurance I can’t even use. No, Verizon will not suddenly block all entertainment sites unless you pay $1000 more a month, and no, the tax cuts are not just for the rich. The Democrats depend on hyperbole and media frenzy, because simply put, their arguments are flawed and false, and they can’t stand people not obeying them.