We have seen, in just the last year, protests and riots over “racism” when a Police Officer is forced to use any form of force against a black citizen, as long as the officer is white. Note, that in the case in New York, where a man died due to being restrained, the fact that he was resisting, was much larger than the officers, and the fact that the on scene supervisor was black and didn’t stop it, were all ignored. Yet, something like this is completely ignored in the media, and by the infamous race baiters, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Warning, do not watch the video if you are disturbed by violence, or don’t want to see a small child fall on her head on concrete.
Yes, that’s correct. The white woman, presumably the child’s mother, was holding the child and sitting down, when brutally pulled by the hair off the bench, which resulted in her DROPPING THE CHILD TO THE CONCRETE, and the child landed on her head. You can bet had a white woman slapped a black man or woman, in response to an attack, she’d be labeled racist and in jail, but this black teen forced a white woman to drop a child, which could have KILLED THE CHILD, and nothing is said.
I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry if this offends you, but I am appalled at where my country is now. I grew up in a small town in Texas, and trust me, the history of this area pre-Civil War, during and after Reconstruction, even as little as 60 years ago is what is referred to when the media wants to show racism. It happened, and it can’t be changed. But, why does that mean we can’t go after thugs who almost killed a child with their actions? Why are we vilified when we tell people that “hands up don’t shoot” makes you look like an idiot? Why are we treated as demons for saying something as true as ALL Lives Matter? The answer, the media wants ratings, and that sells. The current crop of politicians know that to get votes, they must appeal to people, and telling a group of people who destroyed their city when the verdict wasn’t what they wanted that they are all now criminals would lose votes.
I’ve asked this before and I’ve answered it before. How do we fix the issue? And the answer is as simple now as ever, stop the lunacy. Enforce laws equally, and report equally. Show these thugs on national TV, and ensure they spend a lot of time in jail. Stop with the idiocy of “hate crimes,” because all crime is motivated by some form of hate. Had this been an issue of a black woman dropping her child when a white teen pulled her to the ground, the teen would already be in jail to keep them alive! I want to believe we are not headed to hell in a hand cart, but we are. I also firmly believe there will come a day when we are told, though I don’t know by who, that white people cannot ever cause the death of a black person, even in self defense, because that’s racist. We will reach a point where video will be shown in court of a white person, on the ground, surrounded by black thug attackers, and when that video shows the VICTIM defending their life, that will result in the VICTIM being sent to jail for “murder” or some such. We will see a day when we will be told that if a black person wants your car, you are required to give it to them, because it’s “racist” to not do so.
It’s getting closer when you have idiots who can go up to people and take their phone (which we all know most phones are $300 or more) then when the person gets upset, they scream “it was a prank” and suddenly the person who rightly believed their phone was just stolen is not allowed to be angry. We’ve seen idiots dressed as clowns akin to Pennywise in IT running at people with what I assume are fake knives, then they get upset when one of the people they want to “prank” punches them or draws a weapon. They ignore than the “racist” was defending children, or reacting to what they saw as masked people running at them with a knife. They firmly believe they can say “it’s a prank” and that excuses their actions.
Only when we get to a point where none of this idiocy is tolerated, where it doesn’t matter if you “pulled the racist white woman who disrespected you,” when thugs and idiots are forced to live the consequences of their actions we will once again have a nation to be proud of. It starts with us telling our elected leaders that WE elected them, and we can just as easily not re-elect them. That we want them to stand for everyone, not the group screaming that they’re being mistreated. Police and Fire entrance exams aren’t racist, they’re tough due to the job being tough. If you can’t pass the exam, STUDY HARDER AND TAKE IT AGAIN! But sadly, this isn’t the world we have any more. We have a world where people are given handouts because they say it’s racist not to, and where victims are told they can’t do anything to their attacker, because it’s “racist.”