More from the “tolerant” left

For the last eight years there have been a few things we could count on the left to repeat, ad nauseum. First, Sascha and Malia were off limits and “attacking” Michelle for her looks or intelligence on a subject was “low.” Today, though, Barron is attacked left and right, Melania is attacked for not speaking perfect English, and if you bring up that Barron is a child or Melania is not the President, you’re then attacked for “defending them.” I have an acquaintance who blocked me when I pointed out they had, personally, told me that the Obama girls were off limits, after he went on a rant and attacked Barron. Well, today at least, the attacks aren’t aimed at a child or mother, but I don’t think that will last long.

Here we have a woman who has never served in the military, nor likely will, and I’d bet never worn a pair of military dress shoes or combat boots. Now, in the era when Trump would have been drafted (the mid 1960’s) the footwear was likely far less kind to someone with bone spurs, but as is the norm today, it doesn’t matter.

Speaking from experience, my Mother has bone spurs in both heels and has had surgeries to help, but still has them. She still played tennis after they were diagnosed, still walks fine, but with shoes meant to allow this. I know that the dress shoes in the military or combat boots would have her incapacitated in minutes, and I’m talking about the options today, not 50 years ago. But, once again, let’s ignore than a MEDICAL DOCTOR diagnosed the bone spurs, or that Clinton literally dodged the draft, rather than getting a deferrment, and Obama never served either. This only comes up when the DNC is either running a Veteran against a non-veteran, or they’ve lost. John Kerry was held up as a paragon of virtue in 2004 for serving in the U.S. Navy while George W Bush “only” served in the National Guard.

This is the blatant hypocrisy that must stop, or we’re doomed to watching our country burn. For eight years, Obama refused to properly (or at all) return salutes given as ordered, ordered Marines to hold an umbrella when they were not allowed to, and attacked our military right and left, either in quotes or by denying funds, yet it’s all about how wonderful the DNC was and how evil the GOP is today. President Trump is attacked as you see above for this story

I’ve read the article, and while I would have urged different phrasing, he is NOT attacking the troops or suggesting they are personally not fighting to win, but that 8 years of being hamstrung means WE aren’t winning wars today, and that needs to stop. If anything, this is a direct blow at the Obama legacy, yet rather than read it and understand it, we get more of the same, just attack the man because you didn’t vote for him.

Yet another attack, although on a different topic, came in the form of this image.

I would love to ask how they feel about a President who presided over the loss of a U.S. Embassy because his Secretary of State ordered troops to stop when they were headed to give aid. I wonder what he’d call a President who has crippled our military financially and logistically? Oh, wait, he voted for the man, so Benghazi was Hillary and Obama knew nothing, and of course, cutting spending was the right way to go, because he said so. I’m not sorry Hillary lost, and I called it when she “won” the DNC nomination. I’m not sorry the country once again had the electoral college do exactly what it was designed to do, that being keeping a handful of states from dragging the entire country into their choice. This is the system we have, and unless an amendment is passed, then ratified by enough states, it’s the system we’ll have for a long time. If you want to see the Democrats win again, start from within. You ran a candidate that has blatantly ignored her responsibility for the death of a U.S. Ambassador, who has told American parents that they’re not going to be the only ones raising their kids, and who said almost verbatim she would continue everything Obama started. She’s adamant that every citizen be disarmed, but will still have an army around her, and she’s just not able to accept that she lost. Start from within, learn and accept that the DNC is not the only party, nor will it ever be. Accept that just because someone doesn’t agree with you, they aren’t attacking you, or censoring you. Learn how to debate and disagree without attacking and belittling someone. Until this happens, until the left is once again a group of civil and logical adults, I see loss after loss after loss. Even more sad is the fact that Congress could be 100% GOP, the POTUS a Republican, and SCOTUS 100% conservative, leading to low taxes, a fully funded military and other departments, a balanced budget, and so many other wonderful things, and the left will still be screaming about something. It’s like the jokes have said, if Trump cures cancer he’ll be trying to put the grim reaper out of a job, and if he shat a gold brick, they’d complain it came from him.
As for those who sent these Tweets, I used screenshots as I don’t want to give them any hassle or unwanted traffic. I don’t retweet or reply to them because I don’t agree, and I also know I’d not get a debate, but hate in return. You? Well, you can make your own choice.

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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