Masks, the questions not being asked

We are all but ordered by the federal government to wear masks everywhere we go, despite so many Medical Doctors and other experts saying they not only don’t work, but are dangerous. NOLA Nurse on Twitter shared a story about a woman taken to the hospital and told she had Covid19 and only days to live, until someone else had her tested again, and found she had Leionnaires’ Disease which was caused by wearing the mask, due to people being all but unable to avoid touching their face, adjusting the mask, most not wearing it correctly, and more.

In my area of Texas, the masks do not need to be medical or even an actual mask. I’ve seen people just pull their shirt up a bit, or wear a bandana or other “facial covering” none of which block even what an actual mask does. In restaurants, more insanely, you are “allowed” to remove your mask while at your table, but required to wear it when walking in or out of the building. If the mask was as “vital to protecting people” as we’re told, why are we allowed to remove them at any point, the answer is simple, MASKS ARE USELESS!

The N95 Mask box literally says those masks, the ones people swear by, do NOT block any Coronavirus. This strain has a less than .5% mortality rate, which puts it on par with the flue or pneumonia for any year. However, Dr. Birx explicitly stated that “all deaths WITH covid are recorded as deaths FROM covid.” This is a blatant inflation of the numbers, for only one reason, control. I’ve told this story before, but I need to here to explain the above.

From 1997 to 1998, I was a Sheriff’s Deputy, assigned to a county jail. Ultimately, I was laid off in a reduction in force, and I’m glad of it, as my mindset is that of a firefighter, not law enforcement. However, not long after leaving them, my Doctor ran a standard Tuberculosis test, which came back positive, so he re-tested, and got negative. It was later found that I am an asymptomatic carrier of TB. I can pass it on via blood, so I’m careful when I donate to let the people taking my blood know, but beyond that, I’m healthy. So, when I die, I will die WITH TB, but very unlikely is my having died FROM TB. More people die from chemo than cancer, they just die WITH cancer. This is a major distinction, and now one that “experts” have said must be violated.

My office requires masks in common areas, but I’m allowed to remove it at my desk, proving that either they know they don’t work but “must show they are complying,” or they actually believe air won’t travel from my desk to anywhere else in the office. Add to this, at present I am alone in my office, completely, and still I must wear a mask, as I know someone may see me on camera, crossing a hallway to exit the building without my mask and I’ll be in trouble.

I’ve said this before, it is not, and never has been, about health in any way. If masks were so fool proof, inmates would have been given masks and told not to leave their cells, but they weren’t, they were released to prey on the public. Now Garcetti in LA is threatening to cut utilities to homes that have too many people in them according to him, there is already video, shown below, showing someone being manhandled in a choke hold, for not wearing mask, outside, from Australia or New Zealand, I’m not sure. Australia already has to have permits to leave their home to go to work as well, and they are severely controlled on even going for groceries.

Why is it that people are fine with this, but when it comes to drugs or abortion, it’s “my body my choice?” If masks work, why am I made to wear one? If your mask works, then it will protect you, even if I’m not wearing one right? I have asked this of people, and they, to a person, have responded one of two ways. One, they agree but “have to wear it” or they can’t go to the store. The other is “you just don’t get it, masks only block your exhaled breath, so my mask protects you, you have to protect me.” They honestly think their mask can block breath only in one direction!

We have two pandemics in the world today, neither are Covid. The first is that hundreds of thousands of children are stolen and made into sex slaves, annually, the other is of the mind, heart, and conscience. People are willing to sell their liberty for perceived, but false, security. It was said best as “those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither,” I tend to add “and soon lose both” to that quote.

The video above does give me some hope, but sadly, those who see and speak the truth are in the vast minority. We are rapidly approaching the world of 1984, Fahrenheit451, or Brave New World, and none are appealing. In one you are brutally subjugated, those who buck the system “re-educated” by violence, or killed, in another you are kept ignorant, those who defy the system exiled, and in the last, you are not even born, you’re engineered, then kept drugged, any who are not party of the controlled society are kept locked in tiny reservations, “studied,” and mocked. The saddest part is that so many want any of these worlds, but if they ever happen, those clamoring for them will be wailing at we who saw the path we were on for “not stopping them” while demanding we fight to free them, and if we do, they will instantly return to hating us as they demand we serve them as slaves.

It’s well past time to wake up, or this world will fall to tyranny and worse, is that what you want?

Author: Sheepdog Smokey

Just a former firefighter, form IT drone, former retail drone, passionate Christian, who simply wants our world to turn to Christ before it's too late.

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