If you don’t like the evidence, ignore it and push forward

As many of us expected, Comey testified yesterday, confirming that not only did he tell President Trump he was not under investigation, that he was not ordered to drop the Flynn investigation, and that he leaked information to the press, he also confirmed that he purposely did not tell the public that the President was not under investigation. The media, of course, still has plenty of anonymously sourced information and will continue screaming about Russia, ignoring what they don’t like. Sadly, this is an extremely pervasive attitude and has been for a long time.

While Kathy Griffin screams and cries that she’s being bullied and it’s only because she’s a liberal, the media ignores that a man who wore an Obama mask at a state fair rodeo in Missouri in 2012 truly was bullied, as he lost his job, was banned for life from that state fair, and has been dragged in by the Secret Service for anything and everything, but that doesn’t fit the narrative that the GOP is the evil group, as it was a DNC President and far more innocent than Griffin’s “joke.” Before that, we had people screaming that vaccines cause autism, despite the only study that supports that being debunked and thousands of studies showing they don’t, and naturally, the screaming that the NRA wants to take us back to the wild west and the crocodile tears by paid shills at ever candlelight vigil after a shooting.

I’ve responded to several tweets lying about the NRA, as have many others, and the response is always the same. Accuse the person actually daring to defend the NRA of being a paid spokesperson, of lying, of being ignorant, lather, rinse, repeat. I got tired of that long ago, so I tried a new tactic, starting my replies to lies about the NRA, Trump, or anything really, with three simple words “CITE! YOUR! SOURCES!” – Naturally, none of the people lying about anything will, but it’s having an interesting effect. Several people have responded to me, asking if I can cite my sources, which I can. The NRA is not, for example, trying to remove all restrictions on firearm purchase, thus allowing felons and other violent offenders to once again legally purchase a weapon, in fact their stance against those who have proven to be the kind of person who would kill without hesitation is rather clear, they are a prohibited possessor. I have had someone ask, years ago, why the NRA says they want to enforce the Second Amendment, if they also support not allowing prohibited possessors to purchase weapons, and it’s pretty simple. The Second Amendment states “the right of The People,” notice the capitalization, meaning The People as in American Citizens, not an individual. Even before the Revolutionary War, there were criminals, and thus, people who had a right taken away as punishment. You steal, you lose your right to walk about freely for a time. You murder, you lose that right for a long time, along with others. That isn’t a violation of the Second Amendment, that is punishment for a crime, and not something the NRA wants. As with yesterday’s hearing, the facts of the case came out, and the media and the left went insane about everything. Comey admitted, under oath, that he was not investigating Trump, and told Trump that, but of course, that means he’s either lying, or lied to the President, or both. He said that the whole Russia situation was at least mostly false, but we still have the New York Times crying about it.

At this point, I doubt anything will convince anyone that Trump did not collude with Russia to win, that Hillary has committed many crimes, or even that Trump is actually human and just different from them. So, how do we proceed? It’s simple, don’t let up! Keep demanding proof, and picking anything provided apart, for all claims of racism, sexism, bigotry, crimes, and so on. If someone tweets about a racist incident where it seems fishy, pick the story apart! We’ve seen people forced to recant, and admit that no one so much as said boo to them, we’ve seen it proven that a black man painted a church with pro-Trump graffiti just to make the President look bad. This must continue! When you see a tweet about Russia, demand proof, and don’t accept any form of “It’s in the paper, just read it,” demand the actual source material, and ignore any “Sources Say” story. You’ll be attacked for “ignoring the evidence” and when you are, ask why they ignore that a massive number of hate crimes just after November were fake, why they ignore what Comey said, and watch their brain grind to a halt. We’ve had 8 years of “turn the other cheek” or “we need to be tolerant,” and it’s time to stop. Use their tactics against them, they scream that every form of proof that doesn’t vindicate them is a lie, do the same to these anonymous sources stories. When you get sent a source that is wrong, pick it apart and destroy it. When you get told to provide sources, provide only those that are true and honest, those are the only ones that count anyway, right?

Maybe, just maybe, four years of low taxes, low unemployment, increased security, and lies being shown in the light of day to be lies, well, I may be dreaming, but maybe all of those will help not only re-elect President Trump, but drive a nail into the heart of the “I’M SPECIAL, YOU HAVE TO LET ME HAVE MY WAY, GIVE ME FREE STUFF, GIVE ME MONEY, DON’T ARGUE OR YOU’RE RACIST” BS we’ve had crammed down our throats for too long.

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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