Hate Speech/Fighting Words

We already know the Supreme Court has ruled that “hate speech” is not a thing, and as predicted, the snowflakes at UC Berkeley promptly kept assaulting people for daring to invite, or even consider inviting, speakers they don’t approve, to groups they aren’t members of. The UCB College Republicans are, finally, getting tired to it, and calling on the college to protect them as they protect the criminals assaulting them.

Well, I’ve recently started doing two things, if the left is doing something they demand others not do, I make sure they see me doing it as much as possible, just as anything they say no one can do, I do it. We are fighting for the future of our country, against people who won’t just change things a bit, but who will utterly destroy everything about it, replacing it with a communist nation where all who don’t bow to them are killed, those who do, but aren’t the right type of person are forced to work to pay for the “free” things they say are rights. We’ve seen that in the USSR and still see it in North Korea, and trust me, no one in their right mind would ever support that.

As they are showing their disdain for the law, by demanding “sanctuary cities,” by praising a verdict where an illegal immigrant who killed an American was not convicted, and where they assault people for speech while screaming about the Bill of Rights, and far more. Well, here’s my plan, and I personally see it scaring the hell out of anyone I use it on.

The next time I’m told, in person of course, that Trump is Hitler, or any of the other talking points, I’m going to immediately tell that person they’ve just used hate speech, or fighting words, to assault me and I’m just defending myself. Now, as I’m six foot one, about 240lbs, and don’t look “fat,” you can imagine the reaction. When they scream about their rights, I’ll ask about the rights of those being forcibly silenced. If the idiot is wearing or otherwise showing support for the antifa cowards, I’ll bring up UCB.

This crap has to stop, about 10 years ago, I was debating economic models, for an assignment in Economics, when an idiot called me racist. I told him to get lost, we were discussing a class assignment, and he grabbed me. I quickly had him in a “very uncomfortable” hold and told the Campus Police officer who came over that yes, I’d been assaulted. This was the start of the “you can’t say anything I don’t approve of” mindset, as he argued I was racist and assaulted him even after the video of him starting things, him grabbing me, and me using a very mild hold. You could show video of MS13 thanking Hillary for letting them in illegally as they go down a line of children shooting them, and the liberals would rant about the need to disarm the law abiding or the need for the “dreamers” to be made citizens so they can make something of themselves, ignoring all that proves them wrong.

So, who’s with me? Who thinks we can maybe convince a few of their idiocy, or at least get them to shut up, if we start using their tactics, or will they demand we be arrested for what they routinely say is their right?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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