HuffPo supports harassment based on politics, not a surprise

I shouldn’t be surprised, but it seems the left just can’t go any lower at times, then they prove they can at least try. Most recently, the Huffington Post, a well known liberal publication, said that Tom Brady isn’t getting enough blowback for supporting Donald Trump in the election last year. We’ve seen this for the last 8 years mostly, although it was always there to a point, and the digital age just made it worse. In 08 and 12, anyone who said anything other than praise for Barack Obama was instantly the most racist person on the planet and looking to bring back the days when slaves were lynched everywhere. Last year anyone who didn’t support Hillary was a sexist looking to put women back in the kitchen and send the country 100+ years back in time.

I would LOVE to get an honest answer out of one of these idiots, asking why they defended people being silenced when it was Obama running then in office, or when it was Hillary running, but now defend harassment based on a personal choice. But, it’s the same as if you ask why someone supported Obama blocking immigration, or bombing countries, but they don’t support Trump just doing the same. I could hold up a list of actions that Obama took that Trump is taking, say “Trump is doing exactly what Obama did for 8 years” and I would be told I’m wrong, Obama bred unicorns that shat gold, and Trump is literally the love child of Hitler and Satan. Trump could hand these idiots $1000 each and they’d take it, then call him evil for not giving them more.

So, the question isn’t why any more, as that won’t ever be answered, or already has and is simply that the left is a hypocritical and selfish group, rather, the question is how can we wake up a generation that firmly believes their candidate not winning is the end of the world, or that words are so horrible that they have the right to forcibly silence others? The answer, well, it’s not easy, and will be dirty. We must not allow them to silence us, we must not allow them to control the narrative, and we must continue to fight the hypocrisy and stay true to our beliefs. HuffPo is advocating the harassment of someone simply because he supported our new President, but will defend Madonna’s right to free speech after she made a threat against the White House. You can’t reason with them, but we can fight them with their own tactics. When a celebrity goes off the deep end for something like Madonna or Ashley Judd did during their March, we need to stop buying anything that they profit from. Huffpo and their ilk will scream that the poor stars are being “attack for speaking their minds” or that they’re losing money because of evil conservatives, but they’d do that if Madonna saw someone a block away helping a Trump supporter up after that supporter was attacked.

Personally, I plan to do this, and it may get down to me listening to CD’s, reading books and only eating what I can get at my local grocery store, but I won’t patronize those who demean me any more. As for when they complain, I plan to simply reply with evidence that they’ve done or advocated what I am now doing, just aimed at a conservative, and it was acceptable, then I may record their mental implosion when faced with a “you did it, so I decided it was a fair tactic” argument.

The real question though, is are we too late to make a difference?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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