It seems that officials in California are now being open about wanting to silence all dissenting opinions. At present, they’re introducing a bill to require non-profit organizations to name all donors. We’ve seen TV stations bow to pressure to cancel TV shows because the stars are Christian, businesses sued out of business for holding to their beliefs, but now it’s everyone who simply gives money to a charity organization at risk. Suppose someone who supports abortion finds out you gave to a Pro-Life group? They’d have all of your information, and mark my words, if this is passed, we WILL see attacks and possibly murders, based only on someone donating to a charity.
The left has been losing their minds slowly since the 1970’s, but it’s been kicked into overdrive in the last few years. While accusing the right of being evil, violent, and wanting to silence everyone, they’re only describing themselves. The “protests” at airports have seen people attacked and knocked unconscious, and it’s only getting worse. The question though, is how do we turn around? How do we fix this?
Simply put, we can’t just fix it, but we can slow it down. If this passes and you’re in California, mail money orders and don’t give your name, or give cash and give a false name. You don’t have to give ID when donating, and the charities know it. Next, get the list of who’s donating to groups that incite violence, or otherwise spread hate. Don’t use them, but let it be known that you have a list of all donors to “Group XXX” and it wasn’t hard to get. For those not in California, don’t visit or otherwise spend any money that goes into the state. Maybe, if the state government sees tourism dollars going down, they’ll realize they aren’t the only people in the world. Hollywood has already threatened to cancel the Oscars, and some celebs are calling for a full strike (no movies at all) until Trump gives them everything they want. I say we make the choice for them, stop going to any movies with those people in them. They seem dead set on ordering the world around, then threatening to hold us at gunpoint by threatening to not perform, so let’s tell them it’s no longer their choice. None of them will be financially hurt if they stopped today, and trust me, there are 4 actors trying to get into the business for every celeb in Hollywood, we won’t be hurting for movies to watch or TV shows.
The people screaming for secession or a strike need to be forcibly reminded that they are not in charge, they are not the only people that matter, and that they cannot bully others into doing what they want. If that means I read and listen to CD’s for a while, so be it.