Terror attack, multiple victims die, but let’s attack those who don’t vote for our ideas

Before the rubble is clear or the victims buried, CNN “journalist” David Andelman took to his keyboard to blame the politically “far right” for “using the Berlin truck attack” for their own ends. What’s funny is I only see Merkel and the left leaning publications putting anything out about this so as to attack the other party. It’s no secret that the left wants unfettered access to every country, at least every country with something they can say is a “right” and thus, demand be given to them for free. We’ve seen attacks in France, the U.S., and now Germany, carried out by “refugees” who were allowed entry with very little vetting, only to vanish until they attack. Quickly after the attack, we see three things. We see a solidarity movement, the “Je Suis Charlie” hashtag after Charlie Hebdo was attacked, the countless people trying to get some publicity by “standing with” those at OSU, although those there, who were almost killed, were criticizing the Police for shooting the attacker, rather than trying to “subdue him.” How long until we see someone claim that German Police shouldn’t have been so quick to kill the murderous idiot behind the wheel? Next, we see a call not to blame all muslims for this one person’s actions, despite ZERO condemnation from the muslim community who claims to be “moderate” or not support terrorism, while groups like ISIS or another claiming they were responsible. Finally, we see the ultimate politics, the “this is just fueling the fires of fear, we must not let this happen, we must not abandon our values” despite the “values” letting people into a country, just to see those people start destroying it. Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, and the other leaders who have allowed these animals free access via being “refugees” have blood on their hands, and will never admit it, or face any consequences for it.

Thankfully, people are waking up. I’ve seen comments about the Berlin attack along the lines of “America has spoken with their election of Donald Trump,” and that is true. Americans are tired of being told they’re horrible for not “tolerating” certain “lifestyle choices” although we’re told they’re not choices. We’re tired of being told that we must give trigger warnings, or that there is “rape culture,” and that students need “safe spaces” where they aren’t “assaulted” by conflicting points of view. We’re tired of being told that to be good, we must give up rights, and more and more each day. Hillary Clinton promised more of the same, and the country said no. Yes, people cried and moaned about the electoral college being out dated, and how she won the popular vote, and on and on, but that is precisely why the Electoral College was created as it was. Without it, a handful of cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, San Fransisco) could swing an election, but with the Electoral college, it doesn’t matter if all of Cali, NY and IL go blue, they’re limited to their E.C. votes, so that the other 47 states aren’t ignored. Despite the tears and tantrums, the left also face the obstacle that Barack Obama has moaned about since he took office. He’s on record that the Founders set up a system that’s hard to work around, for which those who don’t like him are grateful. I’m not familiar with the German setup, but the people there are getting fed up too, so I’d be surprised to see Merkel still in office after the next election.

Simply put, just because you want something doesn’t mean you’ll get it, nor should you. I know that there are women and children who are not terrorists, and never will be terrorists willingly, in the countries refugees are coming from, but sadly, they’re not the only ones coming. With them are hidden agents, sent as refugees to carry out attacks. They can’t bring in bombs or guns, so we see knife attacks and trucks running through markets, but those are just as bad, as people still die. The world watched in shock as the American people elected Trump just over 6 weeks ago, then again yesterday as the Electoral College did their job and made it official. Many are crying that he’ll send the U.S. back in time, China is hopping mad that he answered a call from the President of Taiwan, simply because China wants Taiwan, but can’t get them, so they tell the world it’s theirs anyway, and no to legitimize them, only for Trump to refuse to bow to pressure. Yes, there will be more screaming as the southern U.S. border will get a barrier in some places if not all, and there will be changes to immigration, stopping the deluge of “refugees” who aren’t being vetted well enough (if at all.) There will be deportations and imprisonments, and just as Trump said, it won’t be mothers and children, but rapists, murderers, drug dealers and the like. Trust me, as I see only one to two years before this country is well on it’s way to being, once again, a true leader in the international community.

But enough from me, what do you think?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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