For the last 20+ years, when the left wins, they instantly start telling the country “it’s not about winning, now we need to work together.” But, when they lose, it’s not about coming together, it’s about how “horrible it is that a bigot, sexist, racist, mean person” managed to win. I’m waiting for allegations of fraud to start flying, for Obama to start decrying the “blatant and horrifying racism that is shown by this election,” and so much more.

I’m not going to apologize to anyone that their candidate lost, as it shows that a majority of the country didn’t agree. What I will fight against, is the attacks on the winner. Had Hillary won, anyone even suggesting they weren’t happy would be shouted down as a bigot, sexist, homophobe, etc. We’ve already got tweets about how Hillary wasn’t beaten by Trump, but by sexism, hatred, bigotry, etc. Reverse that, if Trump lost and someone suggested that Hillary only won because she was a woman, that person would be laughed at and called an idiot. We have to stop this, or we’re just going to see this pattern continue. As long as we have people screaming “I’m going to leave the country if they’re elected,” well, we’re just going to stay at the level of of discussion that a kindergarten teacher wouldn’t even allow. Yes, Hillary lost, and yes, people are sobbing, Wolf Blitzer blinks in confusion or Rachel Maddow starts demanding a recount as if that will work for them this time, although we saw in 2000, that many people were perfectly happy to recount forever, I’m just surprised no one actually came out and said “we’re going to keep counting until Gore wins!”
So, for anyone who wants to cry or insult me because I am happy the criminal didn’t win, save it. Find a candidate who is worthy of my vote, or go away, either way, Trump was elected, get over it. And for those on the list below, just as I did in 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012, you said you were leaving if Trump was elected. So, either admit you were just trying to get attention, or get out. There are two on that list I don’t want to see leave, as I greatly enjoy their work, but unlike the left, I’m not going to say “let’s just get along” or the like, just admit you were saying what you had to in order to get attention, or get out.