Art imitates life, again

When I first found Texts From Superheroes it was just a goofy site to me, but as the election season ramped up last year, it became a bit prophetic. As with every election, the Hollywood “elite” began their “you must vote for so and so or you’re a racist/sexist/bigot/etc” schtick and I, as always, ignored it and voted as I felt I should. What changed last year though was the use of everything those not voting for socialism or Hillary said in a twisted sense to make us look like demons. The images below are an excellent illustration of that (pun intended.) You see, I’ve read Captain America and Punisher comics since I had money of my own to buy them, so it’s well over 30 years, so I feel I know the characters pretty well. Now, of course liberals hate Punisher because he uses guns, so they ignore him, but Cap is a different story.

This image is a perfect example of what would not be said. Yes, Captain America would be saddened to see neo-nazis marching in the street, but he would be standing between them and who they’re screaming (and who’s screaming at them) and helping arrest both when violence broke out. The problem is, though, that the left has decided that not agreeing with everything they say/want/demand is “nazi” or “fascist” behavior, and they are actively assaulting all who disagree, and now are using things like this stupid comic as “proof they are the real patriots.”

On a similar note, this one is calling for banning of those embracing Constitutional rights, based on mere political stance. Also misleading, the cowards in masks who call themselves antifa are the ones assaulting people in almost all cases, at least until arrested, at which point they cry and complain about “brutality.” But it’s the same point. Look at the super-heroes as they were depicted in the 80’s and 90’s, and you see general heroes, no politics save maybe from Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne as they are millionaires. Superman only was a government stooge in a post-apocalyptic world and it was Batman that woke him up, but now it’s all politics. Movies are all about showing how evil anyone who isn’t liberal is, while they scramble to hide the perversions we now know they’re guilty of. Comics insult a duly elected President, and more.

Yes, I realize this was a “geek rant” as I know not everyone is into comics, but it’s not just this, watch for the parts of pop culture you still enjoy that have changed. Check each one and I’ll bet you’ll see the “hero” is liberal, maybe even full bore socialist, and the “villain” is the one portrayed as a nazi for not wanting to silence people, or for not wanting to give away his salary, or the like. This is Pravda level propaganda, and being fed directly to children, and should scare all of us.

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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